Gentoo Linux is a community driven project commited to producing high quality opensource software. These release notes for Gentoo Linux ##RELEASE summarize important package updates, security updates, and many other changes that have happened since the last release up until ##RELEASE.
List GLSAs here in table format using the provided template, ordering them most recent to oldest.
In paragraph form, list and describe any errata here.
List versions included in this release of the following packages:
Feel free to list any other packages that you deem important enough to list.
This section will probably be relatively the same across all arches. Although, always check with the Portage team to make absolutely sure that this is the case.
Descibe any userland updates and improvements, such as arch specific scripts, gentoo scripts, etc. Basically, anything that improves the "Gentoo user experience" belongs here.
Include you own team's documentation changes, and make sure to get in touch with the documentation team to get their changes too. For 2004.0, make sure to mention the handbook!
Its your show arch leads - just make sure to emphasize that the user does *not* need to reinstall their system to "upgrade" to ##RELEASE; all that the user will have to do is an "emerge sync; emerge -u world".