# Copyright 2004-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Author(s): Nicholas Carpaski (carpaski@gentoo.org), Brian Harring (ferringb@gentoo.org) # License: GPL2 # $Header: /local/data/ulm/cvs/history/var/cvsroot/gentoo-src/portage/portage/spawn.py,v 1.2 2005/07/20 14:33:12 ferringb Exp $ cvs_id_string="$Id: spawn.py,v 1.2 2005/07/20 14:33:12 ferringb Exp $"[5:-2] import os,types,string,sys import signal from const import SANDBOX_BINARY, BASH_BINARY, SANDBOX_BINARY, SANDBOX_PIDS_FILE, FAKEROOT_PATH from os_data import portage_gid selinux_capable = False sandbox_capable = os.path.exists(SANDBOX_BINARY) userpriv_capable = (os.getuid() == 0) fakeroot_capable = False try: import resource max_fd_limit=resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[0] # get soft limit except (ImportError, AttributeError): # hokay, no resource module. max_fd_limit=256 # pids this process knows of. spawned_pids = [] def cleanup(pids,block_exceptions=True): """function to go through and reap the list of pids passed to it""" global spawned_pids if type(pids) == int: pids = [pids] for x in pids: try: os.kill(x,signal.SIGTERM) if os.waitpid(x,os.WNOHANG)[1] == 0: # feisty bugger, still alive. os.kill(x,signal.SIGKILL) os.waitpid(x,0) except OSError, oe: if block_exceptions: pass if oe.errno not in (10,3): raise oe except SystemExit: raise except Exception: if block_exceptions: pass try: spawned_pids.remove(x) except IndexError: pass def spawn_bash(mycommand,env={},debug=False,opt_name=None,**keywords): """spawn mycommand as an arguement to bash""" args=[BASH_BINARY] if not opt_name: opt_name=mycommand.split()[0] if not env.has_key("BASH_ENV"): env["BASH_ENV"] = "/etc/spork/is/not/valid/profile.env" if debug: args.append("-x") args.append("-c") args.append(mycommand) return spawn(args,env=env,opt_name=opt_name,**keywords) def spawn_sandbox(mycommand,uid=None,opt_name=None,**keywords): """spawn mycommand as an arguement to the sandbox binary. basically, LD_PRELOAD="libsandbox.so" mycommand""" args=[SANDBOX_BINARY] if not opt_name: opt_name=mycommand.split()[0] args.append(mycommand) if not uid: uid=os.getuid() try: os.chown(SANDBOX_PIDS_FILE,uid, portage_gid) os.chmod(SANDBOX_PIDS_FILE,0664) except SystemExit, e: raise except: pass return spawn(args,uid=uid,opt_name=opt_name,**keywords) def find_binary(myc): """look through the environmental path for an executable file named whatever myc is""" # this sucks. badly. p=os.getenv("PATH") if p == None: return None for x in p.split(":"): #if it exists, and is executable if os.path.exists("%s/%s" % (x,myc)) and os.stat("%s/%s" % (x,myc))[0] & 0x0248: return "%s/%s" % (x,myc) return None def spawn_func(func,args=[],kwargs={},exit_func=None,**keywords): """spawn a python function in a fork func: python function args: positional args to positionally expand for the function kwargs: optional args to expand for the function call exit_func: optional function for parsing the return of func, and returning the desired exit code note exit_func should handle applicable exceptions. Unhandled exemptions are caught, and the process exits with a code of 1.""" if exit_func: return spawn((func,args,kwargs,exit_func), func_call=True,**keywords) return spawn((func,args,kwargs), func_call=True,**keywords) # base spawn function def spawn(mycommand,env={},raw_exit_code=False,opt_name=None,fd_pipes=None,returnpid=False,\ uid=None,gid=None,groups=None,umask=None,logfile=None,path_lookup=True, selinux_context=None, raise_signals=False, func_call=False): """base fork/execve function. mycommand is the desired command- if you need a command to execute in a bash/sandbox/fakeroot environment, use the appropriate spawn call. This is a straight fork/exec code path. Can either have a tuple, or a string passed in. If uid/gid/groups/umask specified, it changes the forked process to said value. If path_lookup is on, a non-absolute command will be converted to an absolute command, otherwise it returns None. selinux_context is the desired context, dependant on selinux being available. opt_name controls the name the processor goes by. fd_pipes controls which file descriptor numbers are left open in the forked process- it's a dict of current fd's raw fd #, desired #. func_call is a boolean for specifying to execute a python function- use spawn_func instead. raise_signals is questionable. Basically throw an exception if signal'd. No exception is thrown if raw_input is on. logfile overloads the specified fd's to write to a tee process which logs to logfile returnpid returns the relevant pids (a list, including the logging process if logfile is on). non-returnpid calls to spawn will block till the process has exited, returning the exitcode/signal raw_exit_code controls whether the actual waitpid result is returned, or intrepretted.""" myc='' if not func_call: if type(mycommand)==types.StringType: mycommand=mycommand.split() myc = mycommand[0] if not os.access(myc, os.X_OK): if not path_lookup: return None myc = find_binary(myc) if myc == None: return None mypid=[] if logfile: pr,pw=os.pipe() mypid.extend(spawn(('tee','-i','-a',logfile),returnpid=True,fd_pipes={0:pr,1:1,2:2})) retval=os.waitpid(mypid[-1],os.WNOHANG)[1] if retval != 0: # he's dead jim. if raw_exit_code: return retval return process_exit_code(retval) if fd_pipes == None: fd_pipes={} fd_pipes[0] = 0 fd_pipes[1]=pw fd_pipes[2]=pw if not opt_name: opt_name = mycommand[0] myargs=[opt_name] myargs.extend(mycommand[1:]) global spawned_pids mypid.append(os.fork()) if mypid[-1] != 0: #log the bugger. spawned_pids.extend(mypid) if mypid[-1] == 0: if func_call: spawned_pids = [] # this may look ugly, but basically it moves file descriptors around to ensure no # handles that are needed are accidentally closed during the final dup2 calls. trg_fd=[] if type(fd_pipes)==types.DictType: src_fd=[] k=fd_pipes.keys() k.sort() #build list of which fds will be where, and where they are at currently for x in k: trg_fd.append(x) src_fd.append(fd_pipes[x]) # run through said list dup'ing descriptors so that they won't be waxed # by other dup calls. for x in range(0,len(trg_fd)): if trg_fd[x] == src_fd[x]: continue if trg_fd[x] in src_fd[x+1:]: new=os.dup2(trg_fd[x],max(src_fd) + 1) os.close(trg_fd[x]) try: while True: src_fd[s.index(trg_fd[x])]=new except SystemExit, e: raise except: pass # transfer the fds to their final pre-exec position. for x in range(0,len(trg_fd)): if trg_fd[x] != src_fd[x]: os.dup2(src_fd[x], trg_fd[x]) else: trg_fd=[0,1,2] # wax all open descriptors that weren't requested be left open. for x in range(0,max_fd_limit): if x not in trg_fd: try: os.close(x) except OSError: pass # note this order must be preserved- can't change gid/groups if you change uid first. if selinux_capable and selinux_context: import selinux selinux.setexec(selinux_context) if gid: os.setgid(gid) if groups: os.setgroups(groups) if uid: os.setuid(uid) if umask: os.umask(umask) try: #print "execing", myc, myargs if func_call: # either use a passed in func for interpretting the results, or return if no exception. # note the passed in list, and dict are expanded. if len(mycommand) == 4: os._exit(mycommand[3](mycommand[0](*mycommand[1],**mycommand[2]))) try: mycommand[0](*mycommand[1],**mycommand[2]) except Exception,e: print "caught exception",e," in forked func",mycommand[0] sys.exit(0) os.execve(myc,myargs,env) except SystemExit, e: raise except Exception, e: if not func_call: raise str(e)+":\n "+myc+" "+string.join(myargs) print "func call failed" # If the execve fails, we need to report it, and exit # *carefully* --- report error here os._exit(1) sys.exit(1) return # should never get reached # if we were logging, kill the pipes. if logfile: os.close(pr) os.close(pw) if returnpid: return mypid # loop through pids (typically one, unless logging), either waiting on their death, or waxing them # if the main pid (mycommand) returned badly. while len(mypid): retval=os.waitpid(mypid[-1],0)[1] if retval != 0: cleanup(mypid[0:-1],block_exceptions=False) # at this point we've killed all other kid pids generated via this call. # return now. if raw_exit_code: return retval return process_exit_code(retval,throw_signals=raise_signals) else: mypid.pop(-1) cleanup(mypid) return 0 def process_exit_code(retval,throw_signals=False): """process a waitpid returned exit code, returning exit code if it exit'd, or the signal if it died from signalling if throw_signals is on, it raises a SystemExit if the process was signaled. This is intended for usage with threads, although at the moment you can't signal individual threads in python, only the master thread, so it's a questionable option.""" if (retval & 0xff)==0: return retval >> 8 # return exit code else: if throw_signals: #use systemexit, since portage is stupid about exception catching. raise SystemExit() return (retval & 0xff) << 8 # interrupted by signal def spawn_get_output(mycommand,spawn_type=spawn,raw_exit_code=False,emulate_gso=True, \ collect_fds=[1],fd_pipes=None,**keywords): """call spawn, collecting the output to fd's specified in collect_fds list emulate_gso is a compatability hack to emulate commands.getstatusoutput's return, minus the requirement it always be a bash call (spawn_type controls the actual spawn call), and minus the 'lets let log only stdin and let stderr slide by'. emulate_gso was deprecated from the day it was added, so convert your code over. spawn_type is the passed in function to call- typically spawn_bash, spawn, spawn_sandbox, or spawn_fakeroot""" global selinux_capable pr,pw=os.pipe() import inspect if inspect.isroutine(spawn_type): raise ValueError("spawn type must be a function") if fd_pipes==None: fd_pipes={} fd_pipes[0] = 0 for x in collect_fds: fd_pipes[x] = pw keywords["returnpid"]=True mypid=spawn_type(mycommand,fd_pipes=fd_pipes,**keywords) os.close(pw) if type(mypid) != types.ListType: os.close(pr) return [mypid, "%s: No such file or directory" % mycommand.split()[0]] fd=os.fdopen(pr,"r") mydata=fd.readlines() fd.close() if emulate_gso: mydata=string.join(mydata) if len(mydata) and mydata[-1] == "\n": mydata=mydata[:-1] retval=os.waitpid(mypid[0],0)[1] cleanup(mypid) if raw_exit_code: return [retval,mydata] retval=process_exit_code(retval) return [retval, mydata] def spawn_fakeroot(mycommand, save_file, env={}, opt_name=None,**keywords): """spawn a fakerooted process, saving/loading from save_file""" if opt_name == None: opt_name = "fakeroot %s" % mycommand myc=[FAKEROOT_PATH,"-u","-b","20","-s","%s" % save_file] if not save_file: import traceback traceback.print_stack() print "save_file=",save_file print "this is invalid" sys.exit(1) if os.path.exists(save_file): myc.extend(["-i","%s" % save_file]) myc.extend(["--"]) mycl = mycommand.split() if not os.path.exists(mycl[0]): mycl[0] = find_binary(mycl[0]) if mycl[0] == None: return None myc.extend(mycl) return spawn(myc,env=env,opt_name=opt_name,**keywords) if os.path.exists(FAKEROOT_PATH): r,s=spawn_get_output((FAKEROOT_PATH, "--version"),emulate_gso=False, fd_pipes={1:1,2:2}) if r == 0: if len(s) == 1 and "version 1." in s[0]: fakeroot_capable = True else: print "fakeroot not available, need at least version 1.0" class CommandNotFound(Exception): def __init__(self, command): self.command=command def __str__(self): return "CommandNotFound Exception: Couldn't find '%s'" % str(self.command)