diff options
authorSamuli Suominen <>2011-03-13 20:30:13 +0000
committerSamuli Suominen <>2011-03-13 20:30:13 +0000
commit1b760a84fb8ba111cd2facf7e6bf40c69dc5495c (patch)
tree2a66877a090b4985959391aa3c2fd2911491fbb8 /sys-power
parentarm stable, bug #354505 (diff)
(Portage version: 2.2.0_alpha26/cvs/Linux x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-power')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 467 deletions
diff --git a/sys-power/nut/Manifest b/sys-power/nut/Manifest
index 2e5f265b384f..98b491f13935 100644
--- a/sys-power/nut/Manifest
+++ b/sys-power/nut/Manifest
@@ -2,16 +2,11 @@ AUX lighttpd_nut.conf-2.2.0 971 RMD160 745f65fac2b33e0f2baef7213c2d745c4ebb3dd5
AUX nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsd 770 RMD160 339bdc9e9f338c6560155cb51986e5210693cfe2 SHA1 918b6955f2799eaedd08bf277b234c82e2b4cf7a SHA256 5cabebe42add66c88ec3f75b94faab21730c2828f7e2a390c90cc80cd765a0f6
AUX nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsdrv 978 RMD160 249292e9338ae68b956c5858db7588447c3f41d7 SHA1 753bc85f2c521074bad8a2cec206a4c8bc50f68e SHA256 19d16a28347868e380a08c1d0aed542ac7c37afaf0afe85d6e5c974796dfc138
AUX nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsmon 655 RMD160 04ba8bdc74c296f7126dcc06a748fbeac630ab64 SHA1 c69bd2d85fcf9e59d49b57fd5a3d51575bd688b0 SHA256 f8063853e446dc4012254ac6f81d4c1921f3e9f5c8dabe49bec3420bad98bc06
-AUX nut-2.2.2-no-libdummy.patch 1421 RMD160 aa7156a547922c38db419a69ccf70c3f83119a4a SHA1 49038db25dc33836adbcdab821286db7ade34b94 SHA256 1a9dfcd2b9bb96e43642f70087e290a27ae631fca0f8c2c9c976f417ec4007fb
AUX nut-2.4.1-no-libdummy.patch 791 RMD160 2a8ed4c000b3bd2a271e1e169486a0cd1cbdb809 SHA1 a48e71e06bb590cb296b7deead51b7b31420d68b SHA256 c9cf34980e79a4b9f07c338d10bc4ef4e90608ee7543cbc483898ee4f3f4f2a4
AUX nut-2.4.3-asneeded.patch 20332 RMD160 c3486956de7e8f8a087a1f57ac2d60accfbe1864 SHA1 dbc6c905a50569f3c1a01966e9eefa2a5cbe48c1 SHA256 3ca71b9174302e7648d13bafec10c95825e4398e48bc9e5fb64b3ea2d52d8127
AUX nut-2.4.3-lowspeed-buffer-size.patch 725 RMD160 ac7a5dbe8e65dc7fe1376eb8c695a66c260be68c SHA1 d71e49841f023812bf3c5934b65dad016aaa97ef SHA256 74ed963e039413472907ebdbba07dd59ebf8e721214f32ce0fabe169597dc9b7
AUX nut.powerfail.initd 1395 RMD160 46b06189163777fc7f944efe8647b11df90f01db SHA1 a0f776ed02cf733dcdc566e58e63ccfe88352d37 SHA256 3ef933724169dbe08645fed19674a1576ced5f54a88985b5b32baf2a9c178ae7
-DIST nut-2.2.2.tar.gz 1184406 RMD160 4dc1d2b729fc0e02c0475008c44bc62e1901f705 SHA1 f54cc909b229931fb91b4a360f0447b539d4ea6b SHA256 599d0024bcc116137a3eb65030d3dbc7132a64f30a7717f76a8254d8543422eb
-DIST nut-2.4.1.tar.gz 1121152 RMD160 d046a711fb8f94b1a3652dea774d201684292272 SHA1 c8e999da718cfe14211977c19dd9b055cfc6fada SHA256 9e2441e1a7046627715cfe78e22f82f7bb05bf380735f803731b64e06bd19f3c
DIST nut-2.4.3.tar.gz 1154503 RMD160 6ec6bba67ab2caa761e7b3299e047bc49b85cebd SHA1 3a09b09c03df7e8b12f70576fd703e65d1cf7b06 SHA256 d3b701f21f1e049abb5df94ee9805fce86fe57a876c3bb41217558a846a49335
-EBUILD nut-2.2.2.ebuild 6454 RMD160 58c441e7cdc5ad04dd084fd595973274b05d175b SHA1 4289411855d4bd03e89ad5ecbfbd7588cba93f1d SHA256 d5cddff3a82acec2314404a5d5ad24a1828a2e29dfb986fe59e4fe2e79db1a2d
-EBUILD nut-2.4.1-r1.ebuild 6722 RMD160 c31099f7ca3ff141e3e713e86bf095a06d46d5d0 SHA1 4f0619d3e0c0f6c8dfb15bfaa8a07bc1d708a450 SHA256 5331b44913445c64015a737f489a5fd000be78560eb7d81fe17bf4c9b33cff4c
EBUILD nut-2.4.3-r2.ebuild 7385 RMD160 ebb38dad51b4449bd7254273b0bbd13c06d73b4f SHA1 f3775d5563f92b1ca2299a7f07ceb54b8042b02f SHA256 e0005b3dd48c626a704bf6573996f0391509f2b408cfb9a5af9b510ec28ac94b
MISC ChangeLog 19417 RMD160 6a939a8cee1296a40b4f3a6124ee941e945fc01c SHA1 38eade266dcd4dd962d1c1797c9bce34d846eced SHA256 c3bc8f1ca36ca6340ef97258c9cc6a502e3ace535cde9492fd03e0c8ae15c9b8
MISC metadata.xml 219 RMD160 7737543ce33cd412792e332121aa1c6ed452adfc SHA1 6c360930b80d6f4168ba1a486a25ad176505ea63 SHA256 8b2ef93d0d6f03a1ad115651dc46a7752e7775a62a32a7046c3294e50b14725b
diff --git a/sys-power/nut/files/nut-2.2.2-no-libdummy.patch b/sys-power/nut/files/nut-2.2.2-no-libdummy.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 646e9fefe184..000000000000
--- a/sys-power/nut/files/nut-2.2.2-no-libdummy.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nuar nut-2.2.2.orig/common/ nut-2.2.2/common/
---- nut-2.2.2.orig/common/ 2007-05-27 07:07:56.000000000 -0700
-+++ nut-2.2.2/common/ 2008-07-04 20:09:14.062814944 -0700
-@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
- # Define a dummy library so that Automake builds rules for the
- # corresponding object files. This library is not actually built,
--EXTRA_LIBRARIES = libdummy.a
--libdummy_a_SOURCES = parseconf.c state.c upsconf.c
-+#EXTRA_LIBRARIES = libdummy.a
-+#libdummy_a_SOURCES = parseconf.c state.c upsconf.c
- ../include/nut_version.h: FORCE
- (cd ../include/ && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) nut_version.h)
-diff -Nuar nut-2.2.2.orig/drivers/ nut-2.2.2/drivers/
---- nut-2.2.2.orig/drivers/ 2008-07-04 20:12:38.201211819 -0700
-+++ nut-2.2.2/drivers/ 2008-07-04 20:12:59.829462787 -0700
-@@ -211,10 +211,12 @@
- upscode2.h victronups.h powerpanel.h powerp-bin.h powerp-txt.h \
- upshandler.h netxml-ups.h mge-xml.h
- # Define a dummy library so that Automake builds rules for the
- # corresponding object files. This library is not actually built,
--EXTRA_LIBRARIES = libdummy.a
--libdummy_a_SOURCES = main.c dstate.c serial.c
-+#EXTRA_LIBRARIES += libdummy.a
-+#libdummy_a_SOURCES = main.c dstate.c serial.c
- # the nuthalmain library combines the code for main-hal.c and
- # dstate-hal.c. It is necessary for Automake-technical reasons,
diff --git a/sys-power/nut/nut-2.2.2.ebuild b/sys-power/nut/nut-2.2.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e4acb4433fc..000000000000
--- a/sys-power/nut/nut-2.2.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-power/nut/nut-2.2.2.ebuild,v 1.9 2010/06/22 20:07:21 arfrever Exp $
-inherit eutils fixheadtails autotools
-DESCRIPTION="Network-UPS Tools"
-# Nut mirrors are presently broken
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ppc ppc64 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="cgi snmp usb ssl hal xml"
-RDEPEND="cgi? ( >=media-libs/gd-2[png] )
- snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- usb? ( =virtual/libusb-0* )
- hal? ( >=sys-apps/hal- )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- xml? ( >=net-libs/neon-0.25.0 )
- >=sys-fs/udev-114"
- >=sys-apps/sed-4
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.58"
-# public files should be 644 root:root
-# private files should be 640 root:nut - readable by nut, writeable by root,
-# public files should be 644 root:root, only installed if USE=cgi
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup nut 84
- enewuser nut 84 -1 /var/lib/nut nut,uucp
- # As of udev-104, NUT must be in uucp and NOT in tty.
- gpasswd -d nut tty 2>/dev/null
- gpasswd -a nut uucp 2>/dev/null
- use hal && gpasswd -a haldaemon nut 2>/dev/null
- # in some cases on old systems it wasn't in the nut group either!
- gpasswd -a nut nut 2>/dev/null
- warningmsg ewarn
-src_prepare() {
- ht_fix_file
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-no-libdummy.patch
- sed -e "s:GD_LIBS.*=.*-L/usr/X11R6/lib \(.*\) -lXpm -lX11:GD_LIBS=\"\1:" \
- -i || die "sed failed"
- sed -e "s:52_nut-usbups.rules:70-nut-usbups.rules:" \
- -i scripts/udev/ || die "sed failed"
- WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 eautoreconf || die "autoconf failed"
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if [ -n "${NUT_DRIVERS}" ]; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-drivers=${NUT_DRIVERS// /,}"
- fi
- econf \
- --with-user=nut \
- --with-group=nut \
- --with-drvpath=/lib/nut \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/nut \
- --with-logfacility=LOG_DAEMON \
- --with-statepath=/var/lib/nut \
- --with-htmlpath=/usr/share/nut/html \
- --datarootdir=/usr/share/nut \
- --datadir=/usr/share/nut \
- --with-dev \
- $(use_with xml neonxml) \
- $(use_with hal) \
- $(use_with ssl) \
- $(use_with usb) \
- $(use_with snmp) \
- $(use_with cgi) \
- $(use_with cgi cgipath /usr/share/nut/cgi) \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
- dodir /sbin
- dosym /lib/nut/upsdrvctl /sbin/upsdrvctl
- # This needs to exist for the scripts
- dosym /lib/nut/upsdrvctl /usr/sbin/upsdrvctl
- if use cgi; then
- elog "CGI monitoring scripts are installed in /usr/share/nut/cgi."
- elog "copy them to your web server's ScriptPath to activate (this is a"
- elog "change from the old location)."
- elog "If you use lighttpd, see lighttpd_nut.conf in the documentation."
- fi
- # this must be done after all of the install phases
- for i in "${D}"/etc/nut/*.sample ; do
- mv "${i}" "${i/.sample/}"
- done
- docs/{FAQ,*.txt} || die
- newdoc lib/README README.lib || die
- newdoc "${FILESDIR}"/lighttpd_nut.conf-2.2.0 lighttpd_nut.conf || die
- docinto cables
- dodoc docs/cables/* || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsd upsd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsdrv upsdrv
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsmon upsmon
- # This sets up permissions for nut to access a UPS
- insinto /etc/udev/rules.d/
- newins scripts/udev/nut-usbups.rules 70-nut-usbups.rules
- keepdir /var/lib/nut
- fperms 0700 /var/lib/nut
- fowners nut:nut /var/lib/nut
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval fperms 0640 ${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES}
- eval fowners root:nut ${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES}
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval fperms 0644 ${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES}
- eval fowners root:root ${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES}
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- if use cgi; then
- eval fperms 0644 ${NUT_CGI_FILES}
- eval fowners root:root ${NUT_CGI_FILES}
- fi
- # this is installed for 2.4 and fbsd guys
- if ! has_version sys-fs/udev; then
- insinto /etc/hotplug/usb
- insopts -m 755
- doins scripts/hotplug/nut-usbups.hotplug
- fi
- if use hal; then
- insinto /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty/
- doins scripts/hal/20-ups-nut-device.fdi
- insinto /usr/libexec
- insopts -m 755
- doins drivers/hald-addon-*
- rm "${D}"/lib/nut/hald-addon-*
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- # this is to ensure that everybody that installed old versions still has
- # correct permissions
- chown nut:nut "${ROOT}"/var/lib/nut 2>/dev/null
- chmod 0700 "${ROOT}"/var/lib/nut 2>/dev/null
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval chown root:nut "${ROOT}"${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- eval chmod 0640 "${ROOT}"${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval chown root:root "${ROOT}"${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- eval chmod 0644 "${ROOT}"${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- if use cgi; then
- eval chown root:root "${ROOT}"${NUT_CGI_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- eval chmod 0644 "${ROOT}"${NUT_CGI_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- fi
- warningmsg elog
-warningmsg() {
- msgfunc="$1"
- [ -z "$msgfunc" ] && die "msgfunc not specified in call to warningmsg!"
- ${msgfunc} "Please note that NUT now runs under the 'nut' user."
- ${msgfunc} "NUT is in the uucp group for access to RS-232 UPS."
- ${msgfunc} "However if you use a USB UPS you may need to look at the udev or"
- ${msgfunc} "hotplug rules that are installed, and alter them suitably."
- echo
- ${msgfunc} "If you use hald, you may be able to skip the normal init scripts."
- echo
- ${msgfunc} "You are strongly advised to read the UPGRADING file provided by upstream."
- echo
- ${msgfunc} "Please note that upsdrv is NOT automatically started by upsd anymore."
- ${msgfunc} "If you have multiple UPS units, you can use their NUT names to"
- ${msgfunc} "have a service per UPS:"
- ${msgfunc} "ln -s /etc/init.d/upsdrv /etc/init.d/upsdrv.\$UPSNAME"
diff --git a/sys-power/nut/nut-2.4.1-r1.ebuild b/sys-power/nut/nut-2.4.1-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c9648309ae90..000000000000
--- a/sys-power/nut/nut-2.4.1-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2010 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-power/nut/nut-2.4.1-r1.ebuild,v 1.8 2010/06/22 20:07:21 arfrever Exp $
-inherit eutils fixheadtails autotools bash-completion
-DESCRIPTION="Network-UPS Tools"
-# Nut mirrors are presently broken
-KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 ppc sparc x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-IUSE="cgi snmp usb ssl hal xml"
-RDEPEND="cgi? ( >=media-libs/gd-2[png] )
- snmp? ( net-analyzer/net-snmp )
- usb? ( =virtual/libusb-0* )
- hal? ( >=sys-apps/hal-0.5.11 )
- ssl? ( dev-libs/openssl )
- xml? ( >=net-libs/neon-0.25.0 )
- >=sys-fs/udev-114"
- >=sys-apps/sed-4
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.58
- dev-util/pkgconfig"
-# public files should be 644 root:root
-# private files should be 640 root:nut - readable by nut, writeable by root,
-# public files should be 644 root:root, only installed if USE=cgi
-pkg_setup() {
- enewgroup nut 84
- enewuser nut 84 -1 /var/lib/nut nut,uucp
- # As of udev-104, NUT must be in uucp and NOT in tty.
- gpasswd -d nut tty 2>/dev/null
- gpasswd -a nut uucp 2>/dev/null
- use hal && gpasswd -a haldaemon nut 2>/dev/null
- # in some cases on old systems it wasn't in the nut group either!
- gpasswd -a nut nut 2>/dev/null
- warningmsg ewarn
-src_prepare() {
- ht_fix_file
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-2.4.1-no-libdummy.patch
- sed -e "s:GD_LIBS.*=.*-L/usr/X11R6/lib \(.*\) -lXpm -lX11:GD_LIBS=\"\1:" \
- -i || die "sed failed"
- sed -e "s:52.nut-usbups.rules:70-nut-usbups.rules:" \
- -i scripts/udev/ || die "sed failed"
- rm -f m4/lt* m4/libtool.m4
- WANT_AUTOCONF=2.5 eautoreconf || die "autoconf failed"
-src_configure() {
- local myconf
- if [ -n "${NUT_DRIVERS}" ]; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-drivers=${NUT_DRIVERS// /,}"
- fi
- econf \
- --with-user=nut \
- --with-group=nut \
- --with-drvpath=/lib/nut \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/nut \
- --with-logfacility=LOG_DAEMON \
- --with-statepath=/var/lib/nut \
- --with-htmlpath=/usr/share/nut/html \
- --datarootdir=/usr/share/nut \
- --datadir=/usr/share/nut \
- --with-dev \
- $(use_with xml neonxml) \
- $(use_with hal) \
- $(use_with ssl) \
- $(use_with usb) \
- $(use_with snmp) \
- $(use_with cgi) \
- $(use_with cgi cgipath /usr/share/nut/cgi) \
- ${myconf} || die "econf failed"
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "make install failed"
- dodir /sbin
- dosym /lib/nut/upsdrvctl /sbin/upsdrvctl
- # This needs to exist for the scripts
- dosym /lib/nut/upsdrvctl /usr/sbin/upsdrvctl
- if use cgi; then
- elog "CGI monitoring scripts are installed in /usr/share/nut/cgi."
- elog "copy them to your web server's ScriptPath to activate (this is a"
- elog "change from the old location)."
- elog "If you use lighttpd, see lighttpd_nut.conf in the documentation."
- fi
- # this must be done after all of the install phases
- for i in "${D}"/etc/nut/*.sample ; do
- mv "${i}" "${i/.sample/}"
- done
- docs/{FAQ,*.txt} || die
- newdoc lib/README README.lib || die
- newdoc "${FILESDIR}"/lighttpd_nut.conf-2.2.0 lighttpd_nut.conf || die
- docinto cables
- dodoc docs/cables/* || die
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsd upsd
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsdrv upsdrv
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nut-2.2.2-init.d-upsmon upsmon
- # This sets up permissions for nut to access a UPS
- insinto /etc/udev/rules.d/
- newins scripts/udev/nut-usbups.rules 70-nut-usbups.rules
- keepdir /var/lib/nut
- einfo "Setting up permissions on files and directories"
- fperms 0700 /var/lib/nut
- fowners nut:nut /var/lib/nut
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval fperms 0640 ${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES}
- eval fowners root:nut ${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES}
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval fperms 0644 ${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES}
- eval fowners root:root ${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES}
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- if use cgi; then
- eval fperms 0644 ${NUT_CGI_FILES}
- eval fowners root:root ${NUT_CGI_FILES}
- fi
- # this is installed for 2.4 and fbsd guys
- if ! has_version sys-fs/udev; then
- einfo "Installing non-udev hotplug support"
- insinto /etc/hotplug/usb
- insopts -m 755
- doins scripts/hotplug/nut-usbups.hotplug
- fi
- if use hal; then
- einfo "Installing HAL support"
- insinto /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/20thirdparty/
- doins scripts/hal/20-ups-nut-device.fdi
- insinto /usr/libexec
- insopts -m 755
- doins drivers/hald-addon-*
- rm "${D}"/lib/nut/hald-addon-*
- fi
- dobashcompletion "${S}"/scripts/misc/nut.bash_completion
-pkg_postinst() {
- # this is to ensure that everybody that installed old versions still has
- # correct permissions
- chown nut:nut "${ROOT}"/var/lib/nut 2>/dev/null
- chmod 0700 "${ROOT}"/var/lib/nut 2>/dev/null
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval chown root:nut "${ROOT}"${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- eval chmod 0640 "${ROOT}"${NUT_PRIVATE_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- eval chown root:root "${ROOT}"${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- eval chmod 0644 "${ROOT}"${NUT_PUBLIC_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- # Do not remove eval here, because the variables contain shell expansions.
- if use cgi; then
- eval chown root:root "${ROOT}"${NUT_CGI_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- eval chmod 0644 "${ROOT}"${NUT_CGI_FILES} 2>/dev/null
- fi
- warningmsg elog
-warningmsg() {
- msgfunc="$1"
- [ -z "$msgfunc" ] && die "msgfunc not specified in call to warningmsg!"
- ${msgfunc} "Please note that NUT now runs under the 'nut' user."
- ${msgfunc} "NUT is in the uucp group for access to RS-232 UPS."
- ${msgfunc} "However if you use a USB UPS you may need to look at the udev or"
- ${msgfunc} "hotplug rules that are installed, and alter them suitably."
- echo
- ${msgfunc} "If you use hald, you may be able to skip the normal init scripts."
- echo
- ${msgfunc} "You are strongly advised to read the UPGRADING file provided by upstream."
- echo
- ${msgfunc} "Please note that upsdrv is NOT automatically started by upsd anymore."
- ${msgfunc} "If you have multiple UPS units, you can use their NUT names to"
- ${msgfunc} "have a service per UPS:"
- ${msgfunc} "ln -s /etc/init.d/upsdrv /etc/init.d/upsdrv.\$UPSNAME"