Gentoo-HOWTO Written by Peter Gavin <> and other members of the Gentoo Team ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is a work in progress, and is constantly being updated and changed. It is by no means complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents I. Introduction II. The Portage Tree A. What (Not) to Put in the Portage Tree B. Categories C. The files Directory III. .ebuild Files A. Naming .ebuild Files B. Contents of an .ebuild File C. Rules for Writing an .ebuild File IV. Filesystem Locations A. Introduction to the FHS B. How to Fit Your Packages into the Filesystem V. The Portage Scripts and Utilities A. Public Scripts 1. ebuild 2. portage-merge 3. portage-unmerge 4. portage-maintain 5. pkgmerge 6. pkgname B. Private Scripts 1. dobin 2. dodeps 3. dodir 4. dodoc 5. doexe 6. dohard 7. doinfo 8. doins 9. dolib 10. dolib.a 11. 12. doman 13. domo 14. donewins 15. dopython 16. dosbin 17. dosed 18. dosym 19. find-packages 20. find-requires 21. fowners 22. fperms 23. import-configsettings 24. import-settings 25. megadigest 26. megadownload 27. megatouch 28. newbin 29. newdoc 30. newexe 31. newins 32. newlib.a 33. 34. newman 36. newsbin 37. pkgmerge 38. pmake 39. portage-maintain 40. prepall 41. prepalldocs 42. prepallinfo 43. prepallman 44. prepallstrip 45. prepinfo 46. preplib 47. 48. prepman 49. prepstrip 50. unpack 51. use ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction blah, blah, blah... (I'll fill this in later) II. The Portage Tree The portage tree is a heirarchy, in which the first level is the category, and the second is the name of the package. A. What (Not) to Put in the Portage Tree The portage tree should only include ebuild files, and other files in the 'files' directory for each package. No binary files should be placed in the portage tree. No files that can be downloaded from other sources (such as patches written by other people) should be put here. No patches you write yourself should be compressed. B. Categories The categories are defined as follows: app-admin - non-critical system administration utilities app-arch - non-critical archival/compression utilities app-cdr - CD recording utilities app-doc - application documentation app-editors - non-critical text editors app-emulation - packages for emulating other systems/OSes app-misc - applications that don't fit anywhere else app-office - office-type (word processing, spreadsheet, etc.) packages app-shells - non-critical shells and command interpreters app-text - text processing, spell checkers, and document formatting packages dev-db - database libraries dev-java - java classes/packages/etc. dev-lang - compilers and interpreters for different languages dev-libs - miscellaneous developer's libraries dev-perl - perl modules dev-python - python modules dev-ruby - ruby modules dev-util - various developers utilities gnome-apps - applications for gnome gnome-base - base gnome packages gnome-libs - non-essential gnome libraries gnome-office - office packages for gnome kde-apps - applications for kde kde-base - base kde packages kde-i18n - kde internationalization packages media-gfx - graphics related programs media-libs - libraries for manipulating different media, including accessing multimedia peripherals of your computer (sound card, video card, etc.) media-sound - programs related to sound, including cd-audio and sound encoding media-video - programs related to video, including video codecs and players net-analyzer - network usage statistics monitors/analyzers net-dialup - network dialup clients and servers such as pppd net-fs - network filesystems net-ftp - ftp servers and clients net-irc - irc servers and clients net-libs - networking related libraries net-mail - mtas and muas net-misc - miscellaneous servers, clients, firewalls, etc. net-nds - NIS/NIS+ and other name services net-print - print servers and clients net-www - http/www servers and clients sys-apps - system-critical applications and utilities sys-devel - base development packages, such as gcc and make sys-kernel - linux kernels sys-libs - system-critical libraries such as glibc x11-base - xfree86 and xfree86 drivers for various video cards x11-libs - widget sets and other x11 specific libraries x11-terms - x11 terminal emulators x11-wm - x11 window managers C. The files Directory Under each package subdirectory is a 'files' directory. You should place any patches, configuration files, and other auxillary files your package might require in this directory. Patches you create yourself just to get your package to build should be called '${PF}-gentoo.diff'. You should not compress these diffs, since 1) they should not be big enough to require compressing, and 2) cvs does not play well with binary files. Please add a suffix or prefix such as ${PV}-r${PR} (or just ${PV} if ${PR} is 0) to the tail of every file you put into the files directory, so that the files used for each individual version of your ebuild scripts are distinguishable from one another, and so that the changes between different revisions are visible. If you have many files that should go into the files directory, you should create a subdirectory files/${PV}-${PR} (or just files/${PV} if ${PR} is 0), and put all these files in there. If you use this method, you do not need to suffix the names of the files in this directory with the ebuild version. III. .ebuild Files .ebuild files are the basis for the entire portage system. They contain all the information required to build a package, and every installed package requires one of these files. .ebuild files are essentially just bash scripts that contain a few functions and environment variable settings. The ebuild command takes care of the rest of the details, such as merging the package into the filesystem and recording the package into the package database. A. Naming .ebuild Files .ebuild file names are in four sections. The first section is the package name, which should only contain lowercase letters, the digits 0-9, and hyphen ('-') characters. The second section is the version of the package, which should normally be the same as the version on the main source tarball. The version is normally made up of 2 or 3 numbers separated by periods, such as 1.2 or 4.5.2, and may have a single letter immidiately following the last digit, e.g., 1.4b or 2.6h. This letter should *not* be used to signify alpha or beta status for the package. There are 3 special suffixes that may be used for these packages: _alpha, _beta, and _pre. Each of these suffixes may be immediately followed my a number, e.g., 'linux-2.4.0_pre10'. The third section of the package name is the revision number, which is specified by -r#, where '#' is a number, e.g. 'package-4.5.3-r3'. This revision number is independent of the version of the source tarball, but if you need to make non-trivial changes to your .ebuild file, you should copy the .ebuild file to a new file with the revision number incremented by 1. Initial releases normally have no revision number, e.g. 'package-4.5.3'. The fourth section of the .ebuild file name is always the .ebuild extension. B. Contents of an .ebuild File 1. Variable Settings The first part of every ebuild file is made up of a number of variable settings. The variables you can set are C. Rules for Writing an .ebuild File IV. Filesystem Locations A. Introduction to the FHS B. How to Fit Your Packages into the Filesystem V. The Portage Scripts and Utilities A. Public Scripts 1. ebuild 2. portage-merge 3. portage-unmerge 4. portage-maintain 5. pkgmerge 6. pkgname B. Private Scripts 1. dobin 2. dodeps 3. dodir 4. dodoc 5. doexe 6. dohard 7. doinfo 8. doins 9. dolib 10. dolib.a 11. 12. doman 13. domo 14. donewins 15. dopython 16. dosbin 17. dosed 18. dosym 19. find-packages 20. find-requires 21. fowners 22. fperms 23. import-configsettings 24. import-settings 25. megadigest 26. megadownload 27. megatouch 28. newbin 29. newdoc 30. newexe 31. newins 32. newlib.a 33. 34. newman 36. newsbin 37. pkgmerge 38. pmake 39. portage-maintain 40. prepall 41. prepalldocs 42. prepallinfo 43. prepallman 44. prepallstrip 45. prepinfo 46. preplib 47. 48. prepman 49. prepstrip 50. unpack 51. use