;;; ilisp site-lisp configuration (most of this was shamelessly yanked ;;; from the ilisp.emacs file distributed with ilisp) (setq load-path (cons "@SITELISP@" load-path)) (setq load-path (cons "@SITELISP@/extra" load-path)) (autoload 'common-lisp "ilisp" "Inferior generic Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'allegro "ilisp" "Inferior Allegro Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'cormanlisp "ilisp" "Inferior Corman Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'lucid "ilisp" "Inferior Lucid Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'lispworks "ilisp" "Inferior Harlequin Common Lisp (LispWorks)." t) ; (autoload 'harlequin "ilisp" "Inferior Harlequin Common Lisp (LispWorks)." t) ; (autoload 'pulcinella "ilisp" "Inferior Harlequin Common Lisp (LispWorks)." t) (autoload 'cmulisp "ilisp" "Inferior CMU Common Lisp." t) (autoload 'clisp-hs "ilisp" "Inferior Haible/Stoll CLISP Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'kcl "ilisp" "Inferior Kyoto Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'akcl "ilisp" "Inferior Austin Kyoto Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'ibcl "ilisp" "Ibuki Common Lisp." t) (autoload 'gcl "ilisp" "Inferior GNU Common Lisp." t) ; (autoload 'ecl "ilisp" "Inferior EcoLisp." t) ; (autoload 'xlisp "ilisp" "Inferior XLisp." t) ; (autoload 'xlispstat "ilisp" "Inferior XLisp-Stat." t) (autoload 'scheme "ilisp" "Inferior generic Scheme." t) ; (autoload 'oaklisp "ilisp" "Inferior Oaklisp Scheme." t) ; (autoload 'scm "ilisp" "Inferior SCM Scheme." t) ; (autoload 'chez "ilisp" "Inferior Chez Scheme." t) ; (autoload 'stk "ilisp" "Inferior STk Scheme." t) ; (autoload 'snow "ilisp" "Inferior STk Scheme without Tk." t) (autoload 'guile "ilisp" "Inferior GUILE Scheme." t) ; (setq allegro-program "/usr/local/acl5/lisp") ; (setq lucid-program "/usr/misc/.lucid/bin/lisp") (setq clisp-hs-program "/usr/bin/clisp -I") ; (setq *cormanlisp-dir* "C:\\CORMAN~1\\CORMAN~1.5\\") ; (setq cormanlisp-program ; (concat *cormanlisp-dir* "clconsole.exe" ; " -image " *cormanlisp-dir* "CormanLisp.img")) ; (setq lispworks-program ; "/somewhere/in/the/directory/tree/lispworks") (setq cmulisp-program "/usr/bin/lisp") ;; If you are interested in maintaining CMUCL or compiling it ;; from source then set this to where the source files are. ; (setq cmulisp-local-source-directory ; "/usr/robotics/shared/cmu-cl/17e/") ; (setq akcl-program "kcl") ; (setq gcl-program "gcl") ; (setq ecl-program "ecl") ; (setq xlisp-program "xlisp") ; (setq xlispstat-program "xlispstat") ; (setq scm-program "scm -i") ; (setq chez-program "petite") ; (setq stk-program "stk -interactive") ; (setq snow-program "snow -interactive") (setq guile-program "/usr/bin/guile") (set-default 'auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.lisp$" . lisp-mode) ("\\.lsp$" . lisp-mode) ("\\.cl$" . lisp-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (add-hook 'lisp-mode-hook '(lambda () (require 'ilisp))) (set-default 'auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.scm$" . scheme-mode) ("\\.ss$" . scheme-mode) ("\\.stk$" . scheme-mode) ("\\.stklos$" . scheme-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook '(lambda () (require 'ilisp))) ;;; Configuration of Erik Naggum's HyperSpec access package. ;; If you have a local copy of the HyperSpec, set its path here. ; (setq common-lisp-hyperspec-root ; "file:/home/joe/HyperSpec/") ; (setq common-lisp-hyperspec-symbol-table ; "/home/joe/HyperSpec/Data/Map_Sym.Txt") ;; Here's how to get the newest version of the CLHS: ;; ;;; Configuration of Utz-Uwe Haus' CLtL2 access package. ;; If you have a local copy of CLtL2, set its path here. ; (setq cltl2-root-url ; "file:/home/joe/cltl2/") ;;; Sample load hook (add-hook 'ilisp-load-hook '(lambda () ;; Change default key prefix to C-c ;; (setq ilisp-*prefix* "\C-c") ;; Set a keybinding for the COMMON-LISP-HYPERSPEC command ;; (defkey-ilisp "" 'common-lisp-hyperspec) ;; Make sure that you don't keep popping up the 'inferior ;; Lisp' buffer window when this is already visible in ;; another frame. Actually this variable has more impact ;; than that. Watch out. ; (setq pop-up-frames t) (message "Running ilisp-load-hook") ;; Define LispMachine-like key bindings, too. ; (ilisp-lispm-bindings) Sample initialization hook. ;; Set the inferior Lisp directory to the directory of ;; the buffer that spawned it on the first prompt. (add-hook 'ilisp-init-hook '(lambda () (default-directory-lisp ilisp-last-buffer)))))