# Copyright 1999-2000 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # Author Achim Gottinger # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-util/lincvs/lincvs-0.3.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2002/02/03 21:49:51 danarmak Exp $ S=${WORKDIR}/LinCVS-0.3 DESCRIPTION="A Graphical CVS Client" SRC_URI="http://ppprs1.phy.tu-dresden.de/~trogisch/${PN}/download/${P}/${PN}-0.3-0-generic-src.tgz http://ppprs1.phy.tu-dresden.de/~trogisch/${PN}/download/${P}/${PN}-0.3.patch-1.tgz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.lincvs.de" DEPEND="kde? ( >=kde-base/kdelibs-2.1.1 ) =x11-libs/qt-x11-2*" RDEPEND="$DEPEND dev-util/cvs" src_unpack () { unpack ${A} patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/${PF}-gentoo.diff cd ${S}/src patch diffview.cpp ${WORKDIR}/LinCVS-patch/diffview.patch } src_compile() { if [ "`use kde`" ] ; then sed "s:KDE2DIR:KDEDIR:g" Makefile.kde2 > Makefile fi cp Makefile Makefile.orig sed -e "s:-O2:${CFLAGS}:" Makefile.orig > Makefile make } src_install () { into /usr dobin LinCVS tools/*.sh insinto /usr/share/icons/lincvs doins res/*.xpm dodoc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog #This is required by the app - uncmopressed txt's cd ${D}/usr/share/doc ln -s ${P}-${PR} ${PN} cd ${PN} cp ${S}/*.{txt,TXT} . }