no-herd Mike Frysinger Ebony is a tools for Enlightenment that creates special bits called "bg.db"s, or background bits. Because Enlightenment uses eBits for anything and everything related to graphics layout we also use them to design and display our wallpaper. Rather than simply using scaled images like in previous versions, you can use Ebony to design background bits much like Etcher, including layering, relative positioning, tiling, and much more. The big advantage is that using Ebony you can have exceptional flexibility in your wallpaper design. No longer do you need to create 5 versions of the same background to make it look properly on diffrent resolutions. Now you can lay images together in layers, that position themselves based on the users screen and not your own. This way your designs look as perfect on a 1024x768 desktop as they do on a 3840x1024 trihead.