Andrew Hamilton Maintainer. Assign bugs to him. Chris Reffett Proxy maintainer. CC him on bugs. proxy-maintainers sysadmin Install net-dns/bind-tools required for monitoring DNS servers. Disabling the flag does not remove any plugin file. Install games-util/qstat required for monitoring FPS servers. Disabling the flag does not remove any plugin file. Install net-misc/ntp required for monitoring NTP servers and drifts. Disabling the flag does not remove any plugin file. Install net-analyzer/fping required for fancy ping monitoring. Disabling the flag does not remove any plugin file. Install net-misc/openssh required for monitoring SSH servers. Disabling the flag does not remove any plugin file. Install sys-power/nut required for monitoring compatible UPS units. Disabling the flag does not remove any plugin file. Install the script for sending IM notifications over Jabber with Nagios. Install dev-perl/Net-SNMP required for monitoring SNMP values. Disabling the flag does not remove any plugin file. Give root privileges to the ICMP, DHCP and IDE S.M.A.R.T. check binaries. This allows them to ignore the access controls that would disallow the nagios user from running the check. Install a file to allow the nagios user to execute some commands via app-admin/sudo, so that the scripts can access devices and features that wouldn't be otherwise allowed by nagios. Install sys-apps/smartmontools required for S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring. Disabling the flag removes the plugin file. This plugin also requires the sudo flag to be enable.