# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-misc/cfengine/cfengine-2.0.3.ebuild,v 1.5 2002/07/06 14:39:35 phoenix Exp $ S=${WORKDIR}/${P} DESCRIPTION="An agent/software robot and a high level policy language for building expert systems to administrate and configure large computer networks" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.iu.hio.no/pub/cfengine/${P}.tar.gz" HOMEPAGE="http://www.iu.hio.no/cfengine/" DEPEND="virtual/glibc =sys-libs/db-3.2* dev-libs/openssl" RDEPEND="${DEPEND}" SLOT="0" LICENSE="GPL-2" KEYWORDS="x86" src_compile() { local myconf myconf="--with-berkeleydb=/usr" econf ${myconf} || die emake || die } src_install () { emake DESTDIR=${D} install || die dodoc AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING DOCUMENTATION NEWS README SURVEY TODO dodoc doc/*.html doinfo doc/*.info* dodoc ${D}/usr/share/cfengine/*.example rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/cfengine ${D}/usr/doc }