# ChangeLog for net-p2p/qtella
# Copyright 2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-p2p/qtella/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2003/07/31 03:21:23 caleb Exp $

*qtella-0.6.2 (30 Jul 2003) Caleb Tennis <caleb@gentoo.org>

  30 Jul 2003; Caleb Tennis <caleb@gentoo.org>:
  Version bump.

*qtella-0.6.1 (25 Feb 2003) Dan Armak <danarmak@gentoo.org>

  25 Feb 2003; Dan Armak <danarmak@gentoo.org>:

  New version; fix bug #12197. Added a patch to fix a compile problem when
  kde support is disabled; however do not click on 'check' in the menu as it
  does strang things... I wouldn't commit this normally, but it's still a lot
  better than the previous ebuilds, so it's on the way to fixing everything.

*qtella-0.5.4 (8 Dec 2002) 

Bart Verwilst <verwilst@gentoo.org>
  New version

*qtella-0.5.3-r2 (23 Aug 2002)

  23 Aug 2002; Dan Armak <danarmak@gentoo.org> ChangeLog  :

  Behave correctly wrt. eclasses; fix behaviour when USE kde is off (bug

  28 Jul 2002; Dan Armak <danarmak@gentoo.org> ChangeLog  :

  Use correct SLOT='3'.

*qtella-0.5.3-r1 (5 July 2002) Bart Verwilst <verwilst@gentoo.org>

  Made sure that it builds as QT-only when -kde in USE. (fixes #2799)

*qtella-0.5.3 (25 June 2002) Bart Verwilst <verwilst@gentoo.org>

  26 Jun 2002; Thilo Bangert <bangert@gentoo.org> :

  moved to net-p2p

*qtella-0.5.2 (1 May 2002)

  1 May 2002; Bart Verwilst <verwilst@gentoo.org> ChangeLog :

  Upgraded to 0.5.2.. This time this is more a bugfix release.. Enjoy!

*qtella-0.5.1 (1 April 2002)

  1 April 2002; Bart Verwilst <verwilst@gentoo.org> ChangeLog :

  Upgraded to 0.5.1, downloads from multiple hosts for the same file now 
  possible! Lots of bugfixes and new features..

*qtella-0.4.1 (1 Feb 2002)

  13 March 2002; Bart Verwilst <verwilst@gentoo.org> ChangeLog :
  Upgraded to 0.4.1, now has KDE3/QT3 support
  Lots of bugfixes, sits in KDE systemtray, and much more :o)

*qtella-0.3.5 (1 Feb 2002)

  1 Feb 2002; G.Bevin <gbevin@gentoo.org> ChangeLog :
  Added initial ChangeLog which should be updated whenever the package is
  updated in any way. This changelog is targetted to users. This means that the
  comments should well explained and written in clean English. The details about
  writing correct changelogs are explained in the skel.ChangeLog file which you
  can find in the root directory of the portage repository.