# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-www/orion/orion-2.0.ebuild,v 1.14 2004/07/16 14:00:35 axxo Exp $ inherit eutils S=${WORKDIR}/${PN} At=${PN}${PV}.zip DESCRIPTION="Orion EJB/J2EE application webserver" SRC_URI="" HOMEPAGE="http://www.orionserver.com/" KEYWORDS="x86 ppc sparc" LICENSE="ORIONSERVER" SLOT="0" DEPEND=">=virtual/jdk-1.3 app-arch/unzip" IUSE="" src_unpack() { if [ ! -f ${DISTDIR}/${At} ] ; then einfo "Due to licensing restrictions, you must:" einfo " " einfo "1. Download ${At} from ${HOMEPAGE}." einfo "2. Place ${At} into ${DISTDIR}." einfo "3. Run 'emerge' on this ebuild again to continue." die "Missing ${DISTDIR}/${At}; aborting." fi unzip -q ${DISTDIR}/${At} || die cd ${S} epatch ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/${PV}-gentoo.patch } pkg_setup() { if ! groupmod orion ; then groupadd -g 260 orion || die "problem adding group orion" fi if ! id orion; then useradd -u 260 -g orion -s /bin/bash -d /opt/orion -c "orion" orion || die "problem adding user orion" fi } src_install() { # CREATE DIRECTORIES DIROPTIONS="--mode=0775 --owner=orion --group=orion" dodir /opt/${PN} dodir /opt/${PN}/config dodir /opt/${PN}/sbin dodir /var/log/${PN} cd ${S} # INSTALL STARTUP SCRIPTS insinto /opt/orion/sbin insopts -o orion -g orion -m0750 doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/start_orion.sh doins ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/stop_orion.sh cp -a ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/orion.init ${S}/orion insinto /etc/init.d insopts -m0750 doins ${S}/orion cp -a ${FILESDIR}/${PV}/orion.conf ${S}/orion insinto /etc/conf.d insopts -m0755 doins ${S}/orion # CREATE DUMMY LOG & PERSISTENCE DIR insopts -o orion -g orion -m0750 touch ${S}/.keep insinto /var/log/${PN} doins ${S}/.keep insinto /opt/${PN}/persistence doins ${S}/.keep # INSTALL EXTRA FILES local dirs="applications database default-web-app demo lib persistence autoupdate.properties" for i in $dirs ; do cp -a ${i} ${D}/opt/${PN}/ chown -R orion:orion ${D}/opt/${PN}/${i} done # INSTALL APP CONFIG cd ${S}/config local dirs="application.xml data-sources.xml database-schemas default-web-site.xml global-web-application.xml jms.xml mime.types principals.xml rmi.xml server.xml" for i in $dirs ; do cp -a ${i} ${D}/opt/${PN}/config chown -R orion:orion ${D}/opt/${PN}/config/${i} done # INSTALL JARS cd ${S} for i in `ls *.jar` ; do dojar $i done # LINK IN SDK TOOLS.JAR ln -s ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/tools.jar ${D}/usr/share/${PN}/lib/tools.jar # INSTALL DOCS dodoc Readme.txt changes.txt } pkg_postinst() { einfo " " einfo " NOTICE!" einfo " User and group 'orion' have been added." einfo " Please set a password for the user account 'orion'" einfo " if you have not done so already." einfo " " einfo " " einfo " FILE LOCATIONS:" einfo " 1. Orion home directory: /opt/orion" einfo " Contains application data, configuration files." einfo " 2. Runtime settings: /etc/conf.d/orion" einfo " Contains CLASSPATH and JDK settings." einfo " 3. Logs: /var/log/orion/" einfo " 4. Executables, libraries: /usr/share/${PN}/" einfo " " einfo " " einfo " STARTING AND STOPPING ORION:" einfo " /etc/init.d/orion start" einfo " /etc/init.d/orion stop" einfo " /etc/init.d/orion restart" einfo " " einfo " " einfo " NETWORK CONFIGURATION:" einfo " By default, Orion runs on port 8080. You can change this" einfo " value by editing /opt/orion/config/default-web-site.xml." einfo " " einfo " To test Orion while it's running, point your web browser to:" einfo " http://localhost:8080/" einfo " " einfo " " einfo " APPLICATION DEPLOYMENT:" einfo " To set an administrative password, execute the following" einfo " commands as user 'orion':" einfo " \$ java -jar /usr/share/${PN}/lib/orion.jar -install" einfo " " einfo " " einfo " BUGS:" einfo " Please file any bugs at http://bugs.gentoo.org/ or else it" einfo " may not get seen. Thank you." einfo " " echo -ne "\a" ; sleep 1 ; echo -ne "\a" ; sleep 1 ; echo -ne "\a" ; sleep 1 sleep 10 }