# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/i2c/i2c-2.8.3.ebuild,v 1.9 2005/01/10 18:19:23 luckyduck Exp $ inherit eutils toolchain-funcs DESCRIPTION="I2C Bus support for 2.4.x kernels" HOMEPAGE="http://www2.lm-sensors.nu/~lm78/" SRC_URI="http://www2.lm-sensors.nu/~lm78/archive/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="${KV}" KEYWORDS="x86 ppc" IUSE="" DEPEND="" pkg_setup() { echo einfo "This ebuild assumes your *current* kernel is >=2.4.9 && < 2.5+ " echo einfo "For 2.5+ series kernels, use the support already in the kernel" einfo "under 'Character devices' -> 'I2C support'." echo einfo "To cross-compile, 'export LINUX=\"/lib/modules/<version>/build\"'" einfo "or symlink /usr/src/linux to another kernel." echo eerror "WARNING: This i2c support is not recommended for things such as " eerror "WARNING: BTTV" echo eerror "http://www2.lm-sensors.nu/~lm78/cvs/browse.cgi/lm_sensors2/README" echo eerror "35 ADDITIONALLY, i2c-2.8.1 is not API compatible to earlier i2c" eerror "36 releases due to struct changes; therefore you must NOT ENABLE" eerror "37 any other i2c drivers (e.g. bttv) in the kernel." eerror "38 Do NOT use lm-sensors 2.8.0 or i2c-2.8.0 if you require bttv." echo eerror "Please try out http://www.ensicaen.ismra.fr/~delvare/devel/i2c/" eerror "for a kernel patch which will fix this problem. Please note that" eerror "nor the lm_sensors team nor the package maintainers will be able" eerror "to support you if you encounter problems with I2C when using" eerror "other modules with requirements on I2C..." echo } src_compile () { echo if [ "$LINUX" != "" ]; then echo -n ' '; einfo "Cross-compiling using:- $LINUX" echo -n ' '; einfo "Using headers from:- `echo $LINUX/include/linux | sed 's/\/\//\//'`" LINUX=`echo $LINUX | sed 's/build\//build/'` else echo -n ' '; einfo "You are running:- `uname -r`" check_KV || die "Cannot find kernel in /usr/src/linux" echo -n ' '; einfo "Using kernel in /usr/src/linux:- ${KV}" echo ${KV} | grep 2.4. > /dev/null if [ $? == 1 ]; then echo -n ' '; eerror "Kernel version in /usr/src/linux is not 2.4.x" echo -n ' '; eerror "Please specify a 2.4.x kernel!" die "Incompatible Kernel" else LINUX='/usr/src/linux' fi if [ "${KV}" != "`uname -r`" ]; then echo -n ' '; ewarn "WARNING:- kernels do not match!" fi fi cd kernel; epatch ${FILESDIR}/i2c-2.8.0-alphaCompile.patch > /dev/null; cd ..; echo; echo -n ' '; einfo "You may safely ignore any errors from compilation" echo -n ' '; einfo "that contain 'No such file' references." echo; echo '>>> Compiling...' emake CC=$(tc-getCC) LINUX=$LINUX clean all if [ $? != 0 ]; then eerror "I2C requires the source of a compatible kernel" eerror "version installed in /usr/src/linux" eerror "(or the environmental variable \$LINUX)" eerror "and kernel I2C *disabled* or *enabled as a module*" die "Error: compilation failed!" fi } src_install() { emake \ CC=$(tc-getCC) \ LINUX=$LINUX \ LINUX_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/linux \ DESTDIR=${D} \ PREFIX=/usr \ MANDIR=/usr/share/man \ install || die dodoc CHANGES INSTALL README } pkg_postinst() { [ -x /usr/sbin/update-modules ] && /usr/sbin/update-modules einfo "I2C modules installed ..." echo ewarn "IMPORTANT ... if you are installing this package you need to" ewarn "IMPORTANT ... *disable* kernel I2C support OR *modularize it*" ewarn "IMPORTANT ... if your 2.4.x kernel is patched with such support" }