# ChangeLog for sys-apps/milo # Copyright 2000-2003 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-apps/milo/ChangeLog,v 1.3 2003/06/05 18:32:04 taviso Exp $ 05 Jun 2003; Tavis Ormandy milo-2.4.18.ebuild, files/milo-2.2-18-gcc3-gentoo.diff: by setting the MILO_IMAGE variable, users can select which images are built. 05 Jun 2003; Tavis Ormandy milo-2.4.18.ebuild: updating some uri's. *milo-2.4.18 (03 Jun 2003) 03 Jun 2003; Tavis Ormandy milo-2.4.18.ebuild, files/README-gentoo, files/linux-2.2.25-gcc3-milo.diff, files/milo-2.2-18-gcc3-gentoo.diff, files/mkserial_no.c, files/objstrip.c: Initial import, the Alpha MIniLOader, bootloader for machines without SRM, or special cases where aboot is not appropriate.