# Copyright 1999-2002 Gentoo Technologies, Inc. # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sys-devel/gcc/gcc-3.2.ebuild,v 1.4 2002/08/18 20:38:35 murphy Exp $ # NOTE TO MAINTAINER: Info pages get nuked for multiple version installs. # Ill fix it later if i get a chance. inherit flag-o-matic libtool # Compile problems with these ... filter-flags "-fno-exceptions" LOC="/usr" MY_PV="`echo ${PV/_pre} | cut -d. -f1,2`" GCC_SUFFIX="-${MY_PV}" # Dont install in /usr/include/g++-v3/, as it will nuke gcc-3.0.x installs STDCXX_INCDIR="${LOC}/include/g++-v${MY_PV/\./}" # Snapshot support ... #SNAPSHOT="2002-08-12" SNAPSHOT="" if [ -z "${SNAPSHOT}" ] then S="${WORKDIR}/${P}" SRC_URI="ftp://gcc.gnu.org/pub/gcc/releases/${P}/${P}.tar.bz2" else S="${WORKDIR}/gcc-${SNAPSHOT//-}" SRC_URI="ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/sources.redhat.com/pub/gcc/snapshots/${SNAPSHOT}/gcc-${SNAPSHOT//-}.tar.bz2" fi DESCRIPTION="Modern GCC C/C++ compiler" HOMEPAGE="http://www.gnu.org/software/gcc/gcc.html" LICENSE="GPL-2 LGPL-2.1" SLOT="${MY_PV}" KEYWORDS="x86 ppc sparc sparc64" DEPEND="virtual/glibc !build? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2-r2 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext ) )" RDEPEND="virtual/glibc >=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4 >=sys-apps/texinfo-4.2-r4 !build? ( >=sys-libs/ncurses-5.2-r2 )" build_multiple() { # Try to make sure that we should build multiple # versions of gcc (dual install of gcc2 and gcc3) profile="`readlink /etc/make.profile`" # [ "`gcc -dumpversion | cut -d. -f1,2`" != "`echo ${PV} | cut -d. -f1,2`" ] # # Check the major and minor versions only, and drop the micro version. # This is done, as compadibility only differ when major and minor differ. if [ -z "`use build`" ] && \ [ -z "`use bootstrap`" ] && \ [ "`gcc -dumpversion | cut -d. -f1,2`" != "${MY_PV}" ] && \ [ "${profile/gcc3}" = "${profile}" ] && \ [ "${GCCBUILD}" != "default" ] then return 0 else return 1 fi } # Used to patch Makefiles to install into the build dir FAKE_ROOT="" src_unpack() { if [ -z "${SNAPSHOT}" ] then unpack ${P}.tar.bz2 else unpack gcc-${SNAPSHOT//-}.tar.bz2 fi cd ${S} # Fixup libtool to correctly generate .la files with portage elibtoolize --portage --shallow # Fixes a bug in gcc-3.1 and above ... -maccumulate-outgoing-args flag (added # in gcc-3.1) causes gcc to misconstruct the function call frame in many cases. # Thanks to Ronald Hummelink for bringing it to # our attention. # # http://archive.linuxfromscratch.org/mail-archives/lfs-dev/2002/08/ # http://archive.linuxfromscratch.org/mail-archives/lfs-dev/2002/08/0319.html # http://archive.linuxfromscratch.org/mail-archives/lfs-dev/2002/08/0350.html # http://archive.linuxfromscratch.org/mail-archives/lfs-dev/2002/08/0410.html # http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2002-08/msg00731.html # cd ${S}; patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/gcc-3-deopt.patch || die # Currently if any path is changed via the configure script, it breaks # installing into ${D}. We should not patch it in src_install() with # absolute paths, as some modules then gets rebuild with the wrong # paths. Thus we use $FAKE_ROOT. cd ${S} for x in $(find . -name Makefile.in) do # cp ${x} ${x}.orig # Fix --datadir= # sed -e 's:datadir = @datadir@:datadir = $(FAKE_ROOT)@datadir@:' \ # ${x}.orig > ${x} cp ${x} ${x}.orig # Fix --with-gxx-include-dir= sed -e 's:gxx_include_dir = @gxx_:gxx_include_dir = $(FAKE_ROOT)@gxx_:' \ -e 's:glibcppinstalldir = @gxx_:glibcppinstalldir = $(FAKE_ROOT)@gxx_:' \ ${x}.orig > ${x} rm -f ${x}.orig done } src_compile() { local myconf="" local gcc_lang="" if [ -z "`use build`" ] then myconf="${myconf} --enable-shared" gcc_lang="c,c++,ada,f77,objc" else gcc_lang="c" fi if [ -z "`use nls`" ] || [ "`use build`" ] then myconf="${myconf} --disable-nls" else myconf="${myconf} --enable-nls --without-included-gettext" fi if [ -n "`use java`" ] && [ -z "`use build`" ] then gcc_lang="${gcc_lang},java" fi # Only build with a program suffix if it is not our # default compiler. Also check $GCCBUILD until we got # compilers sorted out. # # NOTE: for software to detirmine gcc version, it will be easier # if we have gcc, gcc-3.0 and gcc-3.1, and NOT gcc-3.0.4. if build_multiple then myconf="${myconf} --program-suffix=${GCC_SUFFIX}" fi # In general gcc does not like optimization export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS//-O?}" export CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS//-O?}" # Build in a separate build tree mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/build cd ${WORKDIR}/build addwrite "/dev/zero" ${S}/configure --prefix=${LOC} \ --mandir=${LOC}/share/man \ --infodir=${LOC}/share/info \ --enable-shared \ --host=${CHOST} \ --build=${CHOST} \ --target=${CHOST} \ --with-system-zlib \ --enable-languages=${gcc_lang} \ --enable-threads=posix \ --enable-long-long \ --disable-checking \ --enable-cstdio=stdio \ --enable-clocale=generic \ --enable-__cxa_atexit \ --enable-version-specific-runtime-libs \ --with-gxx-include-dir=${STDCXX_INCDIR} \ --with-local-prefix=${LOC}/local \ ${myconf} || die touch ${S}/gcc/c-gperf.h if [ -z "`use static`" ] then # Fix for our libtool-portage.patch S="${WORKDIR}/build" \ emake bootstrap-lean || die else S="${WORKDIR}/build" \ emake LDFLAGS=-static bootstrap || die fi # Fixes the manpage for the "-maccumulate-outgoing-args bug" cd ${S}; patch -p0 < ${FILESDIR}/gcc-3-deopt-doc.patch || die } src_install() { # Do the 'make install' from the build directory cd ${WORKDIR}/build S="${WORKDIR}/build" \ make prefix=${D}${LOC} \ mandir=${D}${LOC}/share/man \ infodir=${D}${LOC}/share/info \ FAKE_ROOT=${D} \ install || die if ! build_multiple then GCC_SUFFIX="" fi [ -e ${D}${LOC}/bin/gcc${GCC_SUFFIX} ] || die "gcc not found in ${D}" FULLPATH=${LOC}/lib/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/${PV/_pre} FULLPATH_D=${D}${LOC}/lib/gcc-lib/${CHOST}/${PV/_pre} cd ${FULLPATH_D} dodir /lib dodir /etc/env.d echo "LDPATH=${FULLPATH}" > ${D}/etc/env.d/05gcc${GCC_SUFFIX} if ! build_multiple then dosym /usr/bin/cpp /lib/cpp dosym gcc /usr/bin/cc fi # gcc-3.1 have a problem with the ordering of Search Directories. For # instance, if you have libreadline.so in /lib, and libreadline.a in # /usr/lib, then it will link with libreadline.a instead of .so. As far # as I can see from the source, /lib should be searched before /usr/lib, # and this also differs from gcc-2.95.3 and possibly 3.0.4, but ill have # to check on 3.0.4. Thanks to Daniel Robbins for noticing this oddity, # bugzilla bug #4411 # # Azarah - 3 Jul 2002 # cd ${FULLPATH_D} dosed -e "s:%{L\*} %(link_libgcc):%{L\*} -L/lib %(link_libgcc):" \ ${FULLPATH}/specs # Make sure we dont have stuff lying around that # can nuke multiple versions of gcc if [ -z "`use build`" ] then cd ${FULLPATH_D} # Tell libtool files where real libraries are for LA in ${D}${LOC}/lib/*.la ${FULLPATH_D}/../*.la do if [ -f ${LA} ] then sed -e "s:/usr/lib:${FULLPATH}:" ${LA} > ${LA}.hacked mv ${LA}.hacked ${LA} mv ${LA} ${FULLPATH_D} fi done # Move all the libraries to version specific libdir. for x in ${D}${LOC}/lib/*.{so,a}* ${FULLPATH_D}/../*.{so,a}* do [ -f ${x} ] && mv -f ${x} ${FULLPATH_D} done # Move Java headers to compiler-specific dir for x in ${D}${LOC}/include/gc*.h ${D}${LOC}/include/j*.h do [ -f ${x} ] && mv -f ${x} ${FULLPATH_D}/include/ done for x in gcj gnu java javax org do if [ -d ${D}${LOC}/include/${x} ] then mkdir -p ${FULLPATH_D}/include/${x} mv -f ${D}${LOC}/include/${x}/* ${FULLPATH_D}/include/${x}/ rm -rf ${D}${LOC}/include/${x} fi done # Move libgcj.spec to compiler-specific directories [ -f ${D}${LOC}/lib/libgcj.spec ] && \ mv -f ${D}${LOC}/lib/libgcj.spec ${FULLPATH_D}/libgcj.spec # Rename jar because it could clash with Kaffe's jar if this gcc is # primary compiler (aka don't have the - extension) cd ${D}${LOC}/bin [ -f jar${GCC_SUFFIX} ] && mv -f jar${GCC_SUFFIX} gcj-jar${GCC_SUFFIX} # Move to compiler-specific directories [ -f ${D}${STDCXX_INCDIR}/cxxabi.h ] && \ mv -f ${D}${STDCXX_INCDIR}/cxxabi.h ${FULLPATH_D}/include/ if build_multiple then # Now fix the manpages cd ${D}${LOC}/share/man/man1 mv cpp.1 cpp${GCC_SUFFIX}.1 mv gcov.1 gcov${GCC_SUFFIX}.1 fi fi # This one comes with binutils if [ -f ${D}${LOC}/lib/libiberty.a ] then rm -f ${D}${LOC}/lib/libiberty.a fi cd ${S} if [ -z "`use build`" ] then cd ${S} docinto / dodoc COPYING COPYING.LIB ChangeLog FAQ GNATS MAINTAINERS README docinto html dohtml *.html cd ${S}/boehm-gc docinto boehm-gc dodoc ChangeLog doc/{README*,barrett_diagram} docinto boehm-gc/html dohtml doc/*.html cd ${S}/gcc docinto gcc dodoc ChangeLog* FSFChangeLog* LANGUAGES NEWS ONEWS README* SERVICE cd ${S}/libf2c docinto libf2c dodoc ChangeLog README TODO *.netlib cd ${S}/libffi docinto libffi dodoc ChangeLog* LICENSE README cd ${S}/libiberty docinto libiberty dodoc ChangeLog COPYING.LIB README cd ${S}/libobjc docinto libobjc dodoc ChangeLog README* THREADS* cd ${S}/libstdc++-v3 docinto libstdc++-v3 dodoc ChangeLog* README docinto libstdc++-v3/html dohtml -r -a css,diff,html,txt,xml docs/html/* cp -f docs/html/17_intro/[A-Z]* \ ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/${DOCDESTTREE}/17_intro/ if [ -n "`use java`" ] then cd ${S}/fastjar docinto fastjar dodoc AUTHORS CHANGES COPYING ChangeLog NEWS README cd ${S}/libjava docinto libjava dodoc ChangeLog* COPYING HACKING LIBGCJ_LICENSE NEWS README THANKS fi else rm -rf ${D}/usr/share/{man,info} fi # Fix ncurses b0rking find ${D}/ -name '*curses.h' -exec rm -f {} \; } pkg_postrm() { if [ ! -L ${ROOT}/lib/cpp ] then ln -sf /usr/bin/cpp ${ROOT}/lib/cpp fi if [ ! -L ${ROOT}/usr/bin/cc ] then ln -sf gcc ${ROOT}/usr/bin/cc fi # Fix ncurses b0rking (if r5 isn't unmerged) find ${ROOT}/usr/lib/gcc-lib -name '*curses.h' -exec rm -f {} \; }