"""pomu command line interface""" import click from os import path from pomu.data.zugaina import ZugainaDataSource from pomu.patch.patch import process_changes from pomu.repo.init import init_plain_repo, init_portage_repo from pomu.repo.repo import portage_repo_path, portage_repos, pomu_active_repo from pomu.search import PSPrompt from pomu.source import dispatcher from pomu.util.pkg import cpv_split from pomu.util.result import ResultException #TODO: global --repo option, (env var?) class GlobalVars(): """Global state""" def __init__(self): self.no_portage = False self.repo_path = None g_params = GlobalVars() class needs_repo(): def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.__name__ = func.__name__ self.__doc__ = func.__doc__ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): pomu_active_repo(g_params.no_portage, g_params.repo_path) self.func(*args, **kwargs) pass_globals = click.make_pass_decorator(GlobalVars, ensure=True) @click.group(context_settings=dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])) @click.option('--no-portage', is_flag=True, help='Do not setup the portage repo') @click.option('--repo-path', help='Path to the repo directory (used with --no-portage)') def main(no_portage, repo_path): """A utility to import and manage ebuilds portage overlays""" g_params.no_portage = no_portage g_params.repo_path = repo_path @main.command() @click.option('--list-repos', is_flag=True, help='Lists available repositories') @click.option('--create', is_flag=True, help='Create the repository, instead of using an existing one') @click.option('--repo-dir', envvar='POMU_REPO_DIR', default='/var/lib/pomu', help='Path for creating new repos') @click.argument('repo', required=False) def init(list_repos, create, repo_dir, repo): """Initialise a pomu repository""" if list_repos: print('Available repos:') for prepo in portage_repos(): print('\t', prepo, portage_repo_path(prepo)) return if g_params.no_portage: print(init_plain_repo(create, g_params.repo_path).expect()) else: print(init_portage_repo(create, repo, repo_dir).expect()) @main.command() @needs_repo def status(): """Display pomu status""" repo = pomu_active_repo() if repo.name: print('pomu is initialized for reporitory', repo.name, 'at', repo.root) else: print('pomu is initialized at', repo.root) @main.command(name='import') @click.argument('package', required=True) @click.option('--patch', nargs=1, multiple=True) @needs_repo def import_cmd(package, patch): """Import a package into a repository""" pkg = dispatcher.get_package(package).expect() pkg.patch(patch) res = pomu_active_repo().merge(pkg).expect() print(res) @main.command() @click.argument('package', required=True) @click.argument('patch', type=click.Path(exists=True), nargs=-1, required=True) def patch(package): """Patch an existing package""" category, name, *_ = cpv_split(package) pkg = pomu_active_repo().get_package(name=name, category=category).expect() pkg.patch(patch).expect() @main.command() @click.option('--single', is_flag=True, required=False, default=False) def commit(single): """Commit user changes""" repo = pomu_active_repo() change_map = process_changes(repo, single).expect() @main.command() @click.option('--uri', is_flag=True, help='Specify the package to remove by uri, instead of its name') @click.argument('package', required=True) @needs_repo def uninstall(uri, package): """Uninstall a package""" repo = pomu_active_repo() if uri: res = dispatcher.uninstall_package(repo, package).expect() print(res) else: res = repo.remove_package(package).expect() return res @main.command() @click.argument('package', required=True) @click.option('--into', default=None, help='Specify fetch destination') def fetch(package, into): """Fetch a package into a directory (or display its contents)""" pkg = dispatcher.get_package(package).expect() print('Fetched package', pkg, 'at', pkg.root) print('Contents:') for f in pkg.files: print(' ', path.join(*f)) if into: pkg.merge_into(into).expect() print('Copied to', into, 'successfully') @main.command() @click.argument('package', required=True) @needs_repo def show(package): """Display installed package info""" repo = pomu_active_repo() category, _, name = package.rpartition('/') name, _, slot = name.partition(':') pkg = repo.get_package(name, category, slot).expect() print('Package', pkg, 'version', pkg.version) print('Merged into repository', repo.name, 'at', repo.root) for f in pkg.files: print(' ', path.join(*f)) if pkg.backend: print('Backend:', pkg.backend.__cname__) print('Backend detailes:', pkg.backend) @main.command() @click.argument('query', required=True) @click.option('--fetch-only', default=False, is_flag=True) def search(query, fetch_only): """Search gpo.zugaina.org""" ds = ZugainaDataSource(query) p = PSPrompt(ds) packages = p.run() def main_(): try: main.main() except ResultException as e: print(str(e)) if __name__ == '__main__': main_()