diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'extract/src/')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extract/src/ b/extract/src/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..b528bcb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extract/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+Creates C code for creating docx files using internal template docx content.
+ -i <docx-path>
+ Set template docx file to extract from.
+ -o <out-path>
+ Set name of output files.
+ We write to <out-path>.c and <out-path>.h.
+import io
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import textwrap
+def system(command):
+ '''
+ Like os.system() but raises exception if command fails.
+ '''
+ e = os.system(command)
+ if e:
+ print(f'command failed: {command}')
+ assert 0
+def read(path):
+ '''
+ Returns contents of file. We assume it is utf-8.
+ '''
+ with open(path, 'rb') as f:
+ raw =
+ return raw.decode('utf-8')
+def write(text, path):
+ '''
+ Writes text to file.
+ '''
+ parent = os.path.dirname(path)
+ if parent:
+ os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True)
+ with open(path, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(text)
+def write_if_diff(text, path):
+ try:
+ old = read(path)
+ except Exception:
+ old = None
+ if text != old:
+ write(text, path)
+def check_path_safe(path):
+ '''
+ Raises exception unless path consists only of characters and sequences that
+ are known to be safe for shell commands.
+ '''
+ if '..' in path:
+ raise Exception(f'Path is unsafe because contains "..": {path!r}')
+ for c in path:
+ if not c.isalnum() and c not in '/._-':
+ #print(f'unsafe character {c} in: {path}')
+ raise Exception(f'Path is unsafe because contains "{c}": {path!r}')
+def path_safe(path):
+ '''
+ Returns True if path is safe else False.
+ '''
+ try:
+ check_path_safe(path)
+ except Exception:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+assert not path_safe('foo;rm -rf *')
+assert not path_safe('..')
+assert path_safe('foo/bar.x')
+def main():
+ path_in = None
+ path_out = None
+ args = iter(sys.argv[1:])
+ while 1:
+ try: arg = next(args)
+ except StopIteration: break
+ if arg == '-h' or arg == '--help':
+ print(__doc__)
+ return
+ elif arg == '--docx-pretty':
+ d = next(args)
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(d):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ if not filename.endswith('.xml'):
+ continue
+ path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+ system(f'xmllint --format {path} > {path}-')
+ system(f'mv {path}- {path}')
+ elif arg == '-i':
+ path_in = next(args)
+ elif arg == '-o':
+ path_out = next(args)
+ else:
+ assert 0
+ if not path_in:
+ return
+ if not path_in:
+ raise Exception('Need to specify -i <docx-path>')
+ if not path_out:
+ raise Exception('Need to specify -o <out-path>')
+ check_path_safe(path_in)
+ check_path_safe(path_out)
+ path_temp = f'{path_in}.dir'
+ os.system(f'rm -r "{path_temp}" 2>/dev/null')
+ system(f'unzip -q -d {path_temp} {path_in}')
+ out_c = io.StringIO()
+ out_c.write(f'/* THIS IS AUTO-GENERATED CODE, DO NOT EDIT. */\n')
+ out_c.write(f'\n')
+ out_c.write(f'#include "{os.path.basename(path_out)}.h"\n')
+ out_c.write(f'\n')
+ out_c.write('const docx_template_item_t docx_template_items[] =\n')
+ out_c.write(f'{{\n')
+ num_items = 0
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path_temp):
+ dirnames.sort()
+ if 0:
+ # Write code to create directory item in zip. This isn't recognised by zipinfo, and doesn't
+ # make Word like the file.
+ #
+ name = dirpath[ len(path_temp)+1: ]
+ if name:
+ if not name.endswith('/'):
+ name += '/'
+ out_c3.write(f' if (extract_zip_write_file(zip, NULL, 0, "{name}")) goto end;\n')
+ for filename in sorted(filenames):
+ num_items += 1
+ path = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+ name = path[ len(path_temp)+1: ]
+ text = read(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
+ #print(f'first line is: %r' % text.split("\n")[0])
+ text = text.replace('"', '\\"')
+ # Looks like template files use \r\n when we interpret them as
+ # utf-8, so we preserve this in the generated strings.
+ #
+ text = text.replace('\r\n', '\\r\\n"\n "')
+ # Split on '<' to avoid overly-long lines, which break windows
+ # compiler.
+ #
+ text = re.sub('([<][^/])', '"\n "\\1', text)
+ # Remove name of document creator.
+ #
+ for tag in 'dc:creator', 'cp:lastModifiedBy':
+ text = re.sub(f'[<]{tag}[>][^<]*[<]/{tag}[>]', f'<{tag}></{tag}>', text)
+ out_c.write(f' {{\n')
+ out_c.write(f' "{name}",\n')
+ out_c.write(f' "{text}"\n')
+ out_c.write(f' }},\n')
+ out_c.write(f' \n')
+ out_c.write(f'}};\n')
+ out_c.write(f'\n')
+ out_c.write(f'int docx_template_items_num = {num_items};\n')
+ out_c = out_c.getvalue()
+ write_if_diff(out_c, f'{path_out}.c')
+ out_h = io.StringIO()
+ out_h.write(f'#ifndef EXTRACT_DOCX_TEMPLATE_H\n')
+ out_h.write(f'#define EXTRACT_DOCX_TEMPLATE_H\n')
+ out_h.write(f'\n')
+ out_h.write(f'/* THIS IS AUTO-GENERATED CODE, DO NOT EDIT. */\n')
+ out_h.write(f'\n')
+ out_h.write(f'\n')
+ out_h.write(f'typedef struct\n')
+ out_h.write(f'{{\n')
+ out_h.write(f' const char* name; /* Name of item in docx archive. */\n')
+ out_h.write(f' const char* text; /* Contents of item in docx archive. */\n')
+ out_h.write(f'}} docx_template_item_t;\n')
+ out_h.write(f'\n')
+ out_h.write(f'extern const docx_template_item_t docx_template_items[];\n')
+ out_h.write(f'extern int docx_template_items_num;\n')
+ out_h.write(f'\n')
+ out_h.write(f'\n')
+ out_h.write(f'#endif\n')
+ write_if_diff(out_h.getvalue(), f'{path_out}.h')
+ #os.system(f'rm -r "{path_temp}"')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()