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- OpenJPIP software 2.1 ReadMe
-Written by:
-Kaori Hagihara
-February 18 2011
-1. Introduction
-2. License
-3. System requirements
-4. Implementing instructions
-5. JP2 encoding instructions
-1. Introduction
-OpenJPIP software is an implementation of JPEG 2000 Part9: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols (JPIP).
-( For more info about JPIP, check the website:
-The current implementation uses some results from the 2KAN project (
-Version 2.1 covers:
- - JPT-stream (Tile) and JPP-stream (Precinct) media types
- - Session, channels, cache model managements
- - JPIP over HTTP, HTTP requests and TCP return
- - Indexing JPEG 2000 files
- - Embedding XML formatted metadata
- - Region Of Interest (ROI) requests
- - Access to JP2 files with their URL
-2. License
-This software is released under the BSD license, anybody can use or modify the library, even for commercial applications.
-The only restriction is to retain the copyright in the sources or the binaries documentation.
-Neither the author, nor the university accept any responsibility for any kind of error or data loss which may occur during usage.
-3. System requirements
- - FastCGI development kit (C libraries) at server (
- - libcURL library
- - Java application launcher at client
- - Xerces2 java XML parser on the client for accessing embedded image metadata (
-We tested this software with a virtual server running on the same Linux machine as the clients.
-4. Building instructions
-A Makefile is available in the same directory as this README file. Simply type 'make' and it will build all the required C-executables.
-Concerning the java-based opj_viewer, simply type 'ant' in the corresponding directory (requires 'ant' utility of course)
-The documentation can be build this way (requires doxygen utility):
- cd doc
- doxygen Doxyfile
-5. Usage
-Preliminary notes :
- * HTML documentation is available at
- * Example image is available at (20 Mb !)
- You need a webserver running with the fastcgi module enabled and correctly configured.
- For Apache, add the following line to your /etc/apache2/mods-available/fastcgi.conf configuration file:
- FastCGIExternalServer /var/www/myFCGI -host localhost:3000
- where /var/www is your DocumentRoot.
- Please refer to '' for more details.
- 1. Store JP2 files in the same directory as opj_server
- 2. Launch opj_server from the server terminal:
- % spawn-fcgi -f ./opj_server -p 3000 -n
- For shutting down JPIP server:
- %GET http://hostname/myFCGI?quitJPIP
- Notice, http://hostname/myFCGI is the HTTP server URI (myFCGI refers to opj_server by the server setting)
- Requst message "quitJPIP" can be changed in Makfile, modify -DQUIT_SIGNAL=\"quitJPIP\"
- 1. Launch image decoding server, and keep it alive as long as image viewers are open
- % ./opj_dec_server [portnumber (50000 by default)]
- You might prefer to implement this program from another directory since cache files are saved in the working directory.
- % mkdir cache
- % cd cache
- % ../opj_dec_server
- 2. Open image viewers (as many as needed)
- % java -jar opj_viewer.jar http://hostname/myFCGI path/filename.jp2 [hostname] [portnumber] [stateless/session] [jptstream/jppstream] [tcp/udp]
- ( The arguments
- - http://hostname/myFCGI is the HTTP server URI (myFCGI refers to opj_server by the server setting)
- - path/filename.jp2 is the server local path or URL of a JP2 file
- - host name of opj_dec_server, localhost by default
- - portnumber of opj_dec_server, 50000 by default
- - request type stateless for no caching, session (default) for caching
- - return media type, JPT-stream tile based stream, or JPP-stream (default) precinct based stream
- - auxiliary return protocol, tcp or udp (udp is not implemented yet), if not given, return data is filled in http chunk
- Image viewer GUI instructions:
- Scale up request: Enlarge the window
- ROI request: Select a region by mouse click and drag, then click inside the red frame of the selected region
- <If Xerces2 is installed>
- % java -jar opj_viewer_xerces.jar http://hostname/myFCGI JP2_filename.jp2
- Annotate image with ROI information in XML metadata: Click button "Region Of Interest"
- Open a new window presenting an aligned image with a locally stored image: Click button "Image Registration" (Under Construction)
- 3. Quit the image decoding server through the telnet, be sure all image viewers are closed
- % telnet localhost 50000
- quit
-5. JP2 encoding instructions
-An example to encode a TIF image "copenhague1.tif" at resolution 4780x4050, 8bit/pixel, grayscale.
- % ./image_to_j2k -i copenhague1.tif -o copenhague1.jp2 -p RPCL -c [64,64] -t 640,480 -jpip -TP R
- options
- -jpip : embed index table 'cidx' box into the output JP2 file (obligation for JPIP)
- -TP R : partition a tile into tile parts of different resolution levels (obligation for JPT-stream)
- 3. Embed metadata into JP2 file
- % ./addXMLinJP2 copenhague1.jp2 copenhague1.xml
- Input metadata file "copenhague1.xml" looks like:
- <xmlbox>
- <roi name="island" x="1890" y="1950" w="770" h="310"/>
- <roi name="ship" x="750" y="330" w="100" h="60"/>
- <roi name="airport" x="650" y="1800" w="650" h="800"/>
- <roi name="harbor" x="4200" y="1650" w="130" h="130"/>
- <irt refimg="name1.jp2" m1="0.50" m2="-0.50" m3="0" m4="0.80" m5="-0.80" m6="0" m7="500" m8="1000" m9="0"/>
- </xmlbox>