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Diffstat (limited to 'tesseract/src/ccmain/tesseractclass.cpp')
1 files changed, 707 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tesseract/src/ccmain/tesseractclass.cpp b/tesseract/src/ccmain/tesseractclass.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdd88c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tesseract/src/ccmain/tesseractclass.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+// File: tesseractclass.cpp
+// Description: The Tesseract class. It holds/owns everything needed
+// to run Tesseract on a single language, and also a set of
+// sub-Tesseracts to run sub-languages. For thread safety, *every*
+// variable that was previously global or static (except for
+// constant data, and some visual debugging flags) has been moved
+// in here, directly, or indirectly.
+// This makes it safe to run multiple Tesseracts in different
+// threads in parallel, and keeps the different language
+// instances separate.
+// Some global functions remain, but they are isolated re-entrant
+// functions that operate on their arguments. Functions that work
+// on variable data have been moved to an appropriate class based
+// mostly on the directory hierarchy. For more information see
+// slide 6 of "2ArchitectureAndDataStructures" in
+// Some global data and related functions still exist in the
+// training-related code, but they don't interfere with normal
+// recognition operation.
+// Author: Ray Smith
+// (C) Copyright 2008, Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf.
+#include "config_auto.h"
+#include "tesseractclass.h"
+#include "allheaders.h"
+#include "edgblob.h"
+#include "equationdetect.h"
+#include "lstmrecognizer.h"
+namespace tesseract {
+ : BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_resegment_from_boxes, false,
+ "Take segmentation and labeling from box file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_resegment_from_line_boxes, false,
+ "Conversion of word/line box file to char box file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_train_from_boxes, false,
+ "Generate training data from boxed chars", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_make_boxes_from_boxes, false,
+ "Generate more boxes from boxed chars", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_train_line_recognizer, false,
+ "Break input into lines and remap boxes if present",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_dump_pageseg_images, false,
+ "Dump intermediate images made during page segmentation",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_do_invert, true,
+ "Try inverting the image in `LSTMRecognizeWord`", this->params()),
+ // The default for pageseg_mode is the old behaviour, so as not to
+ // upset anything that relies on that.
+ tessedit_pageseg_mode, PSM_SINGLE_BLOCK,
+ "Page seg mode: 0=osd only, 1=auto+osd, 2=auto_only, 3=auto, 4=column,"
+ " 5=block_vert, 6=block, 7=line, 8=word, 9=word_circle, 10=char,"
+ "11=sparse_text, 12=sparse_text+osd, 13=raw_line"
+ " (Values from PageSegMode enum in tesseract/publictypes.h)",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_INIT_MEMBER(tessedit_ocr_engine_mode, tesseract::OEM_DEFAULT,
+ "Which OCR engine(s) to run (Tesseract, LSTM, both)."
+ " Defaults to loading and running the most accurate"
+ " available.",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(tessedit_char_blacklist, "",
+ "Blacklist of chars not to recognize", this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(tessedit_char_whitelist, "",
+ "Whitelist of chars to recognize", this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(tessedit_char_unblacklist, "",
+ "List of chars to override tessedit_char_blacklist",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_ambigs_training, false,
+ "Perform training for ambiguities", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(pageseg_devanagari_split_strategy,
+ tesseract::ShiroRekhaSplitter::NO_SPLIT,
+ "Whether to use the top-line splitting process for Devanagari "
+ "documents while performing page-segmentation.",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(ocr_devanagari_split_strategy,
+ tesseract::ShiroRekhaSplitter::NO_SPLIT,
+ "Whether to use the top-line splitting process for Devanagari "
+ "documents while performing ocr.",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(tessedit_write_params_to_file, "",
+ "Write all parameters to the given file.", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_adaption_debug, false,
+ "Generate and print debug"
+ " information for adaption",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(bidi_debug, 0, "Debug level for BiDi", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(applybox_debug, 1, "Debug level", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(applybox_page, 0, "Page number to apply boxes from",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(applybox_exposure_pattern, ".exp",
+ "Exposure value follows"
+ " this pattern in the image filename. The name of the image"
+ " files are expected to be in the form"
+ " [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(applybox_learn_chars_and_char_frags_mode, false,
+ "Learn both character fragments (as is done in the"
+ " special low exposure mode) as well as unfragmented"
+ " characters.",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(applybox_learn_ngrams_mode, false,
+ "Each bounding box"
+ " is assumed to contain ngrams. Only learn the ngrams"
+ " whose outlines overlap horizontally.",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_display_outwords, false, "Draw output words",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_dump_choices, false, "Dump char choices",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_timing_debug, false, "Print timing stats",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_fix_fuzzy_spaces, true,
+ "Try to improve fuzzy spaces", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_unrej_any_wd, false,
+ "Don't bother with word plausibility", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_fix_hyphens, true, "Crunch double hyphens?",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_enable_doc_dict, true,
+ "Add words to the document dictionary", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_debug_fonts, false, "Output font info per char",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_debug_block_rejection, false, "Block and Row stats",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_enable_bigram_correction, true,
+ "Enable correction based on the word bigram dictionary.",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_enable_dict_correction, false,
+ "Enable single word correction based on the dictionary.",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(tessedit_bigram_debug, 0,
+ "Amount of debug output for bigram correction.",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(enable_noise_removal, true,
+ "Remove and conditionally reassign small outlines when they"
+ " confuse layout analysis, determining diacritics vs noise",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(debug_noise_removal, 0, "Debug reassignment of small outlines",
+ this->params()),
+ // Worst (min) certainty, for which a diacritic is allowed to make the
+ // base
+ // character worse and still be included.
+ double_MEMBER(noise_cert_basechar, -8.0,
+ "Hingepoint for base char certainty", this->params()),
+ // Worst (min) certainty, for which a non-overlapping diacritic is allowed
+ // to make the base character worse and still be included.
+ double_MEMBER(noise_cert_disjoint, -1.0,
+ "Hingepoint for disjoint certainty", this->params()),
+ // Worst (min) certainty, for which a diacritic is allowed to make a new
+ // stand-alone blob.
+ double_MEMBER(noise_cert_punc, -3.0,
+ "Threshold for new punc char certainty", this->params()),
+ // Factor of certainty margin for adding diacritics to not count as worse.
+ double_MEMBER(noise_cert_factor, 0.375,
+ "Scaling on certainty diff from Hingepoint",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(noise_maxperblob, 8, "Max diacritics to apply to a blob",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(noise_maxperword, 16, "Max diacritics to apply to a word",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(debug_x_ht_level, 0, "Reestimate debug", this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(chs_leading_punct, "('`\"", "Leading punctuation",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(chs_trailing_punct1, ").,;:?!", "1st Trailing punctuation",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(chs_trailing_punct2, ")'`\"", "2nd Trailing punctuation",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(quality_rej_pc, 0.08,
+ "good_quality_doc lte rejection limit", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(quality_blob_pc, 0.0,
+ "good_quality_doc gte good blobs limit", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(quality_outline_pc, 1.0,
+ "good_quality_doc lte outline error limit", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(quality_char_pc, 0.95,
+ "good_quality_doc gte good char limit", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(quality_min_initial_alphas_reqd, 2, "alphas in a good word",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(tessedit_tess_adaption_mode, 0x27,
+ "Adaptation decision algorithm for tess", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_minimal_rej_pass1, false,
+ "Do minimal rejection on pass 1 output", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_test_adaption, false, "Test adaption criteria",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(test_pt, false, "Test for point", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(test_pt_x, 99999.99, "xcoord", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(test_pt_y, 99999.99, "ycoord", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(multilang_debug_level, 0, "Print multilang debug info.",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(paragraph_debug_level, 0, "Print paragraph debug info.",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(paragraph_text_based, true,
+ "Run paragraph detection on the post-text-recognition "
+ "(more accurate)",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(lstm_use_matrix, 1,
+ "Use ratings matrix/beam search with lstm", this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(outlines_odd, "%| ", "Non standard number of outlines",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(outlines_2, "ij!?%\":;", "Non standard number of outlines",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_good_quality_unrej, true,
+ "Reduce rejection on good docs", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_use_reject_spaces, true, "Reject spaces?",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(tessedit_reject_doc_percent, 65.00,
+ "%rej allowed before rej whole doc", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(tessedit_reject_block_percent, 45.00,
+ "%rej allowed before rej whole block", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(tessedit_reject_row_percent, 40.00,
+ "%rej allowed before rej whole row", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(tessedit_whole_wd_rej_row_percent, 70.00,
+ "Number of row rejects in whole word rejects"
+ " which prevents whole row rejection",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_preserve_blk_rej_perfect_wds, true,
+ "Only rej partially rejected words in block rejection",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_preserve_row_rej_perfect_wds, true,
+ "Only rej partially rejected words in row rejection",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_dont_blkrej_good_wds, false,
+ "Use word segmentation quality metric", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_dont_rowrej_good_wds, false,
+ "Use word segmentation quality metric", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(tessedit_preserve_min_wd_len, 2,
+ "Only preserve wds longer than this", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_row_rej_good_docs, true,
+ "Apply row rejection to good docs", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(tessedit_good_doc_still_rowrej_wd, 1.1,
+ "rej good doc wd if more than this fraction rejected",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_reject_bad_qual_wds, true,
+ "Reject all bad quality wds", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_debug_doc_rejection, false, "Page stats",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_debug_quality_metrics, false,
+ "Output data to debug file", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(bland_unrej, false, "unrej potential with no checks",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(quality_rowrej_pc, 1.1,
+ "good_quality_doc gte good char limit", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(unlv_tilde_crunching, false,
+ "Mark v.bad words for tilde crunch", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(hocr_font_info, false, "Add font info to hocr output",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(hocr_char_boxes, false, "Add coordinates for each character to hocr output",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(crunch_early_merge_tess_fails, true, "Before word crunch?",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(crunch_early_convert_bad_unlv_chs, false,
+ "Take out ~^ early?", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_terrible_rating, 80.0, "crunch rating lt this",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(crunch_terrible_garbage, true, "As it says", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_poor_garbage_cert, -9.0,
+ "crunch garbage cert lt this", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_poor_garbage_rate, 60,
+ "crunch garbage rating lt this", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_pot_poor_rate, 40, "POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_pot_poor_cert, -8.0, "POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_del_rating, 60, "POTENTIAL crunch rating lt this",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_del_cert, -10.0, "POTENTIAL crunch cert lt this",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_del_min_ht, 0.7, "Del if word ht lt xht x this",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_del_max_ht, 3.0, "Del if word ht gt xht x this",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_del_min_width, 3.0,
+ "Del if word width lt xht x this", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_del_high_word, 1.5,
+ "Del if word gt xht x this above bl", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_del_low_word, 0.5,
+ "Del if word gt xht x this below bl", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(crunch_small_outlines_size, 0.6, "Small if lt xht x this",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(crunch_rating_max, 10, "For adj length in rating per ch",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(crunch_pot_indicators, 1,
+ "How many potential indicators needed", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(crunch_leave_ok_strings, true, "Don't touch sensible strings",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(crunch_accept_ok, true, "Use acceptability in okstring",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(crunch_leave_accept_strings, false,
+ "Don't pot crunch sensible strings", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(crunch_include_numerals, false, "Fiddle alpha figures",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(crunch_leave_lc_strings, 4,
+ "Don't crunch words with long lower case strings",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(crunch_leave_uc_strings, 4,
+ "Don't crunch words with long lower case strings",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(crunch_long_repetitions, 3,
+ "Crunch words with long repetitions", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(crunch_debug, 0, "As it says", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(fixsp_non_noise_limit, 1,
+ "How many non-noise blbs either side?", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(fixsp_small_outlines_size, 0.28, "Small if lt xht x this",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_prefer_joined_punct, false,
+ "Reward punctuation joins", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(fixsp_done_mode, 1, "What constitues done for spacing",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(debug_fix_space_level, 0, "Contextual fixspace debug",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(numeric_punctuation, ".,",
+ "Punct. chs expected WITHIN numbers", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(x_ht_acceptance_tolerance, 8,
+ "Max allowed deviation of blob top outside of font data",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(x_ht_min_change, 8,
+ "Min change in xht before actually trying it", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(superscript_debug, 0,
+ "Debug level for sub & superscript fixer", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(
+ superscript_worse_certainty, 2.0,
+ "How many times worse "
+ "certainty does a superscript position glyph need to be for "
+ "us to try classifying it as a char with a different "
+ "baseline?",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(
+ superscript_bettered_certainty, 0.97,
+ "What reduction in "
+ "badness do we think sufficient to choose a superscript "
+ "over what we'd thought. For example, a value of 0.6 means "
+ "we want to reduce badness of certainty by at least 40%",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(superscript_scaledown_ratio, 0.4,
+ "A superscript scaled down more than this is unbelievably "
+ "small. For example, 0.3 means we expect the font size to "
+ "be no smaller than 30% of the text line font size.",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(subscript_max_y_top, 0.5,
+ "Maximum top of a character measured as a multiple of "
+ "x-height above the baseline for us to reconsider whether "
+ "it's a subscript.",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(superscript_min_y_bottom, 0.3,
+ "Minimum bottom of a character measured as a multiple of "
+ "x-height above the baseline for us to reconsider whether "
+ "it's a superscript.",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_write_block_separators, false,
+ "Write block separators in output", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_write_rep_codes, false, "Write repetition char code",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_write_unlv, false, "Write .unlv output file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_txt, false, "Write .txt output file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_hocr, false, "Write .html hOCR output file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_alto, false, "Write .xml ALTO file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_lstmbox, false, "Write .box file for LSTM training",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_tsv, false, "Write .tsv output file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_wordstrbox, false, "Write WordStr format .box output file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_pdf, false, "Write .pdf output file",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(textonly_pdf, false,
+ "Create PDF with only one invisible text layer",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(jpg_quality, 85, "Set JPEG quality level", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(user_defined_dpi, 0, "Specify DPI for input image",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(min_characters_to_try, 50,
+ "Specify minimum characters to try during OSD",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(unrecognised_char, "|",
+ "Output char for unidentified blobs", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(suspect_level, 99, "Suspect marker level", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(suspect_short_words, 2,
+ "Don't suspect dict wds longer than this", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(suspect_constrain_1Il, false, "UNLV keep 1Il chars rejected",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(suspect_rating_per_ch, 999.9,
+ "Don't touch bad rating limit", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(suspect_accept_rating, -999.9, "Accept good rating limit",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_minimal_rejection, false,
+ "Only reject tess failures", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_zero_rejection, false, "Don't reject ANYTHING",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_word_for_word, false,
+ "Make output have exactly one word per WERD", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_zero_kelvin_rejection, false,
+ "Don't reject ANYTHING AT ALL", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(tessedit_reject_mode, 0, "Rejection algorithm",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_rejection_debug, false, "Adaption debug",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_flip_0O, true, "Contextual 0O O0 flips",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(tessedit_lower_flip_hyphen, 1.5,
+ "Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(tessedit_upper_flip_hyphen, 1.8,
+ "Aspect ratio dot/hyphen test", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_trust_doc_dawg, false,
+ "Use DOC dawg in 11l conf. detector", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_1Il_use_dict_word, false, "Use dictword test",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_1Il_trust_permuter_type, true, "Don't double check",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_use_tess_accepted, true, "Individual rejection control",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_use_tess_blanks, true, "Individual rejection control",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_use_good_perm, true, "Individual rejection control",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_use_sensible_wd, false, "Extend permuter check",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(rej_alphas_in_number_perm, false, "Extend permuter check",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(rej_whole_of_mostly_reject_word_fract, 0.85,
+ "if >this fract", this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(tessedit_image_border, 2, "Rej blbs near image edge limit",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(ok_repeated_ch_non_alphanum_wds, "-?*\075",
+ "Allow NN to unrej", this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(conflict_set_I_l_1, "Il1[]", "Il1 conflict set",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(min_sane_x_ht_pixels, 8, "Reject any x-ht lt or eq than this",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_create_boxfile, false, "Output text with boxes",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(tessedit_page_number, -1,
+ "-1 -> All pages, else specific page to process",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_write_images, false,
+ "Capture the image from the IPE", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(interactive_display_mode, false, "Run interactively?",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(file_type, ".tif", "Filename extension", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_override_permuter, true, "According to dict_word",
+ this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(tessedit_load_sublangs, "",
+ "List of languages to load with this one", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(tessedit_use_primary_params_model, false,
+ "In multilingual mode use params model of the"
+ " primary language",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(min_orientation_margin, 7.0,
+ "Min acceptable orientation margin", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(textord_tabfind_show_vlines, false, "Debug line finding",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(textord_use_cjk_fp_model, false, "Use CJK fixed pitch model",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(poly_allow_detailed_fx, false,
+ "Allow feature extractors to see the original outline",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_INIT_MEMBER(tessedit_init_config_only, false,
+ "Only initialize with the config file. Useful if the "
+ "instance is not going to be used for OCR but say only "
+ "for layout analysis.",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(textord_equation_detect, false, "Turn on equation detector",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(textord_tabfind_vertical_text, true,
+ "Enable vertical detection", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(textord_tabfind_force_vertical_text, false,
+ "Force using vertical text page mode", this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(
+ textord_tabfind_vertical_text_ratio, 0.5,
+ "Fraction of textlines deemed vertical to use vertical page "
+ "mode",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(
+ textord_tabfind_aligned_gap_fraction, 0.75,
+ "Fraction of height used as a minimum gap for aligned blobs.",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(tessedit_parallelize, 0, "Run in parallel where possible",
+ this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(preserve_interword_spaces, false,
+ "Preserve multiple interword spaces", this->params()),
+ STRING_MEMBER(page_separator, "\f",
+ "Page separator (default is form feed control character)",
+ this->params()),
+ INT_MEMBER(lstm_choice_mode, 0,
+ "Allows to include alternative symbols choices in the hOCR output. "
+ "Valid input values are 0, 1 and 2. 0 is the default value. "
+ "With 1 the alternative symbol choices per timestep are included. "
+ "With 2 alternative symbol choices are extracted from the CTC "
+ "process instead of the lattice. The choices are mapped per "
+ "character.",
+ this->params()),
+ lstm_choice_iterations, 5,
+ "Sets the number of cascading iterations for the Beamsearch in "
+ "lstm_choice_mode. Note that lstm_choice_mode must be set to a "
+ "value greater than 0 to produce results.",
+ this->params()),
+ double_MEMBER(
+ lstm_rating_coefficient, 5,
+ "Sets the rating coefficient for the lstm choices. The smaller the "
+ "coefficient, the better are the ratings for each choice and less "
+ "information is lost due to the cut off at 0. The standard value is "
+ "5", this->params()),
+ BOOL_MEMBER(pageseg_apply_music_mask, true,
+ "Detect music staff and remove intersecting components", this->params()),
+ backup_config_file_(nullptr),
+ pix_binary_(nullptr),
+ pix_grey_(nullptr),
+ pix_original_(nullptr),
+ pix_thresholds_(nullptr),
+ source_resolution_(0),
+ textord_(this),
+ right_to_left_(false),
+ scaled_color_(nullptr),
+ scaled_factor_(-1),
+ deskew_(1.0f, 0.0f),
+ reskew_(1.0f, 0.0f),
+ most_recently_used_(this),
+ font_table_size_(0),
+ equ_detect_(nullptr),
+ lstm_recognizer_(nullptr),
+ train_line_page_num_(0) {
+Tesseract::~Tesseract() {
+ Clear();
+ pixDestroy(&pix_original_);
+ end_tesseract();
+ for (auto* lang : sub_langs_) {
+ delete lang;
+ }
+ delete lstm_recognizer_;
+ lstm_recognizer_ = nullptr;
+Dict& Tesseract::getDict() {
+ if (0 == Classify::getDict().NumDawgs() && AnyLSTMLang()) {
+ if (lstm_recognizer_ && lstm_recognizer_->GetDict()) {
+ return *lstm_recognizer_->GetDict();
+ }
+ }
+ return Classify::getDict();
+void Tesseract::Clear() {
+ STRING debug_name = imagebasename + "_debug.pdf";
+ pixa_debug_.WritePDF(debug_name.c_str());
+ pixDestroy(&pix_binary_);
+ pixDestroy(&pix_grey_);
+ pixDestroy(&pix_thresholds_);
+ pixDestroy(&scaled_color_);
+ deskew_ = FCOORD(1.0f, 0.0f);
+ reskew_ = FCOORD(1.0f, 0.0f);
+ splitter_.Clear();
+ scaled_factor_ = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < sub_langs_.size(); ++i)
+ sub_langs_[i]->Clear();
+void Tesseract::SetEquationDetect(EquationDetect* detector) {
+ equ_detect_ = detector;
+ equ_detect_->SetLangTesseract(this);
+// Clear all memory of adaption for this and all subclassifiers.
+void Tesseract::ResetAdaptiveClassifier() {
+ ResetAdaptiveClassifierInternal();
+ for (int i = 0; i < sub_langs_.size(); ++i) {
+ sub_langs_[i]->ResetAdaptiveClassifierInternal();
+ }
+// Clear the document dictionary for this and all subclassifiers.
+void Tesseract::ResetDocumentDictionary() {
+ getDict().ResetDocumentDictionary();
+ for (int i = 0; i < sub_langs_.size(); ++i) {
+ sub_langs_[i]->getDict().ResetDocumentDictionary();
+ }
+void Tesseract::SetBlackAndWhitelist() {
+ // Set the white and blacklists (if any)
+ unicharset.set_black_and_whitelist(tessedit_char_blacklist.c_str(),
+ tessedit_char_whitelist.c_str(),
+ tessedit_char_unblacklist.c_str());
+ if (lstm_recognizer_) {
+ UNICHARSET& lstm_unicharset = lstm_recognizer_->GetUnicharset();
+ lstm_unicharset.set_black_and_whitelist(tessedit_char_blacklist.c_str(),
+ tessedit_char_whitelist.c_str(),
+ tessedit_char_unblacklist.c_str());
+ }
+ // Black and white lists should apply to all loaded classifiers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < sub_langs_.size(); ++i) {
+ sub_langs_[i]->unicharset.set_black_and_whitelist(
+ tessedit_char_blacklist.c_str(), tessedit_char_whitelist.c_str(),
+ tessedit_char_unblacklist.c_str());
+ if (sub_langs_[i]->lstm_recognizer_) {
+ UNICHARSET& lstm_unicharset = sub_langs_[i]->lstm_recognizer_->GetUnicharset();
+ lstm_unicharset.set_black_and_whitelist(tessedit_char_blacklist.c_str(),
+ tessedit_char_whitelist.c_str(),
+ tessedit_char_unblacklist.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+// Perform steps to prepare underlying binary image/other data structures for
+// page segmentation.
+void Tesseract::PrepareForPageseg() {
+ textord_.set_use_cjk_fp_model(textord_use_cjk_fp_model);
+ // Find the max splitter strategy over all langs.
+ auto max_pageseg_strategy =
+ static_cast<ShiroRekhaSplitter::SplitStrategy>(
+ static_cast<int32_t>(pageseg_devanagari_split_strategy));
+ for (int i = 0; i < sub_langs_.size(); ++i) {
+ auto pageseg_strategy =
+ static_cast<ShiroRekhaSplitter::SplitStrategy>(
+ static_cast<int32_t>(sub_langs_[i]->pageseg_devanagari_split_strategy));
+ if (pageseg_strategy > max_pageseg_strategy)
+ max_pageseg_strategy = pageseg_strategy;
+ pixDestroy(&sub_langs_[i]->pix_binary_);
+ sub_langs_[i]->pix_binary_ = pixClone(pix_binary());
+ }
+ // Perform shiro-rekha (top-line) splitting and replace the current image by
+ // the newly split image.
+ splitter_.set_orig_pix(pix_binary());
+ splitter_.set_pageseg_split_strategy(max_pageseg_strategy);
+ if (splitter_.Split(true, &pixa_debug_)) {
+ ASSERT_HOST(splitter_.splitted_image());
+ pixDestroy(&pix_binary_);
+ pix_binary_ = pixClone(splitter_.splitted_image());
+ }
+// Perform steps to prepare underlying binary image/other data structures for
+// OCR. The current segmentation is required by this method.
+// Note that this method resets pix_binary_ to the original binarized image,
+// which may be different from the image actually used for OCR depending on the
+// value of devanagari_ocr_split_strategy.
+void Tesseract::PrepareForTessOCR(BLOCK_LIST* block_list,
+ Tesseract* osd_tess, OSResults* osr) {
+ // Find the max splitter strategy over all langs.
+ auto max_ocr_strategy =
+ static_cast<ShiroRekhaSplitter::SplitStrategy>(
+ static_cast<int32_t>(ocr_devanagari_split_strategy));
+ for (int i = 0; i < sub_langs_.size(); ++i) {
+ auto ocr_strategy =
+ static_cast<ShiroRekhaSplitter::SplitStrategy>(
+ static_cast<int32_t>(sub_langs_[i]->ocr_devanagari_split_strategy));
+ if (ocr_strategy > max_ocr_strategy)
+ max_ocr_strategy = ocr_strategy;
+ }
+ // Utilize the segmentation information available.
+ splitter_.set_segmentation_block_list(block_list);
+ splitter_.set_ocr_split_strategy(max_ocr_strategy);
+ // Run the splitter for OCR
+ bool split_for_ocr = splitter_.Split(false, &pixa_debug_);
+ // Restore pix_binary to the binarized original pix for future reference.
+ ASSERT_HOST(splitter_.orig_pix());
+ pixDestroy(&pix_binary_);
+ pix_binary_ = pixClone(splitter_.orig_pix());
+ // If the pageseg and ocr strategies are different, refresh the block list
+ // (from the last SegmentImage call) with blobs from the real image to be used
+ // for OCR.
+ if (splitter_.HasDifferentSplitStrategies()) {
+ BLOCK block("", true, 0, 0, 0, 0, pixGetWidth(pix_binary_),
+ pixGetHeight(pix_binary_));
+ Pix* pix_for_ocr = split_for_ocr ? splitter_.splitted_image() :
+ splitter_.orig_pix();
+ extract_edges(pix_for_ocr, &block);
+ splitter_.RefreshSegmentationWithNewBlobs(block.blob_list());
+ }
+ // The splitter isn't needed any more after this, so save memory by clearing.
+ splitter_.Clear();
+} // namespace tesseract