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Diffstat (limited to 'tesseract/src/ccstruct/blobs.cpp')
1 files changed, 1001 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tesseract/src/ccstruct/blobs.cpp b/tesseract/src/ccstruct/blobs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d3eb6807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tesseract/src/ccstruct/blobs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+ *
+ * File: blobs.cpp (Formerly blobs.c)
+ * Description: Blob definition
+ * Author: Mark Seaman, OCR Technology
+ *
+ * (c) Copyright 1989, Hewlett-Packard Company.
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ I n c l u d e s
+// Include automatically generated configuration file if running autoconf.
+#include "config_auto.h"
+#include "blobs.h"
+#include "ccstruct.h"
+#include "clst.h"
+#include "linlsq.h"
+#include "normalis.h"
+#include "ocrblock.h"
+#include "ocrrow.h"
+#include "points.h"
+#include "polyaprx.h"
+#include "werd.h"
+#include "helpers.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace tesseract {
+// A Vector representing the "vertical" direction when measuring the
+// divisiblity of blobs into multiple blobs just by separating outlines.
+// See divisible_blob below for the use.
+const TPOINT kDivisibleVerticalUpright(0, 1);
+// A vector representing the "vertical" direction for italic text for use
+// when separating outlines. Using it actually deteriorates final accuracy,
+// so it is only used for ApplyBoxes chopping to get a better segmentation.
+const TPOINT kDivisibleVerticalItalic(1, 5);
+ F u n c t i o n s
+// Returns true when the two line segments cross each other.
+// (Moved from outlines.cpp).
+// Finds where the projected lines would cross and then checks to see if the
+// point of intersection lies on both of the line segments. If it does
+// then these two segments cross.
+/* static */
+bool TPOINT::IsCrossed(const TPOINT& a0, const TPOINT& a1, const TPOINT& b0,
+ const TPOINT& b1) {
+ TPOINT b0a1, b0a0, a1b1, b0b1, a1a0;
+ b0a1.x = a1.x - b0.x;
+ b0a0.x = a0.x - b0.x;
+ a1b1.x = b1.x - a1.x;
+ b0b1.x = b1.x - b0.x;
+ a1a0.x = a0.x - a1.x;
+ b0a1.y = a1.y - b0.y;
+ b0a0.y = a0.y - b0.y;
+ a1b1.y = b1.y - a1.y;
+ b0b1.y = b1.y - b0.y;
+ a1a0.y = a0.y - a1.y;
+ int b0a1xb0b1 = b0a1.cross(b0b1);
+ int b0b1xb0a0 = b0b1.cross(b0a0);
+ int a1b1xa1a0 = a1b1.cross(a1a0);
+ // For clarity, we want a1a0.cross(a1b0) here but we have b0a1 instead of a1b0
+ // so use -a1b0.cross(b0a1) instead, which is the same.
+ int a1a0xa1b0 = -a1a0.cross(b0a1);
+ return ((b0a1xb0b1 > 0 && b0b1xb0a0 > 0) ||
+ (b0a1xb0b1 < 0 && b0b1xb0a0 < 0)) &&
+ ((a1b1xa1a0 > 0 && a1a0xa1b0 > 0) || (a1b1xa1a0 < 0 && a1a0xa1b0 < 0));
+// Consume the circular list of EDGEPTs to make a TESSLINE.
+TESSLINE* TESSLINE::BuildFromOutlineList(EDGEPT* outline) {
+ auto* result = new TESSLINE;
+ result->loop = outline;
+ if (outline->src_outline != nullptr) {
+ // ASSUMPTION: This function is only ever called from ApproximateOutline
+ // and therefore either all points have a src_outline or all do not.
+ // Just as SetupFromPos sets the vectors from the vertices, setup the
+ // step_count members to indicate the (positive) number of original
+ // C_OUTLINE steps to the next vertex.
+ EDGEPT* pt = outline;
+ do {
+ pt->step_count = pt->next->start_step - pt->start_step;
+ if (pt->step_count < 0) pt->step_count += pt->src_outline->pathlength();
+ pt = pt->next;
+ } while (pt != outline);
+ }
+ result->SetupFromPos();
+ return result;
+// Copies the data and the outline, but leaves next untouched.
+void TESSLINE::CopyFrom(const TESSLINE& src) {
+ Clear();
+ topleft = src.topleft;
+ botright = src.botright;
+ start = src.start;
+ is_hole = src.is_hole;
+ if (src.loop != nullptr) {
+ EDGEPT* prevpt = nullptr;
+ EDGEPT* newpt = nullptr;
+ EDGEPT* srcpt = src.loop;
+ do {
+ newpt = new EDGEPT(*srcpt);
+ if (prevpt == nullptr) {
+ loop = newpt;
+ } else {
+ newpt->prev = prevpt;
+ prevpt->next = newpt;
+ }
+ prevpt = newpt;
+ srcpt = srcpt->next;
+ } while (srcpt != src.loop);
+ loop->prev = newpt;
+ newpt->next = loop;
+ }
+// Deletes owned data.
+void TESSLINE::Clear() {
+ if (loop == nullptr) return;
+ EDGEPT* this_edge = loop;
+ do {
+ EDGEPT* next_edge = this_edge->next;
+ delete this_edge;
+ this_edge = next_edge;
+ } while (this_edge != loop);
+ loop = nullptr;
+// Normalize in-place using the DENORM.
+void TESSLINE::Normalize(const DENORM& denorm) {
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop;
+ do {
+ denorm.LocalNormTransform(pt->pos, &pt->pos);
+ pt = pt->next;
+ } while (pt != loop);
+ SetupFromPos();
+// Rotates by the given rotation in place.
+void TESSLINE::Rotate(const FCOORD rot) {
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop;
+ do {
+ int tmp = static_cast<int>(
+ floor(pt->pos.x * rot.x() - pt->pos.y * rot.y() + 0.5));
+ pt->pos.y = static_cast<int>(
+ floor(pt->pos.y * rot.x() + pt->pos.x * rot.y() + 0.5));
+ pt->pos.x = tmp;
+ pt = pt->next;
+ } while (pt != loop);
+ SetupFromPos();
+// Moves by the given vec in place.
+void TESSLINE::Move(const ICOORD vec) {
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop;
+ do {
+ pt->pos.x += vec.x();
+ pt->pos.y += vec.y();
+ pt = pt->next;
+ } while (pt != loop);
+ SetupFromPos();
+// Scales by the given factor in place.
+void TESSLINE::Scale(float factor) {
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop;
+ do {
+ pt->pos.x = static_cast<int>(floor(pt->pos.x * factor + 0.5));
+ pt->pos.y = static_cast<int>(floor(pt->pos.y * factor + 0.5));
+ pt = pt->next;
+ } while (pt != loop);
+ SetupFromPos();
+// Sets up the start and vec members of the loop from the pos members.
+void TESSLINE::SetupFromPos() {
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop;
+ do {
+ pt->vec.x = pt->next->pos.x - pt->pos.x;
+ pt->vec.y = pt->next->pos.y - pt->pos.y;
+ pt = pt->next;
+ } while (pt != loop);
+ start = pt->pos;
+ ComputeBoundingBox();
+// Recomputes the bounding box from the points in the loop.
+void TESSLINE::ComputeBoundingBox() {
+ int minx = INT32_MAX;
+ int miny = INT32_MAX;
+ int maxx = -INT32_MAX;
+ int maxy = -INT32_MAX;
+ // Find boundaries.
+ start = loop->pos;
+ EDGEPT* this_edge = loop;
+ do {
+ if (!this_edge->IsHidden() || !this_edge->prev->IsHidden()) {
+ if (this_edge->pos.x < minx) minx = this_edge->pos.x;
+ if (this_edge->pos.y < miny) miny = this_edge->pos.y;
+ if (this_edge->pos.x > maxx) maxx = this_edge->pos.x;
+ if (this_edge->pos.y > maxy) maxy = this_edge->pos.y;
+ }
+ this_edge = this_edge->next;
+ } while (this_edge != loop);
+ // Reset bounds.
+ topleft.x = minx;
+ topleft.y = maxy;
+ botright.x = maxx;
+ botright.y = miny;
+// Computes the min and max cross product of the outline points with the
+// given vec and returns the results in min_xp and max_xp. Geometrically
+// this is the left and right edge of the outline perpendicular to the
+// given direction, but to get the distance units correct, you would
+// have to divide by the modulus of vec.
+void TESSLINE::MinMaxCrossProduct(const TPOINT vec, int* min_xp,
+ int* max_xp) const {
+ *min_xp = INT32_MAX;
+ *max_xp = INT32_MIN;
+ EDGEPT* this_edge = loop;
+ do {
+ if (!this_edge->IsHidden() || !this_edge->prev->IsHidden()) {
+ int product = this_edge->pos.cross(vec);
+ UpdateRange(product, min_xp, max_xp);
+ }
+ this_edge = this_edge->next;
+ } while (this_edge != loop);
+TBOX TESSLINE::bounding_box() const {
+ return TBOX(topleft.x, botright.y, botright.x, topleft.y);
+void TESSLINE::plot(ScrollView* window, ScrollView::Color color,
+ ScrollView::Color child_color) {
+ if (is_hole)
+ window->Pen(child_color);
+ else
+ window->Pen(color);
+ window->SetCursor(start.x, start.y);
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop;
+ do {
+ bool prev_hidden = pt->IsHidden();
+ pt = pt->next;
+ if (prev_hidden)
+ window->SetCursor(pt->pos.x, pt->pos.y);
+ else
+ window->DrawTo(pt->pos.x, pt->pos.y);
+ } while (pt != loop);
+// Returns the first non-hidden EDGEPT that has a different src_outline to
+// its predecessor, or, if all the same, the lowest indexed point.
+EDGEPT* TESSLINE::FindBestStartPt() const {
+ EDGEPT* best_start = loop;
+ int best_step = loop->start_step;
+ // Iterate the polygon.
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop;
+ do {
+ if (pt->IsHidden()) continue;
+ if (pt->prev->IsHidden() || pt->prev->src_outline != pt->src_outline)
+ return pt; // Qualifies as the best.
+ if (pt->start_step < best_step) {
+ best_step = pt->start_step;
+ best_start = pt;
+ }
+ } while ((pt = pt->next) != loop);
+ return best_start;
+// Iterate the given list of outlines, converting to TESSLINE by polygonal
+// approximation and recursively any children, returning the current tail
+// of the resulting list of TESSLINEs.
+static TESSLINE** ApproximateOutlineList(bool allow_detailed_fx,
+ C_OUTLINE_LIST* outlines,
+ bool children, TESSLINE** tail) {
+ C_OUTLINE_IT ol_it(outlines);
+ for (ol_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !ol_it.cycled_list(); ol_it.forward()) {
+ C_OUTLINE* outline =;
+ if (outline->pathlength() > 0) {
+ TESSLINE* tessline = ApproximateOutline(allow_detailed_fx, outline);
+ tessline->is_hole = children;
+ *tail = tessline;
+ tail = &tessline->next;
+ }
+ if (!outline->child()->empty()) {
+ tail = ApproximateOutlineList(allow_detailed_fx, outline->child(), true,
+ tail);
+ }
+ }
+ return tail;
+// Factory to build a TBLOB from a C_BLOB with polygonal approximation along
+// the way. If allow_detailed_fx is true, the EDGEPTs in the returned TBLOB
+// contain pointers to the input C_OUTLINEs that enable higher-resolution
+// feature extraction that does not use the polygonal approximation.
+TBLOB* TBLOB::PolygonalCopy(bool allow_detailed_fx, C_BLOB* src) {
+ auto* tblob = new TBLOB;
+ ApproximateOutlineList(allow_detailed_fx, src->out_list(), false,
+ &tblob->outlines);
+ return tblob;
+// Factory builds a blob with no outlines, but copies the other member data.
+TBLOB* TBLOB::ShallowCopy(const TBLOB& src) {
+ auto* blob = new TBLOB;
+ blob->denorm_ = src.denorm_;
+ return blob;
+// Normalizes the blob for classification only if needed.
+// (Normally this means a non-zero classify rotation.)
+// If no Normalization is needed, then nullptr is returned, and the input blob
+// can be used directly. Otherwise a new TBLOB is returned which must be
+// deleted after use.
+TBLOB* TBLOB::ClassifyNormalizeIfNeeded() const {
+ TBLOB* rotated_blob = nullptr;
+ // If necessary, copy the blob and rotate it. The rotation is always
+ // +/- 90 degrees, as 180 was already taken care of.
+ if (denorm_.block() != nullptr &&
+ denorm_.block()->classify_rotation().y() != 0.0) {
+ TBOX box = bounding_box();
+ int x_middle = (box.left() + box.right()) / 2;
+ int y_middle = ( + box.bottom()) / 2;
+ rotated_blob = new TBLOB(*this);
+ const FCOORD& rotation = denorm_.block()->classify_rotation();
+ // Move the rotated blob back to the same y-position so that we
+ // can still distinguish similar glyphs with differeny y-position.
+ float target_y =
+ kBlnBaselineOffset +
+ (rotation.y() > 0 ? x_middle - box.left() : box.right() - x_middle);
+ rotated_blob->Normalize(nullptr, &rotation, &denorm_, x_middle, y_middle,
+ 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, target_y, denorm_.inverse(),
+ denorm_.pix());
+ }
+ return rotated_blob;
+// Copies the data and the outline, but leaves next untouched.
+void TBLOB::CopyFrom(const TBLOB& src) {
+ Clear();
+ TESSLINE* prev_outline = nullptr;
+ for (TESSLINE* srcline = src.outlines; srcline != nullptr;
+ srcline = srcline->next) {
+ auto* new_outline = new TESSLINE(*srcline);
+ if (outlines == nullptr)
+ outlines = new_outline;
+ else
+ prev_outline->next = new_outline;
+ prev_outline = new_outline;
+ }
+ denorm_ = src.denorm_;
+// Deletes owned data.
+void TBLOB::Clear() {
+ for (TESSLINE* next_outline = nullptr; outlines != nullptr;
+ outlines = next_outline) {
+ next_outline = outlines->next;
+ delete outlines;
+ }
+// Sets up the built-in DENORM and normalizes the blob in-place.
+// For parameters see DENORM::SetupNormalization, plus the inverse flag for
+// this blob and the Pix for the full image.
+void TBLOB::Normalize(const BLOCK* block, const FCOORD* rotation,
+ const DENORM* predecessor, float x_origin, float y_origin,
+ float x_scale, float y_scale, float final_xshift,
+ float final_yshift, bool inverse, Pix* pix) {
+ denorm_.SetupNormalization(block, rotation, predecessor, x_origin, y_origin,
+ x_scale, y_scale, final_xshift, final_yshift);
+ denorm_.set_inverse(inverse);
+ denorm_.set_pix(pix);
+ // TODO(rays) outline->Normalize is more accurate, but breaks tests due
+ // the changes it makes. Reinstate this code with a retraining.
+ // The reason this change is troublesome is that it normalizes for the
+ // baseline value computed independently at each x-coord. If the baseline
+ // is not horizontal, this introduces shear into the normalized blob, which
+ // is useful on the rare occasions that the baseline is really curved, but
+ // the baselines need to be stabilized the rest of the time.
+#if 0
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr; outline = outline->next) {
+ outline->Normalize(denorm_);
+ }
+ denorm_.LocalNormBlob(this);
+// Rotates by the given rotation in place.
+void TBLOB::Rotate(const FCOORD rotation) {
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr;
+ outline = outline->next) {
+ outline->Rotate(rotation);
+ }
+// Moves by the given vec in place.
+void TBLOB::Move(const ICOORD vec) {
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr;
+ outline = outline->next) {
+ outline->Move(vec);
+ }
+// Scales by the given factor in place.
+void TBLOB::Scale(float factor) {
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr;
+ outline = outline->next) {
+ outline->Scale(factor);
+ }
+// Recomputes the bounding boxes of the outlines.
+void TBLOB::ComputeBoundingBoxes() {
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr;
+ outline = outline->next) {
+ outline->ComputeBoundingBox();
+ }
+// Returns the number of outlines.
+int TBLOB::NumOutlines() const {
+ int result = 0;
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr;
+ outline = outline->next)
+ ++result;
+ return result;
+ * TBLOB::bounding_box()
+ *
+ * Compute the bounding_box of a compound blob, defined to be the
+ * bounding box of the union of all top-level outlines in the blob.
+ **********************************************************************/
+TBOX TBLOB::bounding_box() const {
+ if (outlines == nullptr) return TBOX(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ TESSLINE* outline = outlines;
+ TBOX box = outline->bounding_box();
+ for (outline = outline->next; outline != nullptr; outline = outline->next) {
+ box += outline->bounding_box();
+ }
+ return box;
+// Finds and deletes any duplicate outlines in this blob, without deleting
+// their EDGEPTs.
+void TBLOB::EliminateDuplicateOutlines() {
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr;
+ outline = outline->next) {
+ TESSLINE* last_outline = outline;
+ for (TESSLINE* other_outline = outline->next; other_outline != nullptr;
+ last_outline = other_outline, other_outline = other_outline->next) {
+ if (outline->SameBox(*other_outline)) {
+ last_outline->next = other_outline->next;
+ // This doesn't leak - the outlines share the EDGEPTs.
+ other_outline->loop = nullptr;
+ delete other_outline;
+ other_outline = last_outline;
+ // If it is part of a cut, then it can't be a hole any more.
+ outline->is_hole = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Swaps the outlines of *this and next if needed to keep the centers in
+// increasing x.
+void TBLOB::CorrectBlobOrder(TBLOB* next) {
+ TBOX box = bounding_box();
+ TBOX next_box = next->bounding_box();
+ if (box.x_middle() > next_box.x_middle()) {
+ std::swap(outlines, next->outlines);
+ }
+void TBLOB::plot(ScrollView* window, ScrollView::Color color,
+ ScrollView::Color child_color) {
+ for (TESSLINE* outline = outlines; outline != nullptr;
+ outline = outline->next)
+ outline->plot(window, color, child_color);
+// Computes the center of mass and second moments for the old baseline and
+// 2nd moment normalizations. Returns the outline length.
+// The input denorm should be the normalizations that have been applied from
+// the image to the current state of this TBLOB.
+int TBLOB::ComputeMoments(FCOORD* center, FCOORD* second_moments) const {
+ // Compute 1st and 2nd moments of the original outline.
+ LLSQ accumulator;
+ TBOX box = bounding_box();
+ // Iterate the outlines, accumulating edges relative the box.botleft().
+ CollectEdges(box, nullptr, &accumulator, nullptr, nullptr);
+ *center = accumulator.mean_point() + box.botleft();
+ // The 2nd moments are just the standard deviation of the point positions.
+ double x2nd = sqrt(accumulator.x_variance());
+ double y2nd = sqrt(accumulator.y_variance());
+ if (x2nd < 1.0) x2nd = 1.0;
+ if (y2nd < 1.0) y2nd = 1.0;
+ second_moments->set_x(x2nd);
+ second_moments->set_y(y2nd);
+ return accumulator.count();
+// Computes the precise bounding box of the coords that are generated by
+// GetEdgeCoords. This may be different from the bounding box of the polygon.
+void TBLOB::GetPreciseBoundingBox(TBOX* precise_box) const {
+ TBOX box = bounding_box();
+ *precise_box = TBOX();
+ CollectEdges(box, precise_box, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
+ precise_box->move(box.botleft());
+// Adds edges to the given vectors.
+// For all the edge steps in all the outlines, or polygonal approximation
+// where there are no edge steps, collects the steps into x_coords/y_coords.
+// x_coords is a collection of the x-coords of vertical edges for each
+// y-coord starting at box.bottom().
+// y_coords is a collection of the y-coords of horizontal edges for each
+// x-coord starting at box.left().
+// Eg x_coords[0] is a collection of the x-coords of edges at y=bottom.
+// Eg x_coords[1] is a collection of the x-coords of edges at y=bottom + 1.
+void TBLOB::GetEdgeCoords(const TBOX& box,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* x_coords,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* y_coords) const {
+ GenericVector<int> empty;
+ x_coords->init_to_size(box.height(), empty);
+ y_coords->init_to_size(box.width(), empty);
+ CollectEdges(box, nullptr, nullptr, x_coords, y_coords);
+ // Sort the output vectors.
+ for (int i = 0; i < x_coords->size(); ++i) (*x_coords)[i].sort();
+ for (int i = 0; i < y_coords->size(); ++i) (*y_coords)[i].sort();
+// Accumulates the segment between pt1 and pt2 in the LLSQ, quantizing over
+// the integer coordinate grid to properly weight long vectors.
+static void SegmentLLSQ(const FCOORD& pt1, const FCOORD& pt2,
+ LLSQ* accumulator) {
+ FCOORD step(pt2);
+ step -= pt1;
+ int xstart = IntCastRounded(std::min(pt1.x(), pt2.x()));
+ int xend = IntCastRounded(std::max(pt1.x(), pt2.x()));
+ int ystart = IntCastRounded(std::min(pt1.y(), pt2.y()));
+ int yend = IntCastRounded(std::max(pt1.y(), pt2.y()));
+ if (xstart == xend && ystart == yend) return; // Nothing to do.
+ double weight = step.length() / (xend - xstart + yend - ystart);
+ // Compute and save the y-position at the middle of each x-step.
+ for (int x = xstart; x < xend; ++x) {
+ double y = pt1.y() + step.y() * (x + 0.5 - pt1.x()) / step.x();
+ accumulator->add(x + 0.5, y, weight);
+ }
+ // Compute and save the x-position at the middle of each y-step.
+ for (int y = ystart; y < yend; ++y) {
+ double x = pt1.x() + step.x() * (y + 0.5 - pt1.y()) / step.y();
+ accumulator->add(x, y + 0.5, weight);
+ }
+// Adds any edges from a single segment of outline between pt1 and pt2 to
+// the x_coords, y_coords vectors. pt1 and pt2 should be relative to the
+// bottom-left of the bounding box, hence indices to x_coords, y_coords
+// are clipped to ([0,x_limit], [0,y_limit]).
+// See GetEdgeCoords above for a description of x_coords, y_coords.
+static void SegmentCoords(const FCOORD& pt1, const FCOORD& pt2, int x_limit,
+ int y_limit,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* x_coords,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* y_coords) {
+ FCOORD step(pt2);
+ step -= pt1;
+ int start =
+ ClipToRange(IntCastRounded(std::min(pt1.x(), pt2.x())), 0, x_limit);
+ int end = ClipToRange(IntCastRounded(std::max(pt1.x(), pt2.x())), 0, x_limit);
+ for (int x = start; x < end; ++x) {
+ int y = IntCastRounded(pt1.y() + step.y() * (x + 0.5 - pt1.x()) / step.x());
+ (*y_coords)[x].push_back(y);
+ }
+ start = ClipToRange(IntCastRounded(std::min(pt1.y(), pt2.y())), 0, y_limit);
+ end = ClipToRange(IntCastRounded(std::max(pt1.y(), pt2.y())), 0, y_limit);
+ for (int y = start; y < end; ++y) {
+ int x = IntCastRounded(pt1.x() + step.x() * (y + 0.5 - pt1.y()) / step.y());
+ (*x_coords)[y].push_back(x);
+ }
+// Adds any edges from a single segment of outline between pt1 and pt2 to
+// the bbox such that it guarantees to contain anything produced by
+// SegmentCoords.
+static void SegmentBBox(const FCOORD& pt1, const FCOORD& pt2, TBOX* bbox) {
+ FCOORD step(pt2);
+ step -= pt1;
+ int x1 = IntCastRounded(std::min(pt1.x(), pt2.x()));
+ int x2 = IntCastRounded(std::max(pt1.x(), pt2.x()));
+ if (x2 > x1) {
+ int y1 =
+ IntCastRounded(pt1.y() + step.y() * (x1 + 0.5 - pt1.x()) / step.x());
+ int y2 =
+ IntCastRounded(pt1.y() + step.y() * (x2 - 0.5 - pt1.x()) / step.x());
+ TBOX point(x1, std::min(y1, y2), x2, std::max(y1, y2));
+ *bbox += point;
+ }
+ int y1 = IntCastRounded(std::min(pt1.y(), pt2.y()));
+ int y2 = IntCastRounded(std::max(pt1.y(), pt2.y()));
+ if (y2 > y1) {
+ int x1 =
+ IntCastRounded(pt1.x() + step.x() * (y1 + 0.5 - pt1.y()) / step.y());
+ int x2 =
+ IntCastRounded(pt1.x() + step.x() * (y2 - 0.5 - pt1.y()) / step.y());
+ TBOX point(std::min(x1, x2), y1, std::max(x1, x2), y2);
+ *bbox += point;
+ }
+// Collects edges into the given bounding box, LLSQ accumulator and/or x_coords,
+// y_coords vectors.
+// For a description of x_coords/y_coords, see GetEdgeCoords above.
+// Startpt to lastpt, inclusive, MUST have the same src_outline member,
+// which may be nullptr. The vector from lastpt to its next is included in
+// the accumulation. Hidden edges should be excluded by the caller.
+// The input denorm should be the normalizations that have been applied from
+// the image to the current state of the TBLOB from which startpt, lastpt come.
+// box is the bounding box of the blob from which the EDGEPTs are taken and
+// indices into x_coords, y_coords are offset by box.botleft().
+static void CollectEdgesOfRun(const EDGEPT* startpt, const EDGEPT* lastpt,
+ const DENORM& denorm, const TBOX& box,
+ TBOX* bounding_box, LLSQ* accumulator,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* x_coords,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* y_coords) {
+ const C_OUTLINE* outline = startpt->src_outline;
+ int x_limit = box.width() - 1;
+ int y_limit = box.height() - 1;
+ if (outline != nullptr) {
+ // Use higher-resolution edge points stored on the outline.
+ // The outline coordinates may not match the binary image because of the
+ // rotation for vertical text lines, but the root_denorm IS the matching
+ // start of the DENORM chain.
+ const DENORM* root_denorm = denorm.RootDenorm();
+ int step_length = outline->pathlength();
+ int start_index = startpt->start_step;
+ // Note that if this run straddles the wrap-around point of the outline,
+ // that lastpt->start_step may have a lower index than startpt->start_step,
+ // and we want to use an end_index that allows us to use a positive
+ // increment, so we add step_length if necessary, but that may be beyond the
+ // bounds of the outline steps/ due to wrap-around, so we use % step_length
+ // everywhere, except for start_index.
+ int end_index = lastpt->start_step + lastpt->step_count;
+ if (end_index <= start_index) end_index += step_length;
+ // pos is the integer coordinates of the binary image steps.
+ ICOORD pos = outline->position_at_index(start_index);
+ FCOORD origin(box.left(), box.bottom());
+ // f_pos is a floating-point version of pos that offers improved edge
+ // positioning using greyscale information or smoothing of edge steps.
+ FCOORD f_pos = outline->sub_pixel_pos_at_index(pos, start_index);
+ // pos_normed is f_pos after the appropriate normalization, and relative
+ // to origin.
+ // prev_normed is the previous value of pos_normed.
+ FCOORD prev_normed;
+ denorm.NormTransform(root_denorm, f_pos, &prev_normed);
+ prev_normed -= origin;
+ for (int index = start_index; index < end_index; ++index) {
+ ICOORD step = outline->step(index % step_length);
+ // Only use the point if its edge strength is positive. This excludes
+ // points that don't provide useful information, eg
+ // ___________
+ // |___________
+ // The vertical step provides only noisy, damaging information, as even
+ // with a greyscale image, the positioning of the edge there may be a
+ // fictitious extrapolation, so previous processing has eliminated it.
+ if (outline->edge_strength_at_index(index % step_length) > 0) {
+ FCOORD f_pos =
+ outline->sub_pixel_pos_at_index(pos, index % step_length);
+ FCOORD pos_normed;
+ denorm.NormTransform(root_denorm, f_pos, &pos_normed);
+ pos_normed -= origin;
+ // Accumulate the information that is selected by the caller.
+ if (bounding_box != nullptr) {
+ SegmentBBox(pos_normed, prev_normed, bounding_box);
+ }
+ if (accumulator != nullptr) {
+ SegmentLLSQ(pos_normed, prev_normed, accumulator);
+ }
+ if (x_coords != nullptr && y_coords != nullptr) {
+ SegmentCoords(pos_normed, prev_normed, x_limit, y_limit, x_coords,
+ y_coords);
+ }
+ prev_normed = pos_normed;
+ }
+ pos += step;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // There is no outline, so we are forced to use the polygonal approximation.
+ const EDGEPT* endpt = lastpt->next;
+ const EDGEPT* pt = startpt;
+ do {
+ FCOORD next_pos(pt->next->pos.x - box.left(),
+ pt->next->pos.y - box.bottom());
+ FCOORD pos(pt->pos.x - box.left(), pt->pos.y - box.bottom());
+ if (bounding_box != nullptr) {
+ SegmentBBox(next_pos, pos, bounding_box);
+ }
+ if (accumulator != nullptr) {
+ SegmentLLSQ(next_pos, pos, accumulator);
+ }
+ if (x_coords != nullptr && y_coords != nullptr) {
+ SegmentCoords(next_pos, pos, x_limit, y_limit, x_coords, y_coords);
+ }
+ } while ((pt = pt->next) != endpt);
+ }
+// For all the edge steps in all the outlines, or polygonal approximation
+// where there are no edge steps, collects the steps into the bounding_box,
+// llsq and/or the x_coords/y_coords. Both are used in different kinds of
+// normalization.
+// For a description of x_coords, y_coords, see GetEdgeCoords above.
+void TBLOB::CollectEdges(const TBOX& box, TBOX* bounding_box, LLSQ* llsq,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* x_coords,
+ GenericVector<GenericVector<int> >* y_coords) const {
+ // Iterate the outlines.
+ for (const TESSLINE* ol = outlines; ol != nullptr; ol = ol->next) {
+ // Iterate the polygon.
+ EDGEPT* loop_pt = ol->FindBestStartPt();
+ EDGEPT* pt = loop_pt;
+ if (pt == nullptr) continue;
+ do {
+ if (pt->IsHidden()) continue;
+ // Find a run of equal src_outline.
+ EDGEPT* last_pt = pt;
+ do {
+ last_pt = last_pt->next;
+ } while (last_pt != loop_pt && !last_pt->IsHidden() &&
+ last_pt->src_outline == pt->src_outline);
+ last_pt = last_pt->prev;
+ CollectEdgesOfRun(pt, last_pt, denorm_, box, bounding_box, llsq, x_coords,
+ y_coords);
+ pt = last_pt;
+ } while ((pt = pt->next) != loop_pt);
+ }
+// Factory to build a TWERD from a (C_BLOB) WERD, with polygonal
+// approximation along the way.
+TWERD* TWERD::PolygonalCopy(bool allow_detailed_fx, WERD* src) {
+ auto* tessword = new TWERD;
+ tessword->latin_script = src->flag(W_SCRIPT_IS_LATIN);
+ C_BLOB_IT b_it(src->cblob_list());
+ for (b_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !b_it.cycled_list(); b_it.forward()) {
+ C_BLOB* blob =;
+ TBLOB* tblob = TBLOB::PolygonalCopy(allow_detailed_fx, blob);
+ tessword->blobs.push_back(tblob);
+ }
+ return tessword;
+// Baseline normalizes the blobs in-place, recording the normalization in the
+// DENORMs in the blobs.
+void TWERD::BLNormalize(const BLOCK* block, const ROW* row, Pix* pix,
+ bool inverse, float x_height, float baseline_shift,
+ bool numeric_mode, tesseract::OcrEngineMode hint,
+ const TBOX* norm_box, DENORM* word_denorm) {
+ TBOX word_box = bounding_box();
+ if (norm_box != nullptr) word_box = *norm_box;
+ float word_middle = (word_box.left() + word_box.right()) / 2.0f;
+ float input_y_offset = 0.0f;
+ auto final_y_offset = static_cast<float>(kBlnBaselineOffset);
+ float scale = kBlnXHeight / x_height;
+ if (row == nullptr) {
+ word_middle = word_box.left();
+ input_y_offset = word_box.bottom();
+ final_y_offset = 0.0f;
+ } else {
+ input_y_offset = row->base_line(word_middle) + baseline_shift;
+ }
+ for (int b = 0; b < blobs.size(); ++b) {
+ TBLOB* blob = blobs[b];
+ TBOX blob_box = blob->bounding_box();
+ float mid_x = (blob_box.left() + blob_box.right()) / 2.0f;
+ float baseline = input_y_offset;
+ float blob_scale = scale;
+ if (numeric_mode) {
+ baseline = blob_box.bottom();
+ blob_scale = ClipToRange(kBlnXHeight * 4.0f / (3 * blob_box.height()),
+ scale, scale * 1.5f);
+ } else if (row != nullptr) {
+ baseline = row->base_line(mid_x) + baseline_shift;
+ }
+ // The image will be 8-bit grey if the input was grey or color. Note that in
+ // a grey image 0 is black and 255 is white. If the input was binary, then
+ // the pix will be binary and 0 is white, with 1 being black.
+ // To tell the difference pixGetDepth() will return 8 or 1.
+ // The inverse flag will be true iff the word has been determined to be
+ // white on black, and is independent of whether the pix is 8 bit or 1 bit.
+ blob->Normalize(block, nullptr, nullptr, word_middle, baseline, blob_scale,
+ blob_scale, 0.0f, final_y_offset, inverse, pix);
+ }
+ if (word_denorm != nullptr) {
+ word_denorm->SetupNormalization(block, nullptr, nullptr, word_middle,
+ input_y_offset, scale, scale, 0.0f,
+ final_y_offset);
+ word_denorm->set_inverse(inverse);
+ word_denorm->set_pix(pix);
+ }
+// Copies the data and the blobs, but leaves next untouched.
+void TWERD::CopyFrom(const TWERD& src) {
+ Clear();
+ latin_script = src.latin_script;
+ for (int b = 0; b < src.blobs.size(); ++b) {
+ auto* new_blob = new TBLOB(*src.blobs[b]);
+ blobs.push_back(new_blob);
+ }
+// Deletes owned data.
+void TWERD::Clear() {
+ blobs.delete_data_pointers();
+ blobs.clear();
+// Recomputes the bounding boxes of the blobs.
+void TWERD::ComputeBoundingBoxes() {
+ for (int b = 0; b < blobs.size(); ++b) {
+ blobs[b]->ComputeBoundingBoxes();
+ }
+TBOX TWERD::bounding_box() const {
+ TBOX result;
+ for (int b = 0; b < blobs.size(); ++b) {
+ TBOX box = blobs[b]->bounding_box();
+ result += box;
+ }
+ return result;
+// Merges the blobs from start to end, not including end, and deletes
+// the blobs between start and end.
+void TWERD::MergeBlobs(int start, int end) {
+ if (start >= blobs.size() - 1) return; // Nothing to do.
+ TESSLINE* outline = blobs[start]->outlines;
+ for (int i = start + 1; i < end && i < blobs.size(); ++i) {
+ TBLOB* next_blob = blobs[i];
+ // Take the outlines from the next blob.
+ if (outline == nullptr) {
+ blobs[start]->outlines = next_blob->outlines;
+ outline = blobs[start]->outlines;
+ } else {
+ while (outline->next != nullptr) outline = outline->next;
+ outline->next = next_blob->outlines;
+ next_blob->outlines = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Delete the next blob and move on.
+ delete next_blob;
+ blobs[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Remove dead blobs from the vector.
+ for (int i = start + 1; i < end && start + 1 < blobs.size(); ++i) {
+ blobs.remove(start + 1);
+ }
+void TWERD::plot(ScrollView* window) {
+ ScrollView::Color color = WERD::NextColor(ScrollView::BLACK);
+ for (int b = 0; b < blobs.size(); ++b) {
+ blobs[b]->plot(window, color, ScrollView::BROWN);
+ color = WERD::NextColor(color);
+ }
+ * divisible_blob
+ *
+ * Returns true if the blob contains multiple outlines than can be
+ * separated using divide_blobs. Sets the location to be used in the
+ * call to divide_blobs.
+ **********************************************************************/
+bool divisible_blob(TBLOB* blob, bool italic_blob, TPOINT* location) {
+ if (blob->outlines == nullptr || blob->outlines->next == nullptr)
+ return false; // Need at least 2 outlines for it to be possible.
+ int max_gap = 0;
+ TPOINT vertical =
+ italic_blob ? kDivisibleVerticalItalic : kDivisibleVerticalUpright;
+ for (TESSLINE* outline1 = blob->outlines; outline1 != nullptr;
+ outline1 = outline1->next) {
+ if (outline1->is_hole) continue; // Holes do not count as separable.
+ TPOINT mid_pt1(
+ static_cast<int16_t>((outline1->topleft.x + outline1->botright.x) / 2),
+ static_cast<int16_t>((outline1->topleft.y + outline1->botright.y) / 2));
+ int mid_prod1 = mid_pt1.cross(vertical);
+ int min_prod1, max_prod1;
+ outline1->MinMaxCrossProduct(vertical, &min_prod1, &max_prod1);
+ for (TESSLINE* outline2 = outline1->next; outline2 != nullptr;
+ outline2 = outline2->next) {
+ if (outline2->is_hole) continue; // Holes do not count as separable.
+ TPOINT mid_pt2(static_cast<int16_t>(
+ (outline2->topleft.x + outline2->botright.x) / 2),
+ static_cast<int16_t>(
+ (outline2->topleft.y + outline2->botright.y) / 2));
+ int mid_prod2 = mid_pt2.cross(vertical);
+ int min_prod2, max_prod2;
+ outline2->MinMaxCrossProduct(vertical, &min_prod2, &max_prod2);
+ int mid_gap = abs(mid_prod2 - mid_prod1);
+ int overlap =
+ std::min(max_prod1, max_prod2) - std::max(min_prod1, min_prod2);
+ if (mid_gap - overlap / 4 > max_gap) {
+ max_gap = mid_gap - overlap / 4;
+ *location = mid_pt1;
+ *location += mid_pt2;
+ *location /= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Use the y component of the vertical vector as an approximation to its
+ // length.
+ return max_gap > vertical.y;
+ * divide_blobs
+ *
+ * Create two blobs by grouping the outlines in the appropriate blob.
+ * The outlines that are beyond the location point are moved to the
+ * other blob. The ones whose x location is less than that point are
+ * retained in the original blob.
+ **********************************************************************/
+void divide_blobs(TBLOB* blob, TBLOB* other_blob, bool italic_blob,
+ const TPOINT& location) {
+ TPOINT vertical =
+ italic_blob ? kDivisibleVerticalItalic : kDivisibleVerticalUpright;
+ TESSLINE* outline1 = nullptr;
+ TESSLINE* outline2 = nullptr;
+ TESSLINE* outline = blob->outlines;
+ blob->outlines = nullptr;
+ int location_prod = location.cross(vertical);
+ while (outline != nullptr) {
+ TPOINT mid_pt(
+ static_cast<int16_t>((outline->topleft.x + outline->botright.x) / 2),
+ static_cast<int16_t>((outline->topleft.y + outline->botright.y) / 2));
+ int mid_prod = mid_pt.cross(vertical);
+ if (mid_prod < location_prod) {
+ // Outline is in left blob.
+ if (outline1)
+ outline1->next = outline;
+ else
+ blob->outlines = outline;
+ outline1 = outline;
+ } else {
+ // Outline is in right blob.
+ if (outline2)
+ outline2->next = outline;
+ else
+ other_blob->outlines = outline;
+ outline2 = outline;
+ }
+ outline = outline->next;
+ }
+ if (outline1) outline1->next = nullptr;
+ if (outline2) outline2->next = nullptr;
+} // namespace tesseract