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Diffstat (limited to 'tesseract/src/lstm/fullyconnected.cpp')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tesseract/src/lstm/fullyconnected.cpp b/tesseract/src/lstm/fullyconnected.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd487047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tesseract/src/lstm/fullyconnected.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+// File: fullyconnected.cpp
+// Description: Simple feed-forward layer with various non-linearities.
+// Author: Ray Smith
+// (C) Copyright 2014, Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include "config_auto.h"
+#include "fullyconnected.h"
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+#include <omp.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include "functions.h"
+#include "networkscratch.h"
+// Number of threads to use for parallel calculation of Forward and Backward.
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+const int kNumThreads = 4;
+const int kNumThreads = 1;
+namespace tesseract {
+FullyConnected::FullyConnected(const std::string& name, int ni, int no,
+ NetworkType type)
+ : Network(type, name, ni, no), external_source_(nullptr), int_mode_(false) {
+// Returns the shape output from the network given an input shape (which may
+// be partially unknown ie zero).
+StaticShape FullyConnected::OutputShape(const StaticShape& input_shape) const {
+ LossType loss_type = LT_NONE;
+ if (type_ == NT_SOFTMAX)
+ loss_type = LT_CTC;
+ else if (type_ == NT_SOFTMAX_NO_CTC)
+ loss_type = LT_SOFTMAX;
+ else if (type_ == NT_LOGISTIC)
+ loss_type = LT_LOGISTIC;
+ StaticShape result(input_shape);
+ result.set_depth(no_);
+ result.set_loss_type(loss_type);
+ return result;
+// Suspends/Enables training by setting the training_ flag.
+void FullyConnected::SetEnableTraining(TrainingState state) {
+ if (state == TS_RE_ENABLE) {
+ // Enable only from temp disabled.
+ if (training_ == TS_TEMP_DISABLE) training_ = TS_ENABLED;
+ } else if (state == TS_TEMP_DISABLE) {
+ // Temp disable only from enabled.
+ if (training_ == TS_ENABLED) training_ = state;
+ } else {
+ if (state == TS_ENABLED && training_ != TS_ENABLED)
+ weights_.InitBackward();
+ training_ = state;
+ }
+// Sets up the network for training. Initializes weights using weights of
+// scale `range` picked according to the random number generator `randomizer`.
+int FullyConnected::InitWeights(float range, TRand* randomizer) {
+ Network::SetRandomizer(randomizer);
+ num_weights_ = weights_.InitWeightsFloat(no_, ni_ + 1, TestFlag(NF_ADAM),
+ range, randomizer);
+ return num_weights_;
+// Recursively searches the network for softmaxes with old_no outputs,
+// and remaps their outputs according to code_map. See network.h for details.
+int FullyConnected::RemapOutputs(int old_no, const std::vector<int>& code_map) {
+ if (type_ == NT_SOFTMAX && no_ == old_no) {
+ num_weights_ = weights_.RemapOutputs(code_map);
+ no_ = code_map.size();
+ }
+ return num_weights_;
+// Converts a float network to an int network.
+void FullyConnected::ConvertToInt() {
+ weights_.ConvertToInt();
+// Provides debug output on the weights.
+void FullyConnected::DebugWeights() {
+ weights_.Debug2D(name_.c_str());
+// Writes to the given file. Returns false in case of error.
+bool FullyConnected::Serialize(TFile* fp) const {
+ if (!Network::Serialize(fp)) return false;
+ if (!weights_.Serialize(IsTraining(), fp)) return false;
+ return true;
+// Reads from the given file. Returns false in case of error.
+bool FullyConnected::DeSerialize(TFile* fp) {
+ return weights_.DeSerialize(IsTraining(), fp);
+// Runs forward propagation of activations on the input line.
+// See NetworkCpp for a detailed discussion of the arguments.
+void FullyConnected::Forward(bool debug, const NetworkIO& input,
+ const TransposedArray* input_transpose,
+ NetworkScratch* scratch, NetworkIO* output) {
+ int width = input.Width();
+ if (type_ == NT_SOFTMAX)
+ output->ResizeFloat(input, no_);
+ else
+ output->Resize(input, no_);
+ SetupForward(input, input_transpose);
+ GenericVector<NetworkScratch::FloatVec> temp_lines;
+ temp_lines.init_to_size(kNumThreads, NetworkScratch::FloatVec());
+ GenericVector<NetworkScratch::FloatVec> curr_input;
+ curr_input.init_to_size(kNumThreads, NetworkScratch::FloatVec());
+ int ro = no_;
+ if (IntSimdMatrix::intSimdMatrix)
+ ro = IntSimdMatrix::intSimdMatrix->RoundOutputs(ro);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i) {
+ temp_lines[i].Init(no_, ro, scratch);
+ curr_input[i].Init(ni_, scratch);
+ }
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(kNumThreads)
+ for (int t = 0; t < width; ++t) {
+ // Thread-local pointer to temporary storage.
+ int thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
+ for (int t = 0; t < width; ++t) {
+ // Thread-local pointer to temporary storage.
+ int thread_id = 0;
+ double* temp_line = temp_lines[thread_id];
+ if (input.int_mode()) {
+ ForwardTimeStep(input.i(t), t, temp_line);
+ } else {
+ input.ReadTimeStep(t, curr_input[thread_id]);
+ ForwardTimeStep(curr_input[thread_id], t, temp_line);
+ }
+ output->WriteTimeStep(t, temp_line);
+ if (IsTraining() && type_ != NT_SOFTMAX) {
+ acts_.CopyTimeStepFrom(t, *output, t);
+ }
+ }
+ // Zero all the elements that are in the padding around images that allows
+ // multiple different-sized images to exist in a single array.
+ // acts_ is only used if this is not a softmax op.
+ if (IsTraining() && type_ != NT_SOFTMAX) {
+ acts_.ZeroInvalidElements();
+ }
+ output->ZeroInvalidElements();
+ tprintf("F Output:%s\n", name_.c_str());
+ output->Print(10);
+ if (debug) DisplayForward(*output);
+// Components of Forward so FullyConnected can be reused inside LSTM.
+void FullyConnected::SetupForward(const NetworkIO& input,
+ const TransposedArray* input_transpose) {
+ // Softmax output is always float, so save the input type.
+ int_mode_ = input.int_mode();
+ if (IsTraining()) {
+ acts_.Resize(input, no_);
+ // Source_ is a transposed copy of input. It isn't needed if provided.
+ external_source_ = input_transpose;
+ if (external_source_ == nullptr) source_t_.ResizeNoInit(ni_, input.Width());
+ }
+void FullyConnected::ForwardTimeStep(int t, double* output_line) {
+ if (type_ == NT_TANH) {
+ FuncInplace<GFunc>(no_, output_line);
+ } else if (type_ == NT_LOGISTIC) {
+ FuncInplace<FFunc>(no_, output_line);
+ } else if (type_ == NT_POSCLIP) {
+ FuncInplace<ClipFFunc>(no_, output_line);
+ } else if (type_ == NT_SYMCLIP) {
+ FuncInplace<ClipGFunc>(no_, output_line);
+ } else if (type_ == NT_RELU) {
+ FuncInplace<Relu>(no_, output_line);
+ } else if (type_ == NT_SOFTMAX || type_ == NT_SOFTMAX_NO_CTC) {
+ SoftmaxInPlace(no_, output_line);
+ } else if (type_ != NT_LINEAR) {
+ ASSERT_HOST("Invalid fully-connected type!" == nullptr);
+ }
+void FullyConnected::ForwardTimeStep(const double* d_input,
+ int t, double* output_line) {
+ // input is copied to source_ line-by-line for cache coherency.
+ if (IsTraining() && external_source_ == nullptr)
+ source_t_.WriteStrided(t, d_input);
+ weights_.MatrixDotVector(d_input, output_line);
+ ForwardTimeStep(t, output_line);
+void FullyConnected::ForwardTimeStep(const int8_t* i_input,
+ int t, double* output_line) {
+ // input is copied to source_ line-by-line for cache coherency.
+ weights_.MatrixDotVector(i_input, output_line);
+ ForwardTimeStep(t, output_line);
+// Runs backward propagation of errors on the deltas line.
+// See NetworkCpp for a detailed discussion of the arguments.
+bool FullyConnected::Backward(bool debug, const NetworkIO& fwd_deltas,
+ NetworkScratch* scratch,
+ NetworkIO* back_deltas) {
+ if (debug) DisplayBackward(fwd_deltas);
+ back_deltas->Resize(fwd_deltas, ni_);
+ GenericVector<NetworkScratch::FloatVec> errors;
+ errors.init_to_size(kNumThreads, NetworkScratch::FloatVec());
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i) errors[i].Init(no_, scratch);
+ GenericVector<NetworkScratch::FloatVec> temp_backprops;
+ if (needs_to_backprop_) {
+ temp_backprops.init_to_size(kNumThreads, NetworkScratch::FloatVec());
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; ++i) temp_backprops[i].Init(ni_, scratch);
+ }
+ int width = fwd_deltas.Width();
+ NetworkScratch::GradientStore errors_t;
+ errors_t.Init(no_, width, scratch);
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(kNumThreads)
+ for (int t = 0; t < width; ++t) {
+ int thread_id = omp_get_thread_num();
+ for (int t = 0; t < width; ++t) {
+ int thread_id = 0;
+ double* backprop = nullptr;
+ if (needs_to_backprop_) backprop = temp_backprops[thread_id];
+ double* curr_errors = errors[thread_id];
+ BackwardTimeStep(fwd_deltas, t, curr_errors, errors_t.get(), backprop);
+ if (backprop != nullptr) {
+ back_deltas->WriteTimeStep(t, backprop);
+ }
+ }
+ FinishBackward(*errors_t.get());
+ if (needs_to_backprop_) {
+ back_deltas->ZeroInvalidElements();
+ tprintf("F Backprop:%s\n", name_.c_str());
+ back_deltas->Print(10);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false; // No point going further back.
+void FullyConnected::BackwardTimeStep(const NetworkIO& fwd_deltas, int t,
+ double* curr_errors,
+ TransposedArray* errors_t,
+ double* backprop) {
+ if (type_ == NT_TANH)
+ acts_.FuncMultiply<GPrime>(fwd_deltas, t, curr_errors);
+ else if (type_ == NT_LOGISTIC)
+ acts_.FuncMultiply<FPrime>(fwd_deltas, t, curr_errors);
+ else if (type_ == NT_POSCLIP)
+ acts_.FuncMultiply<ClipFPrime>(fwd_deltas, t, curr_errors);
+ else if (type_ == NT_SYMCLIP)
+ acts_.FuncMultiply<ClipGPrime>(fwd_deltas, t, curr_errors);
+ else if (type_ == NT_RELU)
+ acts_.FuncMultiply<ReluPrime>(fwd_deltas, t, curr_errors);
+ else if (type_ == NT_SOFTMAX || type_ == NT_SOFTMAX_NO_CTC ||
+ type_ == NT_LINEAR)
+ fwd_deltas.ReadTimeStep(t, curr_errors); // fwd_deltas are the errors.
+ else
+ ASSERT_HOST("Invalid fully-connected type!" == nullptr);
+ // Generate backprop only if needed by the lower layer.
+ if (backprop != nullptr) weights_.VectorDotMatrix(curr_errors, backprop);
+ errors_t->WriteStrided(t, curr_errors);
+void FullyConnected::FinishBackward(const TransposedArray& errors_t) {
+ if (external_source_ == nullptr)
+ weights_.SumOuterTransposed(errors_t, source_t_, true);
+ else
+ weights_.SumOuterTransposed(errors_t, *external_source_, true);
+// Updates the weights using the given learning rate, momentum and adam_beta.
+// num_samples is used in the adam computation iff use_adam_ is true.
+void FullyConnected::Update(float learning_rate, float momentum,
+ float adam_beta, int num_samples) {
+ weights_.Update(learning_rate, momentum, adam_beta, num_samples);
+// Sums the products of weight updates in *this and other, splitting into
+// positive (same direction) in *same and negative (different direction) in
+// *changed.
+void FullyConnected::CountAlternators(const Network& other, double* same,
+ double* changed) const {
+ ASSERT_HOST(other.type() == type_);
+ const auto* fc = static_cast<const FullyConnected*>(&other);
+ weights_.CountAlternators(fc->weights_, same, changed);
+} // namespace tesseract.