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Diffstat (limited to 'tiff/libtiff/tiff.h')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/tiff/libtiff/tiff.h b/tiff/libtiff/tiff.h
index 5b0a0c90..2d4a4767 100644
--- a/tiff/libtiff/tiff.h
+++ b/tiff/libtiff/tiff.h
@@ -119,6 +119,11 @@ typedef struct {
* Tag data type information.
* Note: RATIONALs are the ratio of two 32-bit integer values.
+ *--:
+ * Note2: TIFF_IFD8 data type is used in tiffFields[]-tag definition in order to distinguish the write-handling
+ of those tags between ClassicTIFF and BigTiff:
+ For ClassicTIFF libtiff writes a 32-bit value and the TIFF_IFD type-id into the file
+ For BigTIFF libtiff writes a 64-bit value and the TIFF_IFD8 type-id into the file
typedef enum {
TIFF_NOTYPE = 0, /* placeholder */
@@ -375,6 +380,7 @@ typedef enum {
January 2004 */
#define TIFFTAG_OPIIMAGEID 32781 /* %OPI ImageID
[Adobe TIFF technote] */
/* tags 32952-32956 are private tags registered to Island Graphics */
#define TIFFTAG_REFPTS 32953 /* image reference points */
#define TIFFTAG_REGIONTACKPOINT 32954 /* region-xform tack point */
@@ -409,8 +415,23 @@ typedef enum {
#define TIFFTAG_CFAPATTERN 33422 /* color filter array pattern */
/* tag 33432 is listed in the 6.0 spec w/ unknown ownership */
#define TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT 33432 /* copyright string */
+/* Tags 33445-33452 are used for GEL fileformat, see
+ *
+ */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_FILETAG 33445 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_SCALEPIXEL 33446 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_COLORTABLE 33447 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_LABNAME 33448 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_SAMPLEINFO 33449 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_PREPDATE 33450 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_PREPTIME 33451 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_MD_FILEUNITS 33452 /* */
/* IPTC TAG from RichTIFF specifications */
+#define TIFFTAG_INGR_PACKET_DATA_TAG 33918 /* Intergraph Application specific storage. */
+#define TIFFTAG_INGR_FLAG_REGISTERS 33919 /* Intergraph Application specific flags. */
+#define TIFFTAG_IRASB_TRANSORMATION_MATRIX 33920 /* Originally part of Intergraph's GeoTIFF tags, but likely understood by IrasB only. */
/* 34016-34029 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT < */
#define TIFFTAG_IT8SITE 34016 /* site name */
#define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORSEQUENCE 34017 /* color seq. [RGB,CMYK,etc] */
@@ -432,6 +453,7 @@ typedef enum {
#define TIFFTAG_IT8CMYKEQUIVALENT 34032 /* CMYK color equivalents */
/* tags 34232-34236 are private tags registered to Texas Instruments */
#define TIFFTAG_FRAMECOUNT 34232 /* Sequence Frame Count */
+#define TIFFTAG_MODELTRANSFORMATIONTAG 34264 /* Used in interchangeable GeoTIFF files */
/* tag 34377 is private tag registered to Adobe for PhotoShop */
/* tags 34665, 34853 and 40965 are documented in EXIF specification */
@@ -451,7 +473,15 @@ typedef enum {
#define TIFFTAG_STONITS 37439 /* Sample value to Nits */
/* tag 34929 is a private tag registered to FedEx */
#define TIFFTAG_FEDEX_EDR 34929 /* unknown use */
+#define TIFFTAG_IMAGESOURCEDATA 37724 /*, */
#define TIFFTAG_INTEROPERABILITYIFD 40965 /* Pointer to Interoperability private directory */
+#define TIFFTAG_GDAL_METADATA 42112 /* Used by the GDAL library */
+#define TIFFTAG_GDAL_NODATA 42113 /* Used by the GDAL library */
+#define TIFFTAG_OCE_SCANJOB_DESCRIPTION 50215 /* Used in the Oce scanning process */
+#define TIFFTAG_OCE_APPLICATION_SELECTOR 50216 /* Used in the Oce scanning process. */
/* tags 50674 to 50677 are reserved for ESRI */
#define TIFFTAG_LERC_PARAMETERS 50674 /* Stores LERC version and additional compression method */
/* Adobe Digital Negative (DNG) format tags */
@@ -535,6 +565,17 @@ typedef enum {
into ICC profile space */
+#define TIFFTAG_RPCCOEFFICIENT 50844 /* Define by GDAL for geospatial georeferencing through RPC: */
+#define TIFFTAG_ALIAS_LAYER_METADATA 50784 /* Alias Sketchbook Pro layer usage description. */
+/* GeoTIFF DGIWG */
+#define TIFFTAG_TIFF_RSID 50908 /* */
+#define TIFFTAG_GEO_METADATA 50909 /* */
/* tag 65535 is an undefined tag used by Eastman Kodak */
#define TIFFTAG_DCSHUESHIFTVALUES 65535 /* hue shift correction data */
@@ -615,8 +656,11 @@ typedef enum {
#define TIFFTAG_LERC_MAXZERROR 65567 /* LERC maximum error */
-#define TIFFTAG_WEBP_LEVEL 65568 /* WebP compression level: WARNING not registered in Adobe-maintained registry */
-#define TIFFTAG_WEBP_LOSSLESS 65569 /* WebP lossless/lossy : WARNING not registered in Adobe-maintained registry */
+#define TIFFTAG_WEBP_LEVEL 65568 /* WebP compression level */
+#define TIFFTAG_WEBP_LOSSLESS 65569 /* WebP lossless/lossy */
+#define TIFFTAG_DEFLATE_SUBCODEC 65570 /* ZIP codec: to get/set the sub-codec to use. Will default to libdeflate when available */
* EXIF tags
@@ -626,8 +670,8 @@ typedef enum {
#define EXIFTAG_EXPOSUREPROGRAM 34850 /* Exposure program */
#define EXIFTAG_SPECTRALSENSITIVITY 34852 /* Spectral sensitivity */
#define EXIFTAG_ISOSPEEDRATINGS 34855 /* ISO speed rating */
-#define EXIFTAG_OECF 34856 /* Optoelectric conversion
- factor */
+#define EXIFTAG_PHOTOGRAPHICSENSITIVITY 34855 /* Photographic Sensitivity (new name for tag 34855) */
+#define EXIFTAG_OECF 34856 /* Optoelectric conversion factor */
#define EXIFTAG_EXIFVERSION 36864 /* Exif version */
#define EXIFTAG_DATETIMEORIGINAL 36867 /* Date and time of original
data generation */
@@ -679,10 +723,71 @@ typedef enum {
#define EXIFTAG_SHARPNESS 41994 /* Sharpness */
#define EXIFTAG_DEVICESETTINGDESCRIPTION 41995 /* Device settings description */
#define EXIFTAG_SUBJECTDISTANCERANGE 41996 /* Subject distance range */
-#define EXIFTAG_GAINCONTROL 41991 /* Gain control */
-#define EXIFTAG_GAINCONTROL 41991 /* Gain control */
#define EXIFTAG_IMAGEUNIQUEID 42016 /* Unique image ID */
+/*--: New for EXIF-Version 2.32, May 2019 ... */
+#define EXIFTAG_SENSITIVITYTYPE 34864 /* The SensitivityType tag indicates which one of the parameters of ISO12232 is the PhotographicSensitivity tag. */
+#define EXIFTAG_STANDARDOUTPUTSENSITIVITY 34865 /* This tag indicates the standard output sensitivity value of a camera or input device defined in ISO 12232. */
+#define EXIFTAG_RECOMMENDEDEXPOSUREINDEX 34866 /* recommended exposure index */
+#define EXIFTAG_ISOSPEED 34867 /* ISO speed value */
+#define EXIFTAG_ISOSPEEDLATITUDEYYY 34868 /* ISO speed latitude yyy */
+#define EXIFTAG_ISOSPEEDLATITUDEZZZ 34869 /* ISO speed latitude zzz */
+#define EXIFTAG_OFFSETTIME 36880 /* offset from UTC of the time of DateTime tag. */
+#define EXIFTAG_OFFSETTIMEORIGINAL 36881 /* offset from UTC of the time of DateTimeOriginal tag. */
+#define EXIFTAG_OFFSETTIMEDIGITIZED 36882 /* offset from UTC of the time of DateTimeDigitized tag. */
+#define EXIFTAG_TEMPERATURE 37888 /* Temperature as the ambient situation at the shot in dergee Celsius */
+#define EXIFTAG_HUMIDITY 37889 /* Humidity as the ambient situation at the shot in percent */
+#define EXIFTAG_PRESSURE 37890 /* Pressure as the ambient situation at the shot hecto-Pascal (hPa) */
+#define EXIFTAG_WATERDEPTH 37891 /* WaterDepth as the ambient situation at the shot in meter (m) */
+#define EXIFTAG_ACCELERATION 37892 /* Acceleration (a scalar regardless of direction) as the ambient situation at the shot in units of mGal (10-5 m/s^2) */
+#define EXIFTAG_CAMERAELEVATIONANGLE 37893 /* Elevation/depression. angle of the orientation of the camera(imaging optical axis) as the ambient situation at the shot in degree from -180deg to +180deg. */
+#define EXIFTAG_CAMERAOWNERNAME 42032 /* owner of a camera */
+#define EXIFTAG_BODYSERIALNUMBER 42033 /* serial number of the body of the camera */
+#define EXIFTAG_LENSSPECIFICATION 42034 /* minimum focal length (in mm), maximum focal length (in mm), minimum F number in the minimum focal length, and minimum F number in the maximum focal length, */
+#define EXIFTAG_LENSMAKE 42035 /* the lens manufacturer */
+#define EXIFTAG_LENSMODEL 42036 /* the lens model name and model number */
+#define EXIFTAG_LENSSERIALNUMBER 42037 /* the serial number of the interchangeable lens */
+#define EXIFTAG_GAMMA 42240 /* value of coefficient gamma */
+#define EXIFTAG_COMPOSITEIMAGE 42080 /* composite image */
+#define EXIFTAG_SOURCEIMAGENUMBEROFCOMPOSITEIMAGE 42081 /* source image number of composite image */
+#define EXIFTAG_SOURCEEXPOSURETIMESOFCOMPOSITEIMAGE 42082 /* source exposure times of composite image */
+ * EXIF-GPS tags (Version 2.31, July 2016)
+ */
+#define GPSTAG_VERSIONID 0 /* Indicates the version of GPSInfoIFD. */
+#define GPSTAG_LATITUDEREF 1 /* Indicates whether the latitude is north or south latitude. */
+#define GPSTAG_LATITUDE 2 /* Indicates the latitude. */
+#define GPSTAG_LONGITUDEREF 3 /* Indicates whether the longitude is east or west longitude. */
+#define GPSTAG_LONGITUDE 4 /* Indicates the longitude. */
+#define GPSTAG_ALTITUDEREF 5 /* Indicates the altitude used as the reference altitude. */
+#define GPSTAG_ALTITUDE 6 /* Indicates the altitude based on the reference in GPSAltitudeRef. */
+#define GPSTAG_TIMESTAMP 7 /* Indicates the time as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). */
+#define GPSTAG_SATELLITES 8 /* Indicates the GPS satellites used for measurements. */
+#define GPSTAG_STATUS 9 /* Indicates the status of the GPS receiver when the image is recorded. */
+#define GPSTAG_MEASUREMODE 10 /* Indicates the GPS measurement mode. */
+#define GPSTAG_DOP 11 /* Indicates the GPS DOP (data degree of precision). */
+#define GPSTAG_SPEEDREF 12 /* Indicates the unit used to express the GPS receiver speed of movement. */
+#define GPSTAG_SPEED 13 /* Indicates the speed of GPS receiver movement. */
+#define GPSTAG_TRACKREF 14 /* Indicates the reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. */
+#define GPSTAG_TRACK 15 /* Indicates the direction of GPS receiver movement. */
+#define GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTIONREF 16 /* Indicates the reference for giving the direction of the image when it is captured. */
+#define GPSTAG_IMGDIRECTION 17 /* Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured. */
+#define GPSTAG_MAPDATUM 18 /* Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver. (e.g. WGS-84) */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTLATITUDEREF 19 /* Indicates whether the latitude of the destination point is north or south latitude. */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTLATITUDE 20 /* Indicates the latitude of the destination point. */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTLONGITUDEREF 21 /* Indicates whether the longitude of the destination point is east or west longitude. */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTLONGITUDE 22 /* Indicates the longitude of the destination point. */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTBEARINGREF 23 /* Indicates the reference used for giving the bearing to the destination point. */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTBEARING 24 /* Indicates the bearing to the destination point. */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTDISTANCEREF 25 /* Indicates the unit used to express the distance to the destination point. */
+#define GPSTAG_DESTDISTANCE 26 /* Indicates the distance to the destination point. */
+#define GPSTAG_PROCESSINGMETHOD 27 /* A character string recording the name of the method used for location finding. */
+#define GPSTAG_AREAINFORMATION 28 /* A character string recording the name of the GPS area. */
+#define GPSTAG_DATESTAMP 29 /* A character string recording date and time information relative to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). */
+#define GPSTAG_DIFFERENTIAL 30 /* Indicates whether differential correction is applied to the GPS receiver. */
+#define GPSTAG_GPSHPOSITIONINGERROR 31 /* Indicates horizontal positioning errors in meters. */
#endif /* _TIFF_ */
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