import os import shlex import shutil import subprocess import tempfile import textwrap from collections import defaultdict from functools import partial from io import StringIO from operator import attrgetter from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from pkgcheck import __title__ as project from pkgcheck import base from pkgcheck import checks as checks_mod from pkgcheck import const, objects, reporters, scan from pkgcheck.scripts import run from pkgcore import const as pkgcore_const from pkgcore.ebuild import atom, restricts from pkgcore.restrictions import packages from snakeoil.contexts import chdir, os_environ from snakeoil.fileutils import touch from snakeoil.formatters import PlainTextFormatter from snakeoil.osutils import pjoin from ..misc import Profile class TestPkgcheckScanParseArgs: def test_skipped_checks(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.enabled_checks # some checks should always be skipped by default assert set(options.enabled_checks) != set(objects.CHECKS.values()) def test_enabled_check(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-c", "PkgDirCheck"]) assert options.enabled_checks == {checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck} def test_disabled_check(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck in options.enabled_checks options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-c=-PkgDirCheck"]) assert options.enabled_checks assert checks_mod.pkgdir.PkgDirCheck not in options.enabled_checks def test_targets(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "dev-util/foo"]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom("dev-util/foo"))] def test_stdin_targets(self, tool): with patch("sys.stdin", StringIO("dev-util/foo")): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-"]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.package_scope, atom.atom("dev-util/foo"))] def test_invalid_targets(self, tool, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "dev-util/f$o"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() err = err.strip() assert err == "pkgcheck scan: error: invalid package atom: 'dev-util/f$o'" def test_unknown_path_target(self, tool, capsys): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: tool.parse_args(["scan", "/foo/bar"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() err = err.strip().split("\n") assert err[-1].startswith( "pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '/foo/bar'" ) def test_target_repo_id(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"]) assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_dir_path(self, repo, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", repo.location]) assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_dir_path_in_repo(self, repo, tool): path = pjoin(repo.location, "profiles") options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", path]) assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_dir_path_in_configured_repo(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"]) path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, "profiles") options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", path]) assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_target_non_repo_path(self, tool, capsys, tmp_path): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: tool.parse_args(["scan", str(tmp_path)]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err.startswith( f"pkgcheck scan: error: 'standalone' repo doesn't contain: '{str(tmp_path)}'" ) def test_target_invalid_repo(self, tool, capsys, make_repo): repo = make_repo(masters=["unknown"]) with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: tool.parse_args(["scan", repo.location]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out err = err.strip() assert err.startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: repo init failed") assert err.endswith("has missing masters: 'unknown'") def test_target_file_path(self, repo, tool): os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")) ebuild_path = pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo", "foo-0.ebuild") touch(ebuild_path) options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", ebuild_path]) restrictions = [ restricts.CategoryDep("dev-util"), restricts.PackageDep("foo"), restricts.VersionMatch("=", "0"), ] assert list(options.restrictions) == [ (base.version_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)) ] assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" def test_target_package_dir_cwd(self, repo, tool): os.makedirs(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")) with chdir(pjoin(repo.location, "dev-util", "foo")): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" restrictions = [ restricts.CategoryDep("dev-util"), restricts.PackageDep("foo"), ] assert list(options.restrictions) == [ (base.package_scope, packages.AndRestriction(*restrictions)) ] def test_target_repo_dir_cwd(self, repo, tool): with chdir(repo.location): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "fake" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_unknown_repo(self, tmp_path, capsys, tool): for opt in ("-r", "--repo"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: with chdir(str(tmp_path)): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err.startswith( "pkgcheck scan: error: argument -r/--repo: couldn't find repo 'foo'" ) def test_invalid_repo(self, tmp_path, capsys, tool): (tmp_path / "foo").touch() for opt in ("-r", "--repo"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: with chdir(str(tmp_path)): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err.startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: argument -r/--repo: repo init failed:") def test_valid_repo(self, tool): for opt in ("-r", "--repo"): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "standalone"]) assert options.target_repo.repo_id == "standalone" assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.repo_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_unknown_reporter(self, capsys, tool): for opt in ("-R", "--reporter"): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", opt, "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err.startswith("pkgcheck scan: error: no reporter matches 'foo'") def test_format_reporter(self, capsys, tool): # missing --format with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: tool.parse_args(["scan", "-R", "FormatReporter"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() err = err.strip().split("\n") assert err[-1].endswith("missing or empty --format option required by FormatReporter") # missing -R FormatReporter with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: tool.parse_args(["scan", "--format", "foo"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() err = err.strip().split("\n") assert err[-1].endswith("--format option is only valid when using FormatReporter") # properly set options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "-R", "FormatReporter", "--format", "foo"]) def test_cwd(self, capsys, tool): # regularly working options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.cwd == os.getcwd() # pretend the CWD was removed out from under us with patch("os.getcwd") as getcwd: getcwd.side_effect = FileNotFoundError("CWD is gone") options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan"]) assert options.cwd == const.DATA_PATH def test_eclass_target(self, fakerepo, tool): (eclass_dir := fakerepo / "eclass").mkdir() (eclass_path := eclass_dir / "foo.eclass").touch() options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(eclass_path)]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.eclass_scope, "foo")] def test_profiles_target(self, fakerepo, tool): profiles_path = str(fakerepo / "profiles") options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", profiles_path]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profiles_scope, packages.AlwaysTrue)] def test_profiles_path_target_file(self, fakerepo, tool): (pkg_mask_path := fakerepo / "profiles/package.mask").touch() options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(pkg_mask_path)]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [(base.profile_node_scope, str(pkg_mask_path))] def test_profiles_path_target_dir(self, fakerepo, tool): (profile_dir := fakerepo / "profiles/default").mkdir(parents=True) (pkg_mask_path := profile_dir / "package.mask").touch() (pkg_use_path := profile_dir / "package.use").touch() options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", str(profile_dir)]) assert list(options.restrictions) == [ (base.profile_node_scope, {str(pkg_mask_path), str(pkg_use_path)}) ] def test_no_default_repo(self, tool, capsys): stubconfig = pjoin(pkgcore_const.DATA_PATH, "stubconfig") with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: tool.parse_args(["--config", stubconfig, "scan"]) assert excinfo.value.code == 2 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert not out assert err.strip() == "pkgcheck scan: error: no default repo found" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("makeopts", "expected_jobs"), ( ("", 4), ("-j1", 1), ("--jobs=6 -l 1", 6), ("--load 1", 4), ), ) def test_makeopts_parsing(self, parser, makeopts, expected_jobs): with patch("os.cpu_count", return_value=4), os_environ(MAKEOPTS=makeopts): options = parser.parse_args(["scan"]) assert == expected_jobs assert options.tasks == 5 * expected_jobs def test_no_color(self, parser, tmp_path): (config_file := tmp_path / "config").write_text( textwrap.dedent( """\ [DEFAULT] color = true """ ) ) args = ("scan", "--config", str(config_file)) with os_environ("NO_COLOR"): assert parser.parse_args(args).color is True with os_environ(NO_COLOR="1"): # NO_COLOR overrides config file assert parser.parse_args(args).color is False # cmd line option overrides NO_COLOR assert parser.parse_args([*args, "--color", "n"]).color is False assert parser.parse_args([*args, "--color", "y"]).color is True class TestPkgcheckScanParseConfigArgs: @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, parser, tmp_path, repo): self.parser = parser self.repo = repo self.args = ["scan", "-r", repo.location] self.system_config = str(tmp_path / "system-config") self.user_config = str(tmp_path / "user-config") self.config = str(tmp_path / "custom-config") def test_config_precedence(self): configs = [self.system_config, self.user_config] with patch("pkgcheck.cli.ConfigFileParser.default_configs", configs): with open(self.system_config, "w") as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( """\ [DEFAULT] jobs=1000 """ ) ) options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) assert == 1000 # user config overrides system config with open(self.user_config, "w") as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( """\ [DEFAULT] jobs=1001 """ ) ) options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) assert == 1001 # repo config overrides user config with open(pjoin(self.repo.location, "metadata", "pkgcheck.conf"), "w") as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( """\ [DEFAULT] jobs=1002 """ ) ) options = self.parser.parse_args(self.args) assert == 1002 # custom config overrides user config with open(self.config, "w") as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( """\ [DEFAULT] jobs=1003 """ ) ) config_args = self.args + ["--config", self.config] options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args) assert == 1003 # repo defaults override general defaults with open(self.config, "a") as f: f.write( textwrap.dedent( f"""\ [{self.repo.repo_id}] jobs=1004 """ ) ) options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args) assert == 1004 # command line options override all config settings options = self.parser.parse_args(config_args + ["--jobs", "9999"]) assert == 9999 class TestPkgcheckScan: script = staticmethod(partial(run, project)) repos_data = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/data/repos" repos_dir = pytest.REPO_ROOT / "testdata/repos" repos = tuple(sorted( for x in repos_data.iterdir() if != "network")) _all_results = [ (cls, result) for name, cls in sorted(objects.CHECKS.items()) if not issubclass(cls, checks_mod.NetworkCheck) for result in sorted(cls.known_results, key=attrgetter("__name__")) ] @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _setup(self, testconfig, tmp_path): self.cache_dir = str(tmp_path) base_args = ["--config", testconfig] self.scan = partial(scan, base_args=base_args) # args for running `pkgcheck scan` via API call self.scan_args = ["--config", "no", "--cache-dir", self.cache_dir] # args for running pkgcheck like a script self.args = [project] + base_args + ["scan"] + self.scan_args def test_empty_repo(self, capsys, repo): with patch("sys.argv", self.args + [repo.location]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 out, err = capsys.readouterr() assert out == err == "" def test_no_matching_checks_scope(self, tool): options, _ = tool.parse_args(["scan", "standalone"]) path = pjoin(options.target_repo.location, "profiles") error = "no matching checks available for profiles scope" with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match=error): self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-c", "PkgDirCheck", path]) def test_stdin_targets_with_no_args(self): with patch("sys.stdin", StringIO()): with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckUserException, match="no targets"): self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-"]) def test_exit_status(self, repo): # create good ebuild and another with an invalid EAPI repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-0") repo.create_ebuild("newcat/pkg-1", eapi="-1") # exit status isn't enabled by default args = ["-r", repo.location] with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 # all error level results are flagged by default when enabled with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 # selective error results will only flag those specified with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidSlot"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 0 with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args + ["--exit", "InvalidEapi"]): with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo: self.script() assert excinfo.value.code == 1 def test_filter_latest(self, make_repo): repo = make_repo(arches=["amd64"]) # create stub profile to suppress ArchesWithoutProfiles result repo.create_profiles([Profile("stub", "amd64")]) # create ebuild with unknown keywords repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", keywords=["unknown"], homepage="") # and a good ebuild for the latest version repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", keywords=["amd64"], homepage="") # results for old pkgs will be shown by default args = ["-r", repo.location] with patch("sys.argv", self.args + args): results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args)) assert len(results) == 1 # but are ignored when running using the 'latest' filter for opt in ("-f", "--filter"): for arg in ("latest", "latest:KeywordsCheck", "latest:UnknownKeywords"): assert not list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args + [opt, arg])) def test_scan_restrictions(self, repo): # create two ebuilds with bad EAPIs repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", eapi="-1") repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-1", eapi="-1") # matching version restriction returns a single result results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "=cat/pkg-0"])) assert [x.version for x in results] == ["0"] # unmatching version restriction returns no results results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "=cat/pkg-2"])) assert not results # matching package restriction returns two sorted results results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "cat/pkg"])) assert [x.version for x in results] == ["0", "1"] # unmatching package restriction returns no results results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "cat/unknown"])) assert not results def test_scan_quiet(self, repo): # create an ebuild referencing variable in homepage repo.create_ebuild("cat/pkg-0", homepage="${PN}") # in non-quiet mode, the result is shown results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location])) assert len(results) == 1 # in quiet mode, the result is suppressed for arg in ("-q", "--quiet"): results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, arg])) assert not results results = list( self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-r", repo.location, "-q", "-k=-UnknownKeywords"]) ) assert not results def test_explict_skip_check(self): """SkipCheck exceptions are raised when triggered for explicitly enabled checks.""" error = "network checks not enabled" with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match=error): self.scan(self.scan_args + ["-C", "net"]) def test_cache_disabled_skip_check(self): """SkipCheck exceptions are raised when enabled checks require disabled cache types.""" args = ["--cache=-git", "-c", "StableRequestCheck"] error = "StableRequestCheck: git cache support required" with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match=error): self.scan(self.scan_args + args) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "module", ( pytest.param("pkgcheck.pipeline.UnversionedSource", id="producer"), pytest.param("", id="consumer"), ), ) def test_pipeline_exceptions(self, module): """Test checkrunner pipeline against unhandled exceptions.""" with patch(module) as faked: faked.side_effect = Exception("pipeline failed") with pytest.raises(base.PkgcheckException, match="Exception: pipeline failed"): list(self.scan(self.scan_args)) # nested mapping of repos to checks/keywords they cover _checks = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos) def test_scan_repo_data(self, repo): """Make sure the test data is up to date check/result naming wise.""" for check in (self.repos_data / repo).iterdir(): assert in objects.CHECKS for keyword in check.iterdir(): assert in objects.KEYWORDS self._checks[repo][].add( @staticmethod def _script(fix, repo_path): try:[fix], cwd=repo_path, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: error = exc.stderr if exc.stderr else exc.stdout def _scan_results(self, repo, tmp_path, verbosity): """Scan a target repo, saving results for verification.""" repo_dir = self.repos_dir / repo # run all existing triggers triggers = [ pjoin(root, "") for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(self.repos_data / repo) if "" in files ] if triggers: triggered_repo = tmp_path / f"triggered-{repo}" shutil.copytree(repo_dir, triggered_repo) for trigger in triggers: self._script(trigger, triggered_repo) repo_dir = triggered_repo if repo not in self._checks: self.test_scan_repo_data(repo) args = (["-v"] * verbosity) + ["-r", str(repo_dir), "-c", ",".join(self._checks[repo])] # add any defined extra repo args try: args.extend(shlex.split((repo_dir / "metadata/pkgcheck-args").read_text())) except FileNotFoundError: pass results = [] for result in self.scan(self.scan_args + args): # ignore results generated from stubs if any(getattr(result, x, "").startswith("stub") for x in ("category", "package")): continue results.append(result) results_set = set(results) assert len(results) == len(results_set) return results_set def _get_results(self, path: str): """Return the set of result objects from a given json stream file.""" try: with (self.repos_data / path).open() as f: return set(reporters.JsonStream.from_iter(f)) except FileNotFoundError: return set() def _render_results(self, results, **kwargs): """Render a given set of result objects into their related string form.""" with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as f: with reporters.FancyReporter(out=PlainTextFormatter(f), **kwargs) as reporter: for result in sorted(results): output = return output @pytest.mark.parametrize("repo", repos) def test_scan_repo(self, repo, tmp_path_factory): """Run pkgcheck against test pkgs in bundled repo, verifying result output.""" results = set() verbose_results = set() scan_results = self._scan_results(repo, tmp_path_factory.mktemp("scan"), verbosity=0) scan_verbose_results = self._scan_results(repo, tmp_path_factory.mktemp("ver"), verbosity=1) for check, keywords in self._checks[repo].items(): for keyword in keywords: # verify the expected results were seen during the repo scans expected_results = self._get_results(f"{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected.json") assert expected_results, "regular results must always exist" assert self._render_results(expected_results), "failed rendering results" results.update(expected_results) # when expected verbose results exist use them, otherwise fallback to using the regular ones expected_verbose_results = self._get_results( f"{repo}/{check}/{keyword}/expected-verbose.json" ) if expected_verbose_results: assert self._render_results( expected_verbose_results ), "failed rendering verbose results" verbose_results.update(expected_verbose_results) else: verbose_results.update(expected_results) if results != scan_results: missing = self._render_results(results - scan_results) unknown = self._render_results(scan_results - results) error = ["unmatched repo scan results:\n\n"] if missing: error.append(f"{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}") if unknown: error.append(f"{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}")"\n".join(error), pytrace=False) if verbose_results != scan_verbose_results: missing = self._render_results(verbose_results - scan_verbose_results) unknown = self._render_results(scan_verbose_results - verbose_results) error = ["unmatched verbose repo scan results:\n\n"] if missing: error.append(f"{repo} repo missing expected results:\n{missing}") if unknown: error.append(f"{repo} repo unknown results:\n{unknown}")"\n".join(error), pytrace=False) @staticmethod def _patch(fix, repo_path): with as fix_file: try: ["patch", "-p1"], cwd=repo_path, stdin=fix_file, capture_output=True, check=True, text=True, ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: error = exc.stderr if exc.stderr else exc.stdout @pytest.mark.parametrize("check, result", _all_results) def test_fix(self, check, result, tmp_path): """Apply fixes to pkgs, verifying the related results are fixed.""" check_name = check.__name__ keyword = result.__name__ tested = False for repo in self.repos: keyword_dir = self.repos_data / repo / check_name / keyword if (fix := keyword_dir / "fix.patch").exists(): func = self._patch elif (fix := keyword_dir / "").exists(): func = self._script else: continue # apply a fix if one exists and make sure the related result doesn't appear repo_dir = self.repos_dir / repo fixed_repo = tmp_path / f"fixed-{repo}" shutil.copytree(repo_dir, fixed_repo) func(fix, fixed_repo) args = ["-r", str(fixed_repo), "-c", check_name, "-k", keyword] # add any defined extra repo args try: with open(f"{repo_dir}/metadata/pkgcheck-args") as f: args.extend(shlex.split( except FileNotFoundError: pass results = list(self.scan(self.scan_args + args)) if results: error = ["unexpected repo scan results:\n"] error.append(self._render_results(results))"\n".join(error), pytrace=False) shutil.rmtree(fixed_repo) tested = True if not tested: pytest.skip("fix not available")