#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 import argparse import errno import math import shlex import signal import subprocess import sys from os import path as osp if osp.isfile( osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), ".portage_not_installed") ): sys.path.insert( 0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "lib") ) import portage portage._internal_caller = True from portage import os from portage import xpak, gpkg from portage.const import SUPPORTED_GENTOO_BINPKG_FORMATS from portage.dbapi.dep_expand import dep_expand from portage.dep import Atom, use_reduce from portage.exception import ( AmbiguousPackageName, CompressorOperationFailed, InvalidAtom, InvalidData, InvalidBinaryPackageFormat, InvalidDependString, PackageSetNotFound, PermissionDenied, ) from portage.util import ensure_dirs, varexpand, _xattr from portage.util.cpuinfo import makeopts_to_job_count xattr = _xattr.xattr from portage._sets import load_default_config, SETPREFIX from portage.process import find_binary from portage.util.compression_probe import _compressors from portage.util._eventloop.global_event_loop import global_event_loop from portage.gpg import GPG def quickpkg_atom(options, infos, arg, eout): settings = portage.settings eroot = portage.settings["EROOT"] trees = portage.db[eroot] vartree = trees["vartree"] vardb = vartree.dbapi bintree = trees["bintree"] include_config = options.include_config == "y" include_unmodified_config = options.include_unmodified_config == "y" fix_metadata_keys = ["PF", "CATEGORY"] try: atom = dep_expand(arg, mydb=vardb, settings=vartree.settings) except AmbiguousPackageName as e: # Multiple matches thrown from cpv_expand eout.eerror(f"Please use a more specific atom: {' '.join(e.args[0])}") del e infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 except (InvalidAtom, InvalidData): eout.eerror(f"Invalid atom: {arg}") infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 if atom[:1] == "=" and arg[:1] != "=": # dep_expand() allows missing '=' but it's really invalid eout.eerror(f"Invalid atom: {arg}") infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 matches = vardb.match(atom) pkgs_for_arg = 0 retval = 0 for cpv in matches: excluded_config_files = [] dblnk = vardb._dblink(cpv) have_lock = False if "__PORTAGE_INHERIT_VARDB_LOCK" not in settings: try: dblnk.lockdb() have_lock = True except PermissionDenied: pass try: if not dblnk.exists(): # unmerged by a concurrent process continue iuse, use, restrict = vardb.aux_get(cpv, ["IUSE", "USE", "RESTRICT"]) iuse = [x.lstrip("+-") for x in iuse.split()] use = use.split() try: restrict = use_reduce(restrict, uselist=use, flat=True) except InvalidDependString as e: eout.eerror( "Invalid RESTRICT metadata " + f"for '{cpv}': {str(e)}; skipping" ) del e continue if "bindist" in iuse and "bindist" not in use: eout.ewarn(f"{cpv}: package was emerged with USE=-bindist!") eout.ewarn(f"{cpv}: it might not be legal to redistribute this.") elif "bindist" in restrict: eout.ewarn(f"{cpv}: package has RESTRICT=bindist!") eout.ewarn(f"{cpv}: it might not be legal to redistribute this.") eout.ebegin(f"Building package for {cpv}") pkgs_for_arg += 1 existing_metadata = dict( zip(fix_metadata_keys, vardb.aux_get(cpv, fix_metadata_keys)) ) category, pf = portage.catsplit(cpv) required_metadata = {} required_metadata["CATEGORY"] = category required_metadata["PF"] = pf update_metadata = {} for k, v in required_metadata.items(): if v != existing_metadata[k]: update_metadata[k] = v if update_metadata: vardb.aux_update(cpv, update_metadata) binpkg_format = settings.get( "BINPKG_FORMAT", SUPPORTED_GENTOO_BINPKG_FORMATS[0] ) if binpkg_format == "xpak": xpdata = xpak.xpak(dblnk.dbdir) binpkg_tmpfile = os.path.join( bintree.pkgdir, cpv + ".tbz2." + str(portage.getpid()) ) ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(binpkg_tmpfile)) binpkg_compression = settings.get("BINPKG_COMPRESS", "bzip2") try: compression = _compressors[binpkg_compression] except KeyError as e: if binpkg_compression: eout.eerror( f"Invalid or unsupported compression method: {e.args[0]}" ) return 1 # Empty BINPKG_COMPRESS disables compression. binpkg_compression = "none" compression = { "compress": "cat", "package": "sys-apps/coreutils", } if ( settings.get( f"BINPKG_COMPRESS_FLAGS_{binpkg_compression.upper()}", None ) is not None ): compression["compress"] = compression["compress"].replace( "${BINPKG_COMPRESS_FLAGS}", f"${{BINPKG_COMPRESS_FLAGS_{binpkg_compression.upper()}}}", ) try: compression_binary = shlex.split( varexpand(compression["compress"], mydict=settings) )[0] except IndexError as e: eout.eerror( f"Invalid or unsupported compression method: {e.args[0]}" ) return 1 if find_binary(compression_binary) is None: missing_package = compression["package"] eout.eerror( f"File compression unsupported {binpkg_compression} (missing package: {missing_package})" ) return 1 cmd = compression["compress"].replace( "{JOBS}", str(makeopts_to_job_count(settings.get("MAKEOPTS", "1"))), ) cmd = shlex.split(varexpand(cmd, mydict=settings)) # Filter empty elements that make Popen fail cmd = [x for x in cmd if x != ""] with open(binpkg_tmpfile, "wb") as fobj: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=fobj) excluded_config_files = dblnk.quickpkg( proc.stdin, include_config=include_config, include_unmodified_config=include_unmodified_config, ) proc.stdin.close() if proc.wait() != os.EX_OK: eout.eend(1) eout.eerror(f"Compressor failed for package {cpv}") retval |= 1 try: os.unlink(binpkg_tmpfile) except OSError as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE): raise continue xpak.tbz2(binpkg_tmpfile).recompose_mem(xpdata) elif binpkg_format == "gpkg": metadata = gpkg.gpkg(settings)._generate_metadata_from_dir(dblnk.dbdir) binpkg_tmpfile = os.path.join( bintree.pkgdir, cpv + ".gpkg.tar." + str(os.getpid()) ) ensure_dirs(os.path.dirname(binpkg_tmpfile)) excluded_config_files = dblnk.quickpkg( binpkg_tmpfile, metadata, include_config=include_config, include_unmodified_config=include_unmodified_config, ) else: raise InvalidBinaryPackageFormat(binpkg_format) except CompressorOperationFailed as e: eout.eerror(f"Compressor operation failed") os.remove(binpkg_tmpfile) binpkg_tmpfile = None finally: if have_lock: dblnk.unlockdb() if binpkg_tmpfile is not None: pkg_info = bintree.inject(cpv, current_pkg_path=binpkg_tmpfile) # The pkg_info value ensures that the following getname call # returns the correct path when FEATURES=binpkg-multi-instance # is enabled, but fallback to cpv in case the inject call # returned None due to some kind of failure. binpkg_path = bintree.getname(pkg_info or cpv) try: s = os.stat(binpkg_path) except OSError: s = None if binpkg_tmpfile is None or s is None or pkg_info is None: # Sanity check, shouldn't happen normally. eout.eend(1) eout.eerror(f"Failed to create package: '{cpv}'") retval |= 1 else: eout.eend(0) infos["successes"].append((cpv, s.st_size)) infos["config_files_excluded"] += len(excluded_config_files) for filename in excluded_config_files: eout.ewarn(f"Excluded config: '{filename}'") if not pkgs_for_arg: eout.eerror("Could not find anything " + f"to match '{arg}'; skipping") infos["missing"].append(arg) retval |= 1 return retval def quickpkg_set(options, infos, arg, eout): eroot = portage.settings["EROOT"] trees = portage.db[eroot] vartree = trees["vartree"] settings = vartree.settings settings._init_dirs() setconfig = load_default_config(settings, trees) sets = setconfig.getSets() set_name = arg[1:] if not set_name in sets: eout.eerror(f"Package set not found: '{arg}'; skipping") infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 try: atoms = setconfig.getSetAtoms(set_name) except PackageSetNotFound as e: eout.eerror( f"Failed to process package set '{set_name}' because " + f"it contains the non-existent package set '{e}'; skipping" ) infos["missing"].append(arg) return 1 retval = os.EX_OK for atom in atoms: retval |= quickpkg_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) return retval def quickpkg_extended_atom(options, infos, atom, eout): eroot = portage.settings["EROOT"] trees = portage.db[eroot] vartree = trees["vartree"] vardb = vartree.dbapi require_metadata = atom.slot or atom.repo atoms = [] for cpv in vardb.cpv_all(): cpv_atom = Atom(f"={cpv}") if atom == "*/*": atoms.append(cpv_atom) continue if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [cpv]): continue if require_metadata: try: cpv = vardb._pkg_str(cpv, atom.repo) except (KeyError, InvalidData): continue if not portage.match_from_list(atom, [cpv]): continue atoms.append(cpv_atom) for atom in atoms: quickpkg_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) def quickpkg_main(options, args, eout): eroot = portage.settings["EROOT"] trees = portage.db[eroot] bintree = trees["bintree"] try: ensure_dirs(bintree.pkgdir) except portage.exception.PortageException: pass if not os.access(bintree.pkgdir, os.W_OK): eout.eerror(f"No write access to '{bintree.pkgdir}'") return errno.EACCES if "xattr" in portage.settings.features and not _xattr.XATTRS_WORKS: eout.eerror( "No xattr support library was found, " "so xattrs will not be preserved!" ) portage.settings.unlock() portage.settings.features.remove("xattr") portage.settings.lock() infos = {} infos["successes"] = [] infos["missing"] = [] infos["config_files_excluded"] = 0 for arg in args: if arg[0] == SETPREFIX: quickpkg_set(options, infos, arg, eout) continue try: atom = Atom(arg, allow_wildcard=True, allow_repo=True) except (InvalidAtom, InvalidData): # maybe it's valid but missing category (requires dep_expand) quickpkg_atom(options, infos, arg, eout) else: if atom.extended_syntax: quickpkg_extended_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) else: quickpkg_atom(options, infos, atom, eout) if not infos["successes"]: eout.eerror("No packages found") return 1 print() eout.einfo(f"Packages now in '{bintree.pkgdir}':") units = {10: "K", 20: "M", 30: "G", 40: "T", 50: "P", 60: "E", 70: "Z", 80: "Y"} for cpv, size in infos["successes"]: if not size: # avoid OverflowError in math.log() size_str = "0" else: power_of_2 = math.log(size, 2) power_of_2 = 10 * (power_of_2 // 10) unit = units.get(power_of_2) if unit: size = float(size) / (2**power_of_2) size_str = f"{size:.1f}" if len(size_str) > 4: # emulate `du -h`, don't show too many sig figs size_str = str(int(size)) size_str += unit else: size_str = str(size) eout.einfo(f"{cpv}: {size_str}") if infos["config_files_excluded"]: print() eout.ewarn(f"Excluded config files: {infos['config_files_excluded']}") eout.ewarn("See --help if you would like to include config files.") if infos["missing"]: print() eout.ewarn("The following packages could not be found:") eout.ewarn(" ".join(infos["missing"])) return 2 return os.EX_OK if __name__ == "__main__": usage = "quickpkg [options] " parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage) parser.add_argument( "--umask", default="0077", help="umask used during package creation (default is 0077)", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-default-opts", action="store_true", help="do not use the QUICKPKG_DEFAULT_OPTS environment variable", ) parser.add_argument( "--include-config", choices=["y", "n"], default="n", metavar="", help="include all files protected by CONFIG_PROTECT (as a security precaution, default is 'n')", ) parser.add_argument( "--include-unmodified-config", choices=["y", "n"], default="n", metavar="", help="include files protected by CONFIG_PROTECT that have not been modified since installation (as a security precaution, default is 'n')", ) options, args = parser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) if not options.ignore_default_opts: default_opts = shlex.split(portage.settings.get("QUICKPKG_DEFAULT_OPTS", "")) options, args = parser.parse_known_args(default_opts + sys.argv[1:]) if not args: parser.error("no packages atoms given") try: umask = int(options.umask, 8) except ValueError: parser.error(f"invalid umask: {options.umask}") # We need to ensure a sane umask for the packages that will be created. old_umask = os.umask(umask) eout = portage.output.EOutput() def sigwinch_handler(signum, frame): lines, eout.term_columns = portage.output.get_term_size() gpg = None if portage.settings.get("BINPKG_GPG_SIGNING_KEY", None): gpg = GPG(portage.settings) gpg.unlock() signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler) try: retval = quickpkg_main(options, args, eout) finally: os.umask(old_umask) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_DFL) if gpg is not None: gpg.stop() global_event_loop().close() sys.exit(retval)