diff options
authorTomáš Mózes <>2023-04-14 17:59:27 +0200
committerTomáš Mózes <>2023-04-14 17:59:27 +0200
commit83c3b8b1a5486948521768ca2f2ef6de59357210 (patch)
tree23673f3e5851b792c908fdc602c3a3a8ab5c2133 /0066-tools-ocaml-Change-Xb.input-to-return-Packet.t-optio.patch
parentXen 4.16.3-pre-patchset-1 (diff)
Xen 4.16.4-pre-patchset-04.16.4-pre-patchset-0
Signed-off-by: Tomáš Mózes <>
Diffstat (limited to '0066-tools-ocaml-Change-Xb.input-to-return-Packet.t-optio.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/0066-tools-ocaml-Change-Xb.input-to-return-Packet.t-optio.patch b/0066-tools-ocaml-Change-Xb.input-to-return-Packet.t-optio.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fa056d..0000000
--- a/0066-tools-ocaml-Change-Xb.input-to-return-Packet.t-optio.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-From 59981b08c8ef6eed37b1171656c2a5f3b4b74012 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Edwin=20T=C3=B6r=C3=B6k?= <>
-Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 19:13:02 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH 66/87] tools/ocaml: Change Xb.input to return Packet.t option
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-The queue here would only ever hold at most one element. This will simplify
-follow-up patches.
-This is part of XSA-326.
-Signed-off-by: Edwin Török <>
-Acked-by: Christian Lindig <>
-(cherry picked from commit c0a86a462721008eca5ff733660de094d3c34bc7)
- tools/ocaml/libs/xb/ | 18 +++++-------------
- tools/ocaml/libs/xb/xb.mli | 5 +----
- tools/ocaml/libs/xs/ | 20 ++++++--------------
- tools/ocaml/xenstored/ | 4 +---
- tools/ocaml/xenstored/ | 15 +++++++--------
- 5 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/
-index 8404ddd8a682..165fd4a1edf4 100644
---- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/
-+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/
-@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ type partial_buf = HaveHdr of Partial.pkt | NoHdr of int * bytes
- type t =
- {
- backend: backend;
-- pkt_in: Packet.t Queue.t;
- pkt_out: Packet.t Queue.t;
- mutable partial_in: partial_buf;
- mutable partial_out: string;
-@@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ let reconnect t = match t.backend with
- Xs_ring.close backend.mmap;
- backend.eventchn_notify ();
- (* Clear our old connection state *)
-- Queue.clear t.pkt_in;
- Queue.clear t.pkt_out;
- t.partial_in <- init_partial_in ();
- t.partial_out <- ""
-@@ -124,7 +122,6 @@ let output con =
- (* NB: can throw Reconnect *)
- let input con =
-- let newpacket = ref false in
- let to_read =
- match con.partial_in with
- | HaveHdr partial_pkt -> Partial.to_complete partial_pkt
-@@ -143,21 +140,19 @@ let input con =
- if Partial.to_complete partial_pkt = 0 then (
- let pkt = Packet.of_partialpkt partial_pkt in
- con.partial_in <- init_partial_in ();
-- Queue.push pkt con.pkt_in;
-- newpacket := true
-- )
-+ Some pkt
-+ ) else None
- | NoHdr (i, buf) ->
- (* we complete the partial header *)
- if sz > 0 then
- Bytes.blit b 0 buf (Partial.header_size () - i) sz;
- con.partial_in <- if sz = i then
-- HaveHdr (Partial.of_string (Bytes.to_string buf)) else NoHdr (i - sz, buf)
-- );
-- !newpacket
-+ HaveHdr (Partial.of_string (Bytes.to_string buf)) else NoHdr (i - sz, buf);
-+ None
-+ )
- let newcon backend = {
- backend = backend;
-- pkt_in = Queue.create ();
- pkt_out = Queue.create ();
- partial_in = init_partial_in ();
- partial_out = "";
-@@ -193,9 +188,6 @@ let has_output con = has_new_output con || has_old_output con
- let peek_output con = Queue.peek con.pkt_out
--let input_len con = Queue.length con.pkt_in
--let has_in_packet con = Queue.length con.pkt_in > 0
--let get_in_packet con = Queue.pop con.pkt_in
- let has_partial_input con = match con.partial_in with
- | HaveHdr _ -> true
- | NoHdr (n, _) -> n < Partial.header_size ()
-diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/xb.mli b/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/xb.mli
-index 794e35bb343e..91c682162cea 100644
---- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/xb.mli
-+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xb/xb.mli
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ val write_fd : backend_fd -> 'a -> string -> int -> int
- val write_mmap : backend_mmap -> 'a -> string -> int -> int
- val write : t -> string -> int -> int
- val output : t -> bool
--val input : t -> bool
-+val input : t -> Packet.t option
- val newcon : backend -> t
- val open_fd : Unix.file_descr -> t
- val open_mmap : Xenmmap.mmap_interface -> (unit -> unit) -> t
-@@ -89,10 +89,7 @@ val has_new_output : t -> bool
- val has_old_output : t -> bool
- val has_output : t -> bool
- val peek_output : t -> Packet.t
--val input_len : t -> int
--val has_in_packet : t -> bool
- val has_partial_input : t -> bool
--val get_in_packet : t -> Packet.t
- val has_more_input : t -> bool
- val is_selectable : t -> bool
- val get_fd : t -> Unix.file_descr
-diff --git a/tools/ocaml/libs/xs/ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xs/
-index d982fb24dbb1..451f8b38dbcc 100644
---- a/tools/ocaml/libs/xs/
-+++ b/tools/ocaml/libs/xs/
-@@ -94,26 +94,18 @@ let pkt_send con =
- done
- (* receive one packet - can sleep *)
--let pkt_recv con =
-- let workdone = ref false in
-- while not !workdone
-- do
-- workdone := Xb.input con.xb
-- done;
-- Xb.get_in_packet con.xb
-+let rec pkt_recv con =
-+ match Xb.input con.xb with
-+ | Some packet -> packet
-+ | None -> pkt_recv con
- let pkt_recv_timeout con timeout =
- let fd = Xb.get_fd con.xb in
- let r, _, _ = [ fd ] [] [] timeout in
- if r = [] then
- true, None
-- else (
-- let workdone = Xb.input con.xb in
-- if workdone then
-- false, (Some (Xb.get_in_packet con.xb))
-- else
-- false, None
-- )
-+ else
-+ false, Xb.input con.xb
- let queue_watchevent con data =
- let ls = split_string ~limit:2 '\000' data in
-diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
-index 38b47363a173..cc20e047d2b9 100644
---- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
-+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
-@@ -277,9 +277,7 @@ let get_transaction con tid =
- Hashtbl.find con.transactions tid
- let do_input con = Xenbus.Xb.input con.xb
--let has_input con = Xenbus.Xb.has_in_packet con.xb
- let has_partial_input con = Xenbus.Xb.has_partial_input con.xb
--let pop_in con = Xenbus.Xb.get_in_packet con.xb
- let has_more_input con = Xenbus.Xb.has_more_input con.xb
- let has_output con = Xenbus.Xb.has_output con.xb
-@@ -307,7 +305,7 @@ let is_bad con = match con.dom with None -> false | Some dom -> Domain.is_bad_do
- Restrictions below can be relaxed once xenstored learns to dump more
- of its live state in a safe way *)
- let has_extra_connection_data con =
-- let has_in = has_input con || has_partial_input con in
-+ let has_in = has_partial_input con in
- let has_out = has_output con in
- let has_socket = con.dom = None in
- let has_nondefault_perms = make_perm con.dom <> con.perm in
-diff --git a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
-index dd58e6979cf9..cbf708213796 100644
---- a/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
-+++ b/tools/ocaml/xenstored/
-@@ -195,10 +195,9 @@ let parse_live_update args =
- | _ when Unix.gettimeofday () < t.deadline -> false
- | l ->
- warn "timeout reached: have to wait, migrate or shutdown %d domains:" (List.length l);
-- let msgs = List.rev_map (fun con -> Printf.sprintf "%s: %d tx, in: %b, out: %b, perm: %s"
-+ let msgs = List.rev_map (fun con -> Printf.sprintf "%s: %d tx, out: %b, perm: %s"
- (Connection.get_domstr con)
- (Connection.number_of_transactions con)
-- (Connection.has_input con)
- (Connection.has_output con)
- (Connection.get_perm con |> Perms.Connection.to_string)
- ) l in
-@@ -706,16 +705,17 @@ let do_input store cons doms con =
- info "%s requests a reconnect" (Connection.get_domstr con);
- History.reconnect con;
- info "%s reconnection complete" (Connection.get_domstr con);
-- false
-+ None
- | Failure exp ->
- error "caught exception %s" exp;
- error "got a bad client %s" (sprintf "%-8s" (Connection.get_domstr con));
- Connection.mark_as_bad con;
-- false
-+ None
- in
-- if newpacket then (
-- let packet = Connection.pop_in con in
-+ match newpacket with
-+ | None -> ()
-+ | Some packet ->
- let tid, rid, ty, data = Xenbus.Xb.Packet.unpack packet in
- let req = {Packet.tid=tid; Packet.rid=rid; Packet.ty=ty;} in
-@@ -725,8 +725,7 @@ let do_input store cons doms con =
- (Xenbus.Xb.Op.to_string ty) (sanitize_data data); *)
- process_packet ~store ~cons ~doms ~con ~req;
- write_access_log ~ty ~tid ~con:(Connection.get_domstr con) ~data;
-- Connection.incr_ops con;
-- )
-+ Connection.incr_ops con
- let do_output _store _cons _doms con =
- if Connection.has_output con then (