# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.{4..6} 10 11 ) POSTGRES_USEDEP="server" inherit postgres cmake-utils DESCRIPTION="pgRouting extends PostGIS and PostgreSQL with geospatial routing functionality." HOMEPAGE="http://pgrouting.org/" LICENSE="GPL-2 MIT Boost-1.0" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" SRC_URI="https://github.com/pgRouting/${PN}/archive/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz" IUSE="pdf html" RDEPEND="${POSTGRES_DEP} >=dev-db/postgis-2.0 dev-libs/boost sci-mathematics/cgal " # Sphinx is needed to build the man pages DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=dev-python/sphinx-1.2 pdf? ( >=dev-python/sphinx-1.2[latex] ) " # Needs a running psql instance, doesn't work out of the box RESTRICT="test" pkg_setup() { postgres_pkg_setup } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DBUILD_HTML=$(usex html) -DBUILD_LATEX=$(usex pdf) -DBUILD_MAN=ON -DWITH_DOC=ON ) cmake-utils_src_configure } src_compile() { cmake-utils_src_make all doc } src_install() { cmake-utils_src_install doman "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/man/en/pgrouting.7 use html && dodoc -r "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/html use pdf && dodoc "${BUILD_DIR}"/doc/latex/en/*.pdf }