# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 #################################################################### # # When you add an entry to the top of this file, add your name, the date # in the UTC timezone with a format of YYYY-MM-DD, and an explanation of why # something is getting masked. # Please be extremely careful not to commit atoms that are not valid, as it can # cause large-scale breakage, especially if it ends up in the daily snapshot. # ## Example: ## ## # Dev E. Loper (2019-07-01) ## # Masking these versions until we can get the ## # v4l stuff to work properly again ## =media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5 ## =media-video/mplayer-0.90_pre5-r1 # # - Best last rites (removal) practices - # Include the following info: # a) reason for masking # b) bug # for the removal (and yes you should have one) # c) date of removal (either the date or "in x days") # ## Example: ## ## # Dev E. Loper (2019-07-01) ## # Masked for removal in 30 days. Doesn't work ## # with new libfoo. Upstream dead, gtk-1, smells ## # funny. (bug #987654) ## app-misc/some-package #--- END OF EXAMPLES --- # Andreas Sturmlechner (2021-11-29) # KDE Gear 21.11.90 (21.12 RC) mask # Pre-release version. ~kde-apps/baloo-widgets-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/dolphin-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kate-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kde-apps-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdecore-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/khelpcenter-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/konsole-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kwrite-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdialog-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/keditbookmarks-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kfind-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/konqueror-21.11.90 ~app-accessibility/kontrast-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdeaccessibility-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kmag-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kmousetool-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kmouth-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdeadmin-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kcron-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ksystemlog-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/analitza-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/artikulate-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/blinken-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/cantor-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kalgebra-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kalzium-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kanagram-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kbruch-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdeedu-data-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdeedu-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kgeography-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/khangman-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kig-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kiten-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/klettres-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kmplot-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kqtquickcharts-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktouch-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kturtle-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kwordquiz-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkeduvocdocument-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/marble-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/minuet-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/parley-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/rocs-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/step-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/bomber-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/bovo-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/granatier-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kajongg-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kapman-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/katomic-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kblackbox-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kblocks-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kbounce-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kbreakout-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdegames-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdiamond-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kfourinline-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kgoldrunner-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kigo-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/killbots-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kiriki-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kjumpingcube-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/klickety-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/klines-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kmahjongg-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kmines-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/knavalbattle-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/knetwalk-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/knights-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kolf-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kollision-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/konquest-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kpat-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kreversi-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kshisen-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ksirk-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ksnakeduel-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kspaceduel-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ksquares-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ksudoku-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktuberling-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kubrick-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkdegames-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkmahjongg-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/lskat-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/palapeli-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/picmi-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/gwenview-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kamera-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kcolorchooser-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdegraphics-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdegraphics-mobipocket-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kipi-plugins-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kolourpaint-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kruler-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkdcraw-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkexiv2-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkipi-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libksane-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/okular-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/spectacle-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/svgpart-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/thumbnailers-21.11.90 ~kde-misc/skanlite-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/audiocd-kio-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/dragon-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ffmpegthumbs-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/juk-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/k3b-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kamoso-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kmix-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kwave-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkcddb-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkcompactdisc-21.11.90 ~media-sound/elisa-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-dropbox-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kaccounts-integration-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kaccounts-providers-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdenetwork-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kget-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kio-extras-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/krdc-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/krfb-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kopete-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-accounts-kcm-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-approver-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-auth-handler-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-common-internals-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-contact-list-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-contact-runner-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-desktop-applets-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-filetransfer-handler-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-kded-module-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-send-file-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktp-text-ui-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/plasma-telepathy-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/signon-kwallet-extension-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/zeroconf-ioslave-21.11.90 ~kde-misc/kdeconnect-21.11.90 ~kde-misc/kio-gdrive-21.11.90 ~net-irc/konversation-21.11.90 ~net-libs/libktorrent-21.11.90 ~net-p2p/ktorrent-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/cervisia-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-git-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-mercurial-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/dolphin-plugins-subversion-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kapptemplate-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kcachegrind-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kde-dev-scripts-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kde-dev-utils-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdesdk-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdesdk-kioslaves-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdesdk-thumbnailers-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kompare-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kross-interpreters-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/libkomparediff2-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/lokalize-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/poxml-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/umbrello-21.11.90 ~app-cdr/dolphin-plugins-mountiso-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ark-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/filelight-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kbackup-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kcalc-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kcharselect-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdebugsettings-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdeutils-meta-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kdf-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kfloppy-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kimagemapeditor-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kteatime-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/ktimer-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/kwalletmanager-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/print-manager-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/sweeper-21.11.90 ~kde-apps/yakuake-21.11.90 ~kde-misc/markdownpart-21.11.90 ~sys-block/partitionmanager-21.11.90 ~sys-libs/kpmcore-21.11.90 ~dev-util/kdevelop-21.11.90 ~dev-util/kdevelop-php-21.11.90 ~dev-util/kdevelop-python-21.11.90 # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-28) # Libraries without consumers. Removal in 30 days. dev-java/commons-pool dev-java/dict4j dev-java/felix-gogo-command dev-java/jama dev-java/janino dev-java/jchardet dev-java/jcommon dev-java/jdynamite dev-java/jfreesvg dev-java/jgrapht dev-java/jmdns dev-java/jsr225 dev-java/jsr311-api dev-java/jsr322 dev-java/jung dev-java/mojarra dev-java/neuroph dev-java/ognl dev-java/piccolo dev-java/portletapi dev-java/vldocking dev-java/ws-commons-util dev-java/xml-security dev-java/xmpcore # Marek Szuba (2021-11-27) # XXV has been outdated and unmaintained in Gentoo for years. # EAPI 5, numerous QA violations. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #827669 www-misc/xxv x11-themes/xxv-skins # Marek Szuba (2021-11-27) # No activity in upstream GitHub repository since July 2013, # no official release tarballs, unmaintained in Gentoo, EAPI 5. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #827666 www-apache/mod_vhost_ldap # Marek Szuba (2021-11-27) # Upstream Web site (including release tarballs) is gone, no activity # in their GitHub repository since June 2012. Unmaintained in Gentoo # for years, EAPI 5. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #827663 www-apache/mod_ldap_userdir # Marek Szuba (2021-11-27) # Upstream is long gone, unmaintained in Gentoo for years, EAPI 5. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #827657 www-apache/mod_extract_forwarded # Marek Szuba (2021-11-27) # No upstream activity since October 2005, release tarballs # not available any more. Unmaintained in Gentoo, EAPI 5. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #827654 www-apache/mod_evasive # Mike Gilbert (2021-11-27) # eudev will be removed on 2022-01-01. # Please see the news item published on 2021-08-24 for more information. sys-fs/eudev # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-26) # Library without consumers. Removal in 30 days. dev-java/jss # Alfredo Tupone (2021-11-26) # EAPI 6. Removal in 30 days. Bug @827158 =dev-lang/gnat-gpl-2019-r2 # Marek Szuba (2021-11-25) # Upstream discontinued Linux support over 10 years ago so we are now # one major version and countless known bugs behind. No source archives # published for current versions. Unmaintained in Gentoo for years, # EAPI 5. Removal in 30 days. Bug #827522 sci-biology/ApE # Hans de Graaff (2021-11-26) # Mask new rubygems version for testing. This version uses a new # gentoo-defaults profile, bug #789957 >=dev-ruby/rubygems-3.2.31 # Hans de Graaff (2021-11-26) # Old slot, obsolete since 2016. No reverse dependencies. Use the # newer slot instead. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-ruby/typhoeus:0 # Marek Szuba (2021-11-25) # Ancient, very few distributions still package it. Both upstream # and the Debian package we use in SRC_URI are now gone. EAPI 5, # unmaintained in Gentoo. Consider using net-misc/frr, which supports # both RIP and many other routing protocols, instead. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #827322 net-misc/netkit-routed # Marek Szuba (2021-11-25) # Upstream is gone. Unmaintained in Gentoo, last updated # back in the CVS era, EAPI 5, open bugs. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #826790 net-analyzer/nagios-check_pidfile # Marek Szuba (2021-11-25) # Upstream is gone. Unmaintained in Gentoo, last updated # back in the CVS era, EAPI 5, open bugs. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #826786 net-analyzer/nagios-check_fail2ban # Hans de Graaff (2021-11-25) # Old slot that no longer has reverse dependencies. Last release in # 2013. Use minitest 5.x instead. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-ruby/minitest:0 # Hans de Graaff (2021-11-25) # Last upstream release in 2012 and upstream itself is no longer # available. Unlikely to still work correctly. No reverse dependencies. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-ruby/aws-s3 # Marek Szuba (2021-11-23) # No new releases since July 2013, no commits to upstream Git repository # since May 2019, long list of known issues (including Bug #681520), # unmaintained in Gentoo, EAPI 5. Consider using dev-util/uglifyjs instead. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #826470 dev-util/yuicompressor # Lars Wendler (2021-11-24) # No real development since Q1 2020. Last release from 2016. # Users should switch over to media-sound/strawberry which is an actively # developed fork. # Masked for removal in 30 days. media-sound/clementine # Hans de Graaff (2021-11-23) # Obsolete slot, last release in 2017, uses EAPI 5. # Use one of the newer slots. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-ruby/ttfunk:1.5 # Marek Szuba (2021-11-23) # Last release in 2009, dead upstream. Rendered obsolete by native PDF # importers provided by LibreOffice/OpenOffice, which actually read PDFs # instead of converting them to images. Unmaintained in Gentoo, EAPI 5. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #826382 app-text/pdf2oo # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-23) # Does not support updated dev-java/pdfbox-2.0.24, Bug #803488 # Blocks (CVE-2018-11797, CVE-2021-{27807,27906,31811,31812}) dev-tex/pdfannotextractor # Marek Szuba (2021-11-23) # No releases or repo activity upstream since 2013, both versions currently # in the tree fail to build (for different reasons), unmaintained in Gentoo, # stable ebuild uses EAPI 5. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #756925 app-text/dbacl # Sergey Popov (2021-11-22) # Upstream is pretty much dead # Has at least one security issue - bug #825358 # Replaced by net-misc/frr # Removal in 30 days net-misc/quagga # Marek Szuba (2021-11-22) # Upstream switched from static documentation to the Wiki format # around 10 years ago, and the ebuild we've got in the tree was # massively outdated even then (our version: 812, last static # upstream version: 2001). No maintainer in Gentoo, EAPI 5. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #826454 app-doc/selfhtml # Marek Szuba (2021-11-22) # Last release in 2008 at the latest, no maintainer in Gentoo for years, # EAPI 5, upstream is gone, the only distros which still package it are # Gentoo, Funtoo and LiGurOS. # Removal in 30 days. Bug #826682 app-admin/psmon # Andreas Sturmlechner (2021-11-22) # Unmaintained upstream, never made it to a KF5-based release and Gentoo # was the only distro ever packaging such a snapshot. Use kimpanel from # kde-plasma/plasma-desktop instead. # Removal on 2021-12-22. Bug #824822 kde-misc/kimtoy # Stephan Hartmann (2021-11-22) # Dev channel releases are only for people who # are developers or want more experimental features # and accept a more unstable release. >=www-client/chromium-98 # Michael Orlitzky (2021-11-22) # Cool package, but no longer developed upstream, and my immediate use # for it has expired. No reverse dependencies, deprecated EAPI; # removal in 30 days. Bug #826386. app-text/XML-Schema-learner # Hans de Graaff (2021-11-20) # Obsolete package. Last upstream release in 2014, upstream itself is # gone. No reverse dependencies in Gentoo. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-ruby/rack-ssl # Arthur Zamarin (2021-11-19) # Doesn't work with latest versions of adb, source not easily ported # to python 3.9 and 3.10. No upstream activity for 7 years. # Removal on 2021-12-19. Bug #825038. app-mobilephone/adb-sync # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-18) # Library without consumers, Removal in 30 days. dev-java/piccolo2d # Mike Pagano (2021-11-18) # Bug introduced in this version that can # cause system freeze with data loss. # Bug #824558. =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.14.19 =sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-5.14.19 ~sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-5.14.19 ~sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-5.14.19 ~sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel-5.14.19 ~virtual/dist-kernel-5.14.19 # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-16) # Outdated java package, uses EAPI 5, no revdeps, # no other distro is packaging this. # Removal on 2021-12-16. Bug #819420. media-video/google2srt # Uses EAPI 5, multiple bugs reported, fails to compile, # no revdeps, upstream doesn't do regular releases, # no other distro is packaging this # Removal on 2021-12-16. Bug #770610. Bug #813873. Bug #810682. net-libs/onion # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-15) # Library without consumers, # bug #771693 (multiple CVEs); Removal in 30 days. dev-java/jackson # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-14) # java packages without consumers, Removal in 30 days. dev-java/milton-mail-api dev-java/milton-api # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-13) # java package without consumers, # bug_808948 (CVE-2021-37714). Removal in 30 days. dev-java/jsoup # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-13) # Broken, no maintainer, outdated, multiple bugs reported, EAPI 5, # only revdep sys-fs/tmsu fails to build with go 1.16. # Removal on 2021-12-13. Bug #819612. Bug #771054. dev-libs/go-fuse sys-fs/tmsu # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-13) # Outdated, multiple bugs reported, uses EAPI 5, no revdeps. # Please use sci-geosciences/josm-bin instead. # Removal on 2021-12-13. Bug #819129. sci-geosciences/josm # Hans de Graaff (2021-11-13) # No longer maintained upstream. Stuck on an old version 4.x of d3 # while d3 upstream is now on 7.x. Probably best to use directly via # npm or yarn. # Masked for removal on 2021-12-13. dev-ruby/d3_rails # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-13) # java package without consumers, bug #787338. Removal in 30 days. dev-db/db-je # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-13) # depends on deprecated jdk / jre, bug #787449 # stuck with EAPI 5, latest release in 2005 # Removal in 30 days. net-analyzer/neti # John Helmert III (2021-11-13) # Unmaintained in Gentoo, open security bug, many unfixed otther # bugs. Removal on 2021-12-13, bug #764719. mail-client/cone # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-12) # Libraries with no other consumers. Removal in 30 days. dev-java/trident dev-java/okio dev-java/moshi # John Helmert III (2021-11-12) # Unfixed code execution bug, unmaintained in Gentoo. # Removal on 2021-12-11, bugs #672352, #794511. www-apps/websvn # Michał Górny (2021-11-11) # Last release was for XFCE 4.10, back in 2013. Does not support modern # Vala versions. No revdeps. # Removal on 2021-12-11. Bug #823128. xfce-extra/xfce4-vala # John Helmert III (2021-11-11) # Unmaintained and vulnerable. # Removal on 2021-12-11. Bugs #735978, #794907 app-emulation/firecracker # Mart Raudsepp (2021-11-11) # Needs testing to ensure valac-0.54 works for existing packages >=dev-libs/vala-common-0.53 dev-lang/vala:0.54 # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-10) # Uses EAPI 5, dead upstream, no other distro is # packaging this. # Removal on 2021-12-10. Bug #819333. net-im/kouchat # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-10) # Uses EAPI 5, outdated and current version has # security vulnerabilities. # Removal on 2021-12-10. Bug #819327. Bug #739594. net-irc/cgiirc # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-10) # Uses EAPI 5, no maintainer, only revdep sobby is # also broken and unmaintained. # Removal on 2021-12-10. Bug #819318. net-libs/obby net-misc/sobby # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-09) # Uses EAPI 5, no maintainer in Gentoo, no other # distro is packaging this. # Removal on 2021-12-09. Bug #819312. Bug #819321. net-libs/balde net-libs/balde-markdown # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-09) # Uses EAPI 5, upstream gone, no revdeps, # no other distro is packaging this. # Removal on 2021-12-09. Bug #819303. net-misc/ssh-chain # Michał Górny (2021-11-08) # Blocked on LLVM 11. Upstream does not handle adding support for new # LLVM or Python versions timely. No reverse dependencies. # Removal on 2021-12-08. Bug #822435. dev-python/llvmlite # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-07) # No maintainer, not compatible with llvm-11 or higher. # Removal on 2021-12-07. Bug #812566. dev-libs/vc-intrinsics # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-07) # Fails to build with glibc-2.34, dead upstream. # Only revdep (media-video/clive) is outdated # and uses EAPI 5. # Removal on 2021-12-07. Bug #807172. media-libs/quvi media-video/clive # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-07) # Unresolved security vulnerability, still uses EAPI 5. # Removal on 2021-12-07. Bug #811168. app-misc/rundeck-bin # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-07) # Dead upstream, uses EAPI 5, no revdeps. # Replaced by dev-db/mytop. # Removal on 2021-12-07. Bug #819675. dev-db/mtop # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-06) # Libraries with no other consumers. Removal in 30 days. dev-java/mina-core dev-java/jnr-unixsocket dev-java/jnr-enxio # Jakov Smolić (2021-11-06) # Dead upstream, multiple open bugs, no maintainer, # uses EAPI 5, no revdeps. # Removal on 2021-12-06. Bug #819750. app-pda/gnupod # Andreas K. Huettel (2021-11-04) # Unused and outdated packages; the version in core Perl is # newer. Removal in 30 days. perl-core/Module-Metadata perl-core/parent perl-core/podlators perl-core/Pod-Simple perl-core/Sys-Syslog perl-core/Term-ANSIColor # Sam James (2021-11-03) # Known issues with YAMA (kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=1) which is on by default # in at least the sys-kernel/gento-kernel kernel config. # Work is in progress to fix these but latest sandbox versions still seem # to cause hangs in some situations. Mask for now to avoid duplicate reports. # bug #821532, bug #821523 (and bug #821403 but shouldn't be in 3.1+). >=sys-apps/sandbox-3.0 # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-11-01) # Unused library and virtual, removal on 2021-12-01 dev-java/jamon java-virtuals/interceptor-api # Jakov Smolić (2021-10-31) # Multiple open bugs, unbuildable due to sandbox issues, # uses EAPI 5, no revdeps, no other distro packages this. # Removal on 2021-11-30. Bug #819252. sys-apps/frandom # Hans de Graaff (2021-10-30) # Obsolete slot. Use a newer slot of the same package. # Masked for removal in 30 days. dev-ruby/rmagick:0 dev-ruby/rbnacl:4 # Sam James (2021-10-10) # Needs upstream build system fixes (currently in progress). # Python toggles don't work correctly right now. # Masking this development release for now. =media-libs/gexiv2-0.13.0 # Ionen Wolkens (2021-10-09) # Vulkan beta driver branch aimed at Vulkan developers for testing # new features. Beside vulkan, it is typically behind the main branch # and may be buggier or less secure. Only unmask if really wanted. x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers:0/vulkan # Fabian Groffen (2021-10-03) # Masked for erratic behaviour # https://bugs.exim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2813 =mail-mta/exim-4.95 # John Helmert III (2021-09-29) # VM image data corruption bug, causing I/O errors in VMs. Bug #815379 =app-emulation/qemu-6.1.0-r1 # Brian Evans (2021-09-26) # Mask for 8.1 RC dev-lang/php:8.1 virtual/httpd-php:8.1 # Mart Raudsepp (2021-09-24) # Experimental split media-sound/pulseaudio packages, bug #536780. media-libs/libpulse media-sound/pulseaudio-daemon >=media-sound/pulseaudio-15.0-r100 # Michał Górny (2021-08-28) # EOL kernel with known vulnerabilities. Please move to 5.14 or one # of the LTS branches. Bug #814464. =sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-5.13* =sys-kernel/gentoo-kernel-bin-5.13* =sys-kernel/vanilla-kernel-5.13* =virtual/dist-kernel-5.13* # Mart Raudsepp (2021-09-23) # Incompatible with c++17 abseil-cpp, no in-tree consumers yet media-libs/webrtc-audio-processing:1 # Andreas K. Hüttel (2021-09-18) # sys-devel/automake version 1.11 is EOL and is only useful for testing # old de-ANSI-fication/ansi2knr/AM_C_PROTOTYPES code. Please uninstall. sys-devel/automake:1.11 # Alice Ferrazzi (2021-09-16) # Regression in POSIX CPU timers. # Please upgrade your gentoo-sources. # Adding affected vanilla-sources # https://www.spinics.net/lists/stable/msg499206.html =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.14.4 =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.13.17 =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.10.65 =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-5.4.146 =sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-5.14.4 =sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-5.13.17 =sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-5.10.65 =sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-5.4.146 # Mart Raudsepp (2021-09-15) # New major parallel-installable release which needs special care to not # end up loaded into the same process together with the earlier libsoup ABI. # Migration to it is expected for GNOME 42, NOT to be unmasked with GNOME 41. net-libs/libsoup:3.0 # Thomas Deutschmann (2021-09-07) # Masked while being tested and reverse deps aren't fully compatible # bug #797325. =dev-libs/openssl-3.0* # Craig Andrews (2021-09-20) # Requires OpenSSL >= 3.0.0 # Masked until dev-libs/openssl-3.0* is unmasked =dev-libs/gost-engine-3.0* # Ionen Wolkens (2021-09-03) # Known to break plasma, and several other applications on EGLStream # wayland, and egl-wayland-1.1.7-r1 is still usable with newer drivers. # While it does not prevent using wlroots-based compositors with GBM, # it's needed to use some features with it (unmask if wanted). # https://github.com/NVIDIA/egl-wayland/issues/40 # https://github.com/NVIDIA/egl-wayland/issues/41 >=gui-libs/egl-wayland-1.1.8 # Bernard Cafarelli (2021-08-26) # Preparing for final 5.0.0 release >=app-text/tesseract-5.0.0_beta # Joonas Niilola (2021-07-29) # Upstream provided migration instructions from 2. -> 3. update, # breaks if not all at least many revdeps. #805011 for tracker bug. >=net-libs/mbedtls-3.0.0 # Luke Dashjr (2021-11-04) # This release adds enforcement of the Taproot protocol change to the Bitcoin # rules, beginning in November. Protocol changes require user consent to be # effective, and if enforced inconsistently within the community may compromise # your security or others! If you do not know what you are doing, learn more # before November. (You must make a decision either way - simply not upgrading # is insecure in all scenarios.) # To learn more, see https://bitcointaproot.cc >=net-p2p/bitcoind-0.21.1 >=net-p2p/bitcoin-qt-0.21.1 >=net-libs/libbitcoinconsensus-0.21.1 # Lars Wendler (2021-07-10) # Masked for testing # bug #802186 >=mail-client/claws-mail-4.0.0 # Michał Górny (2021-07-06) # Upstream changed license to GPL-3+ in order to deliberately cause # incompatiblity with revdep licenses. Mask until the situation # is resolved. Bug #791259. >=media-libs/libopenaptx-0.2.1 # Conrad Kostecki (2021-06-20) # New Minecraft server release needs at least Java 16, # which is currently not available in Gentoo. >=games-server/minecraft-server-1.17 # Sam James (2021-06-12) # Masked until all reverse dependencies support # OCaml 4.13. # bug #816498 >=dev-lang/ocaml-4.13 >=dev-ml/camlp4-4.13 >=dev-ml/labltk-8.06.11 # Bernard Cafarelli (2021-06-04) # Alpha versions of fetchmail 7 # Add support for OAUTH2 for those needing it =net-mail/fetchmail-7.0.0_alpha* # Michał Górny (2021-05-31) # Requires removed media-libs/opencv version. (2021-05-16) # Mask gcc-7 branch (ended upstream support). Please switch # to a fresher gcc branch. (2021-05-16) # Mask gcc-6 branch (ended upstream support). Please switch # to a fresher gcc branch. (2021-04-29) # Mask experimental software =mail-mta/postfix-3.7* # Ulrich Müller (2021-04-20) # Version 3.15 is broken with Emacs 27.2. =app-emacs/mic-paren-3.15-r0 # Volkmar W. Pogatzki (2021-04-18) # dev-java/xerces-2.12.1 depends on masked >=virtual/{jdk,jre}-11 # https://bugs.gentoo.org/782697 >=dev-java/xerces-2.12.1 # Sam James (2021-03-30) # Seems to break dev-tex/culmus-latex # Masking until we can investigate & fix # bug #737406 =media-fonts/culmus-0.133-r1 # Sam James (2021-03-03) # Doesn't seem to sync clock correctly # in some cases. # bug #772998 ~net-misc/openntpd-6.8_p1 # Lars Wendler (2021-02-15) # Mask development versions now that they were bumped... =net-misc/kea-1.9* # Michał Górny (2020-11-10) # This old Kodi version requires vulnerable dev-python/pillow # and prevents users from upgrading. Masked for the time being. # Bug #729672. media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-nestopia media-plugins/kodi-game-libretro-dosbox # Sam James (2020-10-05) # Masked for testing. New major versions of Guile # often break reverse dependencies. # Guile in Gentoo is not slotted, so let's be cautious. # bug #705554, bug #689408. >=dev-scheme/guile-3.0.4 # Ulrich Müller (2020-10-04) # Version 1.11 introduced different startup conventions for the server # which breaks the OpenRC init script. Bug #746227. >=net-misc/tigervnc-1.11.0 # Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (2020-09-01) # Mismatched version (bug #695022). Masked to force upgrade to 2.0.4_pre20200306162733. # (Mask should remain after ebuilds are deleted, until 2021-03-01 or # until new upstream release with proper versioning.) ~app-i18n/scim-sunpinyin-3.0.0_rc1 # Miroslav Šulc (2020-02-27) # >=dev-java/ant-eclipse-ecj-4.10 depends on masked >=virtual/{jdk,jre}-11 # www-servers/tomcat >= 9 depends on masked dev-java/eclipse-ecj >=dev-java/ant-eclipse-ecj-4.10 >=dev-java/eclipse-ecj-4.10 >=www-servers/tomcat-9 # Lars Wendler (2019-11-14) # Breaks archives containing relative paths # when being called with --no-absolute-filenames # bug #700020 =app-arch/cpio-2.13 # Matt Turner (2019-09-01) # TeXmacs is the only remaining package in tree that requires guile-1.8, which # is unsupported upstream. A TeXmacs port to Guile-2 has been in progress for a # few years. Bug #436400 app-office/texmacs (2018-11-25) # Masked per security vulnerability CVE-2018-14345, bug #661510 # Keeping it masked while users have unsolved issues with >0.15.0. (2018-10-07) # Masked for more testing especially of reverse-deps. >=dev-games/ogre-1.11.2 # Andreas K. Hüttel (2018-09-11) # Mask transition ebuilds that were needed only for (2017-12-17) # Georgy Yakovlev (2021-10-16) # Java 11+ is not yet fully supported on Gentoo. Packages cannot depend # on it so these virtuals are not yet required. If you wish to use # Java 11+ then install openjdk-(jdk|jre)-bin directly. # bug #697014 virtual/jdk:11 virtual/jre:11 virtual/jdk:17 virtual/jre:17 # Nicolas Bock (2017-10-31) # There are multiple unresolved upstream issues with >=jabref-bin-4.0 (#636036). # If you still would like to use this version, please report any issues to # upstream. >=app-text/jabref-bin-4.0 # Michał Górny (2017-05-22) # for Maciej S. Szmigiero # Any version above 5.100.138 breaks b43 driver in various ways. # Also, b43 wiki page says to use 5.100.138. Bug #541080. >=sys-firmware/b43-firmware- # Andreas K. Hüttel (2017-05-21) # (and others, updated later) # These old versions of toolchain packages (binutils, gcc, glibc) are no # longer officially supported and are not suitable for general use. Using # these packages can result in build failures (and possible breakage) for # many packages, and may leave your system vulnerable to known security # exploits. # If you still use one of these old toolchain packages, please upgrade (and # switch the compiler / the binutils) ASAP. If you need them for a specific # (isolated) use case, feel free to unmask them on your system. (2017-01-07) # This package has some dangerous quality and security issues, but # people may still find it useful. It is masked to prevent accidental # use. See bugs 603346 and 604998 for more information. app-admin/amazon-ec2-init # Robin H. Johnson (2014-08-04) # Masked for testing, presently fails upstream testsuite: # FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) db_dump/db_load(./TESTDIR.3/recd001.db:child killed: kill signal): expected 0, got 1 # FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) Dump/load of ./TESTDIR.3/recd001.db failed. # FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) db_verify_preop: expected 0, got 1 =sys-libs/db-6.1* =sys-libs/db-6.2* =sys-libs/db-18.1* # Mike Gilbert (2014-03-04) # Dev channel releases are only for people who are developers or want more # experimental features and accept a more unstable release. www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins:unstable # Diego E. Pettenò (2009-01-03) # These packages are not supposed to be merged directly, instead # please use sys-devel/crossdev to install them. dev-util/mingw64-runtime sys-libs/newlib dev-embedded/avr-libc