Gentoo Geosciences Project Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS). QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. QGIS lets you browse and create map data on your computer. It supports many common spatial data formats (e.g. ESRI ShapeFile, geotiff). QGIS supports plugins to do things like display tracks from your GPS. Build QGIS 3D library using dev-qt/qt3d Determines whether georeferencer plugin should be built Add support for grass Enable MDAL support for sci-libs/hdf5 Determines whether mapserver should be built Enable MDAL support for GRIB and XMDF formats Enable OpenCL support Enable support for the polar coordinate system via x11-libs/qwtpolar Enable support Qml-based plugins using dev-qt/qtdeclarative