# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 ) inherit cmake-utils python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs MY_P="NuSMV-${PV}" NUSMV_A="${MY_P}.tar.gz" ZCHAFF_A="zchaff.64bit.2007.3.12.zip" DESCRIPTION="NuSMV: new symbolic model checker" HOMEPAGE="http://nusmv.fbk.eu/" SRC_URI="http://nusmv.fbk.eu/distrib/${NUSMV_A} zchaff? ( http://www.princeton.edu/~chaff/zchaff/${ZCHAFF_A} )" LICENSE="LGPL-2.1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="minisat doc zchaff" REQUIRED_USE="|| ( minisat zchaff )" SHARED_DEPEND="minisat? ( >=sci-mathematics/minisat-2.2.0_p20130925 )" RDEPEND="${SHARED_DEPEND} dev-libs/expat" DEPEND="${SHARED_DEPEND} doc? ( virtual/latex-base dev-texlive/texlive-latexextra app-doc/doxygen ) app-arch/unzip dev-libs/libxml2 ${PYTHON_DEPS}" S="${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}/NuSMV" src_unpack() { unpack "${NUSMV_A}" if use zchaff; then cp "${DISTDIR}/${ZCHAFF_A}" "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}/zChaff" || die fi } src_prepare() { sed -i -e 's/-mcpu=[^\s]*//' "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}/cudd-"/Makefile || die # Prevent automatic build of minisat - we are using the ebuild from portage sed -i -e 's/ add_subdirectory(${MINISAT_SOURCE_DIR} ${MINISAT_BUILD_DIR})//' \ -e 's/MINISAT_LIB/MiniSat/' CMakeLists.txt || die sed -i -e 's/DEPENDS MINISAT_BUILD//' code/nusmv/core/sat/solvers/CMakeLists.txt || die # Change the "prog-man/html" rule to optional sed -i -e '/\s*install( .*html /s:${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}:share/nusmv/doc OPTIONAL:' doc/prog-man/CMakeLists.txt || die # Change the doc destination sed -i -e "s:share/nusmv/doc:share/doc/${PF}:" doc/{tutorial,user-man,prog-man}/CMakeLists.txt || die # Correction for proper parallel compilation # sed -i -e 's/COMMAND ${MAKE}/COMMAND $(MAKE)/' "${WORKDIR}/${MY_P}/"{zchaff,MiniSat}/CMakeLists.txt || die default } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DENABLE_MINISAT=$(usex minisat) -DENABLE_ZCHAFF=$(usex zchaff) -DMINISAT_INCLUDE_DIR="${EPREFIX}"/usr/include/minisat/simp ) cmake-utils_src_configure } src_compile() { local targets=( all ) use doc && targets+=( prog-man user-man html tutorial docs ) cmake-utils_src_compile "${targets[@]}" } src_install() { cmake-utils_src_install # Remove docs where they do not belong to rm -f "${ED%/}"/usr/share/nusmv/{LGPL-2.1,README*,NEWS} || die }