## -- INSTALL_BASE ## folder path to the webdav.conf, .css, .js, and. msg files for the Web ## interface ## (don't forget the trailing slash) $INSTALL_BASE='/usr/share/webdavcgi-0.8/'; ## -- VIRTUAL_BASE ## only neccassary if you use redirects or rewrites from a VIRTUAL_BASE to ## the DOCUMENT_ROOT; ## regular expressions are allowed ## EXAMPLE: $VIRTUAL_BASE = '/'; $VIRTUAL_BASE = '/webdav'; ## -- DOCUMENT_ROOT ## by default the server document root ## (don't forget a trailing slash '/'): $DOCUMENT_ROOT = '/home/'; ## -- UMASK ## mask for file/folder creation ## (it does not change permission of existing files/folders): $UMASK = 0007; ## -- ENABLE_DAVMOUNT ## enables DAV mount button in the folder navigation of the Web interface $ENABLE_DAVMOUNT = 1; ## -- ENABLE_COMPRESSION ## enables/disables gzip content encoding for the Web interface $ENABLE_COMPRESSION = 0; ## -- PAGE_LIMIT ## limits number of files/folders shown in the Web interface $PAGE_LIMIT=100; ## -- PAGE_LIMITS ## allowed selectable limits (-1 = show all) @PAGE_LIMITS = ( 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 50, 100, -1); ## -- DBI_(SRC/USER/PASS) ## database setup for LOCK/UNLOCK/PROPPATCH/PROPFIND data ## ## SQLite config ## If users share the same folder they should use the same database ## in this case you have to use a single file writeable for all users. #$DBI_SRC='dbi:SQLite:dbname=/var/lib/webdavcgi/0.8/default/webdav.db'; #$DBI_USER=''; #$DBI_PASS=''; #$CREATE_DB = !-e '/var/lib/webdavcgi/0.8/default/webdav.db'; ## MySQL config #$DBI_SRC='DBI:mysql:database=webdavcgi;host=localhost;port=3306'; #$DBI_USER='mysqluser'; #$DBI_PASS='changeme'; #$CREATE_DB=0; ## PostgreSQL config #$DBI_SRC='dbi:Pg:dbname=webdavcgi;host=localhost;port=5432'; #$DBI_USER='pguser'; #$DBI_PASS='changeme'; #$CREATE_DB = 0; ## -- HEADER ## content after body tag in the Web interface $HEADER = '