# ChangeLog for app-emulation/open-vm-tools # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-emulation/open-vm-tools/ChangeLog,v 1.5 2008/02/01 12:33:36 flameeyes Exp $ 01 Feb 2008; Diego Pettenò files/open-vm.initd: Update init script to work with current development version of OpenRC (checkroot -> root; checkfs -> fsck). 31 Jan 2008; Mike Auty ChangeLog: Re-sign digestless manifest. *open-vm-tools-0.0.20080123.74039 (30 Jan 2008) 30 Jan 2008; Mike Auty -files/open-vm-tools-kernel_stdint-soren.patch, -open-vm-tools-0.0.20071121.64693-r1.ebuild, +open-vm-tools-0.0.20080123.74039.ebuild: Version bump and remove the broken masked version. *open-vm-tools-0.0.20071121.64693-r1 (28 Jan 2008) 28 Jan 2008; Mike Auty +files/open-vm-tools-kernel_stdint-soren.patch, +open-vm-tools-0.0.20071121.64693-r1.ebuild: Fix kernel build issues. *open-vm-tools-0.0.20071121.64693 (22 Dec 2007) 22 Dec 2007; Mike Auty +files/disable-toolbox.patch, +files/open-vm.confd, +files/open-vm.initd, +files/tools.conf, +files/xautostart.conf, +metadata.xml, +open-vm-tools-0.0.20071121.64693.ebuild: Initial commit. This should be usable for both ESX server, workstation, player and normal server.