# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-java/jdbc-jaybird/jdbc-jaybird-2.1.0-r1.ebuild,v 1.4 2007/04/28 19:39:26 betelgeuse Exp $ JAVA_PKG_IUSE="doc source examples test" inherit eutils java-pkg-2 At="Jaybird-${PV/_/}-src" DESCRIPTION="JDBC Type 2 and 4 drivers for Firebird SQL server" HOMEPAGE="http://jaybirdwiki.firebirdsql.org/" SRC_URI="mirror://sourceforge/firebird/${At}.zip" LICENSE="LGPL-2" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="jni" RDEPEND=">=virtual/jre-1.4 dev-java/log4j" DEPEND="|| ( =virtual/jdk-1.5* =virtual/jdk-1.4* ) app-arch/unzip dev-java/log4j jni? ( dev-java/cpptasks ) test? ( dev-java/junit dev-java/ant )" S="${WORKDIR}/client-java" MY_PN="jaybird" src_unpack() { unpack "${A}" cd "${S}" epatch "${FILESDIR}/archive-xml-${PV}.patch" epatch "${FILESDIR}/compile-xml-${PV}.patch" cd "${S}/lib/" rm -v *.jar use test && java-pkg_jar-from --build-only junit junit.jar cd "${S}/src/lib/" # the build.xml unpacks this and uses stuff mv mini-j2ee.jar ${T} || die "Failed to move mini-j2ee.jar to ${T}" rm -v *.jar *.zip mv ${T}/mini-j2ee.jar . || die "Failed to move mini-j2ee.jar back from ${T}" java-pkg_jar-from log4j log4j.jar log4j-core.jar } src_compile() { java-pkg_filter-compiler jikes eant $(use test && echo "-Dtests=true") jars \ $(use jni && echo "compile-native") \ $(use_doc javadocs) } src_install() { cd "${S}/output/lib/" java-pkg_newjar ${MY_PN}-${PV}.jar ${PN}.jar for jar in full pool; do java-pkg_newjar ${MY_PN}-${jar}-${PV}.jar ${MY_PN}-${jar}.jar || die "java-pkg_newjar ${MY_PN}-${jar}.jar failed" done if use test; then java-pkg_newjar ${MY_PN}-test-${PV}.jar ${MY_PN}-${jar}.jar || die "java-pkg_newjar ${MY_PN}-${jar}.jar failed" fi if use jni; then cd "${S}/output/native" sodest="/usr/lib/" java-pkg_doso libjaybird21.so || die \ "java-pkg_doso ${sodest}libjaybird21.so failed" fi cd "${S}" if use examples; then insinto /usr/share/doc/${PF}/ doins -r examples || die "installing examples failed" fi use source && java-pkg_dosrc "${S}"/src/*/org cd "${S}/output" use doc && java-pkg_dohtml -r docs/ dodoc etc/{*.txt,default.mf} dohtml etc/*.html } src_test() { # # Warning about timeouts without Firebird installed and running Locally # ewarn "You will experience long timeouts when running junit tests" ewarn "without Firebird installed and running locally. The tests will" ewarn "complete without Firebird, but network timeouts prolong the" ewarn "testing phase considerably." eant all-tests-pure-java }