# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation, Emil Skoldberg, Fredrik Mellstrom (see ChangeLog)
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-lang/pike/pike-7.4.44.ebuild,v 1.4 2004/06/26 14:52:49 scandium Exp $

inherit fixheadtails

IUSE="debug doc gdbm gif gtk java jpeg mysql oci8 odbc opengl pdflib postgres scanner sdl tiff truetype zlib"

DESCRIPTION="Pike programming language and runtime"

KEYWORDS="x86 ppc"

	zlib?	( sys-libs/zlib )
	pdflib? ( media-libs/pdflib )
	gdbm?	( sys-libs/gdbm )
	java?	( virtual/jdk )
	scanner? ( media-gfx/sane-backends )
	mysql?	( dev-db/mysql )
	postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql )
	gif?	( media-libs/giflib )
	truetype? ( media-libs/freetype )
	jpeg?	( media-libs/jpeg )
	tiff?	( media-libs/tiff )
	opengl?	( virtual/opengl
		virtual/glut )
	sdl?	( media-libs/libsdl )
	gtk?	( =x11-libs/gtk+-1.2* )"

src_unpack() {
	unpack ${A}
	cd ${S}

	# ht_fix_all kills autoheader stuff, so we use ht_fix_file
	find . -iname "*.sh" -or -iname "*.sh.in" -or -iname "Makefile*" | \
	while read i; do
		ht_fix_file $i

src_compile() {

	local myconf
	use zlib  	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-zlib"
	use mysql 	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-mysql"
	use debug 	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-debug"
	use gdbm  	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-gdbm"
	use pdflib	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-libpdf"
	use java	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-java"
	use odbc	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-odbc"
	use scanner	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-sane"
	use postgres 	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-postgres"
	use oci8	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-oracle"
	use gif		|| myconf="${myconf} --without-gif"
	use truetype 	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-ttflib --without-freetype"
	use jpeg	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-jpeglib"
	use tiff	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-tifflib"
	use opengl	|| myconf="${myconf} --without-GL --without-GLUT"
	use gtk		|| myconf="${myconf} --without-GTK"

	# scandium@gentoo.org (5th March 2004)
	# Check every release:
	#	- gtk2 changes (does not compile)
	#	- dvb changes (does not compile)
	#	- ffmpeg changes (does not compile)
	emake CONFIGUREARGS="${myconf} --prefix=/usr --disable-make_conf --without-ffmpeg \
				--without-GTK2 --without-dvb" || die

	# only build documentation if 'doc' is in USE
	if use doc; then
		PATH="${S}/bin:${PATH}" make doc || die

src_install() {
	# the installer should be stopped from removing files, to prevent sandbox issues
	sed -i s/rm\(mod\+\"\.o\"\)\;/\{\}/ ${S}/bin/install.pike || die "Failed to modify install.pike"

	make INSTALLARGS="--traditional" buildroot="${D}" install || die

	# We remove all .o files to prevent decode errors, bug #32973
	rm -vf `find ${D} -regex '.*\.o' -type f | xargs`

	if use doc; then
		einfo "Installing 60MB of docs, this could take some time ..."
		dohtml -r ${S}/refdoc/traditional_manual ${S}/refdoc/modref