# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-libs/libotf/libotf-0.9.4.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/06/16 16:45:22 mkennedy Exp $ DESCRIPTION="Library for handling OpenType fonts (OTF)" HOMEPAGE="http://www.m17n.org/libotf/" SRC_URI="http://www.m17n.org/libotf/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="LGPL-2.1" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="x86 ppc alpha amd64 ppc64 sparc hppa" IUSE="X" RDEPEND="|| ( ( x11-libs/libXaw x11-libs/libICE ) virtual/x11 ) >=media-libs/freetype-2.1" DEPEND="${RDEPEND} >=sys-apps/sed-4" src_unpack() { unpack ${A} cd ${S} use X || sed -i -e '/^bin_PROGRAMS/s/otfview//' example/Makefile.in || die } src_install() { make DESTDIR=${D} install || die dodoc AUTHORS INSTALL NEWS README ChangeLog } pkg_postinst() { if has_version '<dev-libs/libotf-0.9.3' ; then ewarn ewarn "Shared library extension has been changed. You may need to recompile" ewarn "everything depending on this library (in short, please remerge m17n-lib" ewarn " if you are upgrading)." ewarn fi }