# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/dev-ruby/radiant/radiant-1.0.0_rc3-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2012/08/16 03:55:50 flameeyes Exp $ EAPI="2" USE_RUBY="ruby18" RUBY_FAKEGEM_VERSION=${PV/_/.} RUBY_FAKEGEM_TASK_DOC="" RUBY_FAKEGEM_TASK_TEST="spec cucumber" RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRADOC="CHANGELOG.md CONTRIBUTORS.md README.md" # All these files are needed because the generator expect to install them. RUBY_FAKEGEM_EXTRAINSTALL="CHANGELOG.md CONTRIBUTORS.md INSTALL.md LICENSE.md README.md Gemfile Gemfile.lock Rakefile app config db log public script vendor" inherit ruby-fakegem DESCRIPTION="A no-fluff, open source content management system" HOMEPAGE="http://radiantcms.org/" LICENSE="MIT" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="~amd64" IUSE="" # Testing depends on a working database and a bundled version of Rails 2.3.8 # Needs more work later. RESTRICT="test" #ruby_add_bdepend "test? ( dev-db/sqlite3-ruby dev-ruby/rspec dev-util/cucumber )" ruby_add_rdepend ">=dev-ruby/redcloth-4.0.0 >=dev-ruby/rack-1.1.0 >=dev-ruby/rails-2.3.14:2.3 >=dev-ruby/highline-1.5.1 >=dev-ruby/radius-0.5.1 =dev-ruby/will_paginate-2.3* dev-ruby/rack-cache >=dev-ruby/sqlite3-1.3.4 dev-ruby/bundler >=dev-ruby/activesupport-2.3.14-r1:2.3" # Remove code from vendor that we support as an external dependency. all_ruby_prepare() { rm -rf vendor/{highline,radius,rails,redcloth} Gemfile.lock epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-deps.patch } each_ruby_compile() { # we force a lock here so that it actually works without trying to # write in /usr as user. bundle install --local || die } each_ruby_test() { cp config/database.sqlite.yml config/database.yml || die "Unable to provide database.yml for testing." ${RUBY} -S rake db:migrate each_fakegem_test rm config/database.yml || die "Unable to remove testing database.yml." }