XCOMM site:  $TOG: site.def /main/12 1997/07/02 17:52:18 samborn $

 *                                                                         *
 *		  X Consortium In-House Build Parameters                   *
 *			Use at Your Own Risk				   *
 *                                                                         *

#ifndef SiteIConfigFiles
# define SiteIConfigFiles $(IRULESRC)/host.def
# define LocalConfigFiles host.def

#ifdef BeforeVendorCF

# include <host.def>

/* We will import x11. */
# define ImportX11		YES

# ifndef TopLevelProject
#  define TopLevelProject	Motif
# endif

/* On systems where cpp doesn't expand correctly macros in include directives
 * the two following macros need to be defined directly (accordingly to the
 * TopLevelProject macro defined above).
# if defined(SunArchitecture) || defined(AIXArchitecture) \
     || defined(USLArchitecture) || defined(UXPArchitecture)
#  ifndef ProjectRulesFile
#   define ProjectRulesFile	<Motif.rules>
#  endif
#  ifndef ProjectTmplFile
#   define ProjectTmplFile	<Motif.tmpl>
#  endif
# endif

# ifdef AlphaArchitecture
#  define HasDECCplusplus	YES
# endif

# ifdef HPArchitecture
#  define HasHPCplusplus	YES
# endif

# if defined(SGIArchitecture)
#  define MipsN32Architecture	YES
# endif

# ifdef SunArchitecture
#  define HasSunCplusplus	YES
# endif

# if defined(UXPArchitecture) || defined(USLArchitecture) \
     || defined(AIXArchitecture)
#  define HasCplusplus		YES
# endif

#define LinuxDistribution LinuxUnknown
#define i386Architecture	YES
#endif /* BeforeVendorCF */

#ifdef AfterVendorCF

# define X11ProjectRoot	/usr/X11R6
# define ProjectRoot	/usr/X11R6
# define VirtualBindingsPath /usr/X11R6/lib/bindings

# undef DefaultUserPath
# define DefaultUserPath /bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin/mh:/site/local/scripts

#endif /* AfterVendorCF */
#define YaccCmd bison --yacc