diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/netbeans')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/netbeans/netbeans-8.0.2.ebuild b/dev-util/netbeans/netbeans-8.0.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index ffda722d6f7e..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/netbeans/netbeans-8.0.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils java-pkg-2 java-ant-2
-SRC_URI="l10n_af? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_ar? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_bg? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_ca? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_cs? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_de? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_el? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_es? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_fil? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_fr? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_gl? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_hi? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_id? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_it? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_ja? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_ko? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_lt? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_nl? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_pl? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_pt-BR? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_pt-PT? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_ro? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_ru? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_si? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_sq? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_sr? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_sv? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_ta? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_tr? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_vi? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_zh-CN? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
- l10n_zh-TW? ( ${ALL_URLS} )
-LICENSE="|| ( CDDL GPL-2-with-linking-exception )"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 x86"
- +netbeans_modules_apisupport
- netbeans_modules_cnd
- netbeans_modules_dlight
- netbeans_modules_enterprise
- netbeans_modules_ergonomics
- netbeans_modules_extide
- netbeans_modules_groovy
- +netbeans_modules_java
- netbeans_modules_javacard
- +netbeans_modules_javafx
- netbeans_modules_mobility
- netbeans_modules_php
- +netbeans_modules_profiler
- netbeans_modules_webcommon
- +netbeans_modules_websvccommon"
- l10n_af
- l10n_ar
- l10n_bg
- l10n_ca
- l10n_cs
- l10n_de
- l10n_el
- l10n_es
- l10n_fil
- l10n_fr
- l10n_gl
- l10n_hi
- l10n_id
- l10n_it
- l10n_ja
- l10n_ko
- l10n_lt
- l10n_nl
- l10n_pl
- l10n_pt-BR
- l10n_pt-PT
- l10n_ro
- l10n_ru
- l10n_si
- l10n_sq
- l10n_sr
- l10n_sv
- l10n_ta
- l10n_tr
- l10n_vi
- l10n_zh-CN
- l10n_zh-TW"
- dev-java/javahelp:0"
- ~dev-java/netbeans-harness-${PV}
- ~dev-java/netbeans-ide-${PV}
- ~dev-java/netbeans-nb-${PV}
- ~dev-java/netbeans-platform-${PV}
- netbeans_modules_apisupport? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-apisupport-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_cnd? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-cnd-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_dlight? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-dlight-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_enterprise? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-enterprise-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_ergonomics? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-ergonomics-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_extide? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-extide-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_groovy? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-groovy-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_java? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-java-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_javacard? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-javacard-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_javafx? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-javafx-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_mobility? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-mobility-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_php? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-php-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_profiler? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-profiler-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_webcommon? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-webcommon-${PV} )
- netbeans_modules_websvccommon? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-websvccommon-${PV} )
- doc? ( ~dev-java/netbeans-javadoc-${PV} )"
-pkg_setup() {
- for lingua in ${IUSE_L10N} ; do
- local lang=${lingua/l10n_/}
- lang=${lang/-/_}
- case ${lang} in
- ar) lang="ar_EG,ar_SA" ;;
- es) lang="es,es_CO" ;;
- fil) lang="fil_PH" ;;
- gl) lang="gl_ES" ;;
- hi) lang="hi_IN" ;;
- id) lang="in_ID" ;;
- nl) lang="nl_BE,nl_NL" ;;
- ta) lang="ta_IN" ;;
- esac
- if use ${lingua} ; then
- if [ -z "${NBLOCALES}" ] ; then
- NBLOCALES="${lang}"
- else
- fi
- fi
- done
- java-pkg-2_pkg_setup
-src_unpack() {
- if [ -n "${NBLOCALES}" ] ; then
- unpack $(basename ${SOURCE_URL})
- unpack $(basename ${L10N_URL})
- einfo "Deleting bundled jars..."
- find -name "*.jar" -type f -delete
- unpack netbeans-8.0.2-build.xml.patch.bz2
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- if [ -n "${NBLOCALES}" ] ; then
- einfo "Deleting bundled class files..."
- find -name "*.class" -type f | xargs rm -vf
- epatch netbeans-8.0.2-build.xml.patch
- # Support for custom patches
- if [ -n "${NETBEANS80_PATCHES_DIR}" -a -d "${NETBEANS80_PATCHES_DIR}" ] ; then
- local files=`find "${NETBEANS80_PATCHES_DIR}" -type f`
- if [ -n "${files}" ] ; then
- einfo "Applying custom patches:"
- for file in ${files} ; do
- epatch "${file}"
- done
- fi
- fi
- einfo "Symlinking external libraries..."
- java-pkg_jar-from --build-only --into javahelp/external javahelp jhall.jar jhall-2.0_05.jar
- fi
- java-pkg-2_src_prepare
-src_compile() {
- if [ -n "${NBLOCALES}" ] ; then
- einfo "Compiling support for locales: ${NBLOCALES}"
- eant -f nbbuild/build.xml bootstrap || die
- eant -Dlocales=${NBLOCALES} -Ddist.dir=../nbbuild/netbeans -Dnbms.dir="" -Dnbms.dist.dir="" \
- -Dpermit.jdk7.builds=true -f l10n/build.xml build || die
- fi
-src_install() {
- if [ -n "${NBLOCALES}" ] ; then
- pushd "${S}"/nbbuild/netbeans >/dev/null || die
- for cluster in apisupport cnd dlight enterprise ergonomics groovy harness ide java javacard javafx mobility php platform profiler webcommon websvccommon ; do
- if [ -d "${cluster}" ] ; then
- insinto /usr/share/netbeans-${cluster}-${SLOT}
- doins -r ${cluster}/*
- fi
- done
- if [ -d nb ] ; then
- insinto /usr/share/netbeans-nb-${SLOT}/nb
- doins -r nb/*
- fi
- popd >/dev/null || die
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [ -n "${NBLOCALES}" ] ; then
- einfo "Netbeans automatically starts with the locale you have set in your user profile, if"
- einfo "the locale is built for Netbeans."
- einfo "If you want to force specific locale, use --locale argument, for example:"
- einfo "${PN}-${SLOT} --locale de"
- einfo "${PN}-${SLOT} --locale pt:BR"
- fi
- if use l10n_ar ; then
- einfo
- einfo "You selected Arabic locale so you can choose either ar:EG or ar:SA variant."
- fi
- if use l10n_es ; then
- einfo
- einfo "You selected Spanish locale so you can choose either es or es:CO variant."
- fi
- if use l10n_id ; then
- einfo
- einfo "You selected Indonesian locale which has locale code in:ID in Netbeans."
- fi
- if use l10n_nl ; then
- einfo
- einfo "You selected Dutch locale so you can choose either nl:BE or nl:NL variant."
- fi