Davide Pesavento Gentoo Qt Project Build plugin for Android devices Enable integration with popular unit testing frameworks (QtTest, GoogleTest, Boost.Test, Catch2) Build plugin for autotools-based projects Build plugin for bare metal devices Add support for GNU Bazaar version control system (requires manual installation of Bazaar client) Build the beautifier plugin (supports astyle, clang-format, and uncrustify) Build plugin for Boot2Qt devices Build clang-based plugins for C/C++ development (code model, formatting, static analysis) Add support for IBM ClearCase version control system (requires manual installation of ClearCase client) Build plugin for CMake-based projects Build plugin to integrate with the Conan package manager Enable integration with dev-util/cppcheck Build the Chrome Trace Format visualizer plugin Enable designer for QtWidgets-based UIs Build plugin for Docker support Build the GLSL editor plugin Enable the integrated documentation viewer Enable integration with Incredibuild Add support for the Language Server Protocol (LSP) Build plugin for MCU devices Add support for dev-vcs/mercurial version control system Build plugin for Meson-based projects Build the graphical model editor plugin Build plugin for Nim language support Add support for Perforce version control system (requires manual installation of Perforce client) Build the Linux Perf-based profiler plugin Build plugin for Python language support Build plugin for Qbs-based projects Build plugin for qmake-based projects Build plugins for QML-based development (designer, editor, project manager) Build the QML profiler plugin Build plugin for QNX devices Build plugin for deployment and execution on a remote Linux host Build the graphical SCXML editor plugin Build the serial terminal plugin Enable integration with sys-apps/the_silver_searcher Add support for retrieving application output from journald Enable integration with dev-util/valgrind Build WebAssembly plugin Use dev-qt/qtwebengine to view documentation