# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # @ECLASS: common-lisp-3.eclass # @MAINTAINER: # Common Lisp project <common-lisp@gentoo.org> # @BLURB: functions to support the installation of Common Lisp libraries # @DESCRIPTION: # Since Common Lisp libraries share similar structure, this eclass aims # to provide a simple way to write ebuilds with these characteristics. inherit eutils # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: CLIMPLEMENTATIONS # @DESCRIPTION: # Common Lisp implementations CLIMPLEMENTATIONS="sbcl clisp clozurecl cmucl ecls gcl abcl" # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: CLSOURCEROOT # @DESCRIPTION: # Default path of Common Lisp libraries sources. Sources will # be installed into ${CLSOURCEROOT}/${CLPACKAGE}. CLSOURCEROOT="${ROOT%/}"/usr/share/common-lisp/source # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: CLSYSTEMROOT # @DESCRIPTION: # Default path to find any asdf file. Any asdf files will be # symlinked in ${CLSYSTEMROOT}/${CLSYSTEM} as they may be in # an arbitrarily deeply nested directory under ${CLSOURCEROOT}/${CLPACKAGE}. CLSYSTEMROOT="${ROOT%/}"/usr/share/common-lisp/systems # @ECLASS-VARIABLE: CLPACKAGE # @DESCRIPTION: # Default package name. To override, set these after inheriting this eclass. CLPACKAGE="${PN}" PDEPEND="virtual/commonlisp" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS src_compile src_install # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-3_src_compile # @DESCRIPTION: # Since there's nothing to build in most cases, default doesn't do # anything. common-lisp-3_src_compile() { true; } # @FUNCTION: absolute-path-p # @DESCRIPTION: # Returns true if ${1} is an absolute path. absolute-path-p() { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME[0]} must receive one argument" [[ ${1} == /* ]] } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-install-one-source # @DESCRIPTION: # Installs ${2} source file in ${3} inside CLSOURCEROOT/CLPACKAGE. common-lisp-install-one-source() { [[ $# -eq 3 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME[0]} must receive exactly three arguments" local fpredicate=${1} local source=${2} local target="${CLSOURCEROOT}/${CLPACKAGE}/${3}" if absolute-path-p "${source}" ; then die "Cannot install files with absolute path: ${source}" fi if ${fpredicate} "${source}" ; then insinto "${target}" doins "${source}" || die "Failed to install ${source} into $(dirname "${target}")" fi } # @FUNCTION: lisp-file-p # @USAGE: <file> # @DESCRIPTION: # Returns true if ${1} is lisp source file. lisp-file-p() { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME[0]} must receive one argument" [[ ${1} =~ \.(lisp|lsp|cl)$ ]] } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-get-fpredicate # @USAGE: <type> # @DESCRIPTION: # Outputs the corresponding predicate to check files of type ${1}. common-lisp-get-fpredicate() { [[ $# -eq 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME[0]} must receive one argument" local ftype=${1} case ${ftype} in "lisp") echo "lisp-file-p" ;; "all" ) echo "true" ;; * ) die "Unknown filetype specifier ${ftype}" ;; esac } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-install-sources # @USAGE: <path> [...] # @DESCRIPTION: # Recursively install lisp sources of type ${2} if ${1} is -t or # Lisp by default. When given a directory, it will be recursively # scanned for Lisp source files with suffixes: .lisp, .lsp or .cl. common-lisp-install-sources() { local ftype="lisp" if [[ ${1} == "-t" ]] ; then ftype=${2} shift ; shift fi [[ $# -ge 1 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME[0]} must receive one non-option argument" local fpredicate=$(common-lisp-get-fpredicate "${ftype}") for path in "${@}" ; do if [[ -f ${path} ]] ; then common-lisp-install-one-source ${fpredicate} "${path}" "$(dirname "${path}")" elif [[ -d ${path} ]] ; then common-lisp-install-sources -t ${ftype} $(find "${path}" -type f) else die "${path} is neither a regular file nor a directory" fi done } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-install-one-asdf # @USAGE: <file> # @DESCRIPTION: # Installs ${1} asdf file in CLSOURCEROOT/CLPACKAGE and symlinks it in # CLSYSTEMROOT. common-lisp-install-one-asdf() { [[ $# != 1 ]] && die "${FUNCNAME[0]} must receive exactly one argument" # the suffix «.asd» is optional local source=${1%.asd}.asd common-lisp-install-one-source true "${source}" "$(dirname "${source}")" local target="${CLSOURCEROOT%/}/${CLPACKAGE}/${source}" dosym "${target}" "${CLSYSTEMROOT%/}/$(basename ${target})" } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-install-asdf # @USAGE: <path> [...] # @DESCRIPTION: # Installs all ASDF files and creates symlinks in CLSYSTEMROOT. # When given a directory, it will be recursively scanned for ASDF # files with extension .asd. common-lisp-install-asdf() { dodir "${CLSYSTEMROOT}" [[ $# = 0 ]] && set - ${CLSYSTEMS} [[ $# = 0 ]] && set - $(find . -type f -name \*.asd) for sys in "${@}" ; do common-lisp-install-one-asdf ${sys} done } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-3_src_install # @DESCRIPTION: # Recursively install Lisp sources, asdf files and most common doc files. common-lisp-3_src_install() { common-lisp-install-sources . common-lisp-install-asdf for i in AUTHORS README* HEADER TODO* CHANGELOG Change[lL]og CHANGES BUGS CONTRIBUTORS *NEWS* ; do [[ -f ${i} ]] && dodoc ${i} done } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-find-lisp-impl # @DESCRIPTION: # Outputs an installed Common Lisp implementation. Transverses # CLIMPLEMENTATIONS to find it. common-lisp-find-lisp-impl() { for lisp in ${CLIMPLEMENTATIONS} ; do [[ "$(best_version dev-lisp/${lisp})" ]] && echo "${lisp}" && return done die "No CommonLisp implementation found" } # @FUNCTION: common-lisp-export-impl-args # @USAGE: <lisp-implementation> # @DESCRIPTION: # Export a few variables containing the switches necessary # to make the CL implementation perform basic functions: # * CL_BINARY: Common Lisp implementation # * CL_NORC: don't load syste-wide or user-specific initfiles # * CL_LOAD: load a certain file # * CL_EVAL: eval a certain expression at startup common-lisp-export-impl-args() { if [[ $# != 1 ]]; then eerror "Usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} lisp-implementation" die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: wrong number of arguments: $#" fi CL_BINARY="${1}" case "${CL_BINARY}" in sbcl) CL_NORC="--sysinit /dev/null --userinit /dev/null" CL_LOAD="--load" CL_EVAL="--eval" ;; clisp) CL_NORC="-norc" CL_LOAD="-i" CL_EVAL="-x" ;; clozure | clozurecl | ccl | openmcl) CL_BINARY="ccl" CL_NORC="--no-init" CL_LOAD="--load" CL_EVAL="--eval" ;; cmucl) CL_NORC="-nositeinit -noinit" CL_LOAD="-load" CL_EVAL="-eval" ;; ecl | ecls) CL_BINARY="ecl" CL_NORC="-norc" CL_LOAD="-load" CL_EVAL="-eval" ;; abcl) CL_NORC="--noinit" CL_LOAD="--load" CL_EVAL="--eval" ;; *) die "${CL_BINARY} is not supported by ${0}" ;; esac export CL_BINARY CL_NORC CL_LOAD CL_EVAL }