<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd"> <pkgmetadata> <maintainer type="person"> <email>bircoph@gentoo.org</email> </maintainer> <longdescription> Privoxy is a non-caching web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for enhancing privacy, modifying web page data and HTTP headers, controlling access, and removing ads and other obnoxious Internet junk. Privoxy has a flexible configuration and can be customized to suit individual needs and tastes. It has application for both stand-alone systems and multi-user networks. </longdescription> <use> <flag name="brotli">Decompress brotli compressed data using <pkg>app-arch/brotli</pkg> before filtering</flag> <flag name="client-tags">Enable support for client-specific tags</flag> <flag name="compression">Allow privoxy to compress buffered content before sending to the client, if it supports it</flag> <flag name="editor">Enable the web-based actions file editor</flag> <flag name="extended-host-patterns">Enable and require PCRE syntax in host patterns. You must convert action files to PCRE, see privoxy-url-pattern-translator.pl (see tools USE flag). Use at your own risk!</flag> <flag name="extended-statistics">Gather extended statistics</flag> <flag name="external-filters">Allow to filter content with scripts and programs. Experimental</flag> <flag name="fast-redirects">Support fast redirects</flag> <flag name="force">Allow single-page disable (force load)</flag> <flag name="fuzz">Exposes Privoxy internals to input from files or stdout. Intended for fuzzing testing</flag> <flag name="graceful-termination">Allow to shutdown Privoxy through the webinterface</flag> <flag name="image-blocking">Allows the +handle-as-image action, to send "blocked" images instead of HTML</flag> <flag name="lfs">Support large files (>2GB) on 32-bit systems</flag> <flag name="mbedtls">Use <pkg>net-libs/mbedtls</pkg> for HTTPS filtering</flag> <flag name="openssl">Use <pkg>dev-libs/openssl</pkg> for HTTPS filtering</flag> <flag name="png-images">Use PNG format instead of GIF for built-in images</flag> <flag name="ssl">HTTPS inspection support. Enables privoxy to perform SSL MITM filtering, see docs, use with care</flag> <flag name="stats">Keep statistics</flag> <flag name="toggle">Support temporary disable toggle via web interface</flag> <flag name="tools">Install log parser, regression tester and user agent generator tools</flag> <flag name="whitelists">Support trust files (white lists)</flag> <flag name="zlib">Decompress zlib compressed data using <pkg>sys-libs/zlib</pkg> before filtering</flag> </use> <upstream> <remote-id type="sourceforge">ijbswa</remote-id> </upstream> </pkgmetadata>