--- a/musca.c
+++ b/musca.c
@@ -1985,7 +1985,8 @@ void group_other()
 // resize frames to match changes in the screen border padding
 void group_resize(group *ta, int l, int r, int t, int b)
-	frame *f = ta->frames; int i;
+	frame *f = ta->frames; int i, j;
+	client *c = ta->clients;
 	int sw = ta->head->screen->width;
 	int sh = ta->head->screen->height;
 	     if (l < ta->l) { frames_fill_gap(ta, l, ta->t, ta->l - l, sh - ta->b, FRAMES_ALL); ta->l = l; }
@@ -1998,6 +1999,8 @@ void group_resize(group *ta, int l, int r, int t, int b)
 	else if (b > ta->b) { frames_make_gap(ta, ta->l, sh - b, sw - ta->l - ta->r, b - ta->b); ta->b = b; }
 	FOR_RING (NEXT, f, ta->frames, i)
+	FOR_RING (NEXT, c, ta->clients, j)
+		client_configure(c,NULL);
 group* group_by_name(head *h, char *name)