\summary{2013}{2}{12} \agendaitem{Open bug(s) with council involvement} For \bug{383467} to be closed, the master ballots for 2011 and 2012 will need to be uploaded and linked. ulm reports that all should be done by now, jmbsvicetto has uploaded all files. The bug will be closed. \agendaitem{Any other business from council members} \index{gpg}\index{commit signing}\index{git!migration} \index{council!elegibility} grobian: \begin{itemize} \item forcing/pressing gpg usage with repoman FEATURES=sign in anticipation for git migration where gpg signing will be mandatory \begin{itemize} \item send mail to -dev-announce what/why and how to do it, keylength and more of that \item action: WiliamH, draft + send the message \end{itemize} \item change of \glep{39} only to allow devs to be council members \begin{itemize} \item discussion on whether such restriction is necessary, grobian noted that foundation is legally responsible for council, hence nice to have those be developers. betelgeuse noted that the GLEP is written to imply council members to be devs. ulm pointed out non-dev proxies have been a problem in the past (20090625 meeting). \item betelgeuse suggested to effectuate this in the next council election. Calchan aired his intentions to replace the Council completely which lead to a discussion on when he will present those ideas. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \agendaitem{Open floor} No issues were raised.