diff options
authorSebastien Fabbro <>2007-11-28 23:28:28 +0000
committerSebastien Fabbro <>2007-11-28 23:28:28 +0000
commit4ddb51005ea0c85a957d5ea1fb99ac778f76ad58 (patch)
tree2eb0c8177695c539e9b6a8c9ac6172448af58d4d /sci-visualization
parentStable on amd64 wrt bug #197446. (diff)
Version bump. Now uses qt4. Closing bug #144286, thanks everyone and especially Andrey Grozin for maintaining in the science overlay. Dropped ppc and ppc64, untested for now.
(Portage version: 2.1.4_rc3)
Diffstat (limited to 'sci-visualization')
9 files changed, 230 insertions, 439 deletions
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/ChangeLog b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/ChangeLog
index 8c0747cb0d09..dd6157c3837f 100644
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/ChangeLog
+++ b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/ChangeLog
@@ -1,7 +1,17 @@
# ChangeLog for sci-visualization/qtiplot
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/ChangeLog,v 1.11 2007/02/22 01:11:37 jokey Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/ChangeLog,v 1.12 2007/11/28 23:28:27 bicatali Exp $
+*qtiplot-0.9.1 (28 Nov 2007)
+ 28 Nov 2007; Sébastien Fabbro <>
+ -files/qtiplot-0.8.2-qmake.patch, +files/qtiplot-0.9.1-systemlibs.patch,
+ qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild, -qtiplot-0.8.2.ebuild, qtiplot-0.8.5.ebuild,
+ +qtiplot-0.9.1.ebuild:
+ Version bump. Now uses qt4. Closing bug #144286, thanks everyone and
+ especially Andrey Grozin for maintaining in the science overlay.
+ Dropped ppc and ppc64, untested for now.
22 Feb 2007; Markus Ullmann <> ChangeLog:
Redigest for Manifest2
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/digest-qtiplot-0.8.2 b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/digest-qtiplot-0.8.2
deleted file mode 100644
index 47cf11e621ed..000000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/digest-qtiplot-0.8.2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-MD5 754db971be21f6445ac7db878b0a3583 qtiplot-0.8.2.tar.bz2 449173
-RMD160 8e2741b88b9ec15722fa7ded6a3a814aa10ffcf8 qtiplot-0.8.2.tar.bz2 449173
-SHA256 39b1de9e7bae38d711f4de96cb28ad3b0bd62a94fecc18d66347229e227e1992 qtiplot-0.8.2.tar.bz2 449173
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/digest-qtiplot-0.9.1 b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/digest-qtiplot-0.9.1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24f0b2dec5c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/digest-qtiplot-0.9.1
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+MD5 ab8139bfdcbca5bb4d620e084300ea66 manual-en.tar.bz2 5315240
+RMD160 a5e84275cd4b0d435ef0bf23cb7452bf7eab45eb manual-en.tar.bz2 5315240
+SHA256 b66298d91df974bcce8f2712704b7b01dbe29e2993a489cfdb4c5e322b69ac4a manual-en.tar.bz2 5315240
+MD5 920a78cbd4a72d23f1bc79ba89e2a1f9 291117
+RMD160 df6161700fc5e18b4020e7963eedac1ef690bc42 291117
+SHA256 41cb6f04baa23cb1f15469a049f9833506c6899b9410b8af064677a221d413c9 291117
+MD5 2876d91235d053eb21552270a35d290e qtiplot-0.9.1.tar.bz2 651078
+RMD160 02c46ebbd6a3e57638fd9e1be27027572bbb571f qtiplot-0.9.1.tar.bz2 651078
+SHA256 d4390d3343964c6ee3e4ad34f9c82773183d72a393ff1b3390a7cd0af95a6075 qtiplot-0.9.1.tar.bz2 651078
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.8.2-qmake.patch b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.8.2-qmake.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b1dd3ca4f1b0..000000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.8.2-qmake.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,390 +0,0 @@
---- 2006-04-09 22:58:29.000000000 +0100
-+++ 2006-04-09 23:01:48.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,198 +1,190 @@
--TARGET = qtiplot
--TEMPLATE = app
--CONFIG += qt warn_on release thread opengl
--MOC_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
--OBJECTS_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
--DESTDIR = ./
--TRANSLATIONS = translations/qtiplot_de.ts \
-- translations/qtiplot_es.ts \
-- translations/qtiplot_fr.ts
--INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/qwt/include
--unix:INCLUDEPATH += -I /usr/include/qwtplot3d
--win32:INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/include
--win32:INCLUDEPATH += C:/WinGsl
--LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/libqwt.a
--unix:LIBS += -L /usr/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lqwtplot3d
--win32:LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib/qwtplot3d.lib
--win32:LIBS += C:/WinGsl/Lib/WinGsl.lib
--unix:INSTALLS += target
--unix:documentation.path = /usr/share/doc/qtiplot
--unix:documentation.files = doc/*
--unix:INSTALLS += documentation
--win32:RC_FILE = src/iPlot.rc
--HEADERS = src/application.h \
-- src/graph.h \
-- src/graph3D.h \
-- src/worksheet.h \
-- src/curvesDialog.h \
-- src/valuesDialog.h \
-- src/plotDialog.h \
-- src/plot3DDialog.h \
-- src/plotWizard.h \
-- src/exportDialog.h \
-- src/importDialog.h \
-- src/axesDialog.h \
-- src/pieDialog.h \
-- src/polynomFitDialog.h \
-- src/expDecayDialog.h \
-- src/functionDialog.h \
-- src/functionDialogui.h \
-- src/fitDialog.h \
-- src/surfaceDialog.h \
-- src/tableDialog.h \
-- src/textDialog.h \
-- src/txtDlg.h \
-- src/lineDlg.h \
-- src/scalePicker.h \
-- src/canvaspicker.h \
-- src/ErrorBar.h \
-- src/pie.h \
-- src/errDlg.h \
-- src/LegendMarker.h \
-- src/LineMarker.h\
-- src/ImageMarker.h\
-- src/imageDialog.h \
-- src/fit.h \
-- src/nrutil.h\
-- src/pixmaps.h\
-- src/multilayer.h\
-- src/layerDialog.h \
-- src/intDialog.h \
-- src/sortDialog.h\
-- src/bars.h \
-- src/cones.h \
-- src/configDialog.h \
-- src/BarCurve.h \
-- src/BoxCurve.h \
-- src/Histogram.h \
-- src/VectXYXYCurve.h \
-- src/scaleDraws.h \
-- src/imageExportDialog.h \
-- src/matrix.h \
-- src/matrixDialog.h \
-- src/matrixSizeDialog.h \
-- src/matrixValuesDialog.h \
-- src/analysisDialog.h \
-- src/parser.h \
-- src/colorBox.h \
-- src/symbolBox.h \
-- src/patternBox.h \
-- src/importOPJ.h\
-- src/symbolDialog.h \
-- src/plot.h \
-- src/colorButton.h \
-- src/associationsDialog.h \
-- src/renameWindowDialog.h \
-- src/widget.h \
-- src/interpolationDialog.h\
-- src/fileDialogs.h\
-- src/epsExportDialog.h\
-- src/smoothCurveDialog.h\
-- src/filterDialog.h\
-- src/fftDialog.h
--SOURCES = src/application.cpp \
-- src/graph.cpp \
-- src/analysis.cpp \
-- src/graph3D.cpp \
-- src/worksheet.cpp \
-- src/valuesDialog.cpp \
-- src/curvesDialog.cpp \
-- src/plotDialog.cpp \
-- src/plot3DDialog.cpp \
-- src/plotWizard.cpp \
-- src/exportDialog.cpp \
-- src/importDialog.cpp \
-- src/axesDialog.cpp \
-- src/pieDialog.cpp \
-- src/polynomFitDialog.cpp \
-- src/tableDialog.cpp \
-- src/textDialog.cpp \
-- src/scalePicker.cpp \
-- src/canvaspicker.cpp \
-- src/expDecayDialog.cpp \
-- src/functionDialog.cpp \
-- src/functionDialogui.cpp \
-- src/fitDialog.cpp \
-- src/surfaceDialog.cpp \
-- src/txtDlg.cpp \
-- src/lineDlg.cpp \
-- src/ErrorBar.cpp \
-- src/pie.cpp \
-- src/errDlg.cpp \
-- src/LegendMarker.cpp \
-- src/LineMarker.cpp \
-- src/ImageMarker.cpp\
-- src/imageDialog.cpp \
-- src/multilayer.cpp\
-- src/layerDialog.cpp \
-- src/intDialog.cpp \
-- src/sortDialog.cpp\
-- src/bars.cpp \
-- src/cones.cpp \
-- src/analysisDialog.cpp \
-- src/configDialog.cpp \
-- src/BarCurve.cpp \
-- src/BoxCurve.cpp \
-- src/Histogram.cpp \
-- src/VectXYXYCurve.cpp \
-- src/imageExportDialog.cpp \
-- src/matrix.cpp \
-- src/matrixDialog.cpp \
-- src/matrixSizeDialog.cpp \
-- src/matrixValuesDialog.cpp \
-- src/parser.cpp\
-- src/colorBox.cpp \
-- src/symbolBox.cpp \
-- src/patternBox.cpp \
-- src/importOPJ.cpp\
-- src/main.cpp \
-- src/symbolDialog.cpp \
-- src/plot.cpp \
-- src/colorButton.cpp \
-- src/associationsDialog.cpp \
-- src/renameWindowDialog.cpp \
-- src/widget.cpp\
-- src/interpolationDialog.cpp\
-- src/epsExportDialog.cpp\
-- src/nrutil.cpp\
-- src/fit.cpp\
-- src/smoothCurveDialog.cpp\
-- src/filterDialog.cpp\
-- src/fftDialog.cpp
--#parser (muParser_v1.26)
--HEADERS+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserStack.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserToken.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserFixes.h \
--#../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDLL.h \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDef.h
--SOURCES+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.cpp \
--#../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDLL.cpp \
-- ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.cpp
--#Origin Import (liborigin)
-+TARGET = qtiplot
-+TEMPLATE = app
-+CONFIG += qt warn_on release thread opengl
-+MOC_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
-+OBJECTS_DIR = ../tmp/qtiplot
-+DESTDIR = ./
-+TRANSLATIONS = translations/qtiplot_de.ts \
-+ translations/qtiplot_es.ts \
-+ translations/qtiplot_fr.ts
-+INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qwt
-+INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qwtplot3d
-+unix:LIBS += -L_LIBDIR_ -lgsl -lgslcblas -lqwt -lqwtplot3d
-+unix:INSTALLS += target
-+unix:documentation.path = /usr/share/doc/qtiplot
-+unix:documentation.files = doc/*
-+unix:INSTALLS += documentation
-+HEADERS = src/application.h \
-+ src/graph.h \
-+ src/graph3D.h \
-+ src/worksheet.h \
-+ src/curvesDialog.h \
-+ src/valuesDialog.h \
-+ src/plotDialog.h \
-+ src/plot3DDialog.h \
-+ src/plotWizard.h \
-+ src/exportDialog.h \
-+ src/importDialog.h \
-+ src/axesDialog.h \
-+ src/pieDialog.h \
-+ src/polynomFitDialog.h \
-+ src/expDecayDialog.h \
-+ src/functionDialog.h \
-+ src/functionDialogui.h \
-+ src/fitDialog.h \
-+ src/surfaceDialog.h \
-+ src/tableDialog.h \
-+ src/textDialog.h \
-+ src/txtDlg.h \
-+ src/lineDlg.h \
-+ src/scalePicker.h \
-+ src/canvaspicker.h \
-+ src/ErrorBar.h \
-+ src/pie.h \
-+ src/errDlg.h \
-+ src/LegendMarker.h \
-+ src/LineMarker.h\
-+ src/ImageMarker.h\
-+ src/imageDialog.h \
-+ src/fit.h \
-+ src/nrutil.h\
-+ src/pixmaps.h\
-+ src/multilayer.h\
-+ src/layerDialog.h \
-+ src/intDialog.h \
-+ src/sortDialog.h\
-+ src/bars.h \
-+ src/cones.h \
-+ src/configDialog.h \
-+ src/BarCurve.h \
-+ src/BoxCurve.h \
-+ src/Histogram.h \
-+ src/VectXYXYCurve.h \
-+ src/scaleDraws.h \
-+ src/imageExportDialog.h \
-+ src/matrix.h \
-+ src/matrixDialog.h \
-+ src/matrixSizeDialog.h \
-+ src/matrixValuesDialog.h \
-+ src/analysisDialog.h \
-+ src/parser.h \
-+ src/colorBox.h \
-+ src/symbolBox.h \
-+ src/patternBox.h \
-+ src/importOPJ.h\
-+ src/symbolDialog.h \
-+ src/plot.h \
-+ src/colorButton.h \
-+ src/associationsDialog.h \
-+ src/renameWindowDialog.h \
-+ src/widget.h \
-+ src/interpolationDialog.h\
-+ src/fileDialogs.h\
-+ src/epsExportDialog.h\
-+ src/smoothCurveDialog.h\
-+ src/filterDialog.h\
-+ src/fftDialog.h
-+SOURCES = src/application.cpp \
-+ src/graph.cpp \
-+ src/analysis.cpp \
-+ src/graph3D.cpp \
-+ src/worksheet.cpp \
-+ src/valuesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/curvesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plotDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plot3DDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plotWizard.cpp \
-+ src/exportDialog.cpp \
-+ src/importDialog.cpp \
-+ src/axesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/pieDialog.cpp \
-+ src/polynomFitDialog.cpp \
-+ src/tableDialog.cpp \
-+ src/textDialog.cpp \
-+ src/scalePicker.cpp \
-+ src/canvaspicker.cpp \
-+ src/expDecayDialog.cpp \
-+ src/functionDialog.cpp \
-+ src/functionDialogui.cpp \
-+ src/fitDialog.cpp \
-+ src/surfaceDialog.cpp \
-+ src/txtDlg.cpp \
-+ src/lineDlg.cpp \
-+ src/ErrorBar.cpp \
-+ src/pie.cpp \
-+ src/errDlg.cpp \
-+ src/LegendMarker.cpp \
-+ src/LineMarker.cpp \
-+ src/ImageMarker.cpp\
-+ src/imageDialog.cpp \
-+ src/multilayer.cpp\
-+ src/layerDialog.cpp \
-+ src/intDialog.cpp \
-+ src/sortDialog.cpp\
-+ src/bars.cpp \
-+ src/cones.cpp \
-+ src/analysisDialog.cpp \
-+ src/configDialog.cpp \
-+ src/BarCurve.cpp \
-+ src/BoxCurve.cpp \
-+ src/Histogram.cpp \
-+ src/VectXYXYCurve.cpp \
-+ src/imageExportDialog.cpp \
-+ src/matrix.cpp \
-+ src/matrixDialog.cpp \
-+ src/matrixSizeDialog.cpp \
-+ src/matrixValuesDialog.cpp \
-+ src/parser.cpp\
-+ src/colorBox.cpp \
-+ src/symbolBox.cpp \
-+ src/patternBox.cpp \
-+ src/importOPJ.cpp\
-+ src/main.cpp \
-+ src/symbolDialog.cpp \
-+ src/plot.cpp \
-+ src/colorButton.cpp \
-+ src/associationsDialog.cpp \
-+ src/renameWindowDialog.cpp \
-+ src/widget.cpp\
-+ src/interpolationDialog.cpp\
-+ src/epsExportDialog.cpp\
-+ src/nrutil.cpp\
-+ src/fit.cpp\
-+ src/smoothCurveDialog.cpp\
-+ src/filterDialog.cpp\
-+ src/fftDialog.cpp
-+#parser (muParser_v1.26)
-+HEADERS+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserStack.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserToken.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserFixes.h \
-+#../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDLL.h \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDef.h
-+SOURCES+=../3rdparty/muParser/muParser.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBase.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserInt.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserBytecode.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserCallback.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserTokenReader.cpp \
-+#../3rdparty/muParser/muParserDLL.cpp \
-+ ../3rdparty/muParser/muParserError.cpp
-+#Origin Import (liborigin)
- SOURCES+=../3rdparty/liborigin/OPJFile.cpp
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.9.1-systemlibs.patch b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.9.1-systemlibs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51aa129af7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/files/qtiplot-0.9.1-systemlibs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+--- qtiplot/ 2007-11-27 09:56:05.000000000 +0000
++++ qtiplot/ 2007-11-27 10:09:13.000000000 +0000
+@@ -34,12 +34,11 @@
+ #!!! Warning: You must modify these paths according to your computer settings
+ #############################################################################
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/muparser/include
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/include
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/qwt/src
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/liborigin
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/gsl/include
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../3rdparty/zlib123/include
++INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/muParser
++INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qwtplot3d
++INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/qwt5
++INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/liborigin
++INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/gsl
+ ##################### 3rd PARTY LIBRARIES SECTION ###########################
+ #!!! Warning: You must modify these paths according to your computer settings
+@@ -47,18 +46,13 @@
+ ##################### Linux (Mac OS X) ######################################
+-# statically link against libraries in 3rdparty
+-unix:LIBS += ../3rdparty/muparser/lib/libmuparser.a
+-unix:LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwtplot3d/lib/libqwtplot3d.a
+-unix:LIBS += ../3rdparty/qwt/lib/libqwt.a
+-unix:LIBS += ../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgsl.a
+-unix:LIBS += ../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgslcblas.a
+ # dynamically link against dependencies if they are installed system-wide
+-#unix:LIBS += -lmuparser
+-#unix:LIBS += -lqwtplot3d
+-#unix:LIBS += -lqwt
+-#unix:LIBS += -lgsl -lgslcblas
++unix:LIBS += -lmuparser
++unix:LIBS += -lqwtplot3d
++unix:LIBS += -lqwt
++unix:LIBS += -lgsl -lgslcblas
++unix:LIBS += -lorigin
++unix:LIBS += -lz
+ ##################### Windows ###############################################
+@@ -111,14 +105,13 @@
+ translations/qtiplot_ja.ts \
+ translations/qtiplot_sv.ts
+-#system(lupdate -verbose
+-#system(lrelease -verbose
++system(lupdate -verbose
++system(lrelease -verbose
+ ###################### DOCUMENTATION ########################################
+ documentation.files += ../manual/html \
+ ../README.html \
+- ../gpl_licence.txt \
+ ###################### HEADERS ##############################################
+@@ -363,8 +356,6 @@
+ ################# Origin Import (liborigin) ###################
+ ###############################################################
+-HEADERS += ../3rdparty/liborigin/OPJFile.h
+-SOURCES += ../3rdparty/liborigin/OPJFile.cpp
+ ###############################################################
+ ################# Restricted Module: FFT 2D ###################
+--- fitPlugins/fitRational0/ 2007-11-27 09:54:29.000000000 +0000
++++ fitPlugins/fitRational0/ 2007-11-27 10:10:45.000000000 +0000
+@@ -12,12 +12,10 @@
+ DESTDIR = ../
+ # statically link against GSL in 3rdparty
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../../3rdparty/gsl/include/
+-LIBS += ../../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgsl.a
+-LIBS += ../../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgslcblas.a
++INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/gsl
+ #dynamically link against GSL installed system-wide
+-#unix:LIBS += -L /usr/lib$${libsuff} -lgsl -lgslcblas
++unix:LIBS += -lgsl -lgslcblas
+ target.path=/usr/lib$${libsuff}/qtiplot/plugins
+ INSTALLS += target
+--- fitPlugins/fitRational1/ 2007-11-27 09:54:39.000000000 +0000
++++ fitPlugins/fitRational1/ 2007-11-27 10:17:16.000000000 +0000
+@@ -12,12 +12,10 @@
+ DESTDIR = ../
+ # statically link against GSL in 3rdparty
+-INCLUDEPATH += ../../3rdparty/gsl/include/
+-LIBS += ../../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgsl.a
+-LIBS += ../../3rdparty/gsl/lib/libgslcblas.a
++INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/gsl
+ #dynamically link against GSL installed system-wide
+-#unix:LIBS += -L /usr/lib$${libsuff} -lgsl -lgslcblas
++#unix:LIBS += -lgsl -lgslcblas
+ target.path=/usr/lib$${libsuff}/qtiplot/plugins
+ INSTALLS += target
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild
index 4f1301fbd316..5198b6d7c08e 100644
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild
+++ b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild,v 1.2 2006/03/27 00:51:59 cryos Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.7.7.ebuild,v 1.3 2007/11/28 23:28:27 bicatali Exp $
inherit eutils multilib qt3
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ IUSE=""
RDEPEND="$(qt_min_version 3.3)
- >=x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2.6
+ <x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2.7
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.2.ebuild b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b104bed89b30..000000000000
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.2.ebuild,v 1.3 2006/05/07 07:35:41 corsair Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib qt3
-DESCRIPTION="Qt based clone of the Origin plotting package"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
-DEPEND="$(qt_min_version 3.3)
- =x11-libs/qwt-4*
- >=x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2.6
- >=sci-libs/gsl-1.6"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-qmake.patch
- sed -i -e "s|_LIBDIR_|/usr/$(get_libdir)|" ${PN}.pro || die "sed failed."
-src_compile() {
- ${QTDIR}/bin/qmake QMAKE=${QTDIR}/bin/qmake ${PN}.pro || die 'qmake failed.'
- emake || die 'emake failed.'
-src_install() {
- make_desktop_entry qtiplot qtiplot qtiplot Graphics
- dobin qtiplot || die 'Binary installation failed.'
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.5.ebuild b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.5.ebuild
index 36b62394200d..3bb1e1fde4d8 100644
--- a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.5.ebuild
+++ b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.5.ebuild
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.5.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/05/26 14:58:54 cryos Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.8.5.ebuild,v 1.2 2007/11/28 23:28:27 bicatali Exp $
inherit eutils multilib qt3
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ IUSE=""
DEPEND="$(qt_min_version 3.3)
- >=x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2.6
+ <x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2.7
diff --git a/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.9.1.ebuild b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.9.1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eb8848c2f2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.9.1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/sci-visualization/qtiplot/qtiplot-0.9.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/11/28 23:28:27 bicatali Exp $
+inherit eutils multilib qt4 python
+DESCRIPTION="Qt based clone of the Origin plotting package"
+ doc? (
+ linguas_es? ( ) )"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="python doc"
+LANGUAGES="de es fr ja ru sv"
+for l in ${LANGUAGES}; do
+ IUSE="${IUSE} linguas_${l}"
+ >=x11-libs/qwtplot3d-0.2.7
+ >=dev-cpp/muParser-1.28
+ >=sci-libs/liborigin-20071119
+ >=sci-libs/gsl-1.10
+ python? ( dev-python/PyQt4
+ dev-python/pygsl
+ sci-libs/scipy )"
+ python? ( >=dev-python/sip-4.5.2 )
+ doc? ( lingias_es? ( app-arch/unzip ) )"
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}
+ cd "${S}"
+ epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-systemlibs.patch
+ for l in ${LANGUAGES}; do
+ use linguas_${l} || \
+ sed -i -e "s:translations/qtiplot_${l}.ts::" ${PN}/${PN}.pro
+ done
+ use python || sed -i -e 's/^\(SCRIPTING_LANGS += Python\)/#\1/' ${PN}.pro
+ # the lib$$suff did not work in the fitRational*.pro files
+ sed -i \
+ -e "s|/usr/lib\$\${libsuff}|$(get_libdir)|g" \
+ fit*/fitRational*.pro
+src_compile() {
+ eqmake4 ${PN}.pro || die "eqmake4 failed"
+ emake || die "emake failed"
+src_install() {
+ emake INSTALL_ROOT="${D}" install || die 'emake install failed'
+ newicon qtiplot_logo.png qtiplot.png
+ make_desktop_entry qtiplot QtiPlot qtiplot Science
+ doman qtiplot.1
+ if use doc; then
+ insinto "/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
+ doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/manual-en
+ use linguas_es && doins -r "${WORKDIR}"/manual-es
+ fi
+ for l in ${LANGUAGES}; do
+ if use linguas_${l}; then
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/translations
+ doins ${PN}/translations/*${l}*.qm
+ fi
+ done
+ if use python; then
+ cd "${S}"/${PN}
+ insinto /etc
+ doins
+ python_version
+ insinto /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/
+ doins
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ use python && python_mod_optimize \
+ "${ROOT}" /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/qtiUtil
+pkg_postrm() {
+ use python && python_mod_cleanup \
+ "${ROOT}" /usr/$(get_libdir)/python${PYVER}/site-packages/qtiUtil