diff options
authorTim Harder <>2012-03-20 03:17:00 +0000
committerTim Harder <>2012-03-20 03:17:00 +0000
commit1d20a2544f1cfcbc56018b9eef1a1041a8950749 (patch)
tree61e21169fe5b42a9a86f6860b92eac6b78c3f806 /www-apps
parentFixing udev mask to include udev-init-scripts too (diff)
Remove old.
(Portage version: 2.2.0_alpha92/cvs/Linux x86_64)
Diffstat (limited to 'www-apps')
6 files changed, 5 insertions, 757 deletions
diff --git a/www-apps/rt/ChangeLog b/www-apps/rt/ChangeLog
index 0bee23a370fd..0191bceefdfc 100644
--- a/www-apps/rt/ChangeLog
+++ b/www-apps/rt/ChangeLog
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
# ChangeLog for www-apps/rt
# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/ChangeLog,v 1.74 2012/03/02 21:13:11 radhermit Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/ChangeLog,v 1.75 2012/03/20 03:17:00 radhermit Exp $
+ 20 Mar 2012; Tim Harder <> -rt-3.6.7.ebuild,
+ -rt-3.8.10.ebuild, -rt-3.8.10-r1.ebuild, -files/rt.conf.d, -files/rt.init.d:
+ Remove old.
02 Mar 2012; Tim Harder <> files/config.layout-gentoo:
Add missing directory to install layout (bug #406635 by Akos Szalkai).
diff --git a/www-apps/rt/files/rt.conf.d b/www-apps/rt/files/rt.conf.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 294ac2a0bd46..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/rt/files/rt.conf.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/files/rt.conf.d,v 1.2 2008/04/03 09:57:12 hollow Exp $
-# Config file for /etc/init.d/rt
-# set RTPATH to rt's root
diff --git a/www-apps/rt/files/rt.init.d b/www-apps/rt/files/rt.init.d
deleted file mode 100644
index eeaf79e4b4b7..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/rt/files/rt.init.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/files/rt.init.d,v 1.1 2006/01/26 21:10:33 rl03 Exp $
-depend() {
- use mysql postgresql lighttpd
-start() {
- ebegin "Starting RT"
- /sbin/start-stop-daemon -o --quiet --start \
- --startas ${RTPATH}/bin/mason_handler.fcgi \
- --pidfile ${PIDFILE} -c ${RTUSER} -g ${RTGROUP} -b -d ${RTPATH}
- # mason_handler.fcgi doesn't bg itself, so have start-stop-demon do that
- # if you experience problems, delete the -b flag above
- # and check if you get any errors
- # make sure lighttpd can use the socket
- while true; do
- [[ -a ${FCGI_SOCKET_PATH} ]] && break
- sleep 1
- done
- chmod g+rwx ${FCGI_SOCKET_PATH}
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping RT"
- /sbin/start-stop-daemon -o --quiet --stop --pidfile ${PIDFILE}
- eend $?
-restart() {
- svc_stop
- svc_start
diff --git a/www-apps/rt/rt-3.6.7.ebuild b/www-apps/rt/rt-3.6.7.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 67cda044b0d2..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/rt/rt-3.6.7.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/rt-3.6.7.ebuild,v 1.4 2011/11/02 21:55:06 vapier Exp $
-inherit webapp eutils depend.apache confutils
-DESCRIPTION="RT is an enterprise-grade ticketing system"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="mysql postgres fastcgi lighttpd"
- >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.3
- >=dev-perl/Apache-Session-1.53
- dev-perl/Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry
- dev-perl/Calendar-Simple
- >=dev-perl/class-returnvalue-0.40
- >=dev-perl/CSS-Squish-0.06
- >=dev-perl/DBI-1.37
- >=dev-perl/dbix-searchbuilder-1.53
- >=dev-perl/Devel-StackTrace-1.19
- dev-perl/GD
- dev-perl/GDGraph
- dev-perl/GDTextUtil
- dev-perl/HTML-Format
- >dev-perl/HTML-Mason-1.31
- dev-perl/HTML-Parser
- >=dev-perl/HTML-Scrubber-0.08
- dev-perl/HTML-Tree
- >=dev-perl/HTTP-Server-Simple-0.07
- >=dev-perl/HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.09
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- dev-perl/locale-maketext-fuzzy
- >=dev-perl/locale-maketext-lexicon-0.32
- >=dev-perl/log-dispatch-2.0
- >=dev-perl/MailTools-1.60
- >=dev-perl/MIME-tools-5.417
- dev-perl/Module-Versions-Report
- dev-perl/regexp-common
- dev-perl/TermReadKey
- dev-perl/text-autoformat
- >=dev-perl/Text-Quoted-2.02
- dev-perl/text-template
- >=dev-perl/Text-WikiFormat-0.76
- dev-perl/text-wrapper
- dev-perl/TimeDate
- dev-perl/Time-modules
- >=dev-perl/Tree-Simple-1.04
- dev-perl/UNIVERSAL-require
- >=dev-perl/XML-RSS-1.05
- >=virtual/perl-CGI-2.92
- virtual/perl-digest-base
- >=virtual/perl-Digest-MD5-2.27
- >=virtual/perl-File-Spec-0.8
- virtual/perl-File-Temp
- >=virtual/perl-Getopt-Long-2.24
- virtual/perl-libnet
- >=virtual/perl-locale-maketext-1.06
- virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils
- >=virtual/perl-Storable-2.08
- virtual/perl-Time-HiRes
- !lighttpd? ( dev-perl/Apache-DBI )
- lighttpd? ( dev-perl/FCGI )
- fastcgi? ( dev-perl/FCGI )
- mysql? ( >=dev-perl/DBD-mysql-2.1018 )
- postgres? ( >=dev-perl/DBD-Pg-1.43 )
- virtual/mta
- !lighttpd? ( ${APACHE2_DEPEND} )
- lighttpd? ( >=www-servers/lighttpd-1.3.13 )
-add_user_rt() {
- # add new user
- # suexec2 requires uid >= 1000; enewuser is of no help here
- # From: Mike Frysinger <>
- # Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:41:44 -0400
- # i'd pick a 5 digit # if i were you
- local euser="rt"
- # first check if username rt exists
- if [[ ${euser} == $(egetent passwd "${euser}" | cut -d: -f1) ]] ; then
- # check uid
- rt_uid=$(egetent passwd "${euser}" | cut -d: -f3)
- if $(expr ${rt_uid} '<' 1000 > /dev/null); then
- ewarn "uid of user rt is less than 1000. suexec2 will not work."
- ewarn "If you want to use FastCGI, please delete the user 'rt'"
- ewarn "from your system and re-emerge www-apps/rt"
- epause
- fi
- return 0 # all is well
- fi
- # add user
- # stolen from enewuser
- local pwrange euid
- pwrange=$(seq 10001 11001)
- for euid in ${pwrange} ; do
- [[ -z $(egetent passwd ${euid}) ]] && break
- done
- if [[ ${euid} == "11001" ]]; then
- # she gets around, doesn't she?
- die "No available uid's found"
- fi
- elog " - Userid: ${euid}"
- enewuser rt ${euid} -1 /dev/null rt
- return 0
-pkg_setup() {
- webapp_pkg_setup
- ewarn
- ewarn "If you are upgrading from an existing _RT2_ installation,"
- ewarn "stop this ebuild (Ctrl-C now), download the upgrade tool,"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "and follow the included instructions."
- ewarn
- epause 5
- enewgroup rt
- add_user_rt || die "Could not add user"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # add Gentoo-specific layout
- cat "${FILESDIR}"/config.layout-gentoo >> config.layout
- sed -e "s|PREFIX|${D}/${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}|
- s|HTMLDIR|${D}/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}|g" -i ./config.layout || die
- # don't need to check dev dependencies
- sed -e "s|\$args{'with-DEV'} =1;|#\$args{'with-DEV'} =1;|" -i sbin/ || die
-src_compile() {
- local web="apache"
- use lighttpd && web="lighttpd"
- local dbtype dba
- if use mysql; then
- dbtype="--with-db-type=mysql"
- dba="--with-db-dba=root"
- fi
- if use postgres;then
- dbtype="--with-db-type=Pg"
- dba="--with-db-dba=postgres"
- fi
- if use postgres && use mysql; then
- ewarn "Both mysql and postgres USE flags enabled, default is mysql."
- ewarn "You can set the default value in RT_SiteConfig before DB init."
- dbtype="--with-db-type=mysql"
- dba="--with-db-dba=root"
- fi
- ./configure --enable-layout=Gentoo \
- --with-bin-owner=rt \
- --with-libs-owner=rt \
- --with-libs-group=rt \
- --with-rt-group=rt \
- --with-web-user=${web} \
- --with-web-group=${web} \
- ${dbtype} ${dba}
- # check for missing deps and ask to report if something is broken
- local myconf="--verbose \
- $(enable_extension_withonly mysql mysql) \
- $(enable_extension_withonly postgresql postgres) \
- $(enable_extension_withonly fastcgi fastcgi) \
- $(enable_extension_withonly fastcgi lighttpd)" \
- if ! use fastcgi && ! use lighttpd; then
- myconf="${myconf} --with-modperl2"
- fi
- /usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies ${myconf} > "${T}"/t
- if grep -q "MISSING" "${T}"/t; then
- ewarn "Missing Perl dependency!"
- ewarn
- cat "${T}"/t | grep MISSING
- ewarn
- ewarn "Please run perl-cleaner. If the problem persists,"
- ewarn "please file a bug in the Gentoo Bugzilla with the information above"
- die "Missing dependencies."
- fi
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- emake install || die
- # make sure we don't clobber existing site configuration
- rm -f "${D}"/${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}/etc/
- # fix paths
- find "${D}" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:${D}::g"
- # copy upgrade files
- insinto "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}"
- doins -r etc/upgrade
- if use lighttpd; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.init.d ${PN}
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.conf.d ${PN}
- dosed "s/@@PF@@/${PF}/g" /etc/conf.d/${PN}
- else
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/{rt_apache2_fcgi.conf,rt_apache2.conf}
- fi
- webapp_serverowned "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}"/${PF}/var
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en.txt
- webapp_hook_script "${FILESDIR}"/reconfig
- webapp_src_install
diff --git a/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10-r1.ebuild b/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10-r1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 97ad931e116b..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10-r1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10-r1.ebuild,v 1.2 2011/11/18 18:22:31 flameeyes Exp $
-inherit webapp eutils depend.apache confutils
-DESCRIPTION="RT is an enterprise-grade ticketing system"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="mysql postgres fastcgi lighttpd"
- >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.3
- >=dev-perl/Apache-Session-1.53
- dev-perl/Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry
- dev-perl/Calendar-Simple
- >=dev-perl/class-returnvalue-0.40
- >=dev-perl/CSS-Squish-0.06
- >=dev-perl/DBI-1.37
- >=dev-perl/dbix-searchbuilder-1.53
- >=dev-perl/Devel-StackTrace-1.19
- dev-perl/GD
- dev-perl/GDGraph
- dev-perl/GDTextUtil
- dev-perl/HTML-Format
- >dev-perl/HTML-Mason-1.31
- dev-perl/HTML-Parser
- >=dev-perl/HTML-Scrubber-0.08
- dev-perl/HTML-Tree
- >=dev-perl/HTTP-Server-Simple-0.07
- >=dev-perl/HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- dev-perl/locale-maketext-fuzzy
- >=dev-perl/locale-maketext-lexicon-0.32
- >=dev-perl/log-dispatch-2.0
- >=dev-perl/MailTools-1.60
- >=dev-perl/MIME-tools-5.417
- >=dev-perl/Module-Versions-Report-1.05
- dev-perl/regexp-common
- dev-perl/TermReadKey
- dev-perl/text-autoformat
- >=dev-perl/Text-Quoted-2.02
- dev-perl/text-template
- >=dev-perl/Text-WikiFormat-0.76
- dev-perl/text-wrapper
- dev-perl/TimeDate
- dev-perl/Time-modules
- >=dev-perl/Tree-Simple-1.04
- dev-perl/UNIVERSAL-require
- >=dev-perl/XML-RSS-1.05
- >=virtual/perl-CGI-2.92
- virtual/perl-digest-base
- >=virtual/perl-Digest-MD5-2.27
- >=virtual/perl-File-Spec-0.8
- virtual/perl-File-Temp
- >=virtual/perl-Getopt-Long-2.24
- virtual/perl-libnet
- >=virtual/perl-locale-maketext-1.06
- virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils
- >=virtual/perl-Storable-2.08
- virtual/perl-Time-HiRes
- dev-perl/File-ShareDir
- dev-perl/HTML-RewriteAttributes
- dev-perl/Data-ICal
- dev-perl/Email-Address
- !lighttpd? ( dev-perl/Apache-DBI )
- lighttpd? ( dev-perl/FCGI )
- fastcgi? ( dev-perl/FCGI )
- mysql? ( >=dev-perl/DBD-mysql-2.1018 )
- postgres? ( >=dev-perl/DBD-Pg-1.43 )
- virtual/mta
- !lighttpd? ( ${APACHE2_DEPEND} )
- lighttpd? (
- >=www-servers/lighttpd-1.3.13
- sys-apps/openrc
- )
-add_user_rt() {
- # add new user
- # suexec2 requires uid >= 1000; enewuser is of no help here
- # From: Mike Frysinger <>
- # Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:41:44 -0400
- # i'd pick a 5 digit # if i were you
- local euser="rt"
- # first check if username rt exists
- if [[ ${euser} == $(egetent passwd "${euser}" | cut -d: -f1) ]] ; then
- # check uid
- rt_uid=$(egetent passwd "${euser}" | cut -d: -f3)
- if $(expr ${rt_uid} '<' 1000 > /dev/null); then
- ewarn "uid of user rt is less than 1000. suexec2 will not work."
- ewarn "If you want to use FastCGI, please delete the user 'rt'"
- ewarn "from your system and re-emerge www-apps/rt"
- epause
- fi
- return 0 # all is well
- fi
- # add user
- # stolen from enewuser
- local pwrange euid
- pwrange=$(seq 10001 11001)
- for euid in ${pwrange} ; do
- [[ -z $(egetent passwd ${euid}) ]] && break
- done
- if [[ ${euid} == "11001" ]]; then
- # she gets around, doesn't she?
- die "No available uid's found"
- fi
- elog " - Userid: ${euid}"
- enewuser rt ${euid} -1 /dev/null rt
- return 0
-pkg_setup() {
- webapp_pkg_setup
- ewarn
- ewarn "If you are upgrading from an existing _RT2_ installation,"
- ewarn "stop this ebuild (Ctrl-C now), download the upgrade tool,"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "and follow the included instructions."
- ewarn
- epause 5
- enewgroup rt
- add_user_rt || die "Could not add user"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # add Gentoo-specific layout
- cat "${FILESDIR}"/config.layout-gentoo >> config.layout
- sed -e "s|PREFIX|${D}/${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}|
- s|HTMLDIR|${D}/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}|g" -i ./config.layout || die
- # don't need to check dev dependencies
- sed -e "s|\$args{'with-DEV'} =1;|#\$args{'with-DEV'} =1;|" -i sbin/ || die
-src_compile() {
- local web myconf depsconf
- if use mysql; then
- myconf+=" --with-db-type=mysql --with-db-dba=root"
- depsconf+=" --with-mysql"
- fi
- if use postgres;then
- myconf+=" --with-db-type=Pg --with-db-dba=postgres"
- depsconf+=" --with-postgresql"
- fi
- if use postgres && use mysql; then
- ewarn "Both mysql and postgres USE flags enabled, default is mysql."
- ewarn "You can set the default value in RT_SiteConfig before DB init."
- myconf+=" --with-db-type=mysql --with-db-dba=root"
- depsconf+=" --with-mysql"
- fi
- if use fastcgi ; then
- myconf+=" --with-web-handler=fastcgi"
- web="apache"
- depsconf+=" --with-fastcgi"
- elif use lighttpd ; then
- myconf+=" --with-web-handler=fastcgi"
- web="lighttpd"
- depsconf+=" --with-fastcgi"
- else
- myconf+=" --with-web-handler=modperl2"
- web="apache"
- depsconf+=" --with-modperl2"
- fi
- ./configure --enable-layout=Gentoo \
- --with-bin-owner=rt \
- --with-libs-owner=rt \
- --with-libs-group=rt \
- --with-rt-group=rt \
- --with-web-user=${web} \
- --with-web-group=${web} \
- ${myconf}
- # check for missing deps and ask to report if something is broken
- /usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies ${depsconf} > "${T}"/t
- if grep -q "MISSING" "${T}"/t; then
- ewarn "Missing Perl dependency!"
- ewarn
- cat "${T}"/t | grep MISSING
- ewarn
- ewarn "Please run perl-cleaner. If the problem persists,"
- ewarn "please file a bug in the Gentoo Bugzilla with the information above"
- die "Missing dependencies."
- fi
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- emake -j1 install || die
- # make sure we don't clobber existing site configuration
- rm -f "${D}"/${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}/etc/
- # fix paths
- find "${D}" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:${D}::g"
- # copy upgrade files
- insinto "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}"
- doins -r etc/upgrade
- if use lighttpd; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.init.d.2 ${PN}
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.conf.d.2 ${PN}
- dosed "s/@@PF@@/${PF}/g" /etc/conf.d/${PN}
- else
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/{rt_apache2_fcgi.conf,rt_apache2.conf}
- fi
- webapp_serverowned "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}"/${PF}/var
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en.txt
- webapp_hook_script "${FILESDIR}"/reconfig
- webapp_src_install
diff --git a/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10.ebuild b/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cfed7842a4a..000000000000
--- a/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/rt-3.8.10.ebuild,v 1.6 2011/11/02 21:55:06 vapier Exp $
-inherit webapp eutils depend.apache confutils
-DESCRIPTION="RT is an enterprise-grade ticketing system"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="mysql postgres fastcgi lighttpd"
- >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.3
- >=dev-perl/Apache-Session-1.53
- dev-perl/Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry
- dev-perl/Calendar-Simple
- >=dev-perl/class-returnvalue-0.40
- >=dev-perl/CSS-Squish-0.06
- >=dev-perl/DBI-1.37
- >=dev-perl/dbix-searchbuilder-1.53
- >=dev-perl/Devel-StackTrace-1.19
- dev-perl/GD
- dev-perl/GDGraph
- dev-perl/GDTextUtil
- dev-perl/HTML-Format
- >dev-perl/HTML-Mason-1.31
- dev-perl/HTML-Parser
- >=dev-perl/HTML-Scrubber-0.08
- dev-perl/HTML-Tree
- >=dev-perl/HTTP-Server-Simple-0.07
- >=dev-perl/HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14
- dev-perl/libwww-perl
- dev-perl/locale-maketext-fuzzy
- >=dev-perl/locale-maketext-lexicon-0.32
- >=dev-perl/log-dispatch-2.0
- >=dev-perl/MailTools-1.60
- >=dev-perl/MIME-tools-5.417
- >=dev-perl/Module-Versions-Report-1.05
- dev-perl/regexp-common
- dev-perl/TermReadKey
- dev-perl/text-autoformat
- >=dev-perl/Text-Quoted-2.02
- dev-perl/text-template
- >=dev-perl/Text-WikiFormat-0.76
- dev-perl/text-wrapper
- dev-perl/TimeDate
- dev-perl/Time-modules
- >=dev-perl/Tree-Simple-1.04
- dev-perl/UNIVERSAL-require
- >=dev-perl/XML-RSS-1.05
- >=virtual/perl-CGI-2.92
- virtual/perl-digest-base
- >=virtual/perl-Digest-MD5-2.27
- >=virtual/perl-File-Spec-0.8
- virtual/perl-File-Temp
- >=virtual/perl-Getopt-Long-2.24
- virtual/perl-libnet
- >=virtual/perl-locale-maketext-1.06
- virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils
- >=virtual/perl-Storable-2.08
- virtual/perl-Time-HiRes
- dev-perl/File-ShareDir
- dev-perl/HTML-RewriteAttributes
- dev-perl/Data-ICal
- dev-perl/Email-Address
- !lighttpd? ( dev-perl/Apache-DBI )
- lighttpd? ( dev-perl/FCGI )
- fastcgi? ( dev-perl/FCGI )
- mysql? ( >=dev-perl/DBD-mysql-2.1018 )
- postgres? ( >=dev-perl/DBD-Pg-1.43 )
- virtual/mta
- !lighttpd? ( ${APACHE2_DEPEND} )
- lighttpd? ( >=www-servers/lighttpd-1.3.13 )
-add_user_rt() {
- # add new user
- # suexec2 requires uid >= 1000; enewuser is of no help here
- # From: Mike Frysinger <>
- # Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:41:44 -0400
- # i'd pick a 5 digit # if i were you
- local euser="rt"
- # first check if username rt exists
- if [[ ${euser} == $(egetent passwd "${euser}" | cut -d: -f1) ]] ; then
- # check uid
- rt_uid=$(egetent passwd "${euser}" | cut -d: -f3)
- if $(expr ${rt_uid} '<' 1000 > /dev/null); then
- ewarn "uid of user rt is less than 1000. suexec2 will not work."
- ewarn "If you want to use FastCGI, please delete the user 'rt'"
- ewarn "from your system and re-emerge www-apps/rt"
- epause
- fi
- return 0 # all is well
- fi
- # add user
- # stolen from enewuser
- local pwrange euid
- pwrange=$(seq 10001 11001)
- for euid in ${pwrange} ; do
- [[ -z $(egetent passwd ${euid}) ]] && break
- done
- if [[ ${euid} == "11001" ]]; then
- # she gets around, doesn't she?
- die "No available uid's found"
- fi
- elog " - Userid: ${euid}"
- enewuser rt ${euid} -1 /dev/null rt
- return 0
-pkg_setup() {
- webapp_pkg_setup
- ewarn
- ewarn "If you are upgrading from an existing _RT2_ installation,"
- ewarn "stop this ebuild (Ctrl-C now), download the upgrade tool,"
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "and follow the included instructions."
- ewarn
- epause 5
- enewgroup rt
- add_user_rt || die "Could not add user"
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- # add Gentoo-specific layout
- cat "${FILESDIR}"/config.layout-gentoo >> config.layout
- sed -e "s|PREFIX|${D}/${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}|
- s|HTMLDIR|${D}/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}|g" -i ./config.layout || die
- # don't need to check dev dependencies
- sed -e "s|\$args{'with-DEV'} =1;|#\$args{'with-DEV'} =1;|" -i sbin/ || die
-src_compile() {
- local web myconf depsconf
- if use mysql; then
- myconf+=" --with-db-type=mysql --with-db-dba=root"
- depsconf+=" --with-mysql"
- fi
- if use postgres;then
- myconf+=" --with-db-type=Pg --with-db-dba=postgres"
- depsconf+=" --with-postgresql"
- fi
- if use postgres && use mysql; then
- ewarn "Both mysql and postgres USE flags enabled, default is mysql."
- ewarn "You can set the default value in RT_SiteConfig before DB init."
- myconf+=" --with-db-type=mysql --with-db-dba=root"
- depsconf+=" --with-mysql"
- fi
- if use fastcgi ; then
- myconf+=" --with-web-handler=fastcgi"
- web="apache"
- depsconf+=" --with-fastcgi"
- elif use lighttpd ; then
- myconf+=" --with-web-handler=fastcgi"
- web="lighttpd"
- depsconf+=" --with-fastcgi"
- else
- myconf+=" --with-web-handler=modperl2"
- web="apache"
- depsconf+=" --with-modperl2"
- fi
- ./configure --enable-layout=Gentoo \
- --with-bin-owner=rt \
- --with-libs-owner=rt \
- --with-libs-group=rt \
- --with-rt-group=rt \
- --with-web-user=${web} \
- --with-web-group=${web} \
- ${myconf}
- # check for missing deps and ask to report if something is broken
- /usr/bin/perl ./sbin/rt-test-dependencies ${depsconf} > "${T}"/t
- if grep -q "MISSING" "${T}"/t; then
- ewarn "Missing Perl dependency!"
- ewarn
- cat "${T}"/t | grep MISSING
- ewarn
- ewarn "Please run perl-cleaner. If the problem persists,"
- ewarn "please file a bug in the Gentoo Bugzilla with the information above"
- die "Missing dependencies."
- fi
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- emake install || die
- # make sure we don't clobber existing site configuration
- rm -f "${D}"/${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}/etc/
- # fix paths
- find "${D}" -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i -e "s:${D}::g"
- # copy upgrade files
- insinto "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}"
- doins -r etc/upgrade
- if use lighttpd; then
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.init.d ${PN}
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.conf.d ${PN}
- dosed "s/@@PF@@/${PF}/g" /etc/conf.d/${PN}
- else
- doins "${FILESDIR}"/{rt_apache2_fcgi.conf,rt_apache2.conf}
- fi
- webapp_serverowned "${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}"/${PF}/var
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en.txt
- webapp_hook_script "${FILESDIR}"/reconfig
- webapp_src_install