diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/extensions/blocks/simple-payments/edit.js')
1 files changed, 579 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/extensions/blocks/simple-payments/edit.js b/plugins/jetpack/extensions/blocks/simple-payments/edit.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f49ca94d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/extensions/blocks/simple-payments/edit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import classNames from 'classnames';
+import emailValidator from 'email-validator';
+import { __, _n, sprintf } from '@wordpress/i18n';
+import { Component } from '@wordpress/element';
+import { compose, withInstanceId } from '@wordpress/compose';
+import { dispatch, withSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
+import { get, isEmpty, isEqual, pick, trimEnd } from 'lodash';
+import { getCurrencyDefaults } from '@automattic/format-currency';
+import {
+ Disabled,
+ ExternalLink,
+ SelectControl,
+ TextareaControl,
+ TextControl,
+ ToggleControl,
+} from '@wordpress/components';
+ * Internal dependencies
+ */
+import HelpMessage from './help-message';
+import ProductPlaceholder from './product-placeholder';
+import FeaturedMedia from './featured-media';
+import { decimalPlaces, formatPrice } from './utils';
+class SimplePaymentsEdit extends Component {
+ state = {
+ fieldEmailError: null,
+ fieldPriceError: null,
+ fieldTitleError: null,
+ isSavingProduct: false,
+ };
+ /**
+ * We'll use this flag to inject attributes one time when the product entity is loaded.
+ *
+ * It is based on the presence of a `productId` attribute.
+ *
+ * If present, initially we are waiting for attributes to be injected.
+ * If absent, we may save the product in the future but do not need to inject attributes based
+ * on the response as they will have come from our product submission.
+ */
+ shouldInjectPaymentAttributes = !! this.props.attributes.productId;
+ componentDidMount() {
+ // Try to get the simplePayment loaded into attributes if possible.
+ this.injectPaymentAttributes();
+ const { attributes, hasPublishAction } = this.props;
+ const { productId } = attributes;
+ // If the user can publish save an empty product so that we have an ID and can save
+ // concurrently with the post that contains the Simple Payment.
+ if ( ! productId && hasPublishAction ) {
+ this.saveProduct();
+ }
+ }
+ componentDidUpdate( prevProps ) {
+ const { hasPublishAction, isSelected } = this.props;
+ if ( ! isEqual( prevProps.simplePayment, this.props.simplePayment ) ) {
+ this.injectPaymentAttributes();
+ }
+ if (
+ ! prevProps.isSaving &&
+ this.props.isSaving &&
+ hasPublishAction &&
+ this.validateAttributes()
+ ) {
+ // Validate and save product on post save
+ this.saveProduct();
+ } else if ( prevProps.isSelected && ! isSelected ) {
+ // Validate on block deselect
+ this.validateAttributes();
+ }
+ }
+ injectPaymentAttributes() {
+ /**
+ * Prevent injecting the product attributes when not desired.
+ *
+ * When we first load a product, we should inject its attributes as our initial form state.
+ * When subsequent saves occur, we should avoid injecting attributes so that we do not
+ * overwrite changes that the user has made with stale state from the previous save.
+ */
+ const { simplePayment } = this.props;
+ if ( ! this.shouldInjectPaymentAttributes || isEmpty( simplePayment ) ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const { attributes, setAttributes } = this.props;
+ const { content, currency, email, featuredMediaId, multiple, price, title } = attributes;
+ setAttributes( {
+ content: get( simplePayment, [ 'content', 'raw' ], content ),
+ currency: get( simplePayment, [ 'meta', 'spay_currency' ], currency ),
+ email: get( simplePayment, [ 'meta', 'spay_email' ], email ),
+ featuredMediaId: get( simplePayment, [ 'featured_media' ], featuredMediaId ),
+ multiple: Boolean( get( simplePayment, [ 'meta', 'spay_multiple' ], Boolean( multiple ) ) ),
+ price: get( simplePayment, [ 'meta', 'spay_price' ], price || undefined ),
+ title: get( simplePayment, [ 'title', 'raw' ], title ),
+ } );
+ this.shouldInjectPaymentAttributes = ! this.shouldInjectPaymentAttributes;
+ }
+ toApi() {
+ const { attributes } = this.props;
+ const {
+ content,
+ currency,
+ email,
+ featuredMediaId,
+ multiple,
+ price,
+ productId,
+ title,
+ } = attributes;
+ return {
+ id: productId,
+ content,
+ featured_media: featuredMediaId,
+ meta: {
+ spay_currency: currency,
+ spay_email: email,
+ spay_multiple: multiple,
+ spay_price: price,
+ },
+ status: productId ? 'publish' : 'draft',
+ title,
+ };
+ }
+ saveProduct() {
+ if ( this.state.isSavingProduct ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const { attributes, setAttributes } = this.props;
+ const { email } = attributes;
+ const { saveEntityRecord } = dispatch( 'core' );
+ this.setState( { isSavingProduct: true }, () => {
+ saveEntityRecord( 'postType', SIMPLE_PAYMENTS_PRODUCT_POST_TYPE, this.toApi() )
+ .then( record => {
+ if ( record ) {
+ setAttributes( { productId: } );
+ }
+ return record;
+ } )
+ .catch( error => {
+ // Nothing we can do about errors without details at the moment
+ if ( ! error || ! ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const {
+ data: { key: apiErrorKey },
+ } = error;
+ // @TODO errors in other fields
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldEmailError:
+ apiErrorKey === 'spay_email'
+ ? sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid email address.', 'jetpack' ), email )
+ : null,
+ fieldPriceError:
+ apiErrorKey === 'spay_price' ? __( 'Invalid price.', 'jetpack' ) : null,
+ } );
+ } )
+ .finally( () => {
+ this.setState( {
+ isSavingProduct: false,
+ } );
+ } );
+ } );
+ }
+ validateAttributes = () => {
+ const isPriceValid = this.validatePrice();
+ const isTitleValid = this.validateTitle();
+ const isEmailValid = this.validateEmail();
+ const isCurrencyValid = this.validateCurrency();
+ return isPriceValid && isTitleValid && isEmailValid && isCurrencyValid;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Validate currency
+ *
+ * This method does not include validation UI. Currency selection should not allow for invalid
+ * values. It is primarily to ensure that the currency is valid to save.
+ *
+ * @return {boolean} True if currency is valid
+ */
+ validateCurrency = () => {
+ const { currency } = this.props.attributes;
+ return SUPPORTED_CURRENCY_LIST.includes( currency );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Validate price
+ *
+ * Stores error message in state.fieldPriceError
+ *
+ * @returns {Boolean} True when valid, false when invalid
+ */
+ validatePrice = () => {
+ const { currency, price } = this.props.attributes;
+ const { precision } = getCurrencyDefaults( currency );
+ if ( ! price || parseFloat( price ) === 0 ) {
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldPriceError: __(
+ 'If you’re selling something, you need a price tag. Add yours here.',
+ 'jetpack'
+ ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( Number.isNaN( parseFloat( price ) ) ) {
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldPriceError: __( 'Invalid price', 'jetpack' ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( parseFloat( price ) < 0 ) {
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldPriceError: __(
+ 'Your price is negative — enter a positive number so people can pay the right amount.',
+ 'jetpack'
+ ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( decimalPlaces( price ) > precision ) {
+ if ( precision === 0 ) {
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldPriceError: __(
+ 'We know every penny counts, but prices in this currency can’t contain decimal values.',
+ 'jetpack'
+ ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldPriceError: sprintf(
+ _n(
+ 'The price cannot have more than %d decimal place.',
+ 'The price cannot have more than %d decimal places.',
+ precision,
+ 'jetpack'
+ ),
+ precision
+ ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( this.state.fieldPriceError ) {
+ this.setState( { fieldPriceError: null } );
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Validate email
+ *
+ * Stores error message in state.fieldEmailError
+ *
+ * @returns {Boolean} True when valid, false when invalid
+ */
+ validateEmail = () => {
+ const { email } = this.props.attributes;
+ if ( ! email ) {
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldEmailError: __(
+ 'We want to make sure payments reach you, so please add an email address.',
+ 'jetpack'
+ ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( ! emailValidator.validate( email ) ) {
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldEmailError: sprintf( __( '%s is not a valid email address.', 'jetpack' ), email ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( this.state.fieldEmailError ) {
+ this.setState( { fieldEmailError: null } );
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Validate title
+ *
+ * Stores error message in state.fieldTitleError
+ *
+ * @returns {Boolean} True when valid, false when invalid
+ */
+ validateTitle = () => {
+ const { title } = this.props.attributes;
+ if ( ! title ) {
+ this.setState( {
+ fieldTitleError: __(
+ 'Please add a brief title so that people know what they’re paying for.',
+ 'jetpack'
+ ),
+ } );
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( this.state.fieldTitleError ) {
+ this.setState( { fieldTitleError: null } );
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ handleEmailChange = email => {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { email } );
+ this.setState( { fieldEmailError: null } );
+ };
+ handleFeaturedMediaSelect = media => {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { featuredMediaId: get( media, 'id', 0 ) } );
+ };
+ handleContentChange = content => {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { content } );
+ };
+ handlePriceChange = price => {
+ price = parseFloat( price );
+ if ( ! isNaN( price ) ) {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { price } );
+ } else {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { price: undefined } );
+ }
+ this.setState( { fieldPriceError: null } );
+ };
+ handleCurrencyChange = currency => {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { currency } );
+ };
+ handleMultipleChange = multiple => {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { multiple: !! multiple } );
+ };
+ handleTitleChange = title => {
+ this.props.setAttributes( { title } );
+ this.setState( { fieldTitleError: null } );
+ };
+ getCurrencyList = value => {
+ const { symbol } = getCurrencyDefaults( value );
+ // if symbol is equal to the code (e.g., 'CHF' === 'CHF'), don't duplicate it.
+ // trim the dot at the end, e.g., 'kr.' becomes 'kr'
+ const label = symbol === value ? value : `${ value } ${ trimEnd( symbol, '.' ) }`;
+ return { value, label };
+ } );
+ render() {
+ const { fieldEmailError, fieldPriceError, fieldTitleError } = this.state;
+ const {
+ attributes,
+ featuredMedia,
+ instanceId,
+ isSelected,
+ setAttributes,
+ simplePayment,
+ } = this.props;
+ const {
+ content,
+ currency,
+ email,
+ featuredMediaId,
+ featuredMediaUrl: featuredMediaUrlAttribute,
+ featuredMediaTitle: featuredMediaTitleAttribute,
+ multiple,
+ price,
+ productId,
+ title,
+ } = attributes;
+ const featuredMediaUrl =
+ featuredMediaUrlAttribute || ( featuredMedia && featuredMedia.source_url );
+ const featuredMediaTitle =
+ featuredMediaTitleAttribute || ( featuredMedia && featuredMedia.alt_text );
+ /**
+ * The only disabled state that concerns us is when we expect a product but don't have it in
+ * local state.
+ */
+ const isDisabled = productId && isEmpty( simplePayment );
+ if ( ! isSelected && isDisabled ) {
+ return (
+ <div className="simple-payments__loading">
+ <ProductPlaceholder
+ aria-busy="true"
+ content="█████"
+ formattedPrice="█████"
+ title="█████"
+ />
+ </div>
+ );
+ }
+ if (
+ ! isSelected &&
+ email &&
+ price &&
+ title &&
+ ! fieldEmailError &&
+ ! fieldPriceError &&
+ ! fieldTitleError
+ ) {
+ return (
+ <ProductPlaceholder
+ aria-busy="false"
+ content={ content }
+ featuredMediaUrl={ featuredMediaUrl }
+ featuredMediaTitle={ featuredMediaTitle }
+ formattedPrice={ formatPrice( price, currency ) }
+ multiple={ multiple }
+ title={ title }
+ />
+ );
+ }
+ const Wrapper = isDisabled ? Disabled : 'div';
+ return (
+ <Wrapper className="wp-block-jetpack-simple-payments">
+ <FeaturedMedia
+ { ...{ featuredMediaId, featuredMediaUrl, featuredMediaTitle, setAttributes } }
+ />
+ <div>
+ <TextControl
+ aria-describedby={ `${ instanceId }-title-error` }
+ className={ classNames( 'simple-payments__field', 'simple-payments__field-title', {
+ 'simple-payments__field-has-error': fieldTitleError,
+ } ) }
+ label={ __( 'Item name', 'jetpack' ) }
+ onChange={ this.handleTitleChange }
+ placeholder={ __( 'Item name', 'jetpack' ) }
+ required
+ type="text"
+ value={ title }
+ />
+ <HelpMessage id={ `${ instanceId }-title-error` } isError>
+ { fieldTitleError }
+ </HelpMessage>
+ <TextareaControl
+ className="simple-payments__field simple-payments__field-content"
+ label={ __( 'Describe your item in a few words', 'jetpack' ) }
+ onChange={ this.handleContentChange }
+ placeholder={ __( 'Describe your item in a few words', 'jetpack' ) }
+ value={ content }
+ />
+ <div className="simple-payments__price-container">
+ <SelectControl
+ className="simple-payments__field simple-payments__field-currency"
+ label={ __( 'Currency', 'jetpack' ) }
+ onChange={ this.handleCurrencyChange }
+ options={ this.getCurrencyList }
+ value={ currency }
+ />
+ <TextControl
+ aria-describedby={ `${ instanceId }-price-error` }
+ className={ classNames( 'simple-payments__field', 'simple-payments__field-price', {
+ 'simple-payments__field-has-error': fieldPriceError,
+ } ) }
+ label={ __( 'Price', 'jetpack' ) }
+ onChange={ this.handlePriceChange }
+ placeholder={ formatPrice( 0, currency, false ) }
+ required
+ step="1"
+ type="number"
+ value={ price || '' }
+ />
+ <HelpMessage id={ `${ instanceId }-price-error` } isError>
+ { fieldPriceError }
+ </HelpMessage>
+ </div>
+ <div className="simple-payments__field-multiple">
+ <ToggleControl
+ checked={ Boolean( multiple ) }
+ label={ __( 'Allow people to buy more than one item at a time', 'jetpack' ) }
+ onChange={ this.handleMultipleChange }
+ />
+ </div>
+ <TextControl
+ aria-describedby={ `${ instanceId }-email-${ fieldEmailError ? 'error' : 'help' }` }
+ className={ classNames( 'simple-payments__field', 'simple-payments__field-email', {
+ 'simple-payments__field-has-error': fieldEmailError,
+ } ) }
+ label={ __( 'Email', 'jetpack' ) }
+ onChange={ this.handleEmailChange }
+ placeholder={ __( 'Email', 'jetpack' ) }
+ required
+ type="email"
+ value={ email }
+ />
+ <HelpMessage id={ `${ instanceId }-email-error` } isError>
+ { fieldEmailError }
+ </HelpMessage>
+ <HelpMessage id={ `${ instanceId }-email-help` }>
+ { __(
+ 'Enter the email address associated with your PayPal account. Don’t have an account?',
+ 'jetpack'
+ ) + ' ' }
+ <ExternalLink href="">
+ { __( 'Create one on PayPal', 'jetpack' ) }
+ </ExternalLink>
+ </HelpMessage>
+ </div>
+ </Wrapper>
+ );
+ }
+const mapSelectToProps = withSelect( ( select, props ) => {
+ const { getEntityRecord, getMedia } = select( 'core' );
+ const { isSavingPost, getCurrentPost } = select( 'core/editor' );
+ const { productId, featuredMediaId } = props.attributes;
+ const fields = [
+ [ 'content' ],
+ [ 'meta', 'spay_currency' ],
+ [ 'meta', 'spay_email' ],
+ [ 'meta', 'spay_multiple' ],
+ [ 'meta', 'spay_price' ],
+ [ 'title', 'raw' ],
+ [ 'featured_media' ],
+ ];
+ const simplePayment = productId
+ ? pick( getEntityRecord( 'postType', SIMPLE_PAYMENTS_PRODUCT_POST_TYPE, productId ), fields )
+ : undefined;
+ return {
+ hasPublishAction: !! get( getCurrentPost(), [ '_links', 'wp:action-publish' ] ),
+ isSaving: !! isSavingPost(),
+ simplePayment,
+ featuredMedia: featuredMediaId ? getMedia( featuredMediaId ) : null,
+ };
+} );
+export default compose(
+ mapSelectToProps,
+ withInstanceId
+)( SimplePaymentsEdit );