diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/js/main.js')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/js/main.js b/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/js/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aecfdf60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/jetpack/modules/shortcodes/js/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+( function( $ ) {
+ var jmpressOpts = {
+ fullscreen: false,
+ hash: { use: false },
+ mouse: { clickSelects: false },
+ keyboard: { use: true },
+ animation: { transitionDuration: '1s' },
+ presentationMode: false,
+ stepSelector: '.step',
+ duration: {
+ defaultValue: 0,
+ },
+ };
+ /**
+ * Presentation constructor
+ */
+ function Presentation( wrapper ) {
+ var _self, duration, new_css, ie_regex, matches;
+ _self = this;
+ _self.wrapper = $( wrapper ); // The wrapper for toggling fullscreen
+ _self.slideshow = $( '.presentation', wrapper ); // Holds the slides for jmpress
+ _self.navLeft = $( '.nav-arrow-left', wrapper );
+ _self.navRight = $( '.nav-arrow-right', wrapper );
+ _self.expandButton = $( '.nav-fullscreen-button', wrapper );
+ _self.overlay = $( '.autoplay-overlay', wrapper );
+ _self.fullscreen = false;
+ _self.autoPlaying = false;
+ _self.autoplayTime = parseFloat( _self.slideshow.attr( 'data-autoplay' ), 10 ) || 0;
+ // The wrapper is scaled to the contents' size so that its border wraps tightly
+ _self.wrapper.css( {
+ width: _self.slideshow.width(),
+ height: _self.slideshow.height(),
+ } );
+ duration = _self.slideshow.attr( 'duration' ) || '1s';
+ jmpressOpts.animation.transitionDuration = duration;
+ // Compensate for transition times
+ if ( _self.autoplayTime ) {
+ _self.autoplayTime += parseFloat( duration, 10 ) * 1000;
+ }
+ // Set the opacity transition duration
+ // as it is delegated by css and not jmpress
+ duration = 'opacity ' + duration;
+ new_css = {
+ width: _self.slideshow.width(),
+ height: _self.slideshow.height(),
+ '-webkit-transition': duration,
+ '-moz-transition': duration,
+ '-ms-transition': duration,
+ '-o-transition': duration,
+ transition: duration,
+ };
+ $( '.step', _self.slideshow ).each( function( i, step ) {
+ $( step ).css( new_css );
+ } );
+ // Apply attribute to allow fading individual bullets here,
+ // otherwise wp_kses will strip the attribute out
+ $( '.step.fadebullets li', _self.slideshow ).each( function( i, step ) {
+ $( step ).attr( 'data-jmpress', 'fade' );
+ } );
+ // Register resizing to window when fullscreen
+ $( window ).resize( function() {
+ if ( _self.fullscreen ) {
+ _self.resizePresentation();
+ }
+ } );
+ // Register the nav bars to move the slides
+ _self.navLeft.on( 'click', function() {
+ _self.slideshow.jmpress( 'prev' );
+ _self.overlay.css( 'opacity', 0 );
+ return false;
+ } );
+ _self.navRight.on( 'click', function() {
+ _self.slideshow.jmpress( 'next' );
+ _self.overlay.css( 'opacity', 0 );
+ return false;
+ } );
+ _self.slideshow.on( 'click', function() {
+ _self.setAutoplay( true );
+ return false;
+ } );
+ _self.slideshow.on( 'focusout', function() {
+ _self.setAutoplay( false );
+ } );
+ // Register toggling fullscreen except for IE 9 or lower
+ ie_regex = /MSIE\s(\d+)\.\d+/;
+ matches = ie_regex.exec( navigator.userAgent );
+ if ( matches && parseInt( matches[ 1 ], 10 ) < 10 ) {
+ _self.expandButton.remove();
+ _self.expandButton = null;
+ } else {
+ _self.expandButton.on( 'click', function() {
+ _self.setFullscreen( ! _self.fullscreen );
+ return false;
+ } );
+ }
+ // Register ESC key to exit fullscreen
+ $( window ).on( 'keydown', function( event ) {
+ if ( event.which === 27 ) {
+ _self.setFullscreen( false );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Start the presentation
+ _self.slideshow.jmpress( jmpressOpts );
+ // Make content visible and remove error message on jmpress success
+ if ( _self.slideshow.jmpress( 'initialized' ) ) {
+ _self.slideshow.css( 'display', '' );
+ _self.overlay.css( 'display', '' );
+ $( '.not-supported-msg', _self.wrapper ).remove();
+ }
+ // A bug in Firefox causes issues with the nav arrows appearing
+ // on hover in presentation mode. Explicitly disabling fullscreen
+ // on init seems to fix the issue
+ _self.setFullscreen( false );
+ }
+ $.extend( Presentation.prototype, {
+ resizePresentation: function() {
+ var scale, duration, settings, new_css, widthScale, heightScale;
+ // Set the animation duration to 0 during resizing
+ // so that there isn't an animation delay when scaling
+ // up the slide contents
+ settings = this.slideshow.jmpress( 'settings' );
+ duration = settings.animation.transitionDuration;
+ settings.animation.transitionDuration = '0s';
+ this.slideshow.jmpress( 'reselect' );
+ scale = 1;
+ new_css = {
+ top: 0,
+ left: 0,
+ zoom: 1,
+ };
+ // Expand the presentation to fill the lesser of the max width or height
+ // This avoids content moving past the window for certain window sizes
+ if ( this.fullscreen ) {
+ widthScale = $( window ).width() / this.slideshow.width();
+ heightScale = $( window ).height() / this.slideshow.height();
+ scale = Math.min( widthScale, heightScale );
+ = ( $( window ).height() - scale * this.slideshow.height() ) / 2;
+ new_css.left = ( $( window ).width() - scale * this.slideshow.width() ) / 2;
+ }
+ // Firefox does not support the zoom property; IE does, but it does not work
+ // well like in webkit, so we manually transform and position the slideshow
+ if ( this.slideshow.css( '-moz-transform' ) || this.slideshow.css( '-ms-transform' ) ) {
+ // Firefox keeps the center of the element in place and expands outward
+ // so we must shift everything to compensate
+ += ( ( scale - 1 ) * this.slideshow.height() ) / 2;
+ new_css.left += ( ( scale - 1 ) * this.slideshow.width() ) / 2;
+ scale = 'scale(' + scale + ')';
+ $.extend( new_css, {
+ '-moz-transform': scale,
+ '-ms-transform': scale,
+ transform: scale,
+ } );
+ } else {
+ // webkit scales everything with zoom so we need to offset the right amount
+ // so that the content is vertically centered after scaling effects
+ /= scale;
+ new_css.left /= scale;
+ new_css.zoom = scale;
+ }
+ this.slideshow.css( new_css );
+ settings.animation.transitionDuration = duration;
+ this.slideshow.jmpress( 'reselect' );
+ },
+ setFullscreen: function( on ) {
+ this.fullscreen = on;
+ this.setAutoplay( false );
+ // Save the scroll positions before going into fullscreen mode
+ if ( on ) {
+ this.scrollVert = $( window ).scrollTop();
+ this.scrollHoriz = $( window ).scrollLeft();
+ // Chrome Bug: Force scroll to be at top
+ // otherwise the presentation can end up offscreen
+ $( window ).scrollTop( 0 );
+ $( window ).scrollLeft( 0 );
+ }
+ $( 'html' ).toggleClass( 'presentation-global-fullscreen', on );
+ $( 'body' ).toggleClass( 'presentation-global-fullscreen', on );
+ this.wrapper.toggleClass( 'presentation-wrapper-fullscreen', on );
+ this.wrapper.parents().each( function( i, e ) {
+ $( e ).toggleClass( 'presentation-wrapper-fullscreen-parent', on );
+ } );
+ this.resizePresentation();
+ // Reset the scroll positions after exiting fullscreen mode
+ if ( ! on ) {
+ $( window ).scrollTop( this.scrollVert );
+ $( window ).scrollLeft( this.scrollHoriz );
+ }
+ },
+ setAutoplay: function( on ) {
+ var _self = this,
+ newAutoplayTime;
+ if ( _self.autoPlaying === on ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ newAutoplayTime = on && _self.autoplayTime > 0 ? _self.autoplayTime : 0;
+ _self.slideshow.jmpress( 'settings' ).duration.defaultValue = newAutoplayTime;
+ // Move to the next slide when activating autoplay
+ if ( newAutoplayTime ) {
+ _self.slideshow.jmpress( 'next' );
+ _self.overlay.css( 'opacity', 0 );
+ } else {
+ _self.slideshow.jmpress( 'reselect' );
+ }
+ _self.autoPlaying = on;
+ },
+ } );
+ $( document ).ready( function() {
+ $( '.presentation-wrapper' ).map( function() {
+ new Presentation( this );
+ } );
+ } );
+} )( jQuery );