diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'demos/python/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1355 deletions
diff --git a/demos/python/ b/demos/python/
deleted file mode 100644
index 20506c38..00000000
--- a/demos/python/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1355 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import codecs
-import inspect
-import io
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-import threading
-def place( frame_record):
- '''
- Useful debugging function - returns representation of source position of
- caller.
- '''
- filename = frame_record.filename
- line = frame_record.lineno
- function = frame_record.function
- ret = os.path.split( filename)[1] + ':' + str( line) + ':' + function + ':'
- if 0:
- tid = str(threading.currentThread())
- ret = '[' + tid + '] ' + ret
- return ret
-def expand_nv( text, caller):
- '''
- Returns <text> with special handling of {<expression>} items.
- text:
- String containing {<expression>} items.
- caller:
- If an int, the number of frames to step up when looking for file:line
- information or evaluating expressions.
- Otherwise should be a frame record as returned by inspect.stack()[].
- <expression> is evaluated in <caller>'s context using eval(), and expanded
- to <expression> or <expression>=<value>.
- If <expression> ends with '=', this character is removed and we prefix the
- result with <expression>=.
- E.g.:
- x = 45
- y = 'hello'
- expand_nv( 'foo {x} {y=}')
- returns:
- foo 45 y=hello
- <expression> can also use ':' and '!' to control formatting, like
- str.format().
- '''
- if isinstance( caller, int):
- frame_record = inspect.stack()[ caller]
- else:
- frame_record = caller
- frame = frame_record.frame
- try:
- def get_items():
- '''
- Yields (pre, item), where <item> is contents of next {...} or None,
- and <pre> is preceding text.
- '''
- pos = 0
- pre = ''
- while 1:
- if pos == len( text):
- yield pre, None
- break
- rest = text[ pos:]
- if rest.startswith( '{{') or rest.startswith( '}}'):
- pre += rest[0]
- pos += 2
- elif text[ pos] == '{':
- close = text.find( '}', pos)
- if close < 0:
- raise Exception( 'After "{" at offset %s, cannot find closing "}". text is: %r' % (
- pos, text))
- yield pre, text[ pos+1 : close]
- pre = ''
- pos = close + 1
- else:
- pre += text[ pos]
- pos += 1
- ret = ''
- for pre, item in get_items():
- ret += pre
- nv = False
- if item:
- if item.endswith( '='):
- nv = True
- item = item[:-1]
- expression, tail = split_first_of( item, '!:')
- try:
- value = eval( expression, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals)
- value_text = ('{0%s}' % tail).format( value)
- except Exception as e:
- value_text = '{??Failed to evaluate %r in context %s:%s because: %s??}' % (
- expression,
- frame_record.filename,
- frame_record.lineno,
- e,
- )
- if nv:
- ret += '%s=' % expression
- ret += value_text
- return ret
- finally:
- del frame
-class LogPrefixTime:
- def __init__( self, date=False, time_=True, elapsed=False):
- = date
- self.time = time_
- self.elapsed = elapsed
- self.t0 = time.time()
- def __call__( self):
- ret = ''
- if
- ret += time.strftime( ' %F')
- if self.time:
- ret += time.strftime( ' %T')
- if self.elapsed:
- ret += ' (+%s)' % time_duration( time.time() - self.t0, s_format='%.1f')
- if ret:
- ret = ret.strip() + ': '
- return ret
-class LogPrefixFileLine:
- def __call__( self, caller):
- if isinstance( caller, int):
- caller = inspect.stack()[ caller]
- return place( caller) + ' '
-class LogPrefixScopes:
- '''
- Internal use only.
- '''
- def __init__( self):
- self.items = []
- def __call__( self):
- ret = ''
- for item in self.items:
- if callable( item):
- item = item()
- ret += item
- return ret
-class LogPrefixScope:
- '''
- Can be used to insert scoped prefix to log output.
- '''
- def __init__( self, prefix):
- g_log_prefixe_scopes.items.append( prefix)
- def __enter__( self):
- pass
- def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- global g_log_prefix
- g_log_prefixe_scopes.items.pop()
-g_log_delta = 0
-class LogDeltaScope:
- '''
- Can be used to temporarily change verbose level of logging.
- E.g to temporarily increase logging:
- with jlib.LogDeltaScope(-1):
- ...
- '''
- def __init__( self, delta):
- = delta
- global g_log_delta
- g_log_delta +=
- def __enter__( self):
- pass
- def __exit__( self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
- global g_log_delta
- g_log_delta -=
-# Special item that can be inserted into <g_log_prefixes> to enable
-# temporary addition of text into log prefixes.
-g_log_prefixe_scopes = LogPrefixScopes()
-# List of items that form prefix for all output from log().
-g_log_prefixes = []
-def log_text( text=None, caller=1, nv=True):
- '''
- Returns log text, prepending all lines with text from g_log_prefixes.
- text:
- The text to output. Each line is prepended with prefix text.
- caller:
- If an int, the number of frames to step up when looking for file:line
- information or evaluating expressions.
- Otherwise should be a frame record as returned by inspect.stack()[].
- nv:
- If true, we expand {...} in <text> using expand_nv().
- '''
- if isinstance( caller, int):
- caller += 1
- prefix = ''
- for p in g_log_prefixes:
- if callable( p):
- if isinstance( p, LogPrefixFileLine):
- p = p(caller)
- else:
- p = p()
- prefix += p
- if text is None:
- return prefix
- if nv:
- text = expand_nv( text, caller)
- if text.endswith( '\n'):
- text = text[:-1]
- lines = text.split( '\n')
- text = ''
- for line in lines:
- text += prefix + line + '\n'
- return text
-s_log_levels_cache = dict()
-s_log_levels_items = []
-def log_levels_find( caller):
- if not s_log_levels_items:
- return 0
- tb = traceback.extract_stack( None, 1+caller)
- if len(tb) == 0:
- return 0
- filename, line, function, text = tb[0]
- key = function, filename, line,
- delta = s_log_levels_cache.get( key)
- if delta is None:
- # Calculate and populate cache.
- delta = 0
- for item_function, item_filename, item_delta in s_log_levels_items:
- if item_function and not function.startswith( item_function):
- continue
- if item_filename and not filename.startswith( item_filename):
- continue
- delta = item_delta
- break
- s_log_levels_cache[ key] = delta
- return delta
-def log_levels_add( delta, filename_prefix, function_prefix):
- '''
- log() calls from locations with filenames starting with <filename_prefix>
- and/or function names starting with <function_prefix> will have <delta>
- added to their level.
- Use -ve delta to increase verbosity from particular filename or function
- prefixes.
- '''
- log( 'adding level: {filename_prefix=!r} {function_prefix=!r}')
- # Sort in reverse order so that long functions and filename specs come
- # first.
- #
- s_log_levels_items.append( (function_prefix, filename_prefix, delta))
- s_log_levels_items.sort( reverse=True)
-def log( text, level=0, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- '''
- Writes log text, with special handling of {<expression>} items in <text>
- similar to python3's f-strings.
- text:
- The text to output.
- caller:
- How many frames to step up to get caller's context when evaluating
- file:line information and/or expressions. Or frame record as returned
- by inspect.stack()[].
- nv:
- If true, we expand {...} in <text> using expand_nv().
- out:
- Where to send output. If None we use sys.stdout.
- <expression> is evaluated in our caller's context (<n> stack frames up)
- using eval(), and expanded to <expression> or <expression>=<value>.
- If <expression> ends with '=', this character is removed and we prefix the
- result with <expression>=.
- E.g.:
- x = 45
- y = 'hello'
- expand_nv( 'foo {x} {y=}')
- returns:
- foo 45 y=hello
- <expression> can also use ':' and '!' to control formatting, like
- str.format().
- '''
- if out is None:
- out = sys.stdout
- level += g_log_delta
- if isinstance( caller, int):
- caller += 1
- level += log_levels_find( caller)
- if level <= 0:
- text = log_text( text, caller, nv=nv)
- out.write( text)
- out.flush()
-def log0( text, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- '''
- Most verbose log. Same as log().
- '''
- log( text, level=0, caller=caller+1, nv=nv, out=out)
-def log1( text, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- log( text, level=1, caller=caller+1, nv=nv, out=out)
-def log2( text, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- log( text, level=2, caller=caller+1, nv=nv, out=out)
-def log3( text, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- log( text, level=3, caller=caller+1, nv=nv, out=out)
-def log4( text, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- log( text, level=4, caller=caller+1, nv=nv, out=out)
-def log5( text, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- '''
- Least verbose log.
- '''
- log( text, level=5, caller=caller+1, nv=nv, out=out)
-def logx( text, caller=1, nv=True, out=None):
- '''
- Does nothing, useful when commenting out a log().
- '''
- pass
-def log_levels_add_env( name='JLIB_log_levels'):
- '''
- Added log levels encoded in an environmental variable.
- '''
- t = os.environ.get( name)
- if t:
- for ffll in t.split( ','):
- ffl, delta = ffll.split( '=', 1)
- delta = int( delta)
- ffl = ffl.split( ':')
- if 0:
- pass
- elif len( ffl) == 1:
- filename = ffl
- function = None
- elif len( ffl) == 2:
- filename, function = ffl
- else:
- assert 0
- log_levels_add( delta, filename, function)
-def strpbrk( text, substrings):
- '''
- Finds first occurrence of any item in <substrings> in <text>.
- Returns (pos, substring) or (len(text), None) if not found.
- '''
- ret_pos = len( text)
- ret_substring = None
- for substring in substrings:
- pos = text.find( substring)
- if pos >= 0 and pos < ret_pos:
- ret_pos = pos
- ret_substring = substring
- return ret_pos, ret_substring
-def split_first_of( text, substrings):
- '''
- Returns (pre, post), where <pre> doesn't contain any item in <substrings>
- and <post> is empty or starts with an item in <substrings>.
- '''
- pos, _ = strpbrk( text, substrings)
- return text[ :pos], text[ pos:]
-def force_line_buffering():
- '''
- Ensure sys.stdout and sys.stderr are line-buffered. E.g. makes things work
- better if output is piped to a file via 'tee'.
- Returns original out,err streams.
- '''
- stdout0 = sys.stdout
- stderr0 = sys.stderr
- sys.stdout = os.fdopen( os.dup( sys.stdout.fileno()), 'w', 1)
- sys.stderr = os.fdopen( os.dup( sys.stderr.fileno()), 'w', 1)
- return stdout0, stderr0
-def exception_info( exception=None, limit=None, out=None, prefix='', oneline=False):
- '''
- General replacement for traceback.* functions that print/return information
- about exceptions. This function provides a simple way of getting the
- functionality provided by these traceback functions:
- traceback.format_exc()
- traceback.format_exception()
- traceback.print_exc()
- traceback.print_exception()
- Returns:
- A string containing description of specified exception and backtrace.
- Inclusion of outer frames:
- We improve upon traceback.* in that we also include stack frames above
- the point at which an exception was caught - frames from the top-level
- <module> or thread creation fn to the try..catch block, which makes
- backtraces much more useful.
- Google 'sys.exc_info backtrace incomplete' for more details.
- We deliberately leave a slightly curious pair of items in the backtrace
- - the point in the try: block that ended up raising an exception, and
- the point in the associated except: block from which we were called.
- For clarity, we insert an empty frame in-between these two items, so
- that one can easily distinguish the two parts of the backtrace.
- So the backtrace looks like this:
- root (e.g. <module> or /usr/lib/python2.7/
- ...
- file:line in the except: block where the exception was caught.
- ::(): marker
- file:line in the try: block.
- ...
- file:line where the exception was raised.
- The items after the ::(): marker are the usual items that traceback.*
- shows for an exception.
- Also the backtraces that are generated are more concise than those provided
- by traceback.* - just one line per frame instead of two - and filenames are
- output relative to the current directory if applicatble. And one can easily
- prefix all lines with a specified string, e.g. to indent the text.
- Returns a string containing backtrace and exception information, and sends
- returned string to <out> if specified.
- exception:
- None, or a (type, value, traceback) tuple, e.g. from sys.exc_info(). If
- None, we call sys.exc_info() and use its return value.
- limit:
- None or maximum number of stackframes to output.
- out:
- None or callable taking single <text> parameter or object with a
- 'write' member that takes a single <text> parameter.
- prefix:
- Used to prefix all lines of text.
- '''
- if exception is None:
- exception = sys.exc_info()
- etype, value, tb = exception
- if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
- out2 = io.BytesIO()
- else:
- out2 = io.StringIO()
- try:
- frames = []
- # Get frames above point at which exception was caught - frames
- # starting at top-level <module> or thread creation fn, and ending
- # at the point in the catch: block from which we were called.
- #
- # These frames are not included explicitly in sys.exc_info()[2] and are
- # also omitted by traceback.* functions, which makes for incomplete
- # backtraces that miss much useful information.
- #
- for f in reversed(inspect.getouterframes(tb.tb_frame)):
- ff = f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4][0].strip()
- frames.append(ff)
- if 1:
- # It's useful to see boundary between upper and lower frames.
- frames.append( None)
- # Append frames from point in the try: block that caused the exception
- # to be raised, to the point at which the exception was thrown.
- #
- # [One can get similar information using traceback.extract_tb(tb):
- # for f in traceback.extract_tb(tb):
- # frames.append(f)
- # ]
- for f in inspect.getinnerframes(tb):
- ff = f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4][0].strip()
- frames.append(ff)
- cwd = os.getcwd() + os.sep
- if oneline:
- if etype and value:
- # The 'exception_text' variable below will usually be assigned
- # something like '<ExceptionType>: <ExceptionValue>', unless
- # there was no explanatory text provided (e.g. "raise Exception()").
- # In this case, str(value) will evaluate to ''.
- exception_text = traceback.format_exception_only(etype, value)[0].strip()
- filename, line, fnname, text = frames[-1]
- if filename.startswith(cwd):
- filename = filename[len(cwd):]
- if not str(value):
- # The exception doesn't have any useful explanatory text
- # (for example, maybe it was raised by an expression like
- # "assert <expression>" without a subsequent comma). In
- # the absence of anything more helpful, print the code that
- # raised the exception.
- exception_text += ' (%s)' % text
- line = '%s%s at %s:%s:%s()' % (prefix, exception_text, filename, line, fnname)
- out2.write(line)
- else:
- out2.write( '%sBacktrace:\n' % prefix)
- for frame in frames:
- if frame is None:
- out2.write( '%s ^except raise:\n' % prefix)
- continue
- filename, line, fnname, text = frame
- if filename.startswith( cwd):
- filename = filename[ len(cwd):]
- if filename.startswith( './'):
- filename = filename[ 2:]
- out2.write( '%s %s:%s:%s(): %s\n' % (
- prefix, filename, line, fnname, text))
- if etype and value:
- out2.write( '%sException:\n' % prefix)
- lines = traceback.format_exception_only( etype, value)
- for line in lines:
- out2.write( '%s %s' % ( prefix, line))
- text = out2.getvalue()
- # Write text to <out> if specified.
- out = getattr( out, 'write', out)
- if callable( out):
- out( text)
- return text
- finally:
- # clear things to avoid cycles.
- exception = None
- etype = None
- value = None
- tb = None
- frames = None
-def number_sep( s):
- '''
- Simple number formatter, adds commas in-between thousands. <s> can
- be a number or a string. Returns a string.
- '''
- if not isinstance( s, str):
- s = str( s)
- c = s.find( '.')
- if c==-1: c = len(s)
- end = s.find('e')
- if end == -1: end = s.find('E')
- if end == -1: end = len(s)
- ret = ''
- for i in range( end):
- ret += s[i]
- if i<c-1 and (c-i-1)%3==0:
- ret += ','
- elif i>c and i<end-1 and (i-c)%3==0:
- ret += ','
- ret += s[end:]
- return ret
-assert number_sep(1)=='1'
-assert number_sep(12)=='12'
-assert number_sep(123)=='123'
-assert number_sep(1234)=='1,234'
-assert number_sep(12345)=='12,345'
-assert number_sep(123456)=='123,456'
-assert number_sep(1234567)=='1,234,567'
-class Stream:
- '''
- Base layering abstraction for streams - abstraction for things like
- sys.stdout to allow prefixing of all output, e.g. with a timestamp.
- '''
- def __init__( self, stream):
- = stream
- def write( self, text):
- text)
-class StreamPrefix:
- '''
- Prefixes output with a prefix, which can be a string or a callable that
- takes no parameters and return a string.
- '''
- def __init__( self, stream, prefix):
- = stream
- self.at_start = True
- if callable(prefix):
- self.prefix = prefix
- else:
- self.prefix = lambda : prefix
- def write( self, text):
- if self.at_start:
- text = self.prefix() + text
- self.at_start = False
- append_newline = False
- if text.endswith( '\n'):
- text = text[:-1]
- self.at_start = True
- append_newline = True
- text = text.replace( '\n', '\n%s' % self.prefix())
- if append_newline:
- text += '\n'
- text)
- def flush( self):
-def debug( text):
- if callable(text):
- text = text()
- print( text)
-debug_periodic_t0 = [0]
-def debug_periodic( text, override=0):
- interval = 10
- t = time.time()
- if t - debug_periodic_t0[0] > interval or override:
- debug_periodic_t0[0] = t
- debug(text)
-def time_duration( seconds, verbose=False, s_format='%i'):
- '''
- Returns string expressing an interval.
- seconds:
- The duration in seconds
- verbose:
- If true, return like '4 days 1 hour 2 mins 23 secs', otherwise as
- '4d3h2m23s'.
- s_format:
- If specified, use as printf-style format string for seconds.
- '''
- x = abs(seconds)
- ret = ''
- i = 0
- for div, text in [
- ( 60, 'sec'),
- ( 60, 'min'),
- ( 24, 'hour'),
- ( None, 'day'),
- ]:
- force = ( x == 0 and i == 0)
- if div:
- remainder = x % div
- x = int( x/div)
- else:
- remainder = x
- if not verbose:
- text = text[0]
- if remainder or force:
- if verbose and remainder > 1:
- # plural.
- text += 's'
- if verbose:
- text = ' %s ' % text
- if i == 0:
- remainder = s_format % remainder
- ret = '%s%s%s' % ( remainder, text, ret)
- i += 1
- ret = ret.strip()
- if ret == '':
- ret = '0s'
- if seconds < 0:
- ret = '-%s' % ret
- return ret
-assert time_duration( 303333) == '3d12h15m33s'
-assert time_duration( 303333.33, s_format='%.1f') == '3d12h15m33.3s'
-assert time_duration( 303333, verbose=True) == '3 days 12 hours 15 mins 33 secs'
-assert time_duration( 303333.33, verbose=True, s_format='%.1f') == '3 days 12 hours 15 mins 33.3 secs'
-assert time_duration( 0) == '0s'
-assert time_duration( 0, verbose=True) == '0 sec'
-def date_time( t=None):
- if t is None:
- t = time.time()
- return time.strftime( "%F-%T", time.gmtime( t))
-def stream_prefix_time( stream):
- '''
- Returns StreamPrefix that prefixes lines with time and elapsed time.
- '''
- t_start = time.time()
- def prefix_time():
- return '%s (+%s): ' % (
- time.strftime( '%T'),
- time_duration( time.time() - t_start, s_format='0.1f'),
- )
- return StreamPrefix( stream, prefix_time)
-def stdout_prefix_time():
- '''
- Changes sys.stdout to prefix time and elapsed time; returns original
- sys.stdout.
- '''
- ret = sys.stdout
- sys.stdout = stream_prefix_time( sys.stdout)
- return ret
-def make_stream( out):
- '''
- If <out> already has a .write() member, returns <out>.
- Otherwise a stream-like object with a .write() method that writes to <out>.
- out:
- Where output is sent.
- If None, output is lost.
- Otherwise if an integer, we do: os.write( out, text)
- Otherwise if callable, we do: out( text)
- Otherwise we assume <out> is python stream or similar already.
- '''
- if getattr( out, 'write', None):
- return out
- class Ret:
- def flush():
- pass
- ret = Ret()
- if out is None:
- ret.write = lambda text: None
- elif isinstance( out, int):
- ret.write = lambda text: os.write( out, text)
- elif callable( out):
- ret.write = out
- else:
- ret.write = lambda text: out.write( text)
- return ret
-def system_raw(
- command,
- out=None,
- shell=True,
- encoding='latin_1',
- errors='strict',
- buffer_len=-1,
- ):
- '''
- Runs command, writing output to <out> which can be an int fd, a python
- stream or a Stream object.
- Args:
- command:
- The command to run.
- out:
- Where output is sent.
- If None, output is lost.
- If -1, output is sent to stdout and stderr.
- Otherwise if an integer, we do: os.write( out, text)
- Otherwise if callable, we do: out( text)
- Otherwise we assume <out> is python stream or similar, and do: out.write(text)
- shell:
- Whether to run command inside a shell (see subprocess.Popen).
- encoding:
- Sepecify the encoding used to translate the command's output
- to characters.
- Note that if <encoding> is None and we are being run by python3,
- <out> will be passed bytes, not a string.
- Note that latin_1 will never raise a UnicodeDecodeError.
- errors:
- How to handle encoding errors; see docs for codecs module for
- details.
- buffer_len:
- The number of bytes we attempt to read at a time. If -1 we read
- output one line at a time.
- Returns:
- subprocess's <returncode>, i.e. -N means killed by signal N, otherwise
- the exit value (e.g. 12 if command terminated with exit(12)).
- '''
- if out == -1:
- stdin = 0
- stdout = 1
- stderr = 2
- else:
- stdin = None
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
- child = subprocess.Popen(
- command,
- shell=shell,
- stdin=stdin,
- stdout=stdout,
- stderr=stderr,
- close_fds=True,
- #encoding=encoding - only python-3.6+.
- )
- child_out = child.stdout
- if encoding:
- child_out = codecs.getreader( encoding)( child_out, errors)
- out = make_stream( out)
- if stdout == subprocess.PIPE:
- if buffer_len == -1:
- for line in child_out:
- out.write( line)
- else:
- while 1:
- text = buffer_len)
- if not text:
- break
- out.write( text)
- #decode( lambda : child_out.fileno(), 100), outfn, encoding)
- return child.wait()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if os.getenv( 'jtest_py_system_raw_test') == '1':
- out = io.StringIO()
- system_raw(
- 'jtest_py_system_raw_test=2 python',
- sys.stdout,
- encoding='utf-8',
- #'latin_1',
- errors='replace',
- )
- print( repr( out.getvalue()))
- elif os.getenv( 'jtest_py_system_raw_test') == '2':
- for i in range(256):
- sys.stdout.write( chr(i))
-def system(
- command,
- verbose=None,
- raise_errors=True,
- out=None,
- prefix=None,
- rusage=False,
- shell=True,
- encoding=None,
- errors='replace',
- buffer_len=-1,
- ):
- '''
- Runs a command like os.system() or subprocess.*, but with more flexibility.
- We give control over where the command's output is sent, whether to return
- the output and/or exit code, and whether to raise an exception if the
- command fails.
- We also support the use of /usr/bin/time to gather rusage information.
- command:
- The command to run.
- verbose:
- If true, we output information about the command that we run, and
- its result.
- If callable or something with a .write() method, information is
- sent to <verbose> itself. Otherwise it is sent to <out> (without
- applying <prefix>).
- raise_errors:
- If true, we raise an exception if the command fails, otherwise we
- return the failing error code or zero.
- out:
- Python stream, fd, callable or Stream instance to which output is
- sent.
- If <out> is 'return', we buffer the output and return (e,
- <output>). Note that if raise_errors is true, we only return if <e>
- is zero.
- If -1, output is sent to stdout and stderr.
- prefix:
- If not None, should be prefix string or callable used to prefix
- all output. [This is for convenience to avoid the need to do
- out=StreamPrefix(...).]
- rusage:
- If true, we run via /usr/bin/time and return rusage string
- containing information on execution. <raise_errors> and
- out='return' are ignored.
- shell:
- Passed to underlying subprocess.Popen() call.
- encoding:
- Sepecify the encoding used to translate the command's output
- to characters. Defaults to utf-8.
- errors:
- How to handle encoding errors; see docs for codecs module
- for details. Defaults to 'replace' so we never raise a
- UnicodeDecodeError.
- buffer_len:
- The number of bytes we attempt to read at a time. If -1 we read
- output one line at a time.
- Returns:
- If <rusage> is true, we return the rusage text.
- Else if raise_errors is true:
- If the command failed, we raise an exception.
- Else if <out> is 'return' we return the text output from the command.
- Else we return None
- Else if <out> is 'return', we return (e, text) where <e> is the
- command's exit code and <text> is the output from the command.
- Else we return <e>, the command's exit code.
- '''
- if encoding is None:
- if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
- # python-2 doesn't seem to implement 'replace' properly.
- encoding = None
- errors = None
- else:
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- errors = 'replace'
- out_original = out
- if out is None:
- out = sys.stdout
- elif out == 'return':
- # Store the output ourselves so we can return it.
- out = io.StringIO()
- else:
- out = make_stream( out)
- if verbose:
- if getattr( verbose, 'write', None):
- pass
- elif callable( verbose):
- verbose = make_stream( verbose)
- else:
- verbose = out
- if prefix:
- out = StreamPrefix( out, prefix)
- if verbose:
- verbose.write( 'running: %s\n' % command)
- if rusage:
- command2 = ''
- command2 += '/usr/bin/time -o ubt-out -f "D=%D E=%D F=%F I=%I K=%K M=%M O=%O P=%P R=%r S=%S U=%U W=%W X=%X Z=%Z c=%c e=%e k=%k p=%p r=%r s=%s t=%t w=%w x=%x C=%C"'
- command2 += ' '
- command2 += command
- system_raw( command2, out, shell, encoding, errors, buffer_len=buffer_len)
- with open('ubt-out') as f:
- rusage_text =
- #print 'have read rusage output: %r' % rusage_text
- if rusage_text.startswith( 'Command '):
- # Annoyingly, /usr/bin/time appears to write 'Command
- # exited with ...' or 'Command terminated by ...' to the
- # output file before the rusage info if command doesn't
- # exit 0.
- nl = rusage_text.find('\n')
- rusage_text = rusage_text[ nl+1:]
- return rusage_text
- else:
- e = system_raw( command, out, shell, encoding, errors, buffer_len=buffer_len)
- if verbose:
- verbose.write( '[returned e=%s]\n' % e)
- if raise_errors:
- if e:
- raise Exception( 'command failed: %s' % command)
- if out_original == 'return':
- return out.getvalue()
- return
- if out_original == 'return':
- return e, out.getvalue()
- return e
-def get_gitfiles( directory, submodules=False):
- '''
- Returns list of all files known to git in <directory>; <directory> must be
- somewhere within a git checkout.
- Returned names are all relative to <directory>.
- If .git directory, we also create <directory>/jtest-git-files. Otherwise we
- assume a this file already exists.
- '''
- if os.path.isdir( '%s/.git' % directory):
- command = 'cd ' + directory + ' && git ls-files'
- if submodules:
- command += ' --recurse-submodules'
- command += ' > jtest-git-files'
- system( command, verbose=sys.stdout)
- with open( '%s/jtest-git-files' % directory, 'r') as f:
- text =
- ret = text.split( '\n')
- return ret
-def get_git_id_raw( directory):
- if not os.path.isdir( '%s/.git' % directory):
- return
- text = system(
- f'cd {directory} && (PAGER= git show --pretty=oneline|head -n 1 && git diff)',
- out='return',
- )
- return text
-def get_git_id( directory, allow_none=False):
- '''
- Returns text where first line is '<git-sha> <commit summary>' and remaining
- lines contain output from 'git diff' in <directory>.
- directory:
- Root of git checkout.
- allow_none:
- If true, we return None if <directory> is not a git checkout and
- jtest-git-id file does not exist.
- '''
- filename = f'{directory}/jtest-git-id'
- text = get_git_id_raw( directory)
- if text:
- with open( filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write( text)
- elif os.path.isfile( filename):
- with open( filename) as f:
- text =
- else:
- if not allow_none:
- raise Exception( f'Not in git checkout, and no file {filename}.')
- text = None
- return text
-class Args:
- '''
- Iterates over argv items. Does getopt-style splitting of args starting with
- single '-' character.
- '''
- def __init__( self, argv):
- self.argv = argv
- self.pos = 0
- self.pos_sub = None
- def next( self):
- while 1:
- if self.pos >= len(self.argv):
- raise StopIteration()
- arg = self.argv[self.pos]
- if (not self.pos_sub
- and arg.startswith('-')
- and not arg.startswith('--')
- ):
- # Start splitting current arg.
- self.pos_sub = 1
- if self.pos_sub and self.pos_sub >= len(arg):
- # End of '-' sub-arg.
- self.pos += 1
- self.pos_sub = None
- continue
- if self.pos_sub:
- # Return '-' sub-arg.
- ret = arg[self.pos_sub]
- self.pos_sub += 1
- return f'-{ret}'
- # Return normal arg.
- self.pos += 1
- return arg
-def update_file( text, filename):
- '''
- Writes <text> to <filename>. Does nothing if contents of <filename> are
- already <text>.
- '''
- try:
- with open( filename) as f:
- text0 =
- except OSError:
- text0 = None
- if text == text0:
- log( 'Unchanged: ' + filename)
- else:
- log( 'Updating: ' + filename)
- # Write to temp file and rename, to ensure we are atomic.
- filename_temp = f'{filename}-jlib-temp'
- with open( filename_temp, 'w') as f:
- f.write( text)
- os.rename( filename_temp, filename)
-def mtime( filename, default=0):
- '''
- Returns mtime of file, or <default> if error - e.g. doesn't exist.
- '''
- try:
- return os.path.getmtime( filename)
- except OSError:
- return default
-def get_filenames( paths):
- '''
- Yields each file in <paths>, walking any directories.
- '''
- if isinstance( paths, str):
- paths = (paths,)
- for name in paths:
- if os.path.isdir( name):
- for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk( name):
- for filename in filenames:
- path = os.path.join( dirpath, filename)
- yield path
- else:
- yield name
-def remove( path):
- '''
- Removes file or directory, without raising exception if it doesn't exist.
- We assert-fail if the path still exists when we return, in case of
- permission problems etc.
- '''
- try:
- os.remove( path)
- except Exception:
- pass
- shutil.rmtree( path, ignore_errors=1)
- assert not os.path.exists( path)
-# Things for figuring out whether files need updating, using mtimes.
-def newest( names):
- '''
- Returns mtime of newest file in <filenames>. Returns 0 if no file exists.
- '''
- assert isinstance( names, (list, tuple))
- assert names
- ret_t = 0
- ret_name = None
- for filename in get_filenames( names):
- t = mtime( filename)
- if t > ret_t:
- ret_t = t
- ret_name = filename
- return ret_t, ret_name
-def oldest( names):
- '''
- Returns mtime of oldest file in <filenames> or 0 if no file exists.
- '''
- assert isinstance( names, (list, tuple))
- assert names
- ret_t = None
- ret_name = None
- for filename in get_filenames( names):
- t = mtime( filename)
- if ret_t is None or t < ret_t:
- ret_t = t
- ret_name = filename
- if ret_t is None:
- ret_t = 0
- return ret_t, ret_name
-def update_needed( infiles, outfiles):
- '''
- If any file in <infiles> is newer than any file in <outfiles>, returns
- string description. Otherwise returns None.
- '''
- in_tmax, in_tmax_name = newest( infiles)
- out_tmin, out_tmin_name = oldest( outfiles)
- if in_tmax > out_tmin:
- text = f'{in_tmax_name} is newer than {out_tmin_name}'
- return text
-def build(
- infiles,
- outfiles,
- command,
- force_rebuild=False,
- out=None,
- all_reasons=False,
- verbose=True,
- prefix=None,
- ):
- '''
- Ensures that <outfiles> are up to date using enhanced makefile-like
- determinism of dependencies.
- Rebuilds <outfiles> by running <command> if we determine that any of them
- are out of date.
- infiles:
- Names of files that are read by <command>. Can be a single filename. If
- an item is a directory, we expand to all filenames in the directory's
- tree.
- outfiles:
- Names of files that are written by <command>. Can also be a single
- filename.
- command:
- Command to run.
- force_rebuild:
- If true, we always re-run the command.
- out:
- A callable, passed to jlib.system(). If None, we use jlib.log() with
- our caller's stack record.
- all_reasons:
- If true we check all ways for a build being needed, even if we already
- know a build is needed; this only affects the diagnostic that we
- output.
- verbose:
- Passed to jlib.system().
- prefix:
- Passed to jlib.system().
- We compare mtimes of <infiles> and <outfiles>, and we also detect changes
- to the command itself.
- If any of infiles are newer than any of outfiles, or <command> is
- different to contents of commandfile '<outfile[0]>.cmd, then truncates
- commandfile and runs <command>. If <command> succeeds we writes <command>
- to commandfile.
- '''
- if isinstance( infiles, str):
- infiles = (infiles,)
- if isinstance( outfiles, str):
- infiles = (outfiles,)
- if not out:
- out_frame_record = inspect.stack()[1]
- out = lambda text: log( text, nv=0, caller=out_frame_record)
- command_filename = f'{outfiles[0]}.cmd'
- reasons = []
- if not reasons or all_reasons:
- if force_rebuild:
- reasons.append( 'force_rebuild was specified')
- if not reasons or all_reasons:
- try:
- with open( command_filename) as f:
- command0 =
- except Exception:
- command0 = None
- if command != command0:
- if command0:
- reasons.append( 'command has changed')
- else:
- reasons.append( 'no previous command')
- if not reasons or all_reasons:
- reason = update_needed( infiles, outfiles)
- if reason:
- reasons.append( reason)
- if not reasons:
- out( 'Already up to date: ' + ' '.join(outfiles))
- return
- if out:
- out( 'Rebuilding because %s: %s' % (
- ', and '.join( reasons),
- ' '.join(outfiles),
- ))
- # Empty <command_filename) while we run the command so that if command
- # fails but still creates target(s), then next time we will know target(s)
- # are not up to date.
- #
- with open( command_filename, 'w') as f:
- pass
- system( command, out=out, verbose=verbose, prefix=prefix)
- with open( command_filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write( command)
-def link_l_flags( sos):
- '''
- Returns flags needed to link with items in <sos>. For each unique item we
- use -L with parent directory, and -l with embedded name (without leading
- 'lib' or trailing '.co').
- '''
- dirs = set()
- names = []
- if isinstance( sos, str):
- sos = (sos,)
- for so in sos:
- dir_ = os.path.dirname( so)
- name = os.path.basename( so)
- assert name.startswith( 'lib')
- assert name.endswith ( '.so')
- name = name[3:-3]
- dirs.add( dir_)
- names.append( name)
- ret = ''
- # Important to use sorted() here, otherwise ordering from set() is
- # arbitrary causing occasional spurious rebuilds by
- for dir_ in sorted(dirs):
- ret += f' -L {dir_}'
- for name in names:
- ret += f' -l {name}'
- return ret