diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tesseract/src/ccmain/paragraphs.cpp')
1 files changed, 2590 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tesseract/src/ccmain/paragraphs.cpp b/tesseract/src/ccmain/paragraphs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28576579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tesseract/src/ccmain/paragraphs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2590 @@
+ * File: paragraphs.cpp
+ * Description: Paragraph detection for tesseract.
+ * Author: David Eger
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2011, Google Inc.
+ ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ **
+ ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ ** limitations under the License.
+ *
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include "paragraphs.h"
+#include "genericvector.h" // for GenericVector, GenericVectorEqEq
+#include "helpers.h" // for UpdateRange, ClipToRange
+#include "host.h" // for NearlyEqual
+#include "mutableiterator.h" // for MutableIterator
+#include "ocrblock.h" // for BLOCK
+#include "ocrpara.h" // for ParagraphModel, PARA, PARA_IT, PARA...
+#include "ocrrow.h" // for ROW
+#include "pageres.h" // for PAGE_RES_IT, WERD_RES, ROW_RES, BLO...
+#include "paragraphs_internal.h" // for RowScratchRegisters, SetOfModels
+#include "pdblock.h" // for PDBLK
+#include "polyblk.h" // for POLY_BLOCK
+#include "ratngs.h" // for WERD_CHOICE
+#include "rect.h" // for TBOX
+#include "statistc.h" // for STATS
+#include "strngs.h" // for STRING
+#include "tprintf.h" // for tprintf
+#include "unicharset.h" // for UNICHARSET
+#include "werd.h" // for WERD, W_REP_CHAR
+#include <tesseract/pageiterator.h> // for PageIterator
+#include <tesseract/publictypes.h> // for JUSTIFICATION_LEFT, JUSTIFICATION_R...
+#include <tesseract/unichar.h> // for UNICHAR, UNICHAR_ID
+#include <cctype> // for isspace
+#include <cmath> // for abs
+#include <cstdio> // for snprintf
+#include <cstdlib> // for abs
+#include <cstring> // for strchr, strlen
+#include <algorithm> // for max
+#include <memory> // for unique_ptr
+static const char * const kRLE = "\u202A"; // Right-to-Left Embedding
+static const char * const kPDF = "\u202C"; // Pop Directional Formatting
+namespace tesseract {
+// Special "weak" ParagraphModels.
+const ParagraphModel *kCrownLeft
+ = reinterpret_cast<ParagraphModel *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(0xDEAD111F));
+const ParagraphModel *kCrownRight
+ = reinterpret_cast<ParagraphModel *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(0xDEAD888F));
+// Do the text and geometry of two rows support a paragraph break between them?
+static bool LikelyParagraphStart(const RowScratchRegisters &before,
+ const RowScratchRegisters &after,
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification j);
+// Given the width of a typical space between words, what is the threshold
+// by which by which we think left and right alignments for paragraphs
+// can vary and still be aligned.
+static int Epsilon(int space_pix) {
+ return space_pix * 4 / 5;
+static bool AcceptableRowArgs(
+ int debug_level, int min_num_rows, const char *function_name,
+ const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end) {
+ if (row_start < 0 || row_end > rows->size() || row_start > row_end) {
+ tprintf("Invalid arguments rows[%d, %d) while rows is of size %d.\n",
+ row_start, row_end, rows->size());
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (row_end - row_start < min_num_rows) {
+ if (debug_level > 1) {
+ tprintf("# Too few rows[%d, %d) for %s.\n",
+ row_start, row_end, function_name);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// =============================== Debug Code ================================
+// Convert an integer to a decimal string.
+static STRING StrOf(int num) {
+ char buffer[30];
+ snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", num);
+ return STRING(buffer);
+// Given a row-major matrix of unicode text and a column separator, print
+// a formatted table. For ASCII, we get good column alignment.
+static void PrintTable(const std::vector<std::vector<STRING> > &rows,
+ const STRING &colsep) {
+ std::vector<int> max_col_widths;
+ for (const auto& row : rows) {
+ int num_columns = row.size();
+ for (int c = 0; c < num_columns; c++) {
+ int num_unicodes = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < row[c].size(); i++) {
+ if ((row[c][i] & 0xC0) != 0x80) num_unicodes++;
+ }
+ if (c >= max_col_widths.size()) {
+ max_col_widths.push_back(num_unicodes);
+ } else {
+ if (num_unicodes > max_col_widths[c])
+ max_col_widths[c] = num_unicodes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<STRING> col_width_patterns;
+ for (int c = 0; c < max_col_widths.size(); c++) {
+ col_width_patterns.push_back(
+ STRING("%-") + StrOf(max_col_widths[c]) + "s");
+ }
+ for (int r = 0; r < rows.size(); r++) {
+ for (int c = 0; c < rows[r].size(); c++) {
+ if (c > 0)
+ tprintf("%s", colsep.c_str());
+ tprintf(col_width_patterns[c].c_str(), rows[r][c].c_str());
+ }
+ tprintf("\n");
+ }
+static STRING RtlEmbed(const STRING &word, bool rtlify) {
+ if (rtlify)
+ return STRING(kRLE) + word + STRING(kPDF);
+ return word;
+// Print the current thoughts of the paragraph detector.
+static void PrintDetectorState(const ParagraphTheory &theory,
+ const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows) {
+ std::vector<std::vector<STRING> > output;
+ output.push_back(std::vector<STRING>());
+ output.back().push_back("#row");
+ output.back().push_back("space");
+ output.back().push_back("..");
+ output.back().push_back("lword[widthSEL]");
+ output.back().push_back("rword[widthSEL]");
+ RowScratchRegisters::AppendDebugHeaderFields(&output.back());
+ output.back().push_back("text");
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
+ output.push_back(std::vector<STRING>());
+ std::vector<STRING> &row = output.back();
+ const RowInfo& ri = *rows[i].ri_;
+ row.push_back(StrOf(i));
+ row.push_back(StrOf(ri.average_interword_space));
+ row.push_back(ri.has_leaders ? ".." : " ");
+ row.push_back(RtlEmbed(ri.lword_text, !ri.ltr) +
+ "[" + StrOf(ri.lword_box.width()) +
+ (ri.lword_likely_starts_idea ? "S" : "s") +
+ (ri.lword_likely_ends_idea ? "E" : "e") +
+ (ri.lword_indicates_list_item ? "L" : "l") +
+ "]");
+ row.push_back(RtlEmbed(ri.rword_text, !ri.ltr) +
+ "[" + StrOf(ri.rword_box.width()) +
+ (ri.rword_likely_starts_idea ? "S" : "s") +
+ (ri.rword_likely_ends_idea ? "E" : "e") +
+ (ri.rword_indicates_list_item ? "L" : "l") +
+ "]");
+ rows[i].AppendDebugInfo(theory, &row);
+ row.push_back(RtlEmbed(ri.text, !ri.ltr));
+ }
+ PrintTable(output, " ");
+ tprintf("Active Paragraph Models:\n");
+ unsigned m = 0;
+ for (const auto& model : theory.models()) {
+ tprintf(" %d: %s\n", ++m, model->ToString().c_str());
+ }
+static void DebugDump(
+ bool should_print,
+ const STRING &phase,
+ const ParagraphTheory &theory,
+ const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows) {
+ if (!should_print)
+ return;
+ tprintf("# %s\n", phase.c_str());
+ PrintDetectorState(theory, rows);
+// Print out the text for rows[row_start, row_end)
+static void PrintRowRange(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end) {
+ tprintf("======================================\n");
+ for (int row = row_start; row < row_end; row++) {
+ tprintf("%s\n", rows[row].ri_->text.c_str());
+ }
+ tprintf("======================================\n");
+// ============= Brain Dead Language Model (ASCII Version) ===================
+static bool IsLatinLetter(int ch) {
+ return (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z');
+static bool IsDigitLike(int ch) {
+ return ch == 'o' || ch == 'O' || ch == 'l' || ch == 'I';
+static bool IsOpeningPunct(int ch) {
+ return strchr("'\"({[", ch) != nullptr;
+static bool IsTerminalPunct(int ch) {
+ return strchr(":'\".?!]})", ch) != nullptr;
+// Return a pointer after consuming as much text as qualifies as roman numeral.
+static const char *SkipChars(const char *str, const char *toskip) {
+ while (*str != '\0' && strchr(toskip, *str)) { str++; }
+ return str;
+static const char *SkipChars(const char *str, bool (*skip)(int)) {
+ while (*str != '\0' && skip(*str)) { str++; }
+ return str;
+static const char *SkipOne(const char *str, const char *toskip) {
+ if (*str != '\0' && strchr(toskip, *str)) return str + 1;
+ return str;
+// Return whether it is very likely that this is a numeral marker that could
+// start a list item. Some examples include:
+// A I iii. VI (2) 3.5. [C-4]
+static bool LikelyListNumeral(const STRING &word) {
+ const char *kRomans = "ivxlmdIVXLMD";
+ const char *kDigits = "012345789";
+ const char *kOpen = "[{(";
+ const char *kSep = ":;-.,";
+ const char *kClose = "]})";
+ int num_segments = 0;
+ const char *pos = word.c_str();
+ while (*pos != '\0' && num_segments < 3) {
+ // skip up to two open parens.
+ const char *numeral_start = SkipOne(SkipOne(pos, kOpen), kOpen);
+ const char *numeral_end = SkipChars(numeral_start, kRomans);
+ if (numeral_end != numeral_start) {
+ // Got Roman Numeral. Great.
+ } else {
+ numeral_end = SkipChars(numeral_start, kDigits);
+ if (numeral_end == numeral_start) {
+ // If there's a single latin letter, we can use that.
+ numeral_end = SkipChars(numeral_start, IsLatinLetter);
+ if (numeral_end - numeral_start != 1)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // We got some sort of numeral.
+ num_segments++;
+ // Skip any trailing parens or punctuation.
+ pos = SkipChars(SkipChars(numeral_end, kClose), kSep);
+ if (pos == numeral_end)
+ break;
+ }
+ return *pos == '\0';
+static bool LikelyListMark(const STRING &word) {
+ const char *kListMarks = "0Oo*.,+.";
+ return word.size() == 1 && strchr(kListMarks, word[0]) != nullptr;
+bool AsciiLikelyListItem(const STRING &word) {
+ return LikelyListMark(word) || LikelyListNumeral(word);
+// ========== Brain Dead Language Model (Tesseract Version) ================
+// Return the first Unicode Codepoint from werd[pos].
+int UnicodeFor(const UNICHARSET *u, const WERD_CHOICE *werd, int pos) {
+ if (!u || !werd || pos > werd->length())
+ return 0;
+ return UNICHAR(u->id_to_unichar(werd->unichar_id(pos)), -1).first_uni();
+// A useful helper class for finding the first j >= i so that word[j]
+// does not have given character type.
+class UnicodeSpanSkipper {
+ public:
+ UnicodeSpanSkipper(const UNICHARSET *unicharset, const WERD_CHOICE *word)
+ : u_(unicharset), word_(word) { wordlen_ = word->length(); }
+ // Given an input position, return the first position >= pos not punc.
+ int SkipPunc(int pos);
+ // Given an input position, return the first position >= pos not digit.
+ int SkipDigits(int pos);
+ // Given an input position, return the first position >= pos not roman.
+ int SkipRomans(int pos);
+ // Given an input position, return the first position >= pos not alpha.
+ int SkipAlpha(int pos);
+ private:
+ const UNICHARSET *u_;
+ const WERD_CHOICE *word_;
+ int wordlen_;
+int UnicodeSpanSkipper::SkipPunc(int pos) {
+ while (pos < wordlen_ && u_->get_ispunctuation(word_->unichar_id(pos))) pos++;
+ return pos;
+int UnicodeSpanSkipper::SkipDigits(int pos) {
+ while (pos < wordlen_ && (u_->get_isdigit(word_->unichar_id(pos)) ||
+ IsDigitLike(UnicodeFor(u_, word_, pos)))) pos++;
+ return pos;
+int UnicodeSpanSkipper::SkipRomans(int pos) {
+ const char *kRomans = "ivxlmdIVXLMD";
+ while (pos < wordlen_) {
+ int ch = UnicodeFor(u_, word_, pos);
+ if (ch >= 0xF0 || strchr(kRomans, ch) == nullptr) break;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ return pos;
+int UnicodeSpanSkipper::SkipAlpha(int pos) {
+ while (pos < wordlen_ && u_->get_isalpha(word_->unichar_id(pos))) pos++;
+ return pos;
+static bool LikelyListMarkUnicode(int ch) {
+ if (ch < 0x80) {
+ STRING single_ch;
+ single_ch += ch;
+ return LikelyListMark(single_ch);
+ }
+ switch (ch) {
+ // TODO(eger) expand this list of unicodes as needed.
+ case 0x00B0: // degree sign
+ case 0x2022: // bullet
+ case 0x25E6: // white bullet
+ case 0x00B7: // middle dot
+ case 0x25A1: // white square
+ case 0x25A0: // black square
+ case 0x25AA: // black small square
+ case 0x2B1D: // black very small square
+ case 0x25BA: // black right-pointing pointer
+ case 0x25CF: // black circle
+ case 0x25CB: // white circle
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break; // fall through
+ }
+ return false;
+// Return whether it is very likely that this is a numeral marker that could
+// start a list item. Some examples include:
+// A I iii. VI (2) 3.5. [C-4]
+static bool UniLikelyListItem(const UNICHARSET *u, const WERD_CHOICE *werd) {
+ if (werd->length() == 1 && LikelyListMarkUnicode(UnicodeFor(u, werd, 0)))
+ return true;
+ UnicodeSpanSkipper m(u, werd);
+ int num_segments = 0;
+ int pos = 0;
+ while (pos < werd->length() && num_segments < 3) {
+ int numeral_start = m.SkipPunc(pos);
+ if (numeral_start > pos + 1) break;
+ int numeral_end = m.SkipRomans(numeral_start);
+ if (numeral_end == numeral_start) {
+ numeral_end = m.SkipDigits(numeral_start);
+ if (numeral_end == numeral_start) {
+ // If there's a single latin letter, we can use that.
+ numeral_end = m.SkipAlpha(numeral_start);
+ if (numeral_end - numeral_start != 1)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // We got some sort of numeral.
+ num_segments++;
+ // Skip any trailing punctuation.
+ pos = m.SkipPunc(numeral_end);
+ if (pos == numeral_end)
+ break;
+ }
+ return pos == werd->length();
+// ========= Brain Dead Language Model (combined entry points) ================
+// Given the leftmost word of a line either as a Tesseract unicharset + werd
+// or a utf8 string, set the following attributes for it:
+// is_list - this word might be a list number or bullet.
+// starts_idea - this word is likely to start a sentence.
+// ends_idea - this word is likely to end a sentence.
+void LeftWordAttributes(const UNICHARSET *unicharset, const WERD_CHOICE *werd,
+ const STRING &utf8,
+ bool *is_list, bool *starts_idea, bool *ends_idea) {
+ *is_list = false;
+ *starts_idea = false;
+ *ends_idea = false;
+ if (utf8.size() == 0 || (werd != nullptr && werd->length() == 0)) { // Empty
+ *ends_idea = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (unicharset && werd) { // We have a proper werd and unicharset so use it.
+ if (UniLikelyListItem(unicharset, werd)) {
+ *is_list = true;
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ *ends_idea = true;
+ }
+ if (unicharset->get_isupper(werd->unichar_id(0))) {
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ }
+ if (unicharset->get_ispunctuation(werd->unichar_id(0))) {
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ *ends_idea = true;
+ }
+ } else { // Assume utf8 is mostly ASCII
+ if (AsciiLikelyListItem(utf8)) {
+ *is_list = true;
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ }
+ int start_letter = utf8[0];
+ if (IsOpeningPunct(start_letter)) {
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ }
+ if (IsTerminalPunct(start_letter)) {
+ *ends_idea = true;
+ }
+ if (start_letter >= 'A' && start_letter <= 'Z') {
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ }
+ }
+// Given the rightmost word of a line either as a Tesseract unicharset + werd
+// or a utf8 string, set the following attributes for it:
+// is_list - this word might be a list number or bullet.
+// starts_idea - this word is likely to start a sentence.
+// ends_idea - this word is likely to end a sentence.
+void RightWordAttributes(const UNICHARSET *unicharset, const WERD_CHOICE *werd,
+ const STRING &utf8,
+ bool *is_list, bool *starts_idea, bool *ends_idea) {
+ *is_list = false;
+ *starts_idea = false;
+ *ends_idea = false;
+ if (utf8.size() == 0 || (werd != nullptr && werd->length() == 0)) { // Empty
+ *ends_idea = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (unicharset && werd) { // We have a proper werd and unicharset so use it.
+ if (UniLikelyListItem(unicharset, werd)) {
+ *is_list = true;
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ }
+ UNICHAR_ID last_letter = werd->unichar_id(werd->length() - 1);
+ if (unicharset->get_ispunctuation(last_letter)) {
+ *ends_idea = true;
+ }
+ } else { // Assume utf8 is mostly ASCII
+ if (AsciiLikelyListItem(utf8)) {
+ *is_list = true;
+ *starts_idea = true;
+ }
+ int last_letter = utf8[utf8.size() - 1];
+ if (IsOpeningPunct(last_letter) || IsTerminalPunct(last_letter)) {
+ *ends_idea = true;
+ }
+ }
+// =============== Implementation of RowScratchRegisters =====================
+/* static */
+void RowScratchRegisters::AppendDebugHeaderFields(
+ std::vector<STRING> *header) {
+ header->push_back("[lmarg,lind;rind,rmarg]");
+ header->push_back("model");
+void RowScratchRegisters::AppendDebugInfo(const ParagraphTheory &theory,
+ std::vector<STRING> *dbg) const {
+ char s[30];
+ snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "[%3d,%3d;%3d,%3d]",
+ lmargin_, lindent_, rindent_, rmargin_);
+ dbg->push_back(s);
+ STRING model_string;
+ model_string += static_cast<char>(GetLineType());
+ model_string += ":";
+ int model_numbers = 0;
+ for (int h = 0; h < hypotheses_.size(); h++) {
+ if (hypotheses_[h].model == nullptr)
+ continue;
+ if (model_numbers > 0)
+ model_string += ",";
+ if (StrongModel(hypotheses_[h].model)) {
+ model_string += StrOf(1 + theory.IndexOf(hypotheses_[h].model));
+ } else if (hypotheses_[h].model == kCrownLeft) {
+ model_string += "CrL";
+ } else if (hypotheses_[h].model == kCrownRight) {
+ model_string += "CrR";
+ }
+ model_numbers++;
+ }
+ if (model_numbers == 0)
+ model_string += "0";
+ dbg->push_back(model_string);
+void RowScratchRegisters::Init(const RowInfo &row) {
+ ri_ = &row;
+ lmargin_ = 0;
+ lindent_ = row.pix_ldistance;
+ rmargin_ = 0;
+ rindent_ = row.pix_rdistance;
+LineType RowScratchRegisters::GetLineType() const {
+ if (hypotheses_.empty())
+ return LT_UNKNOWN;
+ bool has_start = false;
+ bool has_body = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < hypotheses_.size(); i++) {
+ switch (hypotheses_[i].ty) {
+ case LT_START: has_start = true; break;
+ case LT_BODY: has_body = true; break;
+ default:
+ tprintf("Encountered bad value in hypothesis list: %c\n",
+ hypotheses_[i].ty);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_start && has_body)
+ return LT_MULTIPLE;
+ return has_start ? LT_START : LT_BODY;
+LineType RowScratchRegisters::GetLineType(const ParagraphModel *model) const {
+ if (hypotheses_.empty())
+ return LT_UNKNOWN;
+ bool has_start = false;
+ bool has_body = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < hypotheses_.size(); i++) {
+ if (hypotheses_[i].model != model)
+ continue;
+ switch (hypotheses_[i].ty) {
+ case LT_START: has_start = true; break;
+ case LT_BODY: has_body = true; break;
+ default:
+ tprintf("Encountered bad value in hypothesis list: %c\n",
+ hypotheses_[i].ty);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (has_start && has_body)
+ return LT_MULTIPLE;
+ return has_start ? LT_START : LT_BODY;
+void RowScratchRegisters::SetStartLine() {
+ LineType current_lt = GetLineType();
+ if (current_lt != LT_UNKNOWN && current_lt != LT_START) {
+ tprintf("Trying to set a line to be START when it's already BODY.\n");
+ }
+ if (current_lt == LT_UNKNOWN || current_lt == LT_BODY) {
+ hypotheses_.push_back_new(LineHypothesis(LT_START, nullptr));
+ }
+void RowScratchRegisters::SetBodyLine() {
+ LineType current_lt = GetLineType();
+ if (current_lt != LT_UNKNOWN && current_lt != LT_BODY) {
+ tprintf("Trying to set a line to be BODY when it's already START.\n");
+ }
+ if (current_lt == LT_UNKNOWN || current_lt == LT_START) {
+ hypotheses_.push_back_new(LineHypothesis(LT_BODY, nullptr));
+ }
+void RowScratchRegisters::AddStartLine(const ParagraphModel *model) {
+ hypotheses_.push_back_new(LineHypothesis(LT_START, model));
+ int old_idx = hypotheses_.get_index(LineHypothesis(LT_START, nullptr));
+ if (old_idx >= 0)
+ hypotheses_.remove(old_idx);
+void RowScratchRegisters::AddBodyLine(const ParagraphModel *model) {
+ hypotheses_.push_back_new(LineHypothesis(LT_BODY, model));
+ int old_idx = hypotheses_.get_index(LineHypothesis(LT_BODY, nullptr));
+ if (old_idx >= 0)
+ hypotheses_.remove(old_idx);
+void RowScratchRegisters::StartHypotheses(SetOfModels *models) const {
+ for (int h = 0; h < hypotheses_.size(); h++) {
+ if (hypotheses_[h].ty == LT_START && StrongModel(hypotheses_[h].model))
+ models->push_back_new(hypotheses_[h].model);
+ }
+void RowScratchRegisters::StrongHypotheses(SetOfModels *models) const {
+ for (int h = 0; h < hypotheses_.size(); h++) {
+ if (StrongModel(hypotheses_[h].model))
+ models->push_back_new(hypotheses_[h].model);
+ }
+void RowScratchRegisters::NonNullHypotheses(SetOfModels *models) const {
+ for (int h = 0; h < hypotheses_.size(); h++) {
+ if (hypotheses_[h].model != nullptr)
+ models->push_back_new(hypotheses_[h].model);
+ }
+const ParagraphModel *RowScratchRegisters::UniqueStartHypothesis() const {
+ if (hypotheses_.size() != 1 || hypotheses_[0].ty != LT_START)
+ return nullptr;
+ return hypotheses_[0].model;
+const ParagraphModel *RowScratchRegisters::UniqueBodyHypothesis() const {
+ if (hypotheses_.size() != 1 || hypotheses_[0].ty != LT_BODY)
+ return nullptr;
+ return hypotheses_[0].model;
+// Discard any hypotheses whose model is not in the given list.
+void RowScratchRegisters::DiscardNonMatchingHypotheses(
+ const SetOfModels &models) {
+ if (models.empty())
+ return;
+ for (int h = hypotheses_.size() - 1; h >= 0; h--) {
+ if (!models.contains(hypotheses_[h].model)) {
+ hypotheses_.remove(h);
+ }
+ }
+// ============ Geometry based Paragraph Detection Algorithm =================
+struct Cluster {
+ Cluster() : center(0), count(0) {}
+ Cluster(int cen, int num) : center(cen), count(num) {}
+ int center; // The center of the cluster.
+ int count; // The number of entries within the cluster.
+class SimpleClusterer {
+ public:
+ explicit SimpleClusterer(int max_cluster_width)
+ : max_cluster_width_(max_cluster_width) {}
+ void Add(int value) { values_.push_back(value); }
+ int size() const { return values_.size(); }
+ void GetClusters(GenericVector<Cluster> *clusters);
+ private:
+ int max_cluster_width_;
+ GenericVector<int> values_;
+// Return the index of the cluster closest to value.
+static int ClosestCluster(const GenericVector<Cluster> &clusters, int value) {
+ int best_index = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) {
+ if (abs(value - clusters[i].center) <
+ abs(value - clusters[best_index].center))
+ best_index = i;
+ }
+ return best_index;
+void SimpleClusterer::GetClusters(GenericVector<Cluster> *clusters) {
+ clusters->clear();
+ values_.sort();
+ for (int i = 0; i < values_.size();) {
+ int orig_i = i;
+ int lo = values_[i];
+ int hi = lo;
+ while (++i < values_.size() && values_[i] <= lo + max_cluster_width_) {
+ hi = values_[i];
+ }
+ clusters->push_back(Cluster((hi + lo) / 2, i - orig_i));
+ }
+// Calculate left- and right-indent tab stop values seen in
+// rows[row_start, row_end) given a tolerance of tolerance.
+static void CalculateTabStops(GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end, int tolerance,
+ GenericVector<Cluster> *left_tabs,
+ GenericVector<Cluster> *right_tabs) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(0, 1, __func__, rows, row_start, row_end))
+ return;
+ // First pass: toss all left and right indents into clusterers.
+ SimpleClusterer initial_lefts(tolerance);
+ SimpleClusterer initial_rights(tolerance);
+ GenericVector<Cluster> initial_left_tabs;
+ GenericVector<Cluster> initial_right_tabs;
+ for (int i = row_start; i < row_end; i++) {
+ initial_lefts.Add((*rows)[i].lindent_);
+ initial_rights.Add((*rows)[i].rindent_);
+ }
+ initial_lefts.GetClusters(&initial_left_tabs);
+ initial_rights.GetClusters(&initial_right_tabs);
+ // Second pass: cluster only lines that are not "stray"
+ // An example of a stray line is a page number -- a line whose start
+ // and end tab-stops are far outside the typical start and end tab-stops
+ // for the block.
+ // Put another way, we only cluster data from lines whose start or end
+ // tab stop is frequent.
+ SimpleClusterer lefts(tolerance);
+ SimpleClusterer rights(tolerance);
+ // Outlier elimination. We might want to switch this to test outlier-ness
+ // based on how strange a position an outlier is in instead of or in addition
+ // to how rare it is. These outliers get re-added if we end up having too
+ // few tab stops, to work with, however.
+ int infrequent_enough_to_ignore = 0;
+ if (row_end - row_start >= 8) infrequent_enough_to_ignore = 1;
+ if (row_end - row_start >= 20) infrequent_enough_to_ignore = 2;
+ for (int i = row_start; i < row_end; i++) {
+ int lidx = ClosestCluster(initial_left_tabs, (*rows)[i].lindent_);
+ int ridx = ClosestCluster(initial_right_tabs, (*rows)[i].rindent_);
+ if (initial_left_tabs[lidx].count > infrequent_enough_to_ignore ||
+ initial_right_tabs[ridx].count > infrequent_enough_to_ignore) {
+ lefts.Add((*rows)[i].lindent_);
+ rights.Add((*rows)[i].rindent_);
+ }
+ }
+ lefts.GetClusters(left_tabs);
+ rights.GetClusters(right_tabs);
+ if ((left_tabs->size() == 1 && right_tabs->size() >= 4) ||
+ (right_tabs->size() == 1 && left_tabs->size() >= 4)) {
+ // One side is really ragged, and the other only has one tab stop,
+ // so those "insignificant outliers" are probably important, actually.
+ // This often happens on a page of an index. Add back in the ones
+ // we omitted in the first pass.
+ for (int i = row_start; i < row_end; i++) {
+ int lidx = ClosestCluster(initial_left_tabs, (*rows)[i].lindent_);
+ int ridx = ClosestCluster(initial_right_tabs, (*rows)[i].rindent_);
+ if (!(initial_left_tabs[lidx].count > infrequent_enough_to_ignore ||
+ initial_right_tabs[ridx].count > infrequent_enough_to_ignore)) {
+ lefts.Add((*rows)[i].lindent_);
+ rights.Add((*rows)[i].rindent_);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lefts.GetClusters(left_tabs);
+ rights.GetClusters(right_tabs);
+ // If one side is almost a two-indent aligned side, and the other clearly
+ // isn't, try to prune out the least frequent tab stop from that side.
+ if (left_tabs->size() == 3 && right_tabs->size() >= 4) {
+ int to_prune = -1;
+ for (int i = left_tabs->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (to_prune < 0 ||
+ (*left_tabs)[i].count < (*left_tabs)[to_prune].count) {
+ to_prune = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (to_prune >= 0 &&
+ (*left_tabs)[to_prune].count <= infrequent_enough_to_ignore) {
+ left_tabs->remove(to_prune);
+ }
+ }
+ if (right_tabs->size() == 3 && left_tabs->size() >= 4) {
+ int to_prune = -1;
+ for (int i = right_tabs->size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (to_prune < 0 ||
+ (*right_tabs)[i].count < (*right_tabs)[to_prune].count) {
+ to_prune = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (to_prune >= 0 &&
+ (*right_tabs)[to_prune].count <= infrequent_enough_to_ignore) {
+ right_tabs->remove(to_prune);
+ }
+ }
+// Given a paragraph model mark rows[row_start, row_end) as said model
+// start or body lines.
+// Case 1: model->first_indent_ != model->body_indent_
+// Differentiating the paragraph start lines from the paragraph body lines in
+// this case is easy, we just see how far each line is indented.
+// Case 2: model->first_indent_ == model->body_indent_
+// Here, we find end-of-paragraph lines by looking for "short lines."
+// What constitutes a "short line" changes depending on whether the text
+// ragged-right[left] or fully justified (aligned left and right).
+// Case 2a: Ragged Right (or Left) text. (eop_threshold == 0)
+// We have a new paragraph it the first word would have at the end
+// of the previous line.
+// Case 2b: Fully Justified. (eop_threshold > 0)
+// We mark a line as short (end of paragraph) if the offside indent
+// is greater than eop_threshold.
+static void MarkRowsWithModel(GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end,
+ const ParagraphModel *model,
+ bool ltr, int eop_threshold) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(0, 0, __func__, rows, row_start, row_end))
+ return;
+ for (int row = row_start; row < row_end; row++) {
+ bool valid_first = ValidFirstLine(rows, row, model);
+ bool valid_body = ValidBodyLine(rows, row, model);
+ if (valid_first && !valid_body) {
+ (*rows)[row].AddStartLine(model);
+ } else if (valid_body && !valid_first) {
+ (*rows)[row].AddBodyLine(model);
+ } else if (valid_body && valid_first) {
+ bool after_eop = (row == row_start);
+ if (row > row_start) {
+ if (eop_threshold > 0) {
+ if (model->justification() == JUSTIFICATION_LEFT) {
+ after_eop = (*rows)[row - 1].rindent_ > eop_threshold;
+ } else {
+ after_eop = (*rows)[row - 1].lindent_ > eop_threshold;
+ }
+ } else {
+ after_eop = FirstWordWouldHaveFit((*rows)[row - 1], (*rows)[row],
+ model->justification());
+ }
+ }
+ if (after_eop) {
+ (*rows)[row].AddStartLine(model);
+ } else {
+ (*rows)[row].AddBodyLine(model);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Do nothing. Stray row.
+ }
+ }
+// GeometricClassifierState holds all of the information we'll use while
+// trying to determine a paragraph model for the text lines in a block of
+// text:
+// + the rows under consideration [row_start, row_end)
+// + the common left- and right-indent tab stops
+// + does the block start out left-to-right or right-to-left
+// Further, this struct holds the data we amass for the (single) ParagraphModel
+// we'll assign to the text lines (assuming we get that far).
+struct GeometricClassifierState {
+ GeometricClassifierState(int dbg_level,
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *r,
+ int r_start, int r_end)
+ : debug_level(dbg_level), rows(r), row_start(r_start), row_end(r_end) {
+ tolerance = InterwordSpace(*r, r_start, r_end);
+ CalculateTabStops(r, r_start, r_end, tolerance,
+ &left_tabs, &right_tabs);
+ if (debug_level >= 3) {
+ tprintf("Geometry: TabStop cluster tolerance = %d; "
+ "%d left tabs; %d right tabs\n",
+ tolerance, left_tabs.size(), right_tabs.size());
+ }
+ ltr = (*r)[r_start].ri_->ltr;
+ }
+ void AssumeLeftJustification() {
+ just = tesseract::JUSTIFICATION_LEFT;
+ margin = (*rows)[row_start].lmargin_;
+ }
+ void AssumeRightJustification() {
+ just = tesseract::JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT;
+ margin = (*rows)[row_start].rmargin_;
+ }
+ // Align tabs are the tab stops the text is aligned to.
+ const GenericVector<Cluster> &AlignTabs() const {
+ if (just == tesseract::JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT) return right_tabs;
+ return left_tabs;
+ }
+ // Offside tabs are the tab stops opposite the tabs used to align the text.
+ //
+ // Note that for a left-to-right text which is aligned to the right such as
+ // this function comment, the offside tabs are the horizontal tab stops
+ // marking the beginning of ("Note", "this" and "marking").
+ const GenericVector<Cluster> &OffsideTabs() const {
+ if (just == tesseract::JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT) return left_tabs;
+ return right_tabs;
+ }
+ // Return whether the i'th row extends from the leftmost left tab stop
+ // to the right most right tab stop.
+ bool IsFullRow(int i) const {
+ return ClosestCluster(left_tabs, (*rows)[i].lindent_) == 0 &&
+ ClosestCluster(right_tabs, (*rows)[i].rindent_) == 0;
+ }
+ int AlignsideTabIndex(int row_idx) const {
+ return ClosestCluster(AlignTabs(), (*rows)[row_idx].AlignsideIndent(just));
+ }
+ // Given what we know about the paragraph justification (just), would the
+ // first word of row_b have fit at the end of row_a?
+ bool FirstWordWouldHaveFit(int row_a, int row_b) {
+ return ::tesseract::FirstWordWouldHaveFit(
+ (*rows)[row_a], (*rows)[row_b], just);
+ }
+ void PrintRows() const { PrintRowRange(*rows, row_start, row_end); }
+ void Fail(int min_debug_level, const char *why) const {
+ if (debug_level < min_debug_level) return;
+ tprintf("# %s\n", why);
+ PrintRows();
+ }
+ ParagraphModel Model() const {
+ return ParagraphModel(just, margin, first_indent, body_indent, tolerance);
+ }
+ // We print out messages with a debug level at least as great as debug_level.
+ int debug_level = 0;
+ // The Geometric Classifier was asked to find a single paragraph model
+ // to fit the text rows (*rows)[row_start, row_end)
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows;
+ int row_start = 0;
+ int row_end = 0;
+ // The amount by which we expect the text edge can vary and still be aligned.
+ int tolerance = 0;
+ // Is the script in this text block left-to-right?
+ bool ltr = false;
+ // These left and right tab stops were determined to be the common tab
+ // stops for the given text.
+ GenericVector<Cluster> left_tabs;
+ GenericVector<Cluster> right_tabs;
+ // These are parameters we must determine to create a ParagraphModel.
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification just = JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN;
+ int margin = 0;
+ int first_indent = 0;
+ int body_indent = 0;
+ // eop_threshold > 0 if the text is fully justified. See MarkRowsWithModel()
+ int eop_threshold = 0;
+// Given a section of text where strong textual clues did not help identifying
+// paragraph breaks, and for which the left and right indents have exactly
+// three tab stops between them, attempt to find the paragraph breaks based
+// solely on the outline of the text and whether the script is left-to-right.
+// Algorithm Detail:
+// The selected rows are in the form of a rectangle except
+// for some number of "short lines" of the same length:
+// (A1) xxxxxxxxxxxxx (B1) xxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx # A "short" line.
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
+// We have a slightly different situation if the only short
+// line is at the end of the excerpt.
+// (A2) xxxxxxxxxxxxx (B2) xxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx # A "short" line.
+// We'll interpret these as follows based on the reasoning in the comment for
+// GeometricClassify():
+// [script direction: first indent, body indent]
+// (A1) LtR: 2,0 RtL: 0,0 (B1) LtR: 0,0 RtL: 2,0
+// (A2) LtR: 2,0 RtL: CrR (B2) LtR: CrL RtL: 2,0
+static void GeometricClassifyThreeTabStopTextBlock(
+ int debug_level,
+ GeometricClassifierState &s,
+ ParagraphTheory *theory) {
+ int num_rows = s.row_end - s.row_start;
+ int num_full_rows = 0;
+ int last_row_full = 0;
+ for (int i = s.row_start; i < s.row_end; i++) {
+ if (s.IsFullRow(i)) {
+ num_full_rows++;
+ if (i == s.row_end - 1) last_row_full++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_full_rows < 0.7 * num_rows) {
+ s.Fail(1, "Not enough full lines to know which lines start paras.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // eop_threshold gets set if we're fully justified; see MarkRowsWithModel()
+ s.eop_threshold = 0;
+ if (s.ltr) {
+ s.AssumeLeftJustification();
+ } else {
+ s.AssumeRightJustification();
+ }
+ if (debug_level > 0) {
+ tprintf("# Not enough variety for clear outline classification. "
+ "Guessing these are %s aligned based on script.\n",
+ s.ltr ? "left" : "right");
+ s.PrintRows();
+ }
+ if (s.AlignTabs().size() == 2) { // case A1 or A2
+ s.first_indent = s.AlignTabs()[1].center;
+ s.body_indent = s.AlignTabs()[0].center;
+ } else { // case B1 or B2
+ if (num_rows - 1 == num_full_rows - last_row_full) {
+ // case B2
+ const ParagraphModel *model = s.ltr ? kCrownLeft : kCrownRight;
+ (*s.rows)[s.row_start].AddStartLine(model);
+ for (int i = s.row_start + 1; i < s.row_end; i++) {
+ (*s.rows)[i].AddBodyLine(model);
+ }
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // case B1
+ s.first_indent = s.body_indent = s.AlignTabs()[0].center;
+ s.eop_threshold = (s.OffsideTabs()[0].center +
+ s.OffsideTabs()[1].center) / 2;
+ }
+ }
+ const ParagraphModel *model = theory->AddModel(s.Model());
+ MarkRowsWithModel(s.rows, s.row_start, s.row_end, model,
+ s.ltr, s.eop_threshold);
+ return;
+// This function is called if strong textual clues were not available, but
+// the caller hopes that the paragraph breaks will be super obvious just
+// by the outline of the text.
+// The particularly difficult case is figuring out what's going on if you
+// don't have enough short paragraph end lines to tell us what's going on.
+// For instance, let's say you have the following outline:
+// (A1) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+// xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
+// Even if we know that the text is left-to-right and so will probably be
+// left-aligned, both of the following are possible texts:
+// (A1a) 1. Here our list item
+// with two full lines.
+// 2. Here a second item.
+// 3. Here our third one.
+// (A1b) so ends paragraph one.
+// Here starts another
+// paragraph we want to
+// read. This continues
+// These examples are obvious from the text and should have been caught
+// by the StrongEvidenceClassify pass. However, for languages where we don't
+// have capital letters to go on (e.g. Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese),
+// it's worth guessing that (A1b) is the correct interpretation if there are
+// far more "full" lines than "short" lines.
+static void GeometricClassify(int debug_level,
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end,
+ ParagraphTheory *theory) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(debug_level, 4, __func__, rows, row_start, row_end))
+ return;
+ if (debug_level > 1) {
+ tprintf("###############################################\n");
+ tprintf("##### GeometricClassify( rows[%d:%d) ) ####\n",
+ row_start, row_end);
+ tprintf("###############################################\n");
+ }
+ RecomputeMarginsAndClearHypotheses(rows, row_start, row_end, 10);
+ GeometricClassifierState s(debug_level, rows, row_start, row_end);
+ if (s.left_tabs.size() > 2 && s.right_tabs.size() > 2) {
+ s.Fail(2, "Too much variety for simple outline classification.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (s.left_tabs.size() <= 1 && s.right_tabs.size() <= 1) {
+ s.Fail(1, "Not enough variety for simple outline classification.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (s.left_tabs.size() + s.right_tabs.size() == 3) {
+ GeometricClassifyThreeTabStopTextBlock(debug_level, s, theory);
+ return;
+ }
+ // At this point, we know that one side has at least two tab stops, and the
+ // other side has one or two tab stops.
+ // Left to determine:
+ // (1) Which is the body indent and which is the first line indent?
+ // (2) Is the text fully justified?
+ // If one side happens to have three or more tab stops, assume that side
+ // is opposite of the aligned side.
+ if (s.right_tabs.size() > 2) {
+ s.AssumeLeftJustification();
+ } else if (s.left_tabs.size() > 2) {
+ s.AssumeRightJustification();
+ } else if (s.ltr) { // guess based on script direction
+ s.AssumeLeftJustification();
+ } else {
+ s.AssumeRightJustification();
+ }
+ if (s.AlignTabs().size() == 2) {
+ // For each tab stop on the aligned side, how many of them appear
+ // to be paragraph start lines? [first lines]
+ int firsts[2] = {0, 0};
+ // Count the first line as a likely paragraph start line.
+ firsts[s.AlignsideTabIndex(s.row_start)]++;
+ // For each line, if the first word would have fit on the previous
+ // line count it as a likely paragraph start line.
+ bool jam_packed = true;
+ for (int i = s.row_start + 1; i < s.row_end; i++) {
+ if (s.FirstWordWouldHaveFit(i - 1, i)) {
+ firsts[s.AlignsideTabIndex(i)]++;
+ jam_packed = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make an extra accounting for the last line of the paragraph just
+ // in case it's the only short line in the block. That is, take its
+ // first word as typical and see if this looks like the *last* line
+ // of a paragraph. If so, mark the *other* indent as probably a first.
+ if (jam_packed && s.FirstWordWouldHaveFit(s.row_end - 1, s.row_end - 1)) {
+ firsts[1 - s.AlignsideTabIndex(s.row_end - 1)]++;
+ }
+ int percent0firsts, percent1firsts;
+ percent0firsts = (100 * firsts[0]) / s.AlignTabs()[0].count;
+ percent1firsts = (100 * firsts[1]) / s.AlignTabs()[1].count;
+ // TODO(eger): Tune these constants if necessary.
+ if ((percent0firsts < 20 && 30 < percent1firsts) ||
+ percent0firsts + 30 < percent1firsts) {
+ s.first_indent = s.AlignTabs()[1].center;
+ s.body_indent = s.AlignTabs()[0].center;
+ } else if ((percent1firsts < 20 && 30 < percent0firsts) ||
+ percent1firsts + 30 < percent0firsts) {
+ s.first_indent = s.AlignTabs()[0].center;
+ s.body_indent = s.AlignTabs()[1].center;
+ } else {
+ // Ambiguous! Probably lineated (poetry)
+ if (debug_level > 1) {
+ tprintf("# Cannot determine %s indent likely to start paragraphs.\n",
+ s.just == tesseract::JUSTIFICATION_LEFT ? "left" : "right");
+ tprintf("# Indent of %d looks like a first line %d%% of the time.\n",
+ s.AlignTabs()[0].center, percent0firsts);
+ tprintf("# Indent of %d looks like a first line %d%% of the time.\n",
+ s.AlignTabs()[1].center, percent1firsts);
+ s.PrintRows();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // There's only one tab stop for the "aligned to" side.
+ s.first_indent = s.body_indent = s.AlignTabs()[0].center;
+ }
+ // At this point, we have our model.
+ const ParagraphModel *model = theory->AddModel(s.Model());
+ // Now all we have to do is figure out if the text is fully justified or not.
+ // eop_threshold: default to fully justified unless we see evidence below.
+ // See description on MarkRowsWithModel()
+ s.eop_threshold =
+ (s.OffsideTabs()[0].center + s.OffsideTabs()[1].center) / 2;
+ // If the text is not fully justified, re-set the eop_threshold to 0.
+ if (s.AlignTabs().size() == 2) {
+ // Paragraphs with a paragraph-start indent.
+ for (int i = s.row_start; i < s.row_end - 1; i++) {
+ if (ValidFirstLine(s.rows, i + 1, model) &&
+ !NearlyEqual(s.OffsideTabs()[0].center,
+ (*s.rows)[i].OffsideIndent(s.just), s.tolerance)) {
+ // We found a non-end-of-paragraph short line: not fully justified.
+ s.eop_threshold = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Paragraphs with no paragraph-start indent.
+ for (int i = s.row_start; i < s.row_end - 1; i++) {
+ if (!s.FirstWordWouldHaveFit(i, i + 1) &&
+ !NearlyEqual(s.OffsideTabs()[0].center,
+ (*s.rows)[i].OffsideIndent(s.just), s.tolerance)) {
+ // We found a non-end-of-paragraph short line: not fully justified.
+ s.eop_threshold = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ MarkRowsWithModel(rows, row_start, row_end, model, s.ltr, s.eop_threshold);
+// =============== Implementation of ParagraphTheory =====================
+const ParagraphModel* ParagraphTheory::AddModel(const ParagraphModel &model) {
+ for (const auto& m : *models_) {
+ if (m->Comparable(model)) {
+ return m;
+ }
+ }
+ auto *m = new ParagraphModel(model);
+ models_->push_back(m);
+ models_we_added_.push_back_new(m);
+ return m;
+void ParagraphTheory::DiscardUnusedModels(const SetOfModels &used_models) {
+ size_t w = 0;
+ for (size_t r = 0; r < models_->size(); r++) {
+ ParagraphModel* m = (*models_)[r];
+ if (!used_models.contains(m) && models_we_added_.contains(m)) {
+ delete m;
+ } else {
+ if (r > w) {
+ (*models_)[w] = m;
+ }
+ w++;
+ }
+ }
+ models_->resize(w);
+// Examine rows[start, end) and try to determine if an existing non-centered
+// paragraph model would fit them perfectly. If so, return a pointer to it.
+// If not, return nullptr.
+const ParagraphModel *ParagraphTheory::Fits(
+ const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows, int start, int end) const {
+ for (const auto* model : *models_) {
+ if (model->justification() != JUSTIFICATION_CENTER &&
+ RowsFitModel(rows, start, end, model))
+ return model;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+void ParagraphTheory::NonCenteredModels(SetOfModels *models) {
+ for (const auto* model : *models_) {
+ if (model->justification() != JUSTIFICATION_CENTER)
+ models->push_back_new(model);
+ }
+int ParagraphTheory::IndexOf(const ParagraphModel *model) const {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (const auto* m : *models_) {
+ if (m == model)
+ return i;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool ValidFirstLine(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row, const ParagraphModel *model) {
+ if (!StrongModel(model)) {
+ tprintf("ValidFirstLine() should only be called with strong models!\n");
+ }
+ return StrongModel(model) &&
+ model->ValidFirstLine(
+ (*rows)[row].lmargin_, (*rows)[row].lindent_,
+ (*rows)[row].rindent_, (*rows)[row].rmargin_);
+bool ValidBodyLine(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row, const ParagraphModel *model) {
+ if (!StrongModel(model)) {
+ tprintf("ValidBodyLine() should only be called with strong models!\n");
+ }
+ return StrongModel(model) &&
+ model->ValidBodyLine(
+ (*rows)[row].lmargin_, (*rows)[row].lindent_,
+ (*rows)[row].rindent_, (*rows)[row].rmargin_);
+bool CrownCompatible(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int a, int b, const ParagraphModel *model) {
+ if (model != kCrownRight && model != kCrownLeft) {
+ tprintf("CrownCompatible() should only be called with crown models!\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ auto &row_a = (*rows)[a];
+ auto &row_b = (*rows)[b];
+ if (model == kCrownRight) {
+ return NearlyEqual(row_a.rindent_ + row_a.rmargin_,
+ row_b.rindent_ + row_b.rmargin_,
+ Epsilon(row_a.ri_->average_interword_space));
+ }
+ return NearlyEqual(row_a.lindent_ + row_a.lmargin_,
+ row_b.lindent_ + row_b.lmargin_,
+ Epsilon(row_a.ri_->average_interword_space));
+// =============== Implementation of ParagraphModelSmearer ====================
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end, ParagraphTheory *theory)
+ : theory_(theory), rows_(rows), row_start_(row_start),
+ row_end_(row_end) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(0, 0, __func__, rows, row_start, row_end)) {
+ row_start_ = 0;
+ row_end_ = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ open_models_.resize(open_models_.size() + row_end - row_start + 2);
+// see paragraphs_internal.h
+void ParagraphModelSmearer::CalculateOpenModels(int row_start, int row_end) {
+ SetOfModels no_models;
+ if (row_start < row_start_) row_start = row_start_;
+ if (row_end > row_end_) row_end = row_end_;
+ for (int row = (row_start > 0) ? row_start - 1 : row_start; row < row_end;
+ row++) {
+ if ((*rows_)[row].ri_->num_words == 0) {
+ OpenModels(row + 1) = no_models;
+ } else {
+ SetOfModels &opened = OpenModels(row);
+ (*rows_)[row].StartHypotheses(&opened);
+ // Which models survive the transition from row to row + 1?
+ SetOfModels still_open;
+ for (int m = 0; m < opened.size(); m++) {
+ if (ValidFirstLine(rows_, row, opened[m]) ||
+ ValidBodyLine(rows_, row, opened[m])) {
+ // This is basic filtering; we check likely paragraph starty-ness down
+ // below in Smear() -- you know, whether the first word would have fit
+ // and such.
+ still_open.push_back_new(opened[m]);
+ }
+ }
+ OpenModels(row + 1) = still_open;
+ }
+ }
+// see paragraphs_internal.h
+void ParagraphModelSmearer::Smear() {
+ CalculateOpenModels(row_start_, row_end_);
+ // For each row which we're unsure about (that is, it is LT_UNKNOWN or
+ // we have multiple LT_START hypotheses), see if there's a model that
+ // was recently used (an "open" model) which might model it well.
+ for (int i = row_start_; i < row_end_; i++) {
+ RowScratchRegisters &row = (*rows_)[i];
+ if (row.ri_->num_words == 0)
+ continue;
+ // Step One:
+ // Figure out if there are "open" models which are left-alined or
+ // right-aligned. This is important for determining whether the
+ // "first" word in a row would fit at the "end" of the previous row.
+ bool left_align_open = false;
+ bool right_align_open = false;
+ for (int m = 0; m < OpenModels(i).size(); m++) {
+ switch (OpenModels(i)[m]->justification()) {
+ case JUSTIFICATION_LEFT: left_align_open = true; break;
+ case JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT: right_align_open = true; break;
+ default: left_align_open = right_align_open = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Step Two:
+ // Use that knowledge to figure out if this row is likely to
+ // start a paragraph.
+ bool likely_start;
+ if (i == 0) {
+ likely_start = true;
+ } else {
+ if ((left_align_open && right_align_open) ||
+ (!left_align_open && !right_align_open)) {
+ likely_start = LikelyParagraphStart((*rows_)[i - 1], row,
+ LikelyParagraphStart((*rows_)[i - 1], row,
+ } else if (left_align_open) {
+ likely_start = LikelyParagraphStart((*rows_)[i - 1], row,
+ } else {
+ likely_start = LikelyParagraphStart((*rows_)[i - 1], row,
+ }
+ }
+ // Step Three:
+ // If this text line seems like an obvious first line of an
+ // open model, or an obvious continuation of an existing
+ // modelled paragraph, mark it up.
+ if (likely_start) {
+ // Add Start Hypotheses for all Open models that fit.
+ for (int m = 0; m < OpenModels(i).size(); m++) {
+ if (ValidFirstLine(rows_, i, OpenModels(i)[m])) {
+ row.AddStartLine(OpenModels(i)[m]);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Add relevant body line hypotheses.
+ SetOfModels last_line_models;
+ if (i > 0) {
+ (*rows_)[i - 1].StrongHypotheses(&last_line_models);
+ } else {
+ theory_->NonCenteredModels(&last_line_models);
+ }
+ for (int m = 0; m < last_line_models.size(); m++) {
+ const ParagraphModel *model = last_line_models[m];
+ if (ValidBodyLine(rows_, i, model))
+ row.AddBodyLine(model);
+ }
+ }
+ // Step Four:
+ // If we're still quite unsure about this line, go through all
+ // models in our theory and see if this row could be the start
+ // of any of our models.
+ if (row.GetLineType() == LT_UNKNOWN ||
+ (row.GetLineType() == LT_START && !row.UniqueStartHypothesis())) {
+ SetOfModels all_models;
+ theory_->NonCenteredModels(&all_models);
+ for (int m = 0; m < all_models.size(); m++) {
+ if (ValidFirstLine(rows_, i, all_models[m])) {
+ row.AddStartLine(all_models[m]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Step Five:
+ // Since we may have updated the hypotheses about this row, we need
+ // to recalculate the Open models for the rest of rows[i + 1, row_end)
+ if (row.GetLineType() != LT_UNKNOWN) {
+ CalculateOpenModels(i + 1, row_end_);
+ }
+ }
+// ================ Main Paragraph Detection Algorithm =======================
+// Find out what ParagraphModels are actually used, and discard any
+// that are not.
+static void DiscardUnusedModels(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows,
+ ParagraphTheory *theory) {
+ SetOfModels used_models;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
+ rows[i].StrongHypotheses(&used_models);
+ }
+ theory->DiscardUnusedModels(used_models);
+// DowngradeWeakestToCrowns:
+// Forget any flush-{left, right} models unless we see two or more
+// of them in sequence.
+// In pass 3, we start to classify even flush-left paragraphs (paragraphs
+// where the first line and body indent are the same) as having proper Models.
+// This is generally dangerous, since if you start imagining that flush-left
+// is a typical paragraph model when it is not, it will lead you to chop normal
+// indented paragraphs in the middle whenever a sentence happens to start on a
+// new line (see "This" above). What to do?
+// What we do is to take any paragraph which is flush left and is not
+// preceded by another paragraph of the same model and convert it to a "Crown"
+// paragraph. This is a weak pseudo-ParagraphModel which is a placeholder
+// for later. It means that the paragraph is flush, but it would be desirable
+// to mark it as the same model as following text if it fits. This downgrade
+// FlushLeft -> CrownLeft -> Model of following paragraph. Means that we
+// avoid making flush left Paragraph Models whenever we see a top-of-the-page
+// half-of-a-paragraph. and instead we mark it the same as normal body text.
+// Implementation:
+// Comb backwards through the row scratch registers, and turn any
+// sequences of body lines of equivalent type abutted against the beginning
+// or a body or start line of a different type into a crown paragraph.
+static void DowngradeWeakestToCrowns(int debug_level, ParagraphTheory *theory,
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows) {
+ int start;
+ for (int end = rows->size(); end > 0; end = start) {
+ // Search back for a body line of a unique type.
+ const ParagraphModel *model = nullptr;
+ while (end > 0 &&
+ (model = (*rows)[end - 1].UniqueBodyHypothesis()) == nullptr) {
+ end--;
+ }
+ if (end == 0) break;
+ start = end - 1;
+ while (start >= 0 && (*rows)[start].UniqueBodyHypothesis() == model) {
+ start--; // walk back to the first line that is not the same body type.
+ }
+ if (start >= 0 && (*rows)[start].UniqueStartHypothesis() == model &&
+ StrongModel(model) &&
+ NearlyEqual(model->first_indent(), model->body_indent(),
+ model->tolerance())) {
+ start--;
+ }
+ start++;
+ // Now rows[start, end) is a sequence of unique body hypotheses of model.
+ if (StrongModel(model) && model->justification() == JUSTIFICATION_CENTER)
+ continue;
+ if (!StrongModel(model)) {
+ while (start > 0 &&
+ CrownCompatible(rows, start - 1, start, model))
+ start--;
+ }
+ if (start == 0 ||
+ (!StrongModel(model)) ||
+ (StrongModel(model) && !ValidFirstLine(rows, start - 1, model))) {
+ // crownify rows[start, end)
+ const ParagraphModel *crown_model = model;
+ if (StrongModel(model)) {
+ if (model->justification() == JUSTIFICATION_LEFT)
+ crown_model = kCrownLeft;
+ else
+ crown_model = kCrownRight;
+ }
+ (*rows)[start].SetUnknown();
+ (*rows)[start].AddStartLine(crown_model);
+ for (int row = start + 1; row < end; row++) {
+ (*rows)[row].SetUnknown();
+ (*rows)[row].AddBodyLine(crown_model);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DiscardUnusedModels(*rows, theory);
+// Clear all hypotheses about lines [start, end) and reset margins.
+// The empty space between the left of a row and the block boundary (and
+// similarly for the right) is split into two pieces: margin and indent.
+// In initial processing, we assume the block is tight and the margin for
+// all lines is set to zero. However, if our first pass does not yield
+// models for everything, it may be due to an inset paragraph like a
+// block-quote. In that case, we make a second pass over that unmarked
+// section of the page and reset the "margin" portion of the empty space
+// to the common amount of space at the ends of the lines under consid-
+// eration. This would be equivalent to percentile set to 0. However,
+// sometimes we have a single character sticking out in the right margin
+// of a text block (like the 'r' in 'for' on line 3 above), and we can
+// really just ignore it as an outlier. To express this, we allow the
+// user to specify the percentile (0..100) of indent values to use as
+// the common margin for each row in the run of rows[start, end).
+void RecomputeMarginsAndClearHypotheses(
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows, int start, int end,
+ int percentile) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(0, 0, __func__, rows, start, end))
+ return;
+ int lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax;
+ lmin = lmax = (*rows)[start].lmargin_ + (*rows)[start].lindent_;
+ rmin = rmax = (*rows)[start].rmargin_ + (*rows)[start].rindent_;
+ for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ RowScratchRegisters &sr = (*rows)[i];
+ sr.SetUnknown();
+ if (sr.ri_->num_words == 0)
+ continue;
+ UpdateRange(sr.lmargin_ + sr.lindent_, &lmin, &lmax);
+ UpdateRange(sr.rmargin_ + sr.rindent_, &rmin, &rmax);
+ }
+ STATS lefts(lmin, lmax + 1);
+ STATS rights(rmin, rmax + 1);
+ for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ RowScratchRegisters &sr = (*rows)[i];
+ if (sr.ri_->num_words == 0)
+ continue;
+ lefts.add(sr.lmargin_ + sr.lindent_, 1);
+ rights.add(sr.rmargin_ + sr.rindent_, 1);
+ }
+ int ignorable_left = lefts.ile(ClipToRange(percentile, 0, 100) / 100.0);
+ int ignorable_right = rights.ile(ClipToRange(percentile, 0, 100) / 100.0);
+ for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ RowScratchRegisters &sr = (*rows)[i];
+ int ldelta = ignorable_left - sr.lmargin_;
+ sr.lmargin_ += ldelta;
+ sr.lindent_ -= ldelta;
+ int rdelta = ignorable_right - sr.rmargin_;
+ sr.rmargin_ += rdelta;
+ sr.rindent_ -= rdelta;
+ }
+// Return the median inter-word space in rows[row_start, row_end).
+int InterwordSpace(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end) {
+ if (row_end < row_start + 1) return 1;
+ int word_height = (rows[row_start].ri_->lword_box.height() +
+ rows[row_end - 1].ri_->lword_box.height()) / 2;
+ int word_width = (rows[row_start].ri_->lword_box.width() +
+ rows[row_end - 1].ri_->lword_box.width()) / 2;
+ STATS spacing_widths(0, 5 + word_width);
+ for (int i = row_start; i < row_end; i++) {
+ if (rows[i].ri_->num_words > 1) {
+ spacing_widths.add(rows[i].ri_->average_interword_space, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ int minimum_reasonable_space = word_height / 3;
+ if (minimum_reasonable_space < 2)
+ minimum_reasonable_space = 2;
+ int median = spacing_widths.median();
+ return (median > minimum_reasonable_space)
+ ? median : minimum_reasonable_space;
+// Return whether the first word on the after line can fit in the space at
+// the end of the before line (knowing which way the text is aligned and read).
+bool FirstWordWouldHaveFit(const RowScratchRegisters &before,
+ const RowScratchRegisters &after,
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification justification) {
+ if (before.ri_->num_words == 0 || after.ri_->num_words == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (justification == JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN) {
+ tprintf("Don't call FirstWordWouldHaveFit(r, s, JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN).\n");
+ }
+ int available_space;
+ if (justification == JUSTIFICATION_CENTER) {
+ available_space = before.lindent_ + before.rindent_;
+ } else {
+ available_space = before.OffsideIndent(justification);
+ }
+ available_space -= before.ri_->average_interword_space;
+ if (before.ri_->ltr)
+ return after.ri_->lword_box.width() < available_space;
+ return after.ri_->rword_box.width() < available_space;
+// Return whether the first word on the after line can fit in the space at
+// the end of the before line (not knowing which way the text goes) in a left
+// or right alignment.
+bool FirstWordWouldHaveFit(const RowScratchRegisters &before,
+ const RowScratchRegisters &after) {
+ if (before.ri_->num_words == 0 || after.ri_->num_words == 0)
+ return true;
+ int available_space = before.lindent_;
+ if (before.rindent_ > available_space)
+ available_space = before.rindent_;
+ available_space -= before.ri_->average_interword_space;
+ if (before.ri_->ltr)
+ return after.ri_->lword_box.width() < available_space;
+ return after.ri_->rword_box.width() < available_space;
+static bool TextSupportsBreak(const RowScratchRegisters &before,
+ const RowScratchRegisters &after) {
+ if (before.ri_->ltr) {
+ return before.ri_->rword_likely_ends_idea &&
+ after.ri_->lword_likely_starts_idea;
+ } else {
+ return before.ri_->lword_likely_ends_idea &&
+ after.ri_->rword_likely_starts_idea;
+ }
+static bool LikelyParagraphStart(const RowScratchRegisters &before,
+ const RowScratchRegisters &after,
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification j) {
+ return before.ri_->num_words == 0 ||
+ (FirstWordWouldHaveFit(before, after, j) &&
+ TextSupportsBreak(before, after));
+// Examine rows[start, end) and try to determine what sort of ParagraphModel
+// would fit them as a single paragraph.
+// If we can't produce a unique model justification_ = JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN.
+// If the rows given could be a consistent start to a paragraph, set *consistent
+// true.
+static ParagraphModel InternalParagraphModelByOutline(
+ const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int start, int end, int tolerance, bool *consistent) {
+ int ltr_line_count = 0;
+ for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ ltr_line_count += static_cast<int>((*rows)[i].ri_->ltr);
+ }
+ bool ltr = (ltr_line_count >= (end - start) / 2);
+ *consistent = true;
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(0, 2, __func__, rows, start, end))
+ return ParagraphModel();
+ // Ensure the caller only passed us a region with a common rmargin and
+ // lmargin.
+ int lmargin = (*rows)[start].lmargin_;
+ int rmargin = (*rows)[start].rmargin_;
+ int lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax, cmin, cmax;
+ lmin = lmax = (*rows)[start + 1].lindent_;
+ rmin = rmax = (*rows)[start + 1].rindent_;
+ cmin = cmax = 0;
+ for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
+ if ((*rows)[i].lmargin_ != lmargin || (*rows)[i].rmargin_ != rmargin) {
+ tprintf("Margins don't match! Software error.\n");
+ *consistent = false;
+ return ParagraphModel();
+ }
+ UpdateRange((*rows)[i].lindent_, &lmin, &lmax);
+ UpdateRange((*rows)[i].rindent_, &rmin, &rmax);
+ UpdateRange((*rows)[i].rindent_ - (*rows)[i].lindent_, &cmin, &cmax);
+ }
+ int ldiff = lmax - lmin;
+ int rdiff = rmax - rmin;
+ int cdiff = cmax - cmin;
+ if (rdiff > tolerance && ldiff > tolerance) {
+ if (cdiff < tolerance * 2) {
+ if (end - start < 3)
+ return ParagraphModel();
+ return ParagraphModel(JUSTIFICATION_CENTER, 0, 0, 0, tolerance);
+ }
+ *consistent = false;
+ return ParagraphModel();
+ }
+ if (end - start < 3) // Don't return a model for two line paras.
+ return ParagraphModel();
+ // These booleans keep us from saying something is aligned left when the body
+ // left variance is too large.
+ bool body_admits_left_alignment = ldiff < tolerance;
+ bool body_admits_right_alignment = rdiff < tolerance;
+ ParagraphModel left_model =
+ ParagraphModel(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT, lmargin, (*rows)[start].lindent_,
+ (lmin + lmax) / 2, tolerance);
+ ParagraphModel right_model =
+ ParagraphModel(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT, rmargin, (*rows)[start].rindent_,
+ (rmin + rmax) / 2, tolerance);
+ // These booleans keep us from having an indent on the "wrong side" for the
+ // first line.
+ bool text_admits_left_alignment = ltr || left_model.is_flush();
+ bool text_admits_right_alignment = !ltr || right_model.is_flush();
+ // At least one of the edges is less than tolerance in variance.
+ // If the other is obviously ragged, it can't be the one aligned to.
+ // [Note the last line is included in this raggedness.]
+ if (tolerance < rdiff) {
+ if (body_admits_left_alignment && text_admits_left_alignment)
+ return left_model;
+ *consistent = false;
+ return ParagraphModel();
+ }
+ if (tolerance < ldiff) {
+ if (body_admits_right_alignment && text_admits_right_alignment)
+ return right_model;
+ *consistent = false;
+ return ParagraphModel();
+ }
+ // At this point, we know the body text doesn't vary much on either side.
+ // If the first line juts out oddly in one direction or the other,
+ // that likely indicates the side aligned to.
+ int first_left = (*rows)[start].lindent_;
+ int first_right = (*rows)[start].rindent_;
+ if (ltr && body_admits_left_alignment &&
+ (first_left < lmin || first_left > lmax))
+ return left_model;
+ if (!ltr && body_admits_right_alignment &&
+ (first_right < rmin || first_right > rmax))
+ return right_model;
+ *consistent = false;
+ return ParagraphModel();
+// Examine rows[start, end) and try to determine what sort of ParagraphModel
+// would fit them as a single paragraph. If nothing fits,
+// justification_ = JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN and print the paragraph to debug
+// output if we're debugging.
+static ParagraphModel ParagraphModelByOutline(
+ int debug_level,
+ const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int start, int end, int tolerance) {
+ bool unused_consistent;
+ ParagraphModel retval = InternalParagraphModelByOutline(
+ rows, start, end, tolerance, &unused_consistent);
+ if (debug_level >= 2 && retval.justification() == JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN) {
+ tprintf("Could not determine a model for this paragraph:\n");
+ PrintRowRange(*rows, start, end);
+ }
+ return retval;
+// Do rows[start, end) form a single instance of the given paragraph model?
+bool RowsFitModel(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int start, int end, const ParagraphModel *model) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(0, 1, __func__, rows, start, end))
+ return false;
+ if (!ValidFirstLine(rows, start, model)) return false;
+ for (int i = start + 1 ; i < end; i++) {
+ if (!ValidBodyLine(rows, i, model)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Examine rows[row_start, row_end) as an independent section of text,
+// and mark rows that are exceptionally clear as start-of-paragraph
+// and paragraph-body lines.
+// We presume that any lines surrounding rows[row_start, row_end) may
+// have wildly different paragraph models, so we don't key any data off
+// of those lines.
+// We only take the very strongest signals, as we don't want to get
+// confused and marking up centered text, poetry, or source code as
+// clearly part of a typical paragraph.
+static void MarkStrongEvidence(GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end) {
+ // Record patently obvious body text.
+ for (int i = row_start + 1; i < row_end; i++) {
+ const RowScratchRegisters &prev = (*rows)[i - 1];
+ RowScratchRegisters &curr = (*rows)[i];
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification typical_justification =
+ if (!curr.ri_->rword_likely_starts_idea &&
+ !curr.ri_->lword_likely_starts_idea &&
+ !FirstWordWouldHaveFit(prev, curr, typical_justification)) {
+ curr.SetBodyLine();
+ }
+ }
+ // Record patently obvious start paragraph lines.
+ //
+ // It's an extremely good signal of the start of a paragraph that
+ // the first word would have fit on the end of the previous line.
+ // However, applying just that signal would have us mark random
+ // start lines of lineated text (poetry and source code) and some
+ // centered headings as paragraph start lines. Therefore, we use
+ // a second qualification for a paragraph start: Not only should
+ // the first word of this line have fit on the previous line,
+ // but also, this line should go full to the right of the block,
+ // disallowing a subsequent word from having fit on this line.
+ // First row:
+ {
+ RowScratchRegisters &curr = (*rows)[row_start];
+ RowScratchRegisters &next = (*rows)[row_start + 1];
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification j =
+ if (curr.GetLineType() == LT_UNKNOWN &&
+ !FirstWordWouldHaveFit(curr, next, j) &&
+ (curr.ri_->lword_likely_starts_idea ||
+ curr.ri_->rword_likely_starts_idea)) {
+ curr.SetStartLine();
+ }
+ }
+ // Middle rows
+ for (int i = row_start + 1; i < row_end - 1; i++) {
+ RowScratchRegisters &prev = (*rows)[i - 1];
+ RowScratchRegisters &curr = (*rows)[i];
+ RowScratchRegisters &next = (*rows)[i + 1];
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification j =
+ if (curr.GetLineType() == LT_UNKNOWN &&
+ !FirstWordWouldHaveFit(curr, next, j) &&
+ LikelyParagraphStart(prev, curr, j)) {
+ curr.SetStartLine();
+ }
+ }
+ // Last row
+ { // the short circuit at the top means we have at least two lines.
+ RowScratchRegisters &prev = (*rows)[row_end - 2];
+ RowScratchRegisters &curr = (*rows)[row_end - 1];
+ tesseract::ParagraphJustification j =
+ if (curr.GetLineType() == LT_UNKNOWN &&
+ !FirstWordWouldHaveFit(curr, curr, j) &&
+ LikelyParagraphStart(prev, curr, j)) {
+ curr.SetStartLine();
+ }
+ }
+// Look for sequences of a start line followed by some body lines in
+// rows[row_start, row_end) and create ParagraphModels for them if
+// they seem coherent.
+static void ModelStrongEvidence(int debug_level,
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end,
+ bool allow_flush_models,
+ ParagraphTheory *theory) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(debug_level, 2, __func__, rows, row_start, row_end))
+ return;
+ int start = row_start;
+ while (start < row_end) {
+ while (start < row_end && (*rows)[start].GetLineType() != LT_START)
+ start++;
+ if (start >= row_end - 1)
+ break;
+ int tolerance = Epsilon((*rows)[start + 1].ri_->average_interword_space);
+ int end = start;
+ ParagraphModel last_model;
+ bool next_consistent;
+ do {
+ ++end;
+ // rows[row, end) was consistent.
+ // If rows[row, end + 1) is not consistent,
+ // just model rows[row, end)
+ if (end < row_end - 1) {
+ RowScratchRegisters &next = (*rows)[end];
+ LineType lt = next.GetLineType();
+ next_consistent = lt == LT_BODY ||
+ (lt == LT_UNKNOWN &&
+ !FirstWordWouldHaveFit((*rows)[end - 1], (*rows)[end]));
+ } else {
+ next_consistent = false;
+ }
+ if (next_consistent) {
+ ParagraphModel next_model = InternalParagraphModelByOutline(
+ rows, start, end + 1, tolerance, &next_consistent);
+ if (((*rows)[start].ri_->ltr &&
+ last_model.justification() == JUSTIFICATION_LEFT &&
+ next_model.justification() != JUSTIFICATION_LEFT) ||
+ (!(*rows)[start].ri_->ltr &&
+ last_model.justification() == JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT &&
+ next_model.justification() != JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT)) {
+ next_consistent = false;
+ }
+ last_model = next_model;
+ } else {
+ next_consistent = false;
+ }
+ } while (next_consistent && end < row_end);
+ // At this point, rows[start, end) looked like it could have been a
+ // single paragraph. If we can make a good ParagraphModel for it,
+ // do so and mark this sequence with that model.
+ if (end > start + 1) {
+ // emit a new paragraph if we have more than one line.
+ const ParagraphModel *model = nullptr;
+ ParagraphModel new_model = ParagraphModelByOutline(
+ debug_level, rows, start, end,
+ Epsilon(InterwordSpace(*rows, start, end)));
+ if (new_model.justification() == JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN) {
+ // couldn't create a good model, oh well.
+ } else if (new_model.is_flush()) {
+ if (end == start + 2) {
+ // It's very likely we just got two paragraph starts in a row.
+ end = start + 1;
+ } else if (start == row_start) {
+ // Mark this as a Crown.
+ if (new_model.justification() == JUSTIFICATION_LEFT) {
+ model = kCrownLeft;
+ } else {
+ model = kCrownRight;
+ }
+ } else if (allow_flush_models) {
+ model = theory->AddModel(new_model);
+ }
+ } else {
+ model = theory->AddModel(new_model);
+ }
+ if (model) {
+ (*rows)[start].AddStartLine(model);
+ for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
+ (*rows)[i].AddBodyLine(model);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ start = end;
+ }
+// We examine rows[row_start, row_end) and do the following:
+// (1) Clear all existing hypotheses for the rows being considered.
+// (2) Mark up any rows as exceptionally likely to be paragraph starts
+// or paragraph body lines as such using both geometric and textual
+// clues.
+// (3) Form models for any sequence of start + continuation lines.
+// (4) Smear the paragraph models to cover surrounding text.
+static void StrongEvidenceClassify(int debug_level,
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end,
+ ParagraphTheory *theory) {
+ if (!AcceptableRowArgs(debug_level, 2, __func__, rows, row_start, row_end))
+ return;
+ if (debug_level > 1) {
+ tprintf("#############################################\n");
+ tprintf("# StrongEvidenceClassify( rows[%d:%d) )\n", row_start, row_end);
+ tprintf("#############################################\n");
+ }
+ RecomputeMarginsAndClearHypotheses(rows, row_start, row_end, 10);
+ MarkStrongEvidence(rows, row_start, row_end);
+ DebugDump(debug_level > 2, "Initial strong signals.", *theory, *rows);
+ // Create paragraph models.
+ ModelStrongEvidence(debug_level, rows, row_start, row_end, false, theory);
+ DebugDump(debug_level > 2, "Unsmeared hypotheses.s.", *theory, *rows);
+ // At this point, some rows are marked up as paragraphs with model numbers,
+ // and some rows are marked up as either LT_START or LT_BODY. Now let's
+ // smear any good paragraph hypotheses forward and backward.
+ ParagraphModelSmearer smearer(rows, row_start, row_end, theory);
+ smearer.Smear();
+static void SeparateSimpleLeaderLines(GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> *rows,
+ int row_start, int row_end,
+ ParagraphTheory *theory) {
+ for (int i = row_start + 1; i < row_end - 1; i++) {
+ if ((*rows)[i - 1].ri_->has_leaders &&
+ (*rows)[i].ri_->has_leaders &&
+ (*rows)[i + 1].ri_->has_leaders) {
+ const ParagraphModel *model = theory->AddModel(
+ ParagraphModel(JUSTIFICATION_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ (*rows)[i].AddStartLine(model);
+ }
+ }
+// Collect sequences of unique hypotheses in row registers and create proper
+// paragraphs for them, referencing the paragraphs in row_owners.
+static void ConvertHypothesizedModelRunsToParagraphs(
+ int debug_level,
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows,
+ GenericVector<PARA *> *row_owners,
+ ParagraphTheory *theory) {
+ int end = rows.size();
+ int start;
+ for (; end > 0; end = start) {
+ start = end - 1;
+ const ParagraphModel *model = nullptr;
+ // TODO(eger): Be smarter about dealing with multiple hypotheses.
+ bool single_line_paragraph = false;
+ SetOfModels models;
+ rows[start].NonNullHypotheses(&models);
+ if (!models.empty()) {
+ model = models[0];
+ if (rows[start].GetLineType(model) != LT_BODY)
+ single_line_paragraph = true;
+ }
+ if (model && !single_line_paragraph) {
+ // walk back looking for more body lines and then a start line.
+ while (--start > 0 && rows[start].GetLineType(model) == LT_BODY) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ if (start < 0 || rows[start].GetLineType(model) != LT_START) {
+ model = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (model == nullptr) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // rows[start, end) should be a paragraph.
+ PARA *p = new PARA();
+ if (model == kCrownLeft || model == kCrownRight) {
+ p->is_very_first_or_continuation = true;
+ // Crown paragraph.
+ // If we can find an existing ParagraphModel that fits, use it,
+ // else create a new one.
+ for (int row = end; row < rows.size(); row++) {
+ if ((*row_owners)[row] &&
+ (ValidBodyLine(&rows, start, (*row_owners)[row]->model) &&
+ (start == 0 ||
+ ValidFirstLine(&rows, start, (*row_owners)[row]->model)))) {
+ model = (*row_owners)[row]->model;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (model == kCrownLeft) {
+ // No subsequent model fits, so cons one up.
+ model = theory->AddModel(ParagraphModel(
+ JUSTIFICATION_LEFT, rows[start].lmargin_ + rows[start].lindent_,
+ 0, 0, Epsilon(rows[start].ri_->average_interword_space)));
+ } else if (model == kCrownRight) {
+ // No subsequent model fits, so cons one up.
+ model = theory->AddModel(ParagraphModel(
+ JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT, rows[start].rmargin_ + rows[start].rmargin_,
+ 0, 0, Epsilon(rows[start].ri_->average_interword_space)));
+ }
+ }
+ rows[start].SetUnknown();
+ rows[start].AddStartLine(model);
+ for (int i = start + 1; i < end; i++) {
+ rows[i].SetUnknown();
+ rows[i].AddBodyLine(model);
+ }
+ p->model = model;
+ p->has_drop_cap = rows[start].ri_->has_drop_cap;
+ p->is_list_item =
+ model->justification() == JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT
+ ? rows[start].ri_->rword_indicates_list_item
+ : rows[start].ri_->lword_indicates_list_item;
+ for (int row = start; row < end; row++) {
+ if ((*row_owners)[row] != nullptr) {
+ tprintf("Memory leak! ConvertHypothesizeModelRunsToParagraphs() called "
+ "more than once!\n");
+ delete (*row_owners)[row];
+ }
+ (*row_owners)[row] = p;
+ }
+ }
+struct Interval {
+ Interval() : begin(0), end(0) {}
+ Interval(int b, int e) : begin(b), end(e) {}
+ int begin;
+ int end;
+// Return whether rows[row] appears to be stranded, meaning that the evidence
+// for this row is very weak due to context. For instance, two lines of source
+// code may happen to be indented at the same tab vector as body text starts,
+// leading us to think they are two start-of-paragraph lines. This is not
+// optimal. However, we also don't want to mark a sequence of short dialog
+// as "weak," so our heuristic is:
+// (1) If a line is surrounded by lines of unknown type, it's weak.
+// (2) If two lines in a row are start lines for a given paragraph type, but
+// after that the same paragraph type does not continue, they're weak.
+static bool RowIsStranded(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows,
+ int row) {
+ SetOfModels row_models;
+ rows[row].StrongHypotheses(&row_models);
+ for (int m = 0; m < row_models.size(); m++) {
+ bool all_starts = rows[row].GetLineType();
+ int run_length = 1;
+ bool continues = true;
+ for (int i = row - 1; i >= 0 && continues; i--) {
+ SetOfModels models;
+ rows[i].NonNullHypotheses(&models);
+ switch (rows[i].GetLineType(row_models[m])) {
+ case LT_START: run_length++; break;
+ case LT_MULTIPLE: // explicit fall-through
+ case LT_BODY: run_length++; all_starts = false; break;
+ case LT_UNKNOWN: // explicit fall-through
+ default: continues = false;
+ }
+ }
+ continues = true;
+ for (int i = row + 1; i < rows.size() && continues; i++) {
+ SetOfModels models;
+ rows[i].NonNullHypotheses(&models);
+ switch (rows[i].GetLineType(row_models[m])) {
+ case LT_START: run_length++; break;
+ case LT_MULTIPLE: // explicit fall-through
+ case LT_BODY: run_length++; all_starts = false; break;
+ case LT_UNKNOWN: // explicit fall-through
+ default: continues = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (run_length > 2 || (!all_starts && run_length > 1)) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Go through rows[row_start, row_end) and gather up sequences that need better
+// classification.
+// + Sequences of non-empty rows without hypotheses.
+// + Crown paragraphs not immediately followed by a strongly modeled line.
+// + Single line paragraphs surrounded by text that doesn't match the
+// model.
+static void LeftoverSegments(const GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> &rows,
+ GenericVector<Interval> *to_fix,
+ int row_start, int row_end) {
+ to_fix->clear();
+ for (int i = row_start; i < row_end; i++) {
+ bool needs_fixing = false;
+ SetOfModels models;
+ SetOfModels models_w_crowns;
+ rows[i].StrongHypotheses(&models);
+ rows[i].NonNullHypotheses(&models_w_crowns);
+ if (models.empty() && !models_w_crowns.empty()) {
+ // Crown paragraph. Is it followed by a modeled line?
+ for (int end = i + 1; end < rows.size(); end++) {
+ SetOfModels end_models;
+ SetOfModels strong_end_models;
+ rows[end].NonNullHypotheses(&end_models);
+ rows[end].StrongHypotheses(&strong_end_models);
+ if (end_models.empty()) {
+ needs_fixing = true;
+ break;
+ } else if (!strong_end_models.empty()) {
+ needs_fixing = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (models.empty() && rows[i].ri_->num_words > 0) {
+ // No models at all.
+ needs_fixing = true;
+ }
+ if (!needs_fixing && !models.empty()) {
+ needs_fixing = RowIsStranded(rows, i);
+ }
+ if (needs_fixing) {
+ if (!to_fix->empty() && to_fix->back().end == i - 1)
+ to_fix->back().end = i;
+ else
+ to_fix->push_back(Interval(i, i));
+ }
+ }
+ // Convert inclusive intervals to half-open intervals.
+ for (int i = 0; i < to_fix->size(); i++) {
+ (*to_fix)[i].end = (*to_fix)[i].end + 1;
+ }
+// Given a set of row_owners pointing to PARAs or nullptr (no paragraph known),
+// normalize each row_owner to point to an actual PARA, and output the
+// paragraphs in order onto paragraphs.
+void CanonicalizeDetectionResults(
+ GenericVector<PARA *> *row_owners,
+ PARA_LIST *paragraphs) {
+ GenericVector<PARA *> &rows = *row_owners;
+ paragraphs->clear();
+ PARA_IT out(paragraphs);
+ PARA *formerly_null = nullptr;
+ for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) {
+ if (rows[i] == nullptr) {
+ if (i == 0 || rows[i - 1] != formerly_null) {
+ rows[i] = formerly_null = new PARA();
+ } else {
+ rows[i] = formerly_null;
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else if (i > 0 && rows[i - 1] == rows[i]) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ out.add_after_then_move(rows[i]);
+ }
+// Main entry point for Paragraph Detection Algorithm.
+// Given a set of equally spaced textlines (described by row_infos),
+// Split them into paragraphs.
+// Output:
+// row_owners - one pointer for each row, to the paragraph it belongs to.
+// paragraphs - this is the actual list of PARA objects.
+// models - the list of paragraph models referenced by the PARA objects.
+// caller is responsible for deleting the models.
+void DetectParagraphs(int debug_level,
+ std::vector<RowInfo> *row_infos,
+ GenericVector<PARA *> *row_owners,
+ PARA_LIST *paragraphs,
+ std::vector<ParagraphModel *> *models) {
+ GenericVector<RowScratchRegisters> rows;
+ ParagraphTheory theory(models);
+ // Initialize row_owners to be a bunch of nullptr pointers.
+ row_owners->init_to_size(row_infos->size(), nullptr);
+ // Set up row scratch registers for the main algorithm.
+ rows.init_to_size(row_infos->size(), RowScratchRegisters());
+ for (int i = 0; i < row_infos->size(); i++) {
+ rows[i].Init((*row_infos)[i]);
+ }
+ // Pass 1:
+ // Detect sequences of lines that all contain leader dots (.....)
+ // These are likely Tables of Contents. If there are three text lines in
+ // a row with leader dots, it's pretty safe to say the middle one should
+ // be a paragraph of its own.
+ SeparateSimpleLeaderLines(&rows, 0, rows.size(), &theory);
+ DebugDump(debug_level > 1, "End of Pass 1", theory, rows);
+ GenericVector<Interval> leftovers;
+ LeftoverSegments(rows, &leftovers, 0, rows.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < leftovers.size(); i++) {
+ // Pass 2a:
+ // Find any strongly evidenced start-of-paragraph lines. If they're
+ // followed by two lines that look like body lines, make a paragraph
+ // model for that and see if that model applies throughout the text
+ // (that is, "smear" it).
+ StrongEvidenceClassify(debug_level, &rows,
+ leftovers[i].begin, leftovers[i].end, &theory);
+ // Pass 2b:
+ // If we had any luck in pass 2a, we got part of the page and didn't
+ // know how to classify a few runs of rows. Take the segments that
+ // didn't find a model and reprocess them individually.
+ GenericVector<Interval> leftovers2;
+ LeftoverSegments(rows, &leftovers2, leftovers[i].begin, leftovers[i].end);
+ bool pass2a_was_useful = leftovers2.size() > 1 ||
+ (leftovers2.size() == 1 &&
+ (leftovers2[0].begin != 0 || leftovers2[0].end != rows.size()));
+ if (pass2a_was_useful) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < leftovers2.size(); j++) {
+ StrongEvidenceClassify(debug_level, &rows,
+ leftovers2[j].begin, leftovers2[j].end,
+ &theory);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DebugDump(debug_level > 1, "End of Pass 2", theory, rows);
+ // Pass 3:
+ // These are the dregs for which we didn't have enough strong textual
+ // and geometric clues to form matching models for. Let's see if
+ // the geometric clues are simple enough that we could just use those.
+ LeftoverSegments(rows, &leftovers, 0, rows.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < leftovers.size(); i++) {
+ GeometricClassify(debug_level, &rows,
+ leftovers[i].begin, leftovers[i].end, &theory);
+ }
+ // Undo any flush models for which there's little evidence.
+ DowngradeWeakestToCrowns(debug_level, &theory, &rows);
+ DebugDump(debug_level > 1, "End of Pass 3", theory, rows);
+ // Pass 4:
+ // Take everything that's still not marked up well and clear all markings.
+ LeftoverSegments(rows, &leftovers, 0, rows.size());
+ for (int i = 0; i < leftovers.size(); i++) {
+ for (int j = leftovers[i].begin; j < leftovers[i].end; j++) {
+ rows[j].SetUnknown();
+ }
+ }
+ DebugDump(debug_level > 1, "End of Pass 4", theory, rows);
+ // Convert all of the unique hypothesis runs to PARAs.
+ ConvertHypothesizedModelRunsToParagraphs(debug_level, rows, row_owners,
+ &theory);
+ DebugDump(debug_level > 0, "Final Paragraph Segmentation", theory, rows);
+ // Finally, clean up any dangling nullptr row paragraph parents.
+ CanonicalizeDetectionResults(row_owners, paragraphs);
+// ============ Code interfacing with the rest of Tesseract ==================
+static void InitializeTextAndBoxesPreRecognition(const MutableIterator &it,
+ RowInfo *info) {
+ // Set up text, lword_text, and rword_text (mostly for debug printing).
+ STRING fake_text;
+ PageIterator pit(static_cast<const PageIterator&>(it));
+ bool first_word = true;
+ if (!pit.Empty(RIL_WORD)) {
+ do {
+ fake_text += "x";
+ if (first_word) info->lword_text += "x";
+ info->rword_text += "x";
+ if (pit.IsAtFinalElement(RIL_WORD, RIL_SYMBOL) &&
+ !pit.IsAtFinalElement(RIL_TEXTLINE, RIL_SYMBOL)) {
+ fake_text += " ";
+ info->rword_text = "";
+ first_word = false;
+ }
+ } while (!pit.IsAtFinalElement(RIL_TEXTLINE, RIL_SYMBOL) &&
+ pit.Next(RIL_SYMBOL));
+ }
+ if (fake_text.size() == 0) return;
+ int lspaces = info->pix_ldistance / info->average_interword_space;
+ for (int i = 0; i < lspaces; i++) {
+ info->text += ' ';
+ }
+ info->text += fake_text;
+ // Set up lword_box, rword_box, and num_words.
+ PAGE_RES_IT page_res_it = *it.PageResIt();
+ WERD_RES *word_res = page_res_it.restart_row();
+ ROW_RES *this_row = page_res_it.row();
+ WERD_RES *lword = nullptr;
+ WERD_RES *rword = nullptr;
+ info->num_words = 0;
+ do {
+ if (word_res) {
+ if (!lword) lword = word_res;
+ if (rword != word_res) info->num_words++;
+ rword = word_res;
+ }
+ word_res = page_res_it.forward();
+ } while (page_res_it.row() == this_row);
+ if (lword) info->lword_box = lword->word->bounding_box();
+ if (rword) info->rword_box = rword->word->bounding_box();
+// Given a Tesseract Iterator pointing to a text line, fill in the paragraph
+// detector RowInfo with all relevant information from the row.
+static void InitializeRowInfo(bool after_recognition,
+ const MutableIterator &it, RowInfo *info) {
+ if (it.PageResIt()->row() != nullptr) {
+ ROW *row = it.PageResIt()->row()->row;
+ info->pix_ldistance = row->lmargin();
+ info->pix_rdistance = row->rmargin();
+ info->average_interword_space =
+ row->space() > 0 ? row->space() : std::max(static_cast<int>(row->x_height()), 1);
+ info->pix_xheight = row->x_height();
+ info->has_leaders = false;
+ info->has_drop_cap = row->has_drop_cap();
+ info->ltr = true; // set below depending on word scripts
+ } else {
+ info->pix_ldistance = info->pix_rdistance = 0;
+ info->average_interword_space = 1;
+ info->pix_xheight = 1.0;
+ info->has_leaders = false;
+ info->has_drop_cap = false;
+ info->ltr = true;
+ }
+ info->num_words = 0;
+ info->lword_indicates_list_item = false;
+ info->lword_likely_starts_idea = false;
+ info->lword_likely_ends_idea = false;
+ info->rword_indicates_list_item = false;
+ info->rword_likely_starts_idea = false;
+ info->rword_likely_ends_idea = false;
+ info->has_leaders = false;
+ info->ltr = true;
+ if (!after_recognition) {
+ InitializeTextAndBoxesPreRecognition(it, info);
+ return;
+ }
+ info->text = "";
+ const std::unique_ptr<const char[]> text(it.GetUTF8Text(RIL_TEXTLINE));
+ int trailing_ws_idx = strlen(text.get()); // strip trailing space
+ while (trailing_ws_idx > 0 &&
+ // isspace() only takes ASCII
+ isascii(text[trailing_ws_idx - 1]) &&
+ isspace(text[trailing_ws_idx - 1]))
+ trailing_ws_idx--;
+ if (trailing_ws_idx > 0) {
+ int lspaces = info->pix_ldistance / info->average_interword_space;
+ for (int i = 0; i < lspaces; i++)
+ info->text += ' ';
+ for (int i = 0; i < trailing_ws_idx; i++)
+ info->text += text[i];
+ }
+ if (info->text.size() == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PAGE_RES_IT page_res_it = *it.PageResIt();
+ GenericVector<WERD_RES *> werds;
+ WERD_RES *word_res = page_res_it.restart_row();
+ ROW_RES *this_row = page_res_it.row();
+ int num_leaders = 0;
+ int ltr = 0;
+ int rtl = 0;
+ do {
+ if (word_res && word_res->best_choice->unichar_string().length() > 0) {
+ werds.push_back(word_res);
+ ltr += word_res->AnyLtrCharsInWord() ? 1 : 0;
+ rtl += word_res->AnyRtlCharsInWord() ? 1 : 0;
+ if (word_res->word->flag(W_REP_CHAR)) num_leaders++;
+ }
+ word_res = page_res_it.forward();
+ } while (page_res_it.row() == this_row);
+ info->ltr = ltr >= rtl;
+ info->has_leaders = num_leaders > 3;
+ info->num_words = werds.size();
+ if (!werds.empty()) {
+ WERD_RES *lword = werds[0], *rword = werds[werds.size() - 1];
+ info->lword_text = lword->best_choice->unichar_string().c_str();
+ info->rword_text = rword->best_choice->unichar_string().c_str();
+ info->lword_box = lword->word->bounding_box();
+ info->rword_box = rword->word->bounding_box();
+ LeftWordAttributes(lword->uch_set, lword->best_choice,
+ info->lword_text,
+ &info->lword_indicates_list_item,
+ &info->lword_likely_starts_idea,
+ &info->lword_likely_ends_idea);
+ RightWordAttributes(rword->uch_set, rword->best_choice,
+ info->rword_text,
+ &info->rword_indicates_list_item,
+ &info->rword_likely_starts_idea,
+ &info->rword_likely_ends_idea);
+ }
+// This is called after rows have been identified and words are recognized.
+// Much of this could be implemented before word recognition, but text helps
+// to identify bulleted lists and gives good signals for sentence boundaries.
+void DetectParagraphs(int debug_level,
+ bool after_text_recognition,
+ const MutableIterator *block_start,
+ std::vector<ParagraphModel *> *models) {
+ // Clear out any preconceived notions.
+ if (block_start->Empty(RIL_TEXTLINE)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ BLOCK *block = block_start->PageResIt()->block()->block;
+ block->para_list()->clear();
+ bool is_image_block = block->pdblk.poly_block() && !block->pdblk.poly_block()->IsText();
+ // Convert the Tesseract structures to RowInfos
+ // for the paragraph detection algorithm.
+ MutableIterator row(*block_start);
+ if (row.Empty(RIL_TEXTLINE))
+ return; // end of input already.
+ std::vector<RowInfo> row_infos;
+ do {
+ if (!row.PageResIt()->row())
+ continue; // empty row.
+ row.PageResIt()->row()->row->set_para(nullptr);
+ row_infos.push_back(RowInfo());
+ RowInfo &ri = row_infos.back();
+ InitializeRowInfo(after_text_recognition, row, &ri);
+ } while (!row.IsAtFinalElement(RIL_BLOCK, RIL_TEXTLINE) &&
+ row.Next(RIL_TEXTLINE));
+ // If we're called before text recognition, we might not have
+ // tight block bounding boxes, so trim by the minimum on each side.
+ if (!row_infos.empty()) {
+ int min_lmargin = row_infos[0].pix_ldistance;
+ int min_rmargin = row_infos[0].pix_rdistance;
+ for (int i = 1; i < row_infos.size(); i++) {
+ if (row_infos[i].pix_ldistance < min_lmargin)
+ min_lmargin = row_infos[i].pix_ldistance;
+ if (row_infos[i].pix_rdistance < min_rmargin)
+ min_rmargin = row_infos[i].pix_rdistance;
+ }
+ if (min_lmargin > 0 || min_rmargin > 0) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < row_infos.size(); i++) {
+ row_infos[i].pix_ldistance -= min_lmargin;
+ row_infos[i].pix_rdistance -= min_rmargin;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Run the paragraph detection algorithm.
+ GenericVector<PARA *> row_owners;
+ GenericVector<PARA *> the_paragraphs;
+ if (!is_image_block) {
+ DetectParagraphs(debug_level, &row_infos, &row_owners, block->para_list(),
+ models);
+ } else {
+ row_owners.init_to_size(row_infos.size(), nullptr);
+ CanonicalizeDetectionResults(&row_owners, block->para_list());
+ }
+ // Now stitch in the row_owners into the rows.
+ row = *block_start;
+ for (int i = 0; i < row_owners.size(); i++) {
+ while (!row.PageResIt()->row())
+ row.Next(RIL_TEXTLINE);
+ row.PageResIt()->row()->row->set_para(row_owners[i]);
+ row.Next(RIL_TEXTLINE);
+ }
+} // namespace