diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'games-fps')
7 files changed, 192 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/games-fps/xonotic-data/ChangeLog b/games-fps/xonotic-data/ChangeLog
index f521590..3702ccb 100644
--- a/games-fps/xonotic-data/ChangeLog
+++ b/games-fps/xonotic-data/ChangeLog
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
+ 02 Feb 2011; Nikoli <> xonotic-data-9999.ebuild:
+ move maps to xonotic-maps package
*xonotic-data-9999 (17 Jan 2011)
17 Jan 2011; Nikoli <> +xonotic-data-9999.ebuild,
diff --git a/games-fps/xonotic-data/Manifest b/games-fps/xonotic-data/Manifest
index c71d031..5991bb4 100644
--- a/games-fps/xonotic-data/Manifest
+++ b/games-fps/xonotic-data/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-EBUILD xonotic-data-9999.ebuild 3269 RMD160 f1b81cc0934fd09aafc200f5192777b2eb5821ca SHA1 b1fce15598b6b887e41a6b75a47c867091b7e514 SHA256 5a79eab902ee302ed90cfd18353155838e66de14a66861cc099d79aff69c34d9
-MISC ChangeLog 262 RMD160 51e22029be52a9b81c7e6162cf5a7ed166471a43 SHA1 116eaa1db6c7d10cce6e99e2b136f0b4133bf6b5 SHA256 eeaa809356bbf326814be955dd8f76ee9bb484a5f3cd278d64879c365a1ec24e
+EBUILD xonotic-data-9999.ebuild 3157 RMD160 fa2f059f87af2b82e0d80c457172bc5395862711 SHA1 2efbc89cac57135a3857ccc663f86f9a2a41e89f SHA256 f70034d1544462507cd9bdf8a9539f59e2591752cb47ded58e4c63175ddefdae
+MISC ChangeLog 368 RMD160 cb2bc0c07404351cd0a5ba7192c6980beed9ac4c SHA1 6dc140a035ee08b6616a3bd6312fd4e8791f5967 SHA256 982f274a7a8cb7bc852716d65622ed2c792f51dada8e42b97a392a0d64cf033a
MISC metadata.xml 464 RMD160 86d7fbea6edcba6452d3581044ca1a1a77239da5 SHA1 4615957949527226200e033661405ed8459f498d SHA256 d9a07557c99e4b12bafbb7f547ee63cf6d9931e4a8a47e2a5a5bbefc89097af2
diff --git a/games-fps/xonotic-data/xonotic-data-9999.ebuild b/games-fps/xonotic-data/xonotic-data-9999.ebuild
index 5162d65..3120f81 100644
--- a/games-fps/xonotic-data/xonotic-data-9999.ebuild
+++ b/games-fps/xonotic-data/xonotic-data-9999.ebuild
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ DEPEND="
zip? ( app-arch/p7zip )
+PDEPEND="maps? ( ~games-fps/xonotic-maps-9999 )"
pkg_setup() {
@@ -71,13 +72,6 @@ src_unpack() {
rm -rf "${S}"/data/font-*.pk3dir || die "rm failed"
- if use maps; then
- cd "${S}/data"
- wget \
- -r -l1 --no-parent --no-directories \
- -A "*-full.pk3" \
- ""
- fi
src_prepare() {
diff --git a/games-fps/xonotic-maps/ChangeLog b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01529a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# ChangeLog for games-fps/xonotic-maps
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: $
+*xonotic-maps-9999 (02 Feb 2011)
+ 02 Feb 2011; Nikoli <> +xonotic-maps-9999.ebuild,
+ +metadata.xml:
+ initial ebuild
diff --git a/games-fps/xonotic-maps/Manifest b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/Manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d885a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/Manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+EBUILD xonotic-maps-9999.ebuild 4155 RMD160 eac6c10cb4160953eb4cdebe8150fb3faf668a27 SHA1 67167d2088741d7a2f2dc8b9e3121198902d0ae1 SHA256 6ce44b746452c084e584c983e09b7aeaca2ed68049259fc73da9894c845dedea
+MISC ChangeLog 262 RMD160 b136ba7dfdaea2696a0575e599b9b8e3b66fc751 SHA1 c3091a3f107febe17c8f5af73b7f9f850760361e SHA256 328a3121bc8755ab9eb647f7face92488dc207ec8dd0d577e555fe47631c636f
+MISC metadata.xml 358 RMD160 d359d97e1fe00e091edab63e3f84beac79026591 SHA1 dbc990c52cca3f7b558676366987f9e7a63dc41a SHA256 0174531ceaaeb8b9dc8a81de9624828dc03e5d8ca42e04f9036cac6952493ef0
diff --git a/games-fps/xonotic-maps/metadata.xml b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/metadata.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e452b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/metadata.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+ <herd>games</herd>
+ <maintainer>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Nikoli</name>
+ </maintainer>
+ <use>
+ <flag name="unofficial">Install unofficial maps. May be incomplete, unstable or broken.</flag>
+ </use>
diff --git a/games-fps/xonotic-maps/xonotic-maps-9999.ebuild b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/xonotic-maps-9999.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cf4ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/games-fps/xonotic-maps/xonotic-maps-9999.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: $
+inherit games check-reqs
+DESCRIPTION="Xonotic maps"
+ app-arch/unzip
+ net-misc/wget
+pkg_setup() {
+ games_pkg_setup
+ ewarn "Downloaded pk3 files will be stored in \"xonotic-maps\" subdirectory of your DISTDIR"
+ echo
+ if use unofficial; then
+ ewarn "You have enabled \"unofficial\" USE flag. Incomplete, unstable or broken maps may be installed."
+ echo
+ fi
+ check_reqs
+src_unpack() {
+ # Used git.eclass,v 1.50 as example
+ # initial download, we have to create master maps storage directory and play
+ # nicely with sandbox
+ if [[ ! -d ${MAPS_STORE_DIR} ]] ; then
+ addwrite /
+ mkdir -p "${MAPS_STORE_DIR}" \
+ || die "can't mkdir ${MAPS_STORE_DIR}."
+ fi
+ # allow writing into MAPS_STORE_DIR
+ addwrite "${MAPS_STORE_DIR}"
+ # FETCHCOMMAND from make.globals is example
+ local WGET="/usr/bin/wget -t 3 -T 60"
+ local base_url=""
+ $WGET -O \
+ autobuild-bsp.list \
+ "${base_url}" || die
+ local OfficialMaps="$(
+ $WGET -O- \
+ ';a=tree;f=maps' |\
+ grep -e '\.map</a>' |\
+ sed -e 's,.*">\([^<]*\).map<\/a>.*,\1,'
+ )"
+ if [ "x${OfficialMaps}" = "x" ]; then
+ die "List of official maps is empty"
+ fi
+ local Maps="${OfficialMaps}"
+ if use unofficial; then
+ # For maps not in master branch we need to download fullpk3,
+ # but some old unofficial maps have only bspk3, exclude them.
+ # AllMaps - OfficialMaps = UnofficialMaps
+ echo "${OfficialMaps}" |\
+ sed -e 's,\(.*\),^\1$,' \
+ > OfficialMaps.grep || die
+ local UnofficialMaps="$(
+ grep autobuild-bsp.list \
+ -e '<td class="mapname">' |\
+ sed -e 's,.*="mapname">\([^<]*\)<.*,\1,' |\
+ sort -u |\
+ grep -v -e '^$' \
+ -e '^arahia$' \
+ -e '^darkzone$' \
+ -e '^facility_114$' \
+ -e '^valentine114$' \
+ -f OfficialMaps.grep |\
+ sed -e 's,$,-full,'
+ )"
+ if [ "x${UnofficialMaps}" = "x" ]; then
+ die "List of unofficial maps is empty"
+ fi
+ Maps+=" ${UnofficialMaps}"
+ fi
+ MapFiles=""
+ for i in ${Maps}; do
+ local version="$(
+ grep autobuild-bsp.list -m1 \
+ -e "href=\"${i%-full}-.*.pk3\">bspk3<" |\
+ sed -e "s,.*href=\"${i%-full}-\([^\"]*\).pk3\">bspk3<.*,\1,"
+ )"
+ local name="${i}-${version}.pk3"
+ MapFiles+=" ${name}"
+ local path="${MAPS_STORE_DIR}/${name}"
+ local url="${base_url}${name}"
+ if [[ ! -f "${path}" ]]; then
+ rm -f "${path}" 2> /dev/null
+ einfo "Downloading ${name}"
+ $WGET "${url}" -O "${path}" || ewarn "downloading ${url} failed"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Remove obsolete and broken files from MAPS_STORE_DIR
+ # If map becomes official, it changes branch and git hashes in name => no need to check both fullpk3 and bsppk3
+ for i in "${MAPS_STORE_DIR}"/*; do
+ local name="$(
+ echo "${i}" |\
+ sed -e "s,${MAPS_STORE_DIR}/\([^/]*\)-.*-.*.pk3$,\1,"
+ )"
+ local version="$(
+ echo "${i}" |\
+ sed -e "s,${MAPS_STORE_DIR}/${name}-\([^/]*\).pk3$,\1,"
+ )"
+ # latest builds of maps are above
+ local Cversion="$(
+ grep autobuild-bsp.list -m1 \
+ -e "href=\"${name%-full}-.*.pk3\">bspk3<" |\
+ sed -e "s,.*href=\"${name%-full}-\([^\"]*\).pk3\">bspk3<.*,\1,"
+ )"
+ if [ "${version}" != "${Cversion}" ]; then
+ einfo "${i} is obsolete, removing"
+ rm -f "${i}"
+ elif [ "x${version}" = "x" ]; then
+ ewarn "${i} has incorrect name, removing"
+ rm -f "${i}"
+ elif [ "x${Cversion}" = "x" ]; then
+ ewarn "${i} is not available in ${base_url}, removing"
+ rm -f "${i}"
+ elif unzip -t "${i}" > /dev/null; then
+ true
+ else
+ ewarn "${i} is not valid pk3 file, removing"
+ rm -f "${i}"
+ fi
+ done
+src_install() {
+ insinto "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${MY_PN}/data"
+ for i in ${MapFiles}; do
+ doins "${MAPS_STORE_DIR}/${i}" || ewarn "installing ${i} failed"
+ done
+ prepgamesdirs