Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* simplify the wrapper script functionalityTim Harder2015-07-261-33/+0
* Drop PKGCORE_REPO_PATH, add a new pkgcore._const file for installed usage.Brian Harring2015-03-191-1/+0
* pwrapper: fix support for symlinked usage.Brian Harring2015-03-181-1/+1
* condense "running in repo" vars down to oneTim Harder2015-02-181-7/+1
* install bash files in /usr/lib/pkgcore instead of the python moduleTim Harder2015-02-181-0/+2
* fix running pmerge and other scripts from a repo or unpacked tarballTim Harder2015-02-121-1/+5
* drop unnecessary os.path import for wrapper scriptsTim Harder2015-02-081-4/+3
* simplify wrapper scriptsTim Harder2015-02-071-14/+8
* use importlib.import_module instead of snakeoil.modules.load_moduleTim Harder2015-02-061-3/+3
* leave the sys.path[0] intact when running scripts from the git repoTim Harder2015-01-171-1/+1
* sync code between repo and install wrapper scriptsTim Harder2015-01-171-13/+21
* remove old subcommands access methodsTim Harder2015-01-171-4/+0
* refactor(eapi-bash): use existing python scripts instead of redundant shimsTim Harder2014-06-061-0/+2
* use a sane name; argparser, rather than argparse_parserBrian Harring2011-08-301-1/+1
* enable argparseBrian Harring2011-08-061-2/+4
* expand the failed imports error reporting for the wrappersBrian Harring2011-05-241-2/+11
* pull in ospkg work, live_rebuild_set, and source_hygene testsBrian Harring2010-08-111-1/+1
* make the jump to .3 basis; charlies formatters work, breaking most of util.* ...Brian Harring2007-03-301-2/+2
* subcommand support.Brian Harring2006-10-271-1/+4
* merge work from marienz.Brian Harring2006-10-261-22/+9
* merge up from marienz; mainly script changes.Brian Harring2006-09-151-0/+34