diff options
authorTim Harder <radhermit@gmail.com>2019-08-14 00:50:23 -0600
committerTim Harder <radhermit@gmail.com>2019-08-14 00:50:23 -0600
commit795d355af19a0440385070b3693b89da33f6e74c (patch)
treeea72df38db5cc983601666999cba0b15c23bfddd /tests/test_formatters.py
parentupdate docstrings for py3 metaclass style (diff)
tests: move unit tests into module subdir
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test_formatters.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 271 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test_formatters.py b/tests/test_formatters.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 63c1c1ea..00000000
--- a/tests/test_formatters.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright: 2007 Brian Harring <ferringb@gmail.com>
-# Copyright: 2006 Marien Zwart <marienz@gentoo.org>
-# License: BSD/GPL2
-# TODO:
-# for PlainTextFormatter, wouldn't be a bad idea to add a method for testing
-# that compares native vs cpy behaviour behind the scenes for each test.
-# aside from that, tests need heavy expansion
-import curses
-from io import BytesIO
-import os
-import pty
-from tempfile import TemporaryFile
-import pytest
-from snakeoil import formatters
-from snakeoil.test import mk_cpy_loadable_testcase, protect_process
-# protect against python issue 7567 for the curses module.
-issue7567 = protect_process
-class Test_native_PlainTextFormatter(object):
- kls = staticmethod(formatters.native_PlainTextFormatter)
- def test_basics(self):
- # As many sporks as fit in 20 chars.
- sporks = ' '.join(3 * ('spork',))
- for inputs, output in [
- (('\N{SNOWMAN}',), '?'),
- ((7 * 'spork ',), '%s\n%s\n%s' % (sporks, sporks, 'spork ')),
- (7 * ('spork ',), '%s \n%s \n%s' % (sporks, sporks, 'spork ')),
- ((30 * 'a'), 20 * 'a' + '\n' + 10 * 'a'),
- (30 * ('a',), 20 * 'a' + '\n' + 10 * 'a'),
- ]:
- stream = BytesIO()
- formatter = self.kls(stream, encoding='ascii')
- formatter.width = 20
- formatter.write(autoline=False, wrap=True, *inputs)
- assert output.encode() == stream.getvalue()
- def test_first_prefix(self):
- # As many sporks as fit in 20 chars.
- for inputs, output in [
- (('\N{SNOWMAN}',), 'foon:?'),
- ((7 * 'spork ',),
- 'foon:spork spork\n'
- 'spork spork spork\n'
- 'spork spork '),
- (7 * ('spork ',),
- 'foon:spork spork \n'
- 'spork spork spork \n'
- 'spork spork '),
- ((30 * 'a'), 'foon:' + 15 * 'a' + '\n' + 15 * 'a'),
- (30 * ('a',), 'foon:' + 15 * 'a' + '\n' + 15 * 'a'),
- ]:
- stream = BytesIO()
- formatter = self.kls(stream, encoding='ascii')
- formatter.width = 20
- formatter.write(autoline=False, wrap=True, first_prefix='foon:', *inputs)
- assert output.encode() == stream.getvalue()
- def test_later_prefix(self):
- for inputs, output in [
- (('\N{SNOWMAN}',), '?'),
- ((7 * 'spork ',),
- 'spork spork spork\n'
- 'foon:spork spork\n'
- 'foon:spork spork '),
- (7 * ('spork ',),
- 'spork spork spork \n'
- 'foon:spork spork \n'
- 'foon:spork spork '),
- ((30 * 'a'), 20 * 'a' + '\n' + 'foon:' + 10 * 'a'),
- (30 * ('a',), 20 * 'a' + '\n' + 'foon:' + 10 * 'a'),
- ]:
- stream = BytesIO()
- formatter = self.kls(stream, encoding='ascii')
- formatter.width = 20
- formatter.later_prefix = ['foon:']
- formatter.write(wrap=True, autoline=False, *inputs)
- assert output.encode() == stream.getvalue()
- def test_complex(self):
- stream = BytesIO()
- formatter = self.kls(stream, encoding='ascii')
- formatter.width = 9
- formatter.first_prefix = ['foo', None, ' d']
- formatter.later_prefix = ['dorkey']
- formatter.write("dar bl", wrap=True, autoline=False)
- assert "foo ddar\ndorkeybl".encode() == stream.getvalue()
- formatter.write(" "*formatter.width, wrap=True, autoline=True)
- formatter.stream = stream = BytesIO()
- formatter.write("dar", " b", wrap=True, autoline=False)
- assert "foo ddar\ndorkeyb".encode() == stream.getvalue()
- output = \
-""" rdepends: >=dev-lang/python-2.3 >=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5
- dev-python/python-fchksum
- stream = BytesIO()
- formatter = self.kls(stream, encoding='ascii', width=80)
- formatter.wrap = True
- assert formatter.autoline
- assert formatter.width == 80
- formatter.later_prefix = [' ']
- formatter.write(" rdepends: >=dev-lang/python-2.3 "
- ">=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 dev-python/python-fchksum")
- assert len(formatter.first_prefix) == 0
- assert len(formatter.later_prefix) == 1
- assert output.encode() == stream.getvalue()
- formatter.write()
- formatter.stream = stream = BytesIO()
- # push it right up to the limit.
- formatter.width = 82
- formatter.write(" rdepends: >=dev-lang/python-2.3 "
- ">=sys-apps/sed-4.0.5 dev-python/python-fchksum")
- assert output.encode() == stream.getvalue()
- formatter.first_prefix = []
- formatter.later_prefix = [' ']
- formatter.width = 28
- formatter.autoline = False
- formatter.wrap = True
- formatter.stream = stream = BytesIO()
- input = (" description: ", "The Portage")
- formatter.write(*input)
- output = ''.join(input).rsplit(" ", 1)
- output[1] = ' %s' % output[1]
- assert '\n'.join(output).encode() == stream.getvalue()
- def test_wrap_autoline(self):
- for inputs, output in [
- ((3 * ('spork',)), 'spork\nspork\nspork\n'),
- (3 * (('spork',),), 'spork\nspork\nspork\n'),
- (((3 * 'spork',),),
- '\n'
- 'foonsporks\n'
- 'foonporksp\n'
- 'foonork\n'),
- ((('fo',), (2 * 'spork',),), 'fo\nsporkspork\n'),
- ((('fo',), (3 * 'spork',),),
- 'fo\n'
- '\n'
- 'foonsporks\n'
- 'foonporksp\n'
- 'foonork\n'),
- ]:
- stream = BytesIO()
- formatter = self.kls(stream, encoding='ascii')
- formatter.width = 10
- for input in inputs:
- formatter.write(wrap=True, later_prefix='foon', *input)
- assert output.encode() == stream.getvalue()
-@pytest.mark.skipif(formatters.native_PlainTextFormatter is formatters.PlainTextFormatter,
- reason="extension isn't compiled")
-class Test_cpy_PlainTextFormatter(Test_native_PlainTextFormatter):
- kls = staticmethod(formatters.PlainTextFormatter)
-class TerminfoFormatterTest(object):
- def _test_stream(self, stream, formatter, inputs, output):
- stream.seek(0)
- stream.truncate()
- formatter.write(*inputs)
- stream.seek(0)
- result = stream.read()
- output = ''.join(output)
- assert output.encode() == result, \
- "given(%r), expected(%r), got(%r)" % (inputs, output, result)
- @issue7567
- def test_terminfo(self):
- esc = '\x1b['
- stream = TemporaryFile()
- f = formatters.TerminfoFormatter(stream, 'ansi', True, 'ascii')
- f.autoline = False
- for inputs, output in (
- ((f.bold, 'bold'), (esc, '1m', 'bold', esc, '0;10m')),
- ((f.underline, 'underline'),
- (esc, '4m', 'underline', esc, '0;10m')),
- ((f.fg('red'), 'red'), (esc, '31m', 'red', esc, '39;49m')),
- ((f.fg('red'), 'red', f.bold, 'boldred', f.fg(), 'bold',
- f.reset, 'done'),
- (esc, '31m', 'red', esc, '1m', 'boldred', esc, '39;49m', 'bold',
- esc, '0;10m', 'done')),
- ((42,), ('42',)),
- (('\N{SNOWMAN}',), ('?',))
- ):
- self._test_stream(stream, f, inputs, output)
- f.autoline = True
- self._test_stream(
- stream, f, ('lala',), ('lala', '\n'))
- def test_terminfo_hates_term(self):
- stream = TemporaryFile()
- with pytest.raises(formatters.TerminfoHatesOurTerminal):
- formatters.TerminfoFormatter(stream, term='dumb')
- @issue7567
- def test_title(self):
- stream = TemporaryFile()
- try:
- f = formatters.TerminfoFormatter(stream, 'xterm+sl', True, 'ascii')
- except curses.error:
- pytest.skip("xterm+sl not in terminfo db")
- f.title('TITLE')
- stream.seek(0)
- assert b'\x1b]0;TITLE\x07' == stream.read()
-def _with_term(term, func, *args, **kwargs):
- orig_term = os.environ.get('TERM')
- try:
- os.environ['TERM'] = term
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- finally:
- if orig_term is None:
- del os.environ['TERM']
- else:
- os.environ['TERM'] = orig_term
-# XXX ripped from pkgcore's test_commandline
-def _get_pty_pair(encoding='ascii'):
- master_fd, slave_fd = pty.openpty()
- master = os.fdopen(master_fd, 'rb', 0)
- out = os.fdopen(slave_fd, 'wb', 0)
- return master, out
-class TestGetFormatter(object):
- @issue7567
- def test_dumb_terminal(self):
- master, _out = _get_pty_pair()
- formatter = _with_term('dumb', formatters.get_formatter, master)
- assert isinstance(formatter, formatters.PlainTextFormatter)
- @issue7567
- def test_vt100_terminal(self):
- formatter = _with_term('vt100', formatters.get_formatter, master)
- assert isinstance(formatter, formatters.PlainTextFormatter)
- @issue7567
- def test_smart_terminal(self):
- master, _out = _get_pty_pair()
- formatter = _with_term('xterm', formatters.get_formatter, master)
- assert isinstance(formatter, formatters.TerminfoFormatter)
- @issue7567
- def test_not_a_tty(self):
- stream = TemporaryFile()
- formatter = _with_term('xterm', formatters.get_formatter, stream)
- assert isinstance(formatter, formatters.PlainTextFormatter)
- @issue7567
- def test_no_fd(self):
- stream = BytesIO()
- formatter = _with_term('xterm', formatters.get_formatter, stream)
- assert isinstance(formatter, formatters.PlainTextFormatter)
-cpy_loaded_Test = mk_cpy_loadable_testcase(
- "snakeoil._formatters", "snakeoil.formatters", "StreamClosed",
- "StreamClosed")